Astrid's POV
Cheers erupted from all around the Meade Hall as Hiccup and I climbed onto our respective dragons, who had baskets full of our belongings strapped to their sides. We waved to the people who had all gathered around to see us off, wide grins on our faces as we both exchanged a knowing look and took off on our dragons.
As our dragons sailed calmly over the reddening sky, I couldn't help to glance at my new husband out of the corner of my eye. Husband. That was going to take some getting used to.
But as I discreetly watched him, the man who brought me so much joy and happiness, I couldn't help stop a wave of nervousness from washing over me. Truth be told, that wasn't the first time I had been feeling nervous that day. The first wave came in the morning, followed by a second one before I was set to walk down the aisle, a third one washed over me during the ceremony and as we flew towards the sunset on the first day of our honeymoon, the fourth wave hit me.
The first waves had been the normal wedding jitters, being left at the altar, everything going wrong, so on, so forth. But the fourth wave was completely different from the others. You see, a Viking union doesn't end at the kiss, nor at the reception, it ends in the bedroom, where the newlyweds are expected to consummate their marriage. And if the newlyweds don't consummate their marriage, their marriage doesn't count.
And that was the thing that shot spirals of nervousness and slight fear up my spine, the consummation of our marriage.
The isle of Berk has many wedding traditions, most of which take place before the actual wedding, including the 'Big talk' a tradition in which one is forced to have a talk about 'the most important duty of a wife' with both the widows and wives of Berk.
"All you have to do is just lay there silently and let him do his thing," Alma, one of the many widows on Berk informed me as we sat around the hearth in Valka's hut. "I highly recommend that you zone out during that time, it makes the whole experience that much more bearable."
I slowly nodded, my eyes widened to the size of a dinner plate as I pictured the scene in my mind.
"Oh, don't you scare her with that talk, Alma!" Valka scolded the older woman as she handed me a cup of tea. "Don't listen to her, Astrid, Alma's marriage wasn't one of love, like yours will be. Take it from me, it is a wonderful and romantic experience which gets even better with the right partner. Though I have to warn you, there is a possibility you will feel some pain, but don't fret over it, I assure you, it will be something you won't forget!"
"You okay?" Hiccup is voice rang through my head as I snapped out of my thoughts and back into reality. I turned to him and was met with a smile that made my heart skip a beat.
"Huh? Yeah, just thinking." I shot him a small smile, Alma and Valka's comments still dancing around my mind.
Hiccup raised his brow at me as he chuckled. "What about?"
I froze. Gods, I really did not want to tell him how much I feared what was going to happen that night, so I quickly scoured for something to help me out of the sticky situation I was in.
"Isn't that the island?" I asked, changing the subject as I pointed down at an island ahead of us with white sand beaches, tall mountains and thick forests.
"What? Oh, wait, it is. Let's land on the beach." Hiccup instructed before shooting me a smile and diving down towards the island with Toothless.
I patted Stormfly on the neck. "Let's get them, girl!"
Stormfly screeched as we dove straight down after the duo ahead of us, determined to land on the island before them. Unfortunately, due to our late start, we touched down mere seconds after Hiccup and Toothless.
I slid off Stormfly as I looked around the island, studying the beautiful scenery that surrounded us as I clutched onto the straps of Stormfly's saddle.
Hiccup turned towards the woods as he placed his hands on his hips. "It's right in here!"
"What's right in there?" I asked, a furrowing my brows as Stormfly and I followed him and Toothless into the dark forest.
Hiccup remained silent as he fought his way through the thick trees, leaving both me and the dragons a little annoyed as we struggled to keep up with him. It didn't take long before our battle with the mighty forest had ended and we were led out into a large clearing which included a waterfall, a small lake and a cozy hut with dragon stables on the side.
"What do you think?" Hiccup asked, beaming with pride as he exchanged looks between me and the hut, which looked like it had been ripped right out of Berk.
"I-I don't know" I admitted as I noticed that my mouth hung slightly open. "Who made this?"
Hiccup patted himself proudly on the chest as Toothless and Stormfly slowly made their way up to the stables, as if they were checking to see if they were safe. "Yours truly!"
I knitted my brows together as I finally closed my mouth. "When did you have time to do all of this?"
Hiccup's gaze turned to the hut that overlooked the tastefully overgrown lake. "When I realized I wanted to marry you."
