Week 2 | Fireworks
Warning: Partially accurate and an extremely detailed make-out session
(I've been working on this since July 1st, 2016 (which not much was written until I plowed through dis bish))
Craig's P.O.V.
I leaned up against the back door, crossing my arms and impatiently tapping my foot. "Come ooooon, Tyler! We'll miss the fireworks!" I yelled, Tyler's footsteps echoing from upstairs. "I'm coming, I'm coming! Sheesh.." Tyler exclaimed, racing down the stairs. "Took you long enough." I huffed, not caring about the smile spread across my face. "Yeah, yeah. I kn- Is that my sweatshirt?" Tyler called out, pointing at the thick material covering my torso, which clearly was too big for me. "Maybe.." I teased, looking up at him innocently as I shoved my hands into the pockets. "Whatever.." He sighed, a toothy grin peeking through. "Let's just go." He muttered, sliding the screen door open. "Ladies first." Ty joked, stepping out of the way. "Fuck you." I giggled, giving him a halfhearted glare, earning a slap on the ass. "Later." He teased, shining a playful grin. I rolled my eyes and stepped outside onto the patio, shivering as the crisp air hit my face.
We walked out underneath the fresh blanket of stars, the moon taking it's sweet time to join them. "Y'know, the fireworks won't be for a while, Min." Tyler informed behind me, snaking his hands around my waist as he rested his head on top of mine. "So? That doesn't mean we can't have some fun first." I smiled, looking up at Tyler. He smiled that dreamy, heartwarming smile and wrapped his hands fully around me, pulling me close. "I'm fine with that." Ty approved, kissing my forehead before going over to the box outside full of stuff to fuck around with. I let him be in charge of what we got and what we did for New Years Eve, seeing as I have not a clue about what we could even do besides eating a crap load of food and watching the big display of fireworks before and after the countdown.
Tyler's P.O.V.
That smile Craig wore when he looked up at me, eyes full of excitement. I couldn't help but take it in for a moment. The stars reflected off his glasses, cheeks pink from the cold, happily wrapped up in my arms. That was the best part. He was mine.
After kissing his forehead, I went to go grab some sparklers and shit. What better way to have fun than run around with dangerous fireworks and water guns? I picked up several sparklers, roman candles, fountains, and two water pistols. I laid them out on the fold-up table we had set up earlier, Craig jogging over. "What's that one do?" Craig asked, pointing to one of the fountains. "It's kind of like a.." I started, thinking of the best way to explain it. "..like a quieter firework on the ground that-" "Light it!" He demanded, clenching his fists in excitement as he stared at it. "I take it you've never seen a fountain?" I chuckled, grabbing the fountain and a lighter before walking over to the plywood I laid out earlier so we didn't set the grass on fire. "It sounds familiar, and I probably have, but moving all over Europe and such as a kid, the firework laws change, and my parents never let me get close." Mini explained, watching me set up the fountain. "Yeah, well, you might wanna back up." I advised, lightning it and walking backwards.
Craig quickly came (A/N: Lmao) to my side, jumping as the fountain made a noise. We watched the fountain emit large sparks that flew off in shapes like stars, shining whites, reds, and blues. I looked over at Craig, light covering his face, and smiled, enjoying his happiness. "Holy fuck, that's awesome." He smiled, his face full of awe and excitement. I chuckled at his reaction, both of us waiting for the sparks to calm down. "I have a few more." I informed him, turning around to head back to the table. "I want to be able to try everything before the big fireworks, Ty." Mini skipped up to my side again, eyeing the water guns. "Why do we have water guns in the middle of winter?" He questioned, poking the small weapons that could just barely fit my own hand on the grip and through the trigger. "Uh, because we can." I shrugged nonchalantly, picking one up and waving it in his face.
Craig's P.O.V.
