Chapter 4- Jelously And Rage
Warning cursing. If you don't like this stuff then I suggest you don't read this chapter and if you do than your going to love this. I haven't wrote a smut or anything like this before so I'm sorry if it's bad.
Misaki P.O.V.
It has been a week since the incident with my brother and everything is now okay, well for the most part. I decided to go hang out with Sumi and well it has to be the biggest mistake of my life. You must think I'm being dramatic but I'm not seriously, how would you feel if your friend kept saying he could treat your lover better than you could in anything and everything including in bed!
I also may or may not have punched Sumi....and I don't regret it one bit. As I'm thinking I hear my phone ring so I reach into my pocket and pull it out. It was Usagi san calling so I answer quickly
"Hello? You want me to meet you at Marukawa? Okay sure, Of course I would love to. Yeah I'm fine why? I'll explain later. Love you too, okay bye!" I say happily.
~Time Skip to when he arrives Marukawa~
As I'm walking up I see Usagi talking to Isaka at the entrance, then Sumi was right there flirting with Usagi who looked disgusted and annoyed as hell.
I walk up and hook my arm with Usagi sans, "Hey, ready to go?" I say looking up at him smiling. He looked down immediately and smiled, a real one the one he only ever gives me.
"Of course." He says in a slightly confused tone, I mean I was getting better at showing affection but I never showed much affection in public but over all he seemed very happy.
"Hey Misaki." I hear Sumi say in a irritated tone, I look at him and roll my eyes at his fake smile. "I didn't know you would be here." He says grinding his teeth. I smile at his irritation and give a smug grin as I see his black eye that was very much visible.
"Yeah sure whatever Sumi, also sorry about punching you but you stepped out of line and said something I wasn't okay with." I say then Usagi san and Isaka look at me in surprise.
"Well I just didn't expect someone as "Nice" as you to punch me for something like that." He says glaring at me, pretending that his eye hurt more than it actually did.
"Your such a poser, I've gotten enough black eyes to know it doesn't hurt that bad. Or maybe your just weak, yeah it just might me that. And Sumi?" I say putting a smile on my face.
"What." He snaps.
"Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. Just because I appear to believe your bullshit, doesn't mean I'm as stupid as you think I am. I'm just laughing on the inside and waiting for what else you come up with. I notice more than you realize." I say content with what I was saying.
He glares, growls then stormed off in anger. I hold back a smile and a laugh.
"Misaki.." I hear Usagi begin to say and I hesistantly look up at him and meet his eyes meet mine. "Where has my sweet, innocent Misaki gone to." He says turing me around to wheremy back was facing him then he pulled me into his chest. He rests him head on top of mine. Isaka knew that he wasn't wanted there and didn't feel like getting snapped at by Misaki if he said something wrong so he quickly walked away.
"I'm still here, I always will be I was just getting tired of him and how he always acts. You know how he says he so experienced, he's lying. He's a virgin. One day at school he said he was tired because he had a one night said, he said he was a bottom that night and the guy was rough with him. No matter how much I didn't want to listen, I did it anyways because I realized something." I say smirking slightly.
"And what would that be?" Usagi asks in curosity.
"He's a liar, poser, and a idiot. I know exactly how guy on guy sex works, but he didn't seem to. If that guy was so rough with him why was Sumi perfectly fine with moving. I thought back to the things he said and things didn't add up. I asked him when he lost his virginity and he acted weird and walked off." I say.
"Well aren't you quite the detective." Usagi says in a playful tone and I smile.
"Enough talk of Sumi im done with him, lets go to dinner." I say trying to change the subject before he realizes something I said when talking to Sumi.
"No, theres one more thing we need to talk about." He says in a serious and a dominate tone.
"Yes...?" I ask hesistantly.
"You said that you've been punched enough times to know that it doesn't hurt that bad. What does that mean Misaki." He asks bluntly looking at me waiting for a explanation.
There is no way around this, he won't let it go until I tell him what I meant. I mean I was going to tell him one day I just didn't expect it to be this soon, I sigh and give in.
"From elementary to High school before I met you, I was bullied... a lot. They made fun that I didn't have parents, my height, that I wasn't as smart as my brother, the way I looked in general. I didn't have any friends, nobody wanted to be friends with me and risk there "reputation". I say sadly looking down at my feet.
"Why didn't you ever tell me?" he asks in a calm yet worried tone.
"I was afraid that if I did you would start thinking and seeing me the way they did." I say honestly.
"Misaki, I love you so much you should know this. I know who you are, and it isn't your fault. They are at fault here." He says in a comforting tone.
"Thank you, Usagi san. I love you too, Now enough sad talk. Let's go to dinner!" I say now looking up smiling.
"Sounds perfect." He says with a small smile, he unwraps his arms from around me but not before pressing a kiss on my head.
That night we went to dinner then went home, It was a night to remember especially for what happened in the bed room.
Hello everyone! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter of "Will You Marry Me"! Im sorry for not updating this story but lets hope that will change and I will stop be so lazy! Anyways I will talk to you guys later, Bai!
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