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I never saw Bain today so I waited until dusk dark to go sit with Addie. The weather was perfect for walking too. After the sun went down, it stayed warmer than it has been in the past few days. I brought a flash light with me this time just in case my wolf didn’t show. I needed something to cheer me up since Jessie told me about what Bain did. I ended up crying for a while with my heart broken.
Deep in my thoughts I had only made it a quarter mile when I heard his feet hitting the dry leaves. I smiled to myself and looked to my left where he was approaching slowly. I kept walking and let him catch up next to me.
“Hey there, I’ve missed you,” I whispered putting my hand gently on his head. He cocked his head sideways and licked my hand. I giggled from all the slobber he just left on my palm. I wiped it on my worn jeans creating a darker spot.
We walked silently together as he listened out for anything threatening. When I reached Addie’s grave, the wolf plopped down beside me with his huge head in my lap. I gave him what he wanted by petting him as I talked.
“Well Addie, I thought I would be telling you some exciting news but I was wrong. I went on that date with Bain and everything was perfect. He was being a gentleman and made my night magical. But, this morning I ran into Jessie and she told me about him hurting her sister on purpose,” I said as the wolf lifted his head and whined. He shook his head and licked my cheek still whining.
“What’s wrong boy?” I asked concerned.
He got up and began pacing in a circle around me and Addie’s tombstone. He finally sat back down but not beside me. He sat in front of me staring with his beautiful green eyes. For some reason they looked sad.
“I don’t know what to do. I want to hate him but I can’t. He made me believe he really cared for me but now I know better. All he wants is to just sleep with me,” I said and the wolf jumped up and barked. He was still looking at me like I’m supposed to be doing something.
I got up and dusted the seat of my pants. The wolf waited until I said good bye and began walking quickly down the trail. “Wait up!” I yelled accidentally. He wanted me to walk fast for some reason beyond me. I laughed at him when he barked at me to hurry up. Or it least that’s what I believe he said.
We were almost home when I slowed down and thought of a name for him. “I think I’m going to call you Texas. That’s your new name.” I said happy with it.
Texas groaned with his head down. We made it out of the woods and he stopped to watch me go home. I did after I gave him a kiss on the forehead. By the time I turned around at the door he was gone just like last time. He acted like he didn’t want me out long. It was sweet but something was bothering him and I wish I knew what it was.
I ended up lying down on the couch with Muffin and fell asleep. We were woken by someone knocking on the door. I checked the time and it read ten thirty. Who would be knocking on my door this late at night?
I crept to the front window and looked out. Bain’s truck was parked on the curb crooked. I was in my short bed shorts and tank top. It was too late to change with him pounding on the door now. I sighed knowing I should go ahead and open the door. All my anger from earlier today came back so I slung the door opened to give him a piece of my mind. Before I could say anything, he had me pushed against the wall with his lips on mine. I gave right away not able to deny him.
Bain’s lips were soft but demanding. He was showing me how much he had me. We both needed a breath so he pulled free and gave me some space. As soon as his hands and body weren’t touching mine, I reared back to slap him. My hand never made contact. He caught it one inch from hitting him. He grabbed my other hand and growled in frustration when I tried to use it too.
“Stop dammit! At least hear me out before jumping to conclusions!” he yelled. His eyes turned a darker shade of green as his stared into mine. He was so beautiful like this that it almost hurt to look at him. Behind the anger was hurt.
“What are you talking about? How do you know I’m mad at you?” I demanded trying to break his hold on my hands. But they weren’t going anywhere until he decided to let go.
“I just know. Now, you and I are going to talk about this like adults,” he said looking at me expectedly.
I stopped trying to free my hands and nodded. He slowly released my hands trusting me not to hit him. “I know you talked with Jessie about Leah. It’s all a lie Leah made up,” he said.
“I’ve been told before that you like to get sex and then you’re done, leaving a trail of broken hearts.”
