New Quirk
I lie aimlessly in my bed, hardly able to believe I was the same person. My Quirk was something that could never be replaced, not with useless lightning. I had barely moved in two days, skipping school and refusing food. Izuku was becoming extremely worried and I heard him talking about skipping school as well to stay with me. I swung my legs over the side of his bed and walked out to find him. It was the most I had moved since I got home.
I reach him and wrap my arms around him from behind, surprising him.
"Don't skip because of me. I'll be alright soon, I just need a bit of time," I mumble, nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck. His face turns red and he stands frozen stiff while Inko giggles.
"I'm glad you're getting some of your strength back, Erin. Would you like something to eat while you're up?" she offers. My stomach growls loudly, giving her an answer without me needing to say anything.
"I'll be right back," she says, then leaves the room. Izuku turns himself around and hugs me back, then hesitantly kisses my cheek. A camera snaps and my eyes fly open, whipping my head towards Inko in the doorway, holding a camera up to her eye. Our faces turn red and I quickly separate from him, covering my eyes with my hand.
"I'm sorry, but you two were so cute! I had to!" she says, carrying a plate of food. I shuffle over to the table, my stomach demanding food and overriding my embarrassment. After I've eaten, rather messily, Izuku and I say we're going to go train. Inko waves goodbye happily, still holding her camera and crooning over the picture. For the first time in two days, I smile.
We reach the beach Izuku told me he cleaned up to train himself for One For All. For a split second, I try to activate my bird Quirk, but instead of turning into a bird, something pulls inside of me and I flicker. Izuku was watching the whole time and his jaw drops open.
"What was that?!" he asks enthusiastically. I felt strange and light-headed, like I got up too fast from a couch.
"I... I don't know," I say.
"Do it again!"
I try again, envisioning the bird, and I feel the tug again. This time, I disappear for a second. Izuku watches with amazement. On my fifth try, I manage to hold it for five seconds.
"Erin... you can turn into lightning!" Izuku shouts, grinning broadly. I look down at myself in amazement, hardly able to believe it. A few people down the beach turn towards us, wondering what all the noise was about. I wave an apology to them and they turn back to their own business.
"Try moving around like that!" he says, his fanboy side kicking in. I smile, activating the Quirk again and taking a step. When I materialize again, I can't see Izuku. Instead, I see a jumping,waving figure in the distance. My eyes widen as I recognise Izuku's bush hair.
'I can go this far in one step?!' I shout, teleporting back to him. He jumps in surprise and I laugh. Now that I was using it, it wasn't so bad having this Quirk. We played with it for the rest of the afternoon, barely training Izuku, seeing what I can and can't do. I could change the speed I ran at, from a normal human speed to the speed of lightning itself. Izuku said that my lightning form resembled me a bit, but it was mostly just crackling electricity.
I played with my boundaries until I could barely move from exhaustion, and Izuku had to carry me home. I fell asleep extremely quickly.
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