Chapter 5
*Red's P.O.V*
We were filming a do not laugh for Adams channel when Jazmine called Ross. Ross told me Jazmine had a friend that was interested in the offices videos and loved Barney's videos more than the rest. Since most of us at the offices don't have girlfriends besides Adam, I thought it would be perfect for Jazmine to set her friend up with Barney. The double date with Ross, Jazmine, Barney, and (Y/N) was inspected to happened tonight at the movies when I heard Ross freak out on the other end
"Oh my god!" Ross said terrified as he flung his headphones off and ran out of his office. "What's going on?" I ask Adam and Barney. "I don't know but it seems important so let's go." Adam said while taking his headphones off and exiting Minecraft. "Alright lets gos." Barney said as him and I did the same.
I walked out of my office to see Ross on the floor against the wall crying and Adam asking him why he flied out of his office screaming. "Trystan." He choked out. "Yours insanes brother?" Barney questioned. "Yes." Ross wiped his face and sighed. "He was with Jazmine and..." He began to sob in his hand. "Hey buddy what's going on." Adam sat beside him and wrapped his arms around him. "When I was on the phone with Jazmine, I heard her say his name and there was yelling between them two." He had trouble getting the rest of the words out. "What else." I say while squatting down in front of him. Ross looked at me and said three words. "He shot her." He then looked up at Barney then at Adam and curled in a fettled position and sobbed. "Are you kidding's me, lets gos to the hospital and sees if she ok." Barney said while giving his hand out to Adam and Ross. He pulled both of them up and said "I'm driving's dirt bags. Oh and Ross?" Barney stopped and looked at Ross. "Jazmine wills be ok." "God I hope so." Ross said
*Time Skip till Hospital*
Ross ran to the front desk and asked the lady for Jazmine Hernandez. "She is in ICU with a single gunshot wound and internal bleeding. There is no news about her current condition but I'll let you guys know when we hear something. I'm glad so many people care about her wellbeing." The lady smiled and ushered us towards the waiting room. "Guys I'm going outside to call Alesa." Adam said while pulling out his phone. "I'm goings to Wendy's across the streets. Anybody want any." Barney said while walking to the door. "I'll take some fries." I said. "I'm not hungry." Ross said while sticking his hands in his pockets. "Rot you needs to eat. I'll gets you fries too. Red texts me if you hears anything's." Barney said while walking out. "Will do." I walked over to where Ross was standing and hugged him. "Ross, she will be ok. Remember when the first time she came to the offices and Max picked on her about being so short?" This made him smile. "Yeah, she said she may be short but she will kick your ass faster than you can say Minecraft." He chucked but it slowly turned to sobbing. "Red, I love her so much. What if she doesn't-" I cut him off by poking him in the chest. "Hey I don't want to hear any of that. Stay faithful that she will be ok, you hear me?" I say while smiling. "She will kick deaths ass." He cried.
*Barney's P.O.V*
I can't believes what happened to Jazmine. They have beens dating for around 2 months and came to the offices twice a week. She was funny's and weirds just like Ross and shes was starting's to grow on me. She tolds me she has a sister names Karla and lives togethers in an apartments building. She wasn't ready tos tells her sister who she was dating's because she was a big fan of sky media and was worried that she woulds fan girls to much. I really wanted tos meet Jazmines sister because she showed us pictures of her and shes was really pretty. But she seemed sos familiar like I's seen her befores. Memory's froms Pax came floodings back. The girl I gaves the neacklace to. The
The girl with the apples. That's where I's remembers her from. But the girl with the necklace...
What was hers name? I remember her longs (H/C) hair. Hers lustful bright (E/C) eyes. The ways she smiled at's me. The feeling that rans up my body when mys hand touched hers. I missed that, I needed that again. I shook the's feeling as I's approached Wendy's. I ordereds my food and thanked the man. As I was walking out I ran into a tall girl whose hair smelt likes cherries.
"Damn it." She's said while squatting downs to pick ups her phone she dropped. She looked up and stopped. "Oh um... sorry." She looked at hers phone and stared at it. I noticed the necklace she's was wearing and smiled. "Well we meets again." I pause and look into her eyes. "But I's didn't expect us meet like this. At least not on's the second date anyways." I smirk which makes her look straight across and notice what position she's was in. She takes a sharp intake of air and quickly gets up. Blushing I's notice the bandage around her head. "What happens to your head?" I's question withs my eyebrows raised. "Long story." She sighed. "Do yous wants to talks about it? I got food?" I smile which makes her smile. "I was just heading back to the hospital." She says while pointing across the street. "Hey's me too. My friend's girlfriend was just in a reallys bad accident and I wanted to brings comfort food." I say while waving my bag arounds. Her's smile dropped. "What's your friend's girlfriend's name?" She asked. "Oh's Jazmine." Her face dropped ands shes remained silent.
(A/N) Seriously will I survive writing Barney's language? The worlds mays nevers knowing 0_o
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