the arrangement
Primrose's Pov
"Prim.....prim wake up todays the day" i can tell by the voice its the head maid rachel "uggghhhhh" i groan nowing if i open my eyes the light will peirce them. "Look i know you dont want to do this but really as much as i would like to theres nothing i can do you either im afraid" she says putting a hand on my back i hear my door bust open i immediately sit up "THERE SHE IS ... COME ON GET READY NOW!" my father yells hes quite a charater with his dull grey eyes that sparkle everytime the light hits them and his milk chocolate brown hair combed back hes in good spirts suddenly a ray of sunshine sprays through my window nearly blinding me. "NOW!" He spits the ray disappearing "ok ok" i say getting out of bed my brown wings that each row of feathers have a different shade of brown dark at the top and light at the bottom there are 4 feather 2 on the left and 2 on the right at the very bottom are gold spread out expanding to their full size "well i need to get dressed out dad" i say shooing him "your dress is in the bathroom good luck" rachel curtsys and scatters out the door i go to my bathroom turn the water on in the shower and tuck in my wings and step in after i de-dess. After i get out i gut my dress on sure enough it has just the right size holes at the back for my wings its a dull faded green with gold poofy shoulders the sleeves are long to my elbows then hangs down as the dress gets to the end of my waist lt cascades down in a outer motion its lined with gold trimming and has a few roses at the bottom a circle skirt dress its stunning i simply put my long chocolate brown hair like my fathers in a messy bun and line my eyes with black eyeliner making my bright lushes green eyes i got from my mother lastly i put lip gloss making my lips a slightly lighter pink and making them sparkle when they catch the light. I quickly slip on my green flats that are a slightly faded green not as much as my dress though i exit my bed room the quickly run back forgeting my necklace thats a rose petal that my mother gave me and no its not a real petal oh wait you dont know im primrose im a lif~wa (i made that up) basically im a human with wings i have powers i can control nature my dad weather and my mother did control anything hot and could make water hot i live in the lilac dimension and thats all about to change.
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