(I was bored ok)
Izuku gently shakes me shoulders. I grunt in annoyance and roll away from him - right off the edge of the mattress. He laughs and I open my eyes enough to glare at him.
"Shut up and let me sleep," I groan, closing my eyes again and not bothering to roll back on the mattress. I could sleep on the floor. Watch me.
"No can do, drama queen. We have plans for today," an unfamiliar voice says. I open my eyes again, squinting in the light. I could make out two other forms in the room other than me and Izuku.
"Izuku why are there people here."
"I invited them over. Come on, you can't stay down there all day."
"Yes I can. Watch me."
Eventually, he managed to convince me to wake up. I roll to my feet, taking a better look at the people in Izuku's room. They all seemed to be from our class, so I could at least pretend to know their names. There was a girl with shoulder-length brown hair and a boy with glasses and dark blue hair. They introduced themselves as Uraraka and Iida.
I sigh, grabbing some spare clothes and changing in the bathroom. When I come out again, the other three were in deep conversation. I turned around and walked out of the room before they notice me, a strange feeling tumbling around inside me.
I went out the back entrance to Izuku's house, shifting to bird form and taking to the skies without thinking about it. I felt strangely left out, and I didn't know how to deal with that, so I flew up above the clouds and glided gently in random directions. I found myself over the park so I decided to land and take a walk around.
After I shifted back to human form, my chest suddenly exploded in pain, focused around my heart. I wince but ignore it, walking into the woods. I was used to these sorts of bursts by now and learned that the pain would go away in about a minute. I was right, and afterwards I sat against a tree, listening to the soft sounds of nature.
"Erin? What are you doing here?" a voice asks. I grit my teeth but force myself to look up at who was standing in front of me now. Kirishima.
"I was enjoying myself, but now you're here." I say harshly, standing up and walking away. He follows me hesitantly.
"Are you okay?" he asks.
"Have you ever spoken to me without asking a question?"
He remains silent after that, and after a few seconds stops following me. I sigh aggressively, turning to a nearby tree and scaling it easily. Once I reach the highest branches that'll support my weight, I take a few minutes to scan the area and find the tallest tree. Coincidentally, it was also in the middle of the park.
I fly over there, finding the most comfortable branch, and sit on it with my back to the tree trunk. My legs hung on either side on the branch. I close my eyes, leaning my head back. I don't know how long I was up there, but when I open my eyes again the sun is setting. Groaning as I shift, stretching my sore muscles, I stand up and begin to climb down.
A branch I grabbed snaps when I swing my weight onto it and I give a startled cry, preparing to land painfully on the grass. Instead, I fall into warm arms. My heart immediately starts fluttering nervously and my face turns red. The person was holding me bridal style, and I quickly scramble out of their grasp.
"Thanks for catching m- Oh. Hi Kirishima."
"You're welcome," he replies, grinning. I narrow my eyes at him and walk away with as much dignity as I can muster. He walks in the opposite direction, still grinning. Once he's out of sight, I let a sigh of relief, my heart calming down somewhat. I shift to bird form and take off, circling a few times before orienting myself and finding the way to my house.
It was too late to go back to Izuku's, I decide. Still though, I take my time going home. I wasn't too keen on arriving early and having to spend more time with my aunt. I land in front of my house around six. I saw my aunt in the backyard as I descended, so I still had a chance to avoid her and lock myself in my room if I was fast-
"Erin! Where were you today?!" my older sister shouts. I slap a palm against my forehead. Of course.
"None of your business." I mutter as I pass her, smacking my shoulder against hers. She hisses a warning at me but I ignore her, taking off my shoes.
"Then I'll make it my business! Where were you?"
"I said it was none of your business!"
"What are you two shouting about?!" my aunt screeches, stomping into the room.
"She was out all day and won't say where!" my sister says accusingly, pointing a finger at me. My aunt turns her gaze on me, her eyes hard.
"Tell us where you were or you're not getting dinner tonight," she warns, her voice low and cold. I sigh, wishing I had decided to go back to Izuku's.
"Guess I'm not having dinner then," I mumble, shoving my way past the two angry females. They shout after me, stomping past me and blocking my way. My aunt raises a hand to slap me.
Something in me snapped. I don't know what it was, or if I even meant to do it, but I grabbed her wrist and twisted. Hard. My aunt cried out in pain and I jump back to myself, releasing her just as quickly as I grabbed her. I take a few steps back, watching in cold silence as my sister kneels beside her and scowls at me.
"You monster! You hurt her!" my sister shouts, pointing her palm at me. A flash of light erupts and I only just manage to shield my eyes before she's upon me, slashing back and forth with the knife she summoned. My sister's Quirk was weapon creation, a sub-Quirk of creation. She was especially good with a knife.
I duck under the blows and run for the door, scooping up my most comfortable shoes on the way out. I disarm my sister just long enough to throw them on before I'm out the door, my arms already sprouting feathers and my mouth and nose elongating to a beak. My sister chased me, throwing small knives at me that I just barely managed to dodge.
My aunt stumbled out of the house, swearing after me like a drunken sailor.
"You're never coming back here! Go die, you ungrateful bitch!!" she hollered, waving her fists at me and walking after me. I flap my wings, my feet lifting off the ground, but in this moment my sister manages to throw one of her knives into my leg. I squawk in pain but keep going, the powerful thrusts of my wings carrying me out of reach in a few seconds.
I fly aimlessly for a few minutes, feeling strangely hollow, strangely broken, blood dripping down my leg and falling far to the ground below. I found myself over the park again and landed in the centre, limping to the giant tree and shifting back to human form. I slump against the trunk, my legs splayed out in front of me.
'How did this happen...?' I ask myself, trying to ignore the painful throbbing coming from my wound. I lean towards it, gripping the handle of the knife, and ripping it out. The pain was so much worse now. I rip the bottom of my shirt into a long strip and bind it tightly around the gash, but it was saturated with blood within a few seconds. I sigh, but my breathe catches in the middle and it comes out as a strangled sob.
"Erin? What are you doing back- what happened?!" a familiar voice exclaims. I sigh wearily, keeping my eyes closed and allowing Kirishima to approach me.
"Why are you still here?" I ask tiredly.
"I was about to go home. What happened to you?" he asks, kneeling beside me and gently prodding my wound. I wince and hiss at the same time, a jolt of pain running up and down my leg, and he quickly takes his hand away.
"Who did this to you?" he asks seriously, unable to take his eyes away from my wound.
"None of your damn business, shitty hair," I moan, moving to stand up. I needed to get away from here. Kirishima frowns but doesn't say anything. He does, however, stand up with me.
"Do you want me to walk you home?" he offers. I shake my head.
"I don't have a home to walk to. See you later..." I mutter, shifting to bird form quickly and launching into the air before he can reply. His mouth hangs open, but I could almost see the words sticking in his throat. And, it might have just been my imagination, but I thought I saw tears glinting in his eyes.
In the end, I decided to spend the night in the forest near UA. I could decide what to do tomorrow. Settling on a particularly thick branch, I curl into a ball and hum a quiet lullaby to myself before slipping into a dark, dreamless sleep.
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