I scoffed, rolling my eyes playfully, and took the water pistol from his grasp. "Suit yourself," I shrugged, "But you're gonna lose." "'Like I'd lose to a pussy." Tyler challenged, filling up his own water gun. "Bring it on, fuckboi." I grinned, filling mine with as much water as I could before he had flicked up his water gun and squirted me square in the chest. "Ah! Hey, that's not fair!" I squealed, running around the table. "I think it was." He chuckled, aiming for me again. I ducked, spraying his knee under the table and running away giggling. "What the fuck!" He yelled, laughter clear in his voice as quickly examined the soaked spot on his jeans.
I ran through the massive yard, not caring about how loud my own laughter was. I could hear his footsteps behind me, making me smile harder and run faster. "Get back here, you bitch!" He shouted at me, making me quickly turn my head to see how close he was and note his water pistol was ready to shoot at a moments notice. "You'll never catch me alive!" I laughed, turning to make a U-turn around a tree. "Then suppose I will catch your ass when you're dead." Ty claimed, jumping out in front of my failed attempt to juke him and blocking me off. I screamed and pulled up my water gun to shoot him in the face, but he had already decided on the same exact thing and we ended up blinding each other.
Both of us immediately wiped our faces off while laughing at the irony, the second we stopped jumping to the other side of the tree. He had already beat me there and I tried going the other way, running face first into his chest. "Goddamnit, Ty- WHAAAYT THE FUCK, WHY MEEEE?!" I squealed, backing up into the tree and smearing more water off my face. I looked down angrily at the water soaking my own clothes and tried to trick Tyler into whipping my gun out, but there was nothing there.
"Where'd the hell-?!" I looked frantically left and right, listening to Tyler's wheeze as I searched for my gun. He didn't have it.. Where the fuck- IT'S IN THE GRASS! "Why are you such a dick, Tyler?" I muttered, pretending like I didn't see my gun, and glared at him. "Because I love you." He mustered up a weird smile- while trying so hard not to laugh -and used the most retarded voice that came to mind, walking clos- scratch that, it was more of a zombie waddle. "Uh huh, and I love you so much that I'm going to run away now." I joked, dashing for my pistol.
I heard him roaring with laughter along with me as he tried to gain up on my heel. "Get back here, you dickhead! Your ass is mine!" He shouted, spraying water on my literal heels. "Fuck youuuuu~" I sang, giggling as I searched for a new route. I smiled when I found it.
"I'm gonna give ya' to the count of 'ten', to get your ugly, yella', no-good keister off my property," I slowed down and turned around, aiming my water pistol at his general area, "before I pump your guts full of lead!" My eyes widened and I lowered my pistol in shock at the sight of him already stopped and wheezing where he stood, a couple yards away. "What's so funny? My joke was fuckin' terrible." I wondered, giggling at how red his face was from laughing.
"I managed to squirt myself in the face!" Tyler wheezed, nearly dropping his gun as he wiped his temple with his sleeve and lightly hit his nose. "Now, if that's what she said, then that's a hell of an accomplishment, der' bud!" I claimed, snorting myself into my own fit of laughter. "Why would y-you say that?" Ty cackled breathlessly, almost completely doubling over.
Through the haze of laughter, I found the perfect timing to win this stupid, forgotten water gun fight. Catching my breath, I ran full speed and tackled Tyler to the ground, giving him time to comprehend what just happened. He blinked several times and smirked before realizing the water pistol pressed against the side of his head. Even with his eyebrows raised, he still kept that stupid smirk on his face, which further made me want to wipe it off by continuing my reference from earlier with "1." "2." "10."
"1." I began counting, my eyes never leaving his.
"2." I'm pretty sure he caught on by now, but I don't know for certain.
"-10." Tyler beat me to my line, the smirk widening as I felt something wet between my legs.
