Chapter 5
When they arrived in Atlantis, Keefe brought them to a restaurant that she had never heard of. They had waited in a line for over 45 minutes. During that time, Keefe went on and on and on about a lot of different things. He started off by rambling about his prank supplies and who his next target was going to be. The whole time, Sophie listened. She didn't talk, except when she gave some ideas to Keefe, and she enjoyed listening. She loved the way his eyes glistened when he talked about his pranks. Finally, they got a seat and ordered.
"Thank you for bringing me here tonight Keefe" Sophie started, "I really appreciate it. It's helping me get my mind off of everything."
"It's my pleasure Sophie. I love you so much and I hope you know that. Yesterday, when we were in Atlantis, and we were at that store, you kept asking me about what I got." He paused, pulling a box out of the pocket of his jerkin. "I bought that bracelet for you. I hope you like it." He handed her the box and let her open in. Inside was the ice blue bracelet she saw in the jewelry store. One of the charms was a Panakes flower and another was Silveny. The third charm he chose was a picture. When she looked closer, she realized it was a picture of the two of them.
"I had it specially made. Do you like it?" Keefe asked quietly. He was afraid that she'd hate it.
"Oh Keefe, I absolutely love it! Thank you so much! And I- I love you too." She leaned over and kissed his cheek lightly. He was going to say something else, but they were interrupted by the food being brought out. Of course, they both had eaten their mallowmelt very quickly. With no room for anymore food, Keefe payed and they left. Hand in hand they walked around Atlantis telling stories.
"No lie, she asked me everyday."
They laughed and laughed and laughed so hard that they cried.
"He was by far my favorite. But you wouldn't know because he's human."
By the time they had made it back to the restaurant they started at, Sophie had heard as many stories as she possibly could. Stories that ranged from pranks all the way to broken bones. She knew Keefe in a whole different level. When they reached the Unity Fountain, they sat down and talked a little more.
"Hey Sophie?" Keefe asked. Sophie? Since when was she Sophie? It's always been Foster this and Foster that.
"Yes Keefe?" Sophie responded with obvious curiosity.
"Well, we both like each other and we are practically inseparable now, well I was wondering if you'd officially be my girlfriend?"
"Yes! Yes of course! I would love to!" Sophie cried. Keefe smiled and so did she. He stood up, grabbed her hand, and kissed her passionately. She kissed back. The kiss lasted maybe a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity. When they pulled away, they both were out of breath. Sophie looked at Keefe, glanced at his lips, then looked back up at him. Keefe did the same. Then they leaned in again and kissed even more. This night couldn't get any better.
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