Bain ran his hand through his hair sighing. “You’ll believe anything anyone tells you.” He said and began pacing around the room. “Has it occurred to you that maybe they’re the ones lying?”
I hadn’t. I just assumed they were telling the truth because that’s something people shouldn’t lie about. It ruins lives and makes people not trust easily. Here I was judging him without making sure I had proof. All I had was Jessie telling me what her sister said to her and Heather’s opinion of Bain. I felt like a total bitch. Tears sprang to my eyes and before I could control them, they escaped down my cheek.
Bain was in front of me with lightning speed wrapping his warm loving arms around me. “Don’t cry, baby. I’m sorry,” He whispered. My head rested on his chest while he rubbed my back.
“You have nothing to apologize for. I shouldn’t have jumped to the conclusion that you’re guilty. I’m sorry.” I said drying up my humiliating tears. I can’t believe I just cried in front of him. For some reason I was very sensitive when it came to him. Anyone else would not get my tears.
“Kiss me and I’ll forgive you,” he said with a smile in his voice. I pulled back and sure enough, he was smirking. I was still embarrassed but I did owe him a kiss for being mean. I rose to my tiptoes to try to reach him but he was too tall. The top of my head could barely touch his chin.
“Having problems?”
“Can you help me?” I asked sweetly.
Bain lowered his head as I met him on my tiptoes. Our lips met and it felt amazing just like every time before this one. It was gentle and loving. He moved his head back gazing into my wet eyes. His face became serious as he took hold of my jaw.
“I never want to see you shed another tear, Kitten. I would never hurt you physically or mentally. Don’t listen to those females. They could crush you with their lies if you allow it,” he said sternly.
I nodded. He released my jaw and kissed my forehead. “Will you lay with me tonight?” I blurted out embarrassed afterward. I looked down at my feet not believing I just asked that.
Bain slipped his hand in mine and pulled me to my room. It was really dark in here without the light on. All I could see was his silhouette. I laid down and he followed wrapping his arm around me in the spoon position. It was hard to try to sleep with him this close. His head was against mine and his mouth was against my ear. It turned me on and I wanted more of his touch.
“Bain?” I breathed.
“No!” he snapped quickly. “Go to sleep. I’m trying my damnedest to think of something else.”
“Why?” I asked hurt. Why hasn’t he tried to make love to me? Most guys would in a heartbeat. I’ve never had sex but came close one time. The feelings were okay back then but nothing too exciting. With Bain, one small touch on my leg or his breath on my ear could set me on fire.
Bain sighed. “Because I respect you more than that. Young people today think that’s what defines their relationship but it doesn’t. They do it without knowing the true meaning behind it. I won’t let that happen with us. I want your love first, Kitten.”
I smiled. Bain might be an ass, possessive at times, and controlling but he was also very passionate. I was already in love with him but I was too afraid to say it. If I said it now, he might not believe me. I closed my eyes still smiling from being on cloud nine in his arms. Before I knew it I was asleep.
I woke the next morning without Bain in my bed. I felt the bed where he was last and the sheet was cool. Did he leave me? I got up and peeked out my doorway into the living room. He wasn’t there either. I spotted a note on my table with a plate of bacon and eggs beside it. I walked over and picked up the note.
I had to go take care of a few things. I’ll see you this evening.
Love, Bain
That was it? I wonder what those few things are. I had no idea what he does during the day or even in the evening. He still hasn’t told me why he wears those black outfits. He basically knows everything about me but I know nothing about him. I sat down and ate my breakfast with muffin at my feet. Last night I was too busy with Bain to realize she never came to bed.
“Where were you at, Muffin?” I asked.
She meowed loudly like she was fussing at me.Shaking my head I got up and went to shower. I slid my clothes off and hung my towel on the peg. I got under the steaming hot water and let the water fall on me for a while. It felt amazing on my skin. Muffin interrupted me by meowing really loud several times.
