Wilted Mistletoe
Welcome to my submission for the flash fiction freethelgbt contest. I just needed a quick break from my other stories. Keeping a story to 500 words is very hard!
River Sweet, my neighbor for the past five years was at it again. Someone was stupid enough to give that punk a drum set and since then, he made my life a living hell. Attempting to study for my upcoming Chemistry test, River's obnoxious drumming reverberated through me and the whole house. There was no way I could study.
My mother warned me against going over there, like she knew something I didn't, but I had to stop him or I was doomed to fail.
Listening to my mother's nagging voice in my head, I promised to be nice and polite.
When no one responded to the doorbell, I quickly resorted to pounding on the door. Finally, the noise stopped and the front door swung open.
"Look, Steve, I told you..." a dark-haired, blue-eyed boy started, abruptly stopping when he realized I wasn't this Steve person. "You're not Steve."
"No," I said, my heart thumping wildly at this surprisingly handsome boy. "I'm Noah. Who's Steve?"
"My ex boy—-it doesn't matter," he said. "Can I help you?"
"Um...well..." I stammered, stupidly in awe of this boy.
Peering nosily into his living room, I noticed the room was barren except for a drum set. In the corner of the room, a small Christmas tree stood, decorated with ornaments and twinkling lights.
As I stood in the doorway, my cheeks burned and I forgot why I came here in the first place.
"Do you live here alone?" I asked.
"Yes," he answered.
"How old are you?" I asked.
"Just wondering," I said.
"Nineteen," he said.
"Is Steve an ex-boyfriend?" I asked. I could be so nosy sometimes.
"A very old ex," he said. "I broke up with him twice, but he can't take no for an answer."
"Did you go to Page High School?" I asked.
I wondered if I'd ever remember why I came to this house.
"No," he replied. "I went to Parker Charter."
"Oh," I said, nervously shoving my hands in the pockets of my hoodie.
"Is my drumming bothering you?"
"A little," I admitted.
"I'll try to be quiet," he said. "Sorry...Noah."
Nodding with a shy smile, he closed the door, practically on my face.
The following night his drumming nearly knocked me off my chair. I slammed my textbook closed and stormed out of the house again.
Seconds after I kicked the door, River opened it, smiling in that shy way of his.
"I'm glad you're here," he said. "Come in if you want."
As I stepped into the house, River grabbed my wrist, forcing me to stop.
"Look," he said, pointing to the threshold above us.
"What's that?" I asked.
"Mistletoe," he said with a sheepish grin. "It's kind of wilted, but that's all I could find. I think the rules apply for everyone."
"What rules?" I asked naively.
"This rule," he said, kissing me quickly on my lips. "So, Noah, come on in. Let me tell you a story."
Thank you for reading!
I plan to see more of these two in the future.
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