You would be in peace when l am not with you!!
That Stupid Bastard is back!! I don't know but l wanted to hug someone tightly that day.
It's been a week to that incident now but still l am scared as Shit!!
We are in our new home for about four days now and still arranging all the places properly. Don't get me wrong but have a bit of an OCD.
He called me as l was lost in my thoughts sitting on the bed.
I said.
Angad-I have to go for Office today and might come back very late at night!! You don't wait for me instead sleep. Ok??
He asked going inside the wardrobe to get his Tuxedo. No!! No!! I want stay alone without him!! Hell no!! What if that Bastard comes here!! Noway!! I am not staying alone.
Angad-Meera did you here me Princess??
He asked and l buried my head on a pillow. How can l tell him about the rough past l had??
Not a Big deal. Just say it using your mouth!! Snapped my subconcious and l glared at her mentally.
Angad-Princess look at me!!
He said. I felt him taking a seat beside me.
Angad-Meera!! Come on!!
He said. l kept my chin on the pillow and looked at him.
Angad-What's wrong??
He asked as he caressed my cheeks gently.
Meera-I don't wanna stay alone!!
I blurted. He smiled looking at me while l looked elsewhere knowing his answer would be the same.
Angad-But why?? You would be in peace when l am not with you!!
He said with sarcasm and l glared at him.
Meera-When did l say like that??
I asked.
Angad-Fine!! Relax!!
He said and chuckled.
Angad-Then what about l'll leave you at your Home!?
He asked and l nodded in ' No '. I WANT TO BE WITH HIM!! That idiot can come to my home like it's an open invitation.
Angad-Fine Stubborn Brat!! Get ready!!
Meera-I am not going Home and l am not a Stubborn Brat!!
I said pouting angrily
Angad-Yes your not going Home instead your coming with me to my Office!!
I asked excited as l sat on the bed.
He said. I grinned wide and hugged him tightly. He chuckled hugging me back.
I broke the hug and went to get ready. I was ready in few minutes and we was good to go. We locked our Apartment's door and left to his car.
As we drove off l saw the Hospital and tears formed in my eyes.
The car came to a jerk stop in a few minutes. I wiped my tears quickly and l kept a normal face still looking out of the window.
Angad-Why are you crying??
He asked concerned.
Meera-Nothing!! Just some dust!!
I said wiping my eyes a little too dramatically.
Angad-You Sure!?
He asked again and l nodded.
In sometime we reached to his Office. He had a constant smile on his face. I just don't understand why??
We reached his Office in sometime. We went inside together. He interwined his hands with mine as we went around with him explaining everything about his Office.
He called, catching my attention. He was done showing his Cabin to me and left me near the book shelf, just to waste my time. Nevermind!! Atleast he didn't leave me alone at Home. It was evening now and l am just scared of nights due to that Bastard's come back.
Tanya-Yes Sir!!
I guess she has to be Tanya.
Angad-So Tanya!! This is Meera, my Wife!!
He said pulling me by my waist. I was shocked by the sudden move but composed myself in sometime.
Tanya-Hello Ma'am!!
She said smiling.
Meera-Hello Tanya!! You can call me Meera itself!!
I said and she nodded with a smile.
Angad-Ok Tanya. My schedule for today!!?
He asked and loosened his hold on my waist. I just let the two busy bee's on there own and went to the couch. I took my phone out to pass my time but somehow l'll look up from my phone to see the two of them smiling, laughing and cracking jokes. I suddenly felt a ping in me. He doesn't laugh freely around me nor does he crack jokes.
If you haven't behaved rudely on your First Night itself, by now there would have been some progress in your relationship. Said my subconcious in it's ever so calming manner.
True fact but l myself don't know what l feel for him!! I am confused. I love it when he holds me in his warmth but hate myself coz l seriously don't get anything. I know he loves me but me?? I am still a confused Bird here!!
Think Meera!! Think!! There would be something!! I said to myself but before l could start my equation of Love or Not. l was snapped out of it due to the long lost friends irrtating laughter. I rolled my eyes. Come on!! I am his wife not Tanya. I kicked my foot on the Coffee table in anger.
I hissed in pain. Man!! That hurts soo bad. I saw my leg and it was bleeding but l just hit the Coffee table. Angad came running to me and got hold of my cheek in his palm.
Angad-What Happened??
He asked concerned. Now what do l say him?? I hit my leg because of him laughing with Tanya. A Hell No!!
Meera-I Hit my leg on the Coffee Table!!
I said. He rolled his eyes and went in a swift to his table, getting the First Aid box he came to me and sat on the floor. He tried to keep my leg on his thigh but l was hell adamant in not keeping my leg there .
He looked up at me and gave one of his famous death glares. I kept my leg on his thigh by my own. He looks like a Hitler when he glares. Nooo not Hitler a Monstor!! Coz some Monstors are cute too.
Angad-Where was you looking Meera??
He asked as he was done with the dressing.
Meera-I... l don't know. It just happened!!
I lied stuttering.
Afterwards when he was about to go to his meeting he came to me
Angad-I am all yours!! Don't hurt yourself due to me!!
He said smirking and kissed my forehead leaving me to gape at him like a fish.
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