“Shut up Muffin! I’ll be out in a minute!” I yelled but she started up again. I don’t ever remember her doing that before.
I quickly washed while she hollered throughout the house and the bathroom. I opened the glass door and grabbed my towel wrapping it around me. Muffin was standing in the doorway with her fur standing up on her back. Alarm rang through me then. Something wasn’t right and Muffin knew it the whole time I was in the shower.
I stepped out quietly when the mirror caught my eye. A message was written on it from someone’s finger.
‘You are mine’
I smiled thinking Bain was being silly writing on my mirror before leaving this morning. I looked back at Muffin and saw her take off toward the living room. I still had that feeling that something wasn’t right so I hurried and dressed.
Muffin was back under the couch when I came through. The window by the door was pushed all the way up and the screen was gone. I ran to my cell phone in my room and dialed the police. I told the dispatcher what happened and she assured me someone would be here in no time. I just didn’t expect Bain to be the first.
He pulled up skidding to a halt in the middle of the road. I opened the front door to see the anger all over him.
“Get in the truck!” he demanded and went inside searching room to room.
“I called the police, not you,” I said confused but relieved.
Bain ignored me and started sniffing the air. He was dressed in his black outfit with gun on his leg. “Go get in the truck now, Kitten,” he said turning his gaze on me. Another vehicle, a black SUV, pulled up behind his and Laven and Kade got out.
Instead of listening to Bain, I watched his buddies walk in my home going room to room looking for something. Bain looked at me again and shook his head walking toward me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the house. “What the hell Bain? Whoever did it is already gone. Stop bossing me around!” I demanded trying to free my arm.
Bain didn’t listen and forced me in the truck. He pointed and growled at me, warning me not to move. I rolled my eyes and watched him go back in. This was ridiculous. Someone messed with my window from the outside and they were inside like they were solving a murder case.
Five minutes later, Bain and his friends came out with hardened faces. He had a different look to him when he was working or serious. It’s a face I try to stay away from. Laven and Kade took off through the woods as Bain got in.
“What are they doing?” I asked watching them disappear out of sight.
“Looking for him.” He cranked the truck and left.
“Where are we going? I’m sure it was just a kid playing around,” I assured him.
“My house.” He said quickly. “You’ll be staying with me for now on.”
My jaw dropped. I looked at him like he was insane. He had another thing coming if he thought I was staying with him over some kid messing around. No one came in and tried harming me when they could have. If it was an adult, they wouldn’t have thought twice about coming in on a small girl. I regretted calling the police because now I have an overly pissed off boyfriend trying to protect me.
“I don’t think so, Bain! Take me back!” I demanded.
Bain snorted like he thought it was the stupidest thing to say. “Not happening, baby. He came in for a reason and I haven’t found out why yet.” He said more to himself.
I looked at him confused. “No he didn’t. And if he did, he didn’t touch anything.” I defended. I wanted to go back home. He was taking me away from KC and Addie. I wouldn’t be able to see them whenever I wanted.
Bain pulled up into a long private drive until we came upon a huge iron fence. The design in the middle was a Weeping Willow tree. It opened automatically and we drove up to a huge house almost the size of a mansion. It was grey stone with wooden porches. The lawn around it looked like the type of grass that you could sleep on because it’s so soft.
“This is your house?” I whispered not meaning to. He nodded and helped me out. We walked up on the porch and a guy that looked similar to Bain but younger opened the door. He was dressed in black also. He smiled and stepped to the side letting us through.
“Connor, this is Kaitlin. Kaitlin, this is my younger brother,” Bain said introducing us. It was the first time I had ever heard him use my real name. It didn’t sound right coming from him because my name was Kitten. I hated it in the beginning but now I loved it.
“Nice to meet you Kit,” Connor said smirking.
Oh no! I just got a new nickname and I didn’t care for it. Bain smiled and shook his head. “Be careful Connor, my Kitten doesn’t like nicknames.” He taunted cutting his eyes to me.
“So I heard.”