I nearly screamed as I jumped off the giant and into the grass, rolling several feet before glancing at the wet spot on my pants. "Really, Tyler?!" I shouted angrily, turning my head to look at the culprit chuckling on his side. "D-dude, y-your face!" He snorted, his cute, toothy smile making an appearance as he tried to point at me without laughing. "Y-you should've seen it!" He caught his breath, still trying not to laugh at my misery. I rolled my eyes and huffed, "Ah, I love you too, love." I notice him bite his lip to keep in more giggles. "Nothing screams 'I love you' more then spraying me in the ass with a water gun." I crossed my arms, keeping a steady glare his way.
"Awe, babe. I'm glad you caught my subtle hint of affection. I thought it wouldn't be clear enough that your ass is mine tonight and I'll take you to McDonalds tomorrow." He stated, getting up on his hands and knees and crawling over to me. "Yeah-huh. 'Totally caught that head on." I bit my cheek to prohibit my smile from shining through, allowing him to hover over me. "'You implying something, sweetheart?" Tyler's grin grew, his tongue and teeth briefly tracing his lips. Rolling my eyes and scoffing once more, I got an idea. "Well, yeah, actually." I put on a fake, lovesick smile and once again pressed the gun to his head. "Oh, you're getting it tonight, you fucker."
After a while of running around and nearly killing each other with roman candles and water pistols, we began to continue to run around like idiots except now we have a new weapon equipped with our stupidity.
"Yo ho! Yo ho! A pirate's life for me!" We sang in unison, our left arms linked as we spun in a circle. Our right hands held a dying sparkler, flickering the last of it's life as it had failed it's mission to harm anyone except burn me several times because I'm an idiot and fire is dangerous. The flicker soon went out, and we were once again left alone in the moonlit night. Our feet stopped their motion, and the dead sparklers were thrown across the yard to the area where the plywood and bucket of water were set. Between the panting, Tyler's arms snuck around my waist from behind, and he rested his head on top of mine.
"Y'know, I'm surprised you didn't take the time to make a pirate joke about my ass." I muttered, a smile making it's way onto my face as I leaned back into him. "What's the point when I already have this glorious booty?" He teased, removing a hand to slap my ass and somehow making a pirate's 'Arrrgh!' sound like a sexy growl. Ty's hands spun me around, and he planted a kiss on my lips before giving me an eskimo kiss and a cheeky grin. "You're a twat, you know that?" I accused, ignoring my pink cheeks and shy smile. His hands found their place on my hips, where he gained a tight grip, and I couldn't tell what exactly he was doing until gravity began tugging on me.
"Woah," He grunted as he picked me up, "You got fat." I gasped, pretending to be offended as I held on to his shoulders. "It's not my fault my ass won't stop growing." I shrugged, laughing as he threw me over his shoulder. "Tyler, you fucktard!" I shouted, giggling like mad now. "Put me down!" I demanded as he began to walk somewhere. "Shut yer trap, lassie." He teased, his voice serious and foreign. "Unless you want me to show you how to find yer buried treasure." He continued, biting through the fabric covering my rear. "Tyler!" I angrily shouted in embarrassment, my face beet red as I gave him a punch to the back. "Don't fuckin' hit me." Tyler chuckled, using his regular voice now. "Then don't fucking say shit like that." I countered, trying to glance over my shoulder. I frowned when my attempt failed, smiling once again when I could hear Tyler faintly humming the Pirate's of the Caribbean theme song. With a sigh, Tyler's jackass of a pirate disappeared, and the soft tone of his quiet, sweet type replaced it.
"Before the fireworks go off, 'you wanna go inside and change? We're soaked." Ty offered calmly, the familiar tone making my heart flutter. "Nah. 'Gives me an excuse to cuddle with you afterwards." I informed, grinning at the thought of snuggling with this fuckboy tonight to keep warm. "Can you put me down now?" I asked, lightly shivering from the cold wind up here colliding with my wet clothes. "Depends.." He trailed off, making me a bit nervous as to what he could be asking for.
