"Is it already here?" Niall asked his friends as he was hanging out at their flat. They were all just spending the afternoon together since Niall really didn't really have any other place to go for the weekend. He didn't have a boyfriend to spend his time with. He wishes that they never broke up, but you sometimes don't get what you wish for...
Yeah... Niall is once again, single. The 5-way relationship was done for when they were reaching their final year of uni. It was a mutual decision and it wasn't like there was love lost or anything for that matter. There was just a lack of communication and they tried to take a break, but when they each saw that there was nothing working, they chose to end it entirely. Of course it brought a lot of sadness, but after a couple of years being broken up, they swiftly just put the attention onto themselves.
While Harry stayed in his home town of Redditch, Louis moved back to Doncaster, Liam moved back to Wolverhampton, and Zayn moved back to Bradford. Niall didn't want to leave London, because he said it brought a lot of happiness into his life. He didn't want to act like that never happened and leave all of that behind, so he just decided to move to Worcester. He would visit his friends and family in Ireland from time to time, but of course his immediate family is in Redditch still, so he would visit them too.
It's been 4 years since they have last spoke to each other. They still follow each other on all socials, but that's about it when it comes to keeping in touch. Niall would feel his heart flutter whenever he sees that his ex-boyfriends like his posts or view his stories. It would make him smile for like 10 minutes before he would settle with 'we are still friends with each other's and his smile would drop. He misses the relationship that they did have. They all do. There was just something that got in the way of their love life. Niall would sometime wonder how they are doing, but he would feel too anxious to even send a text.
He instead would reach out to those who were a positive being within his former lovers lives. Anne, Lottie, Doniya, and Nicola. They would give as many updates as possible, but also comment on how the boys would respond if he were to ask them himself. They do understand his train of though, so they would leave it alone when Niall wouldn't respond.
One thing that is really cute that each of the boys do still is that they send gifts. Whether it was Christmas or their birthday. There would always be gifts waiting for them from each other. Louis always gets double since his is on Christmas Eve. They would thank each other subtly through their social media. Harry doesn't use his socials that often, but they would always see either a tweet or a post on Instagram from him, expressing his gratitude.
It would either be:
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. The gifts and the wishes were amazing. Will never stop thinking about you or loving you. -H❤️
Liked by louist91 and others
harrystyles: As I am turning 28 years old, I am yet again reminded of the amazing love and support that I have at my side. Always. Thank you to those who still spoil me and show that I'm much more than a tattooed man who's a 'tall bean'. Your appreciation will never go unnoticed and I will thank you until my face turns blue, but I hopefully will be 6 feet under around that time. I'm still working on myself and hopefully when we meet again, you will be pleased with the outcome.
All of the love.
His exes and himself are always talking about taking another shot in relationships, but they don't go through with it though. They hope to one day, but they are still working on things in the meantime.
The last time that they saw each other was at Sarah and Gabe's wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony and his friends did invite the boys without knowing the breaking up of the couple which happened a year before. It was a little hard for Niall to go through the whole thing without talking to his ex boyfriends, but he did talk to them. The talks that they had were casual and there was a bit of tension in the air. Awkward tension. No one pointed it out though. They just talked and talked until it was time to go.
Niall saw how they looked and he missed them like crazy! Harry's long hair was still at his shoulders and his hair was dyed black, Louis had his beautiful quiff and his hair was a deep red, Zayn actually shaved his hair so there was no dye to point out, and there was Liam who's hair was a little longer than the last time that they've seen each other, but his hair was a deep purple. He loved it and missed it.
Now he has a choice to make.
The high school that he met those 4 wonderful men in is having a reunion. It was going to be held at Main Event in Harry's hometown. It was going to be a lock in and it was going to be from 8pm to 7am. There were going to be many activities there and there would be alcohol served. Now it was up to Niall if he really wanted to go and possibly see his exes again. Because they each have said many times that when the time does come where they will see each other again, then they will talk and possibly try and fix what was once broken.
"Seems like it! This seems exciting! We have to go!" Sarah chirped while playing with her 2 year old daughter, Rose. Niall looked at her friend and Sarah gave him a look. "C'mon, we have to! So what if you see those boys again? Maybe this is fate telling you to try again. You never know either. Maybe the right time is this time. When are you going to actually get out to go see them anyways?" She asked and Niall knew that she was right. He was just feeling anxious about the question that was running through his head. He feared the negative without even considering the positive.
Will there be an us... again?
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