“It’s nice to meet you too Connor,” I said politely. Bain slipped his hand in mine and led us up the navy blue carpeted stairs.
“I’m going to show her our room and be back down to talk with you,” he said over his shoulder to Connor.
We continued up twenty something steps and turned left down a large and long hallway. At the end of it looked like a sitting room also done in navy blue. I was so excited about being in this beautiful house; I forgot to be mad about my home. And I loved my little cottage. I bought it with the insurance money that was left to me when both my parents died.
Bain pulled me in a room that was the size of my house. No lie. Okay, just a little exaggeration. It was huge and had its own living room. Who lives like this? No one I knew until Bain. I pulled free from his hand and ran and jumped on the bed. It was one of those California kings.
“This is awesome but you still got to take me home,” I said sitting up looking at him watching me.
“No. Drop it.” He warned.
I could tell he didn’t like being pushed about it but it’s my life, not his. “And what if I don’t,” I taunted getting on my knees with my hands on my hips. Bain narrowed his eyes and began stalking toward me. My big bad self began backing up until I pushed off on the other side. I knew he wouldn’t harm me but there are other ways to make me pay.
I screamed when he was in front of me in a flash. All I seen was a blur. “Never taunt me, Kitten,” he whispered in my ear. He fisted his hand in my hair and pulled my head back. He teased my lips kissing them but pulling back for a second just to start over. I loved this punishment even though I was being teased.
Bain finally had enough and gave in. His arm wrapped around my back bringing me closer as his kiss was deeper. He always controlled the kiss and took care of me. I knew in my heart, Bain Winters loved me. He slowed the kiss down and pulled back gazing into my eyes. “I got to go, Kitten. Don’t go anywhere and Connor will be here if you need anything,” he said and pulled free. He walked out with me protesting behind him the whole time.
“What? Where are you going? Bain?” I asked getting louder.
Bain stopped at the top of the stairs. “To hunt down the man who had the nerve to get near you,” he answered. I let him go, knowing he wouldn’t let me go with him. I sat down on the top step with my chin in my hands. I heard him talking with Connor but I couldn’t make out what he said. After he left, Connor climbed the steps and sat down beside me.
“So, what you want to do?” he asked like we’re old friends.
“Well, since I’m stuck here, you tell me.”
Connor laughed. “That’s more like it. Come on,” he said helping me up. I followed him downstairs and then down another set that led to the basement. It was as big as the house but had many rooms. One was a freaking basketball court. He led me to a pool table and racked the balls.
“I’ve been trying to get better at this. Bain keeps whooping my ass and taking my money. I figured if I could get you playing on my team, he would go easy on me and let me win.” He said smirking.
I smiled. If only they knew how good I was. My daddy loved pool and bought a table when I was little. I played on that thing for years until no one could beat me. I just realized how much fun I can have with both of them. Today, I’m pretending I don’t know how to play. Tomorrow, I’m whooping ass.
“Sounds fun. Will you show me what to do?” I asked.
Connor showed me everything. We ended up playing several games with me losing badly. He was good but not great. I couldn’t wait to see how Bain played. We both heard feet pounding down the stairs and saw Bain, Kade, and Laven.
My eyes and heart lit up when he walked up to me. I was taken by surprise when he picked me up bridal style and took us upstairs to the kitchen. “Have you ate since breakfast?” he asked setting me down on the stool.
“No but I’ll be okay,” I said not really hungry right now. All I wanted was him and for him to tell me what’s going on. “Did you find him?”
Bain looked away opening a cabinet. “Yeah, don’t worry, it’s been taken care of.” He said like he held a secret. My heart fell when I thought of Bain killing someone for opening my window.
“Did you hurt him? Who was it?”
Bain turned back around. “He’s fine, Kitten. I’m not going to lie to you anymore. You wanted to know why my eyes glow, it’s because I’m not completely human. I’m what we call a Lycan but others call a Werewolf.”
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