I felt blood rush to my cheeks as his eyes landed back on me with a look so full of love I thought I was actually going to melt.
"Come on, I'll show you around." Hiccup's hand slipped into mine and for a second I felt like there was nothing in this world that could ever tear us apart. A grin spread across Hiccup's face as he pulled me after him, eager to show me the results of his hard work.
"You are one hell of a cook, babe." I complimented Hiccup as I rinsed my plate.
He shrugged nonchalantly as he dried off a bowl he'd used to cook. "Really? I had no idea."
I chuckled as I landed a soft punch on his arm.
"Ouch!" He yelped, nearly dropping the wooden bowl. "What did you do that for?"
I raised a brow at him before I shrugged, a wide grin spreading across my face. "Do what?"
The sound of a bowl being set on the table should've prepared me for what came next. Before I even had the chance to wrap my head around what was going on, Hiccups hand swiftly snagged the plate from my hand, placing it beside the bowl before he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up, leaving me squealing as I flailed my legs around and pounded on his back for him to put me down.
"HICCUP HADDOCK, PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW, OR ELSE—" I shrieked before my feet landed gently on the ground.
"As you wish." Hiccup whispered into my ear as I could feel the smirk growing on his face, right before he spun me around and began tickling me ferociously.
Several loud squeals and shrieks escaped me as I struggled to get away from him, my stomach contorting painfully from the high-pitched laughter that rang throughout the room.
"STOP!" I laughed, a wide grin plastered onto my face. "I beg you, Hiccup!"
The tickling stopped instantly as he continued to lean over me, wrists still pinned above my head. "Fine."
Our eyes locked on one another, and hunger filled Hiccup's emerald eyes. I took a deep breath, never leaving his gaze, before Hiccup's lips suddenly met mine and we sank into a hungry and desperate dance of tongues. I broke free from Hiccup's weakened clutch, sitting up as I wrapped my arms around his neck, allowing him to come even closer to me. Panting filled the room as we refused to stop for air, but it was when the hem of my shirt rose above my belly button that the situation changed in an instance.
I quickly shot up to my feet, taking a step away from Hiccup whom I had left sitting in the floor, confusion written all over his face.
"Did you remember to feed the dragons?" I asked quickly, trying my best to change the subject and mask my true intentions for pulling away.
Hiccup knit his brows together as he slowly stood to his feet. "Astrid, we fed them together earlier. Are you alright?"
I waved dismissively at him. "What? Why wouldn't I be! I'm better than ever, really."
Hiccup crossed his arms as he leaned against the wall. "Astrid, why are you lying to me?"
I swallowed a lump in my throat as my eyes widened. Shit. "Lying? What gave you that idea?"
Hiccup shook his head as he took a step closer to me, taking a hold of my arms and lifting my chin so that our eyes met. "Astrid."
I bit down on my bottom lip before letting my gaze fall to my feet. "I'm nervous about later. You happy now?"
"Nervous? About later?" Hiccup furrowed his brows as he seemed to be puzzling together the pieces in his head, and when he finally figured it out, he quickly let go of my arms. "Oh my Thor, I'm so sorry, Astrid, I would never force you into something you didn't want."
I shook my head as I forced my eyes to meet his. "It's not that I don't want to, it's that I'm scared to"
Hiccup blinked before a look of relief washed over his face. "Gods, you have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that!"
I raised my brow at him. "What?"
"I feel the exact same way! I just thought I'd act normal and it would all be alright, but now that you're saying that you're scared as well ... Gods, Astrid, you have no clue how relieved I am." Hiccup exhaled as a smile appeared on his face.
"Hiccup, you've done this before, you literally have nothing to worry about." I pointed out, a tad bit offended.
"Yes, I've done this before, but not with you, not with someone I love with every fiber of my being. And that's what scares me." Hiccup's hand cupped my cheek as he stroked it with his thumb. "I'm scared that if I mess up in any way, you'd be repulsed by me."
"Oh, Hiccup, you could never repulse me," A smirk tugged at the corners of my lips as I took a step closer, wrapping my arms around him. "How about we take it at a slower pace? Maybe it won't be so scary after all."
Hiccup's arms snaked their way around me once again as he nodded and a smile lit up his face. "You're right, m'lady, you're always right."
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