Chapter 8: "Kaitlin the naive"
Hello! Thank you once again for all the comments and votes. You guys ROCK!!! I hope you're still enjoying this as much as I am writing it. I don't always read what I write so if they are any mistakes, sorry in advance.
“He’s the officer that told me how the fire was started,” I said remembering the nice guy. He was very gentle with me when I broke down in front of him. I even remember him holding me and offering to help me in any way. I declined because I didn’t know him like that. Plus, he looked to be about twenty-three. I was only sixteen. People would have thought bad of us if I let him help me.
“Why are you asking about him?”
Bain looked angry for a split second then schooled his features. “Don’t worry about it. Just trying to figure out some stuff.”
“What did Dennis have to say? Did you hurt him,” I asked concerned.
Bain put me down and stood up. “No, I didn’t hurt him. I’ve got to go to the office for a little while. If you’re leaving this room, come and tell me where you’ll be,” he ordered.
It was almost too hard to resist that order but I didn’t like to be told what to do. Instead of lying to him, I didn’t answer. He left the room after he kissed me on the cheek. Watching him leave was hard because I wanted him to stay. I didn’t want to come off too clingy and him get tired of me.
I waited for him to be gone for a total of a minute and tip toed downstairs. Yeah, I was being a brat. I looked in the kitchen to see if anyone was in there but no one was. I decided to cook these men a real meal if I can find everything. The kitchen was massive.
I searched through all the drawers and cabinets and finally found something worth putting together. I was making them their rare steak, baked potato, and a chocolate cake. They’re just going to have to get over only getting a two course meal. I wasn’t a chef but I did know how to flip a damn steak.
I put the potato’s in first since they would take the longest and started making my cake. So far no one came through. I was making a lot of noise too.
When the cake and potatos were done, I cooked the steaks. I put mine and Bain’s on a tray so I can surprise him with it in his office. I just wasn’t expecting to hear what I heard when I neared his door.
“I think I found where he’s staying. He’s still using the name Michael Soratos too.” Bain said to someone.
“If Hadeon knows you’re onto him, he’ll run and change his name again.” Kade said.
“I’m not going to let him escape this time. He’s family no matter what he has done,” Bain growled.
“You smell that?” Laven asks suddenly. Before I could get away from the door, it was yanked open by Kade. They all looked at me in surprise except Bain. He narrowed his eyes and shook his head.
“I’ll discuss this later,” he said dismissing all of them.
As they walked by me, they eyed the food on the tray. Connor stuck his hand out acting like he was going to steal a piece. “I made more downstairs,” I said and all three raced each other down the hall. Poor things must have been starving.
“Ease dropping now?”
“I…uh, just didn’t want to bother you while you were talking,” I lied a little. I knew I shouldn’t have but I hated him knowing I was being sneaky. Heck, I had to be. He wouldn’t tell me anything.
Bain rubbed his face with his hands. “Don’t lie to me, baby. You would have left right away if you weren’t ease dropping,” he said tired.
When I studied him more thoroughly, he looked worn out. Not physically but mentally. “I’m sorry. I cooked us some food. Are you hungry?” I asked changing the subject.
Bain cleared his desk and I placed the tray on it. “Wow, it looks good Kitten.”
We ate together and I got up to take the mess downstairs. Bain stood up and walked around the desk grabbing me around the waist. “You amaze me more and more every day. As soon as I’m done, I’m going to repay you,” he rumbled in my ear.
My body began tingling with pleasure. His hands lowered from my waist to my hips, bringing ours together. His lips found mine and he kissed me slowly, passionately. Before it could go further, he pulled back and kissed me on the cheek smirking.
I was breathing hard and ready for him. I wanted him right now, not later. Instead of asking, I grabbed the tray and left before embarrassing myself. In the kitchen, there were dirty dishes but empty plates. I cleaned the mess and decided to look around. So far, I haven’t explored the house yet.
I made my way to the back of the house where there were two sitting rooms and a library. Tall pictures hung on the walls of old and new photos. Bain and Connor were in a few with a nice looking couple that I guessed to be their parents. One picture caught my attention more than the others. It was a photo of Bain and a blonde haired man with gray eyes. He looked just like Michael Soratos or Hadeon from what I heard earlier.
Out of the corner of my eye, at the huge bay window, I saw Kade and Laven coming out of an old building. My curiosity was peaked instantly. I waited for them to get out of sight and raised the window. I had no idea where the backdoor was right now.
I sprinted across the soft grass and into the building, closing the door. It was mostly dark except for the light that shined through the small window. I slowly crept forward until I seen a door at the back wall. When I opened it, I didn’t expect to see stairs going down. I thought it was the back of the building.
Bain would kill me if he found out where I was. I didn’t even know where I was other than his backyard. I looked back to make sure no one was following and took the steps. It opened up a little at the bottom and there was light but I was taken back with what I saw.
It was an underground prison. I grabbed my chest as I slowly walked by the empty cells until I came to cell three. There was Dennis Lexington laying on a cot. He had blood on his shirt and bruises on his face. It almost brought me to my knees.
“Dennis,” I whispered.
Dennis shot up and looked at me surprised. “What are you doing down here?” he harshly whispered. “Go away before you get me killed talking to you.” He shooed me.
I wasn’t going away and I wasn’t going to let anyone hurt him over talking to me. Anger hit me full force. If Bain was in front of me right now, he would be slapped for this. How could he treat someone so cruel and care so much about me?
“Did you break into my house?”
Dennis dropped his head into his hands. His shoulders slackened and he finally looked up. “Yes, but I didn’t want to. Look, if you want answers, talk to your mate. I don’t have the right to tell you anything. And, don’t feel sorry for me. If I was him, I would have already killed me.” He said bluntly.
He sat back down on his cot looking at the wall. “I will get you out Dennis!” I harshly whispered.
He stood up again and was at the bars growling. “Go away Kaitlin! I don’t need your help!” I jumped slightly from his voice but I knew what he was doing. He was trying to make me leave.
“Have you been fed?” I asked ignoring his anger.
“Yesss. Now, will you please leave?”
I nodded. I would leave for now but I was coming back. His wounds looked terrible. His shirt was in ruins and you could see the wounds through the holes. He needed clean clothes too. I mentally wrote down the things I would need the next time I’ll be able to sneak out. “Bye Dennis.”
“Bye Kaitlin,” he said almost apologetically.
I snuck my way back up and through the window of the house. As far as I knew, no one saw me. I slid the window down and turned around slamming into someone’s chest. Connor set me right and narrowed his eyes.
“Were you trying to sneak out, Kit?”
I shook my head. “No, I was just getting some air. I would have used the doors but I was way back here,” I said while going around him. I felt like I was being interrogated. Then again, when you do something you’re not supposed to, it feels like you’re being questioned just with a look. Connor’s look made me nervous.
I heard his heavy feet follow. “Want to play a game?” He smirks falling in line with me.
“Uh…sure.” I gave him a smile. I wanted to go find the stuff to help Dennis but I didn’t want to raise suspicion. Connor opened the door for the basement and I went down. I knew he would want to play pool so I went straight for it.
“That’s what I’m talking about!” he grinned.
Since no one knew I was good here, I kept the charade up. We were in the middle of a game when Bain walked down and wrapped his arms around me from behind. Connor took the shot and missed. Bain let go and let me take my turn. I bent over the table and went for the easiest ball, purposely missing.
Bain smirked and pulled me to him again. “You purposely missed that,” he whispered. “Are you trying to get over on my brother or me?”
I stilled. Shit! I should have known. An excellent player can always tell when someone is professional. Most can at least. “Both,” I answered honestly.
Bain let go and I looked up. He was still smirking. He pulled out his wallet and slapped a hundred on the table. “I bet she wins the game, calling all the shots,” he said to Connor.
Connor looked confused for a second, then grinned. “You’re on!”
I felt bad for doing this to Connor when I really wanted to do it to Bain. I took my position and called center/right pocket. I shot and made it perfectly. I glanced slightly at Connor and seen him narrowing his eyes at Bain.
I finished cleaning the table with mine and his for effect. Connor stood there shaking his head. “Shame on you Kit. You played me for a fool.”
“Yep, and your money,” Bain said grabbing the money off the table and my hand. As we were walking off I looked over my shoulder at Connor. He smiled and winked gathering the balls. I was glad he wasn’t mad at me for it.
Bain led me up to the room and closed the door. I wasn’t ready for bed. My mind was still on helping Dennis. And with that, I was mad at Bain for treating him so cruelly. I just couldn’t say anything right now.
I went to the bathroom and got undressed. While I was in here, I looked under the cabinet and found a first-aid kit. I grabbed a towel and washcloth and folded it up beside the kit. Tomorrow, everything will already be ready except the food.
I walked out without looking his way in only a large shirt and underwear. “You look like you’re guilty of something,” he said softly. “Are you?” he asked approaching me. He never looked away from my eyes, studying them.
I played confused, mad at myself for showing something was wrong. “No, why?”
Bain pulled me to him and kissed his mark on my neck. “Nothing, just checking,” he rumbled. He then swooped me up and placed me on the bed. We kissed and played with each other’s skin before he made love to me. It was amazing. Bain was so gentle with me when he made love to me.
The next day when Bain and I parted, I snuck down to the kitchen and put two power bars in my back pocket. I already had the first-aid kit and towels. I crept to the back of the house and opened the same window. I didn’t want to be caught using the back door.
I was really scared to do this now. I had no idea where Connor, Kade, and Laven were. And if they caught me sneaking into their underground jail, they would turn me in. Bain would surely be mad as hell at me. But it was his fault for not including me.
I walked across the yard keeping an eye out for anyone coming or going. I opened the old creaking door and quickly closed it listening for voices. Everything was quite so far. I walked to the back and slowly opened the door leading to the stairs. I took them quick and hurried to cell three where Dennis was standing there with only his jeans on.
“I told you to go away,” he snapped, not happy with seeing me right now.
I pulled the bars out of my pockets and passed them through the bars. Dennis wouldn’t even look at them, so I threw them on his cot. I set the first-aid kit on the floor and opened it up. “Come closer so I can clean your wounds,” I said pouring alcohol on the cloth.
“Kaitlin? Don’t you get it? If Bain finds you down here with me, he will go nuts!” he growled softly. But I ignored him and waited for him to come closer. Bain would go nuts but I could handle him. I knew he would never harm me but I was worried about Dennis.
He finally gave up and came close to the bars. I stuck my arm in to clean his face first when he jerked the cloth out of my hand. “Rule number one; never touch another man.” He stated and cleaned his face.
“I don’t believe you’re bad Dennis. And I don’t believe you broke into my home because you like me. What are you hiding?” I ask curiously. I’m guessing he didn’t tell Bain or Bain would have let him go already.
“Everything,” came his simple response. He cleaned himself the best he could and handed the cloth back to me. I offered him some bandages too but he turned them down.
“Look, I don’t understand why Bain or you won’t tell me anything when I’m pretty sure it pertains to me. But you could at least tell me if I’m in danger,” I pleaded.
Dennis sighed and sat down on the cot. “I remember when we were younger,” he said staring off at the wall. “You always believed there was good in everyone. You just didn’t realize you were surrounded by evil. We used to call you, ‘Kaitlin the naïve’.”
“Dennis, am I in danger or what?” I demanded snapping him out of his memories. He turned his head toward me and just stared. I pretty much got my answer. If I wasn’t in danger, he would have already told me. “I can get you out of here if you tell me what’s going on.” Dennis went completely still as he looked past my shoulder.
“No you won’t,” Bain growled.
I jumped even though I had a seconds warning he was there. His voice was much deeper than it usually was when he was mad. He grabbed my arm, jerking me away from the bars.
“Get off,” I snapped. It was obviously the wrong thing to say.
“Get back in the fucking house now!” he said slowly between clenched teeth. He pushed me toward the stairs but I wouldn’t budge.
“No, not until you tell me what’s going on,” I demanded with my hands on my hips. I was acting brave but shaking like a leaf. I knew I would be caught sooner or later but I was leaning more toward later.
“I’ll deal with you later,” he growled at Dennis. Dennis just watched as Bain grabbed my arm and hauled me out like a rag doll. Well, I wasn’t being dragged or anything but my weight meant nothing to him.
He pulled me out of the building, walking fast toward the back door. I tried pulling free but was only hurting myself in the process. Bain wasn’t letting go for nothing. I wasn’t even sure if this was the same man from last night. He wouldn’t even look at me as we made it through the house and to the room.
When he slammed the door, he finally let go to push me up against it with his hand. His hand slid up to my throat holding me in place. “Do you know what a wolf does to his mate when she’s bad?”
My eyes widen and I shook my head. I didn’t want to know either. The look Bain was giving me was scary enough. His eyes were dark clouds of fury with coldness to them. I felt like I was looking into the eyes of a different person. A murderer.
“He holds her down by the throat and dominates her into submission. I’m on the verge of doing that to you right now, Kitten,” he growls ripping my shirt down the middle. “So tell me, why were you with Dennis?”
I heard the threat and the accusation in his tone. Bain thought I was flirting with Dennis. That’s why he looked this way. I tried covering myself but he swatted my hands away. “Bain, it’s not what you think. I was only trying to get some answers,” I defended.
“By helping the enemy!” he yelled. “You are my mate, not his dammit!”
“I know that!” I yelled back. “Stop bullying me and let me go!” I cried trying to push his hand away.
Bain let go and walked off toward the bed. I couldn’t believe he just let me go that easy. Then it dawned on me, he wouldn’t just let it go. He was up to something. I panicked and threw the door open and ran. I didn’t even make it to the steps before he growled wrapping his arm around my waist. I was picked up and tossed on the bed when he brought us back in.
Then the surprise came. Bain cuffed me to the headboard of the bed. I screamed and kicked but he dodged and held my legs in place. “You son-of-a-bitch! Get those cuffs off me now!” I screamed.
Bain just looked at me. I saw regret for a split second in his eyes before he got up and left.
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