"Can I eat your face out before the year ends?" Tyler asked smugly, making my face flush as I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, ya' big baby, just put me down." I answered lightly, squeaking at the sudden force lifting me up and placing me down. I looked around, noticing where we were, and flinched at the sudden contact of Tyler's fingertips gracing my side and guiding me to his lap. We were sitting at the single chair placed outside; we only needed one.
"'Thought you would've kissed me standing up, with your arms around me 'n stuff." I thought aloud, getting positioned in his lap. "Yeah, but I would've turned you into jelly in seconds." He boasted, and I punched him in the chest. "Hey! I said no hitting!" Tyler laughed off his pain, lightly pressing a hand where I hit. "Have some fucking shame, will you?!" I scowled, watching his smile grow. "'Sorry. It's kinda hard to keep it in when I'm with you." He grinned, a small tint of pink becoming present upon his cheeks. "I swear to God, if that's an innuendo.." I blushed, looking away angrily. "I mean.. Only if you want it to be." Tyler chuckled, resting a hand on my hip. "'Only if you-' Tyler, you have to be the most horny bastard I've ever seen," I began, sending daggers his way as I leaned closer, "And I love you for it." My gaze softened, but soon turned puzzled at Tyler's eyebrow raise.
"'I have to be the most horny bastard you've ever seen'?" He questioned with a shocked and offended tone. I looked around, talking when my eyes found his again. "Well, yeah, you're the only one here and I'm talking to you." My eyebrows furrowed, followed by Ty's sigh. "Craig, how badly do you want me to finger you right now?" He asked with such low impudence that his point from earlier was starting to sound true. With a million thoughts making their way through my head, I immediately knew where he was going with this, and decided to change where the conversation was headed. "Again! Where did the fucking shame go?!" I threw at him, red-faced and slightly annoyed. He chuckled, his scoff and eye-roll further vexing me. "Just shut-up and kiss me."
Tyler's P.O.V.
He has to be the most irritable doll ever, and I love that about him.
"Just shut-up and kiss me."
Without hesitation, he obeyed my simple command and pressed his lips against mine. I kept it at slow and open movements, guiding his hands to my shoulders. His hands slipped to my chest as he leant in further, tongue sliding over my own. My fingers crawled underneath his damp shirt, touching and pressing in areas that made him shudder. Craig parted the kiss for a quick breath before nibbling on my upper lip and giving it a slow tug. Growling, I bit his lower lip, harshly sucking on it and earning a soft whimper. I traced my tongue across the swollen, pump flesh and met with his own tongue, where they had an open dance outside our mouths and he seduced me into his wordless cavern. Our lips pressed firmly together, spit on our chins being ignored as our faces continued to clash.
The kiss broke with a loud 'smack', light pants being exchanged as I kissed the corner of his mouth. He licked my lower lip and my tongue fought back, licking it's way into his mouth. My tongue caressed the outer ring of his mouth, painting the pale and pink skin with my saliva before bringing the party into his own mouth and starting with his teeth. I rubbed my tongue against the warm, delicate walls of Craig's wet mouth, noticing Craig's tongue begging mine for attention. I continued to move across his inner cheeks, swiftly switching sides and applying pressure to the other wall. Craig's tongue followed my own and I could briefly hear him whine as my tongue avoided him once again. When I pulled out, he immediately grunted in frustration and gently bit my tongue. I gasped at the odd behavior and opened my eyes in curiosity, wondering why he's prohibiting my tongue from returning.
His whole face was pink and his hot breath was visible from the air's contrast in heat. Intrigued, I allowed him to pursue his sexual frustration upon my tongue, watching his teeth lift and his own tongue come forward. Craig's tongue stroked fast, begging movements on mine, swirling the tips of our tongues together. "That's a little too gay, Craig." I chuckled breathlessly, pressing my forehead against his. "Says the fag who wanted to make out with his fiancé." Craig panted, his voice raising in pitch angrily. "'Got me there." I amusedly hummed, closing my eyes and softly pressing my lips onto my lover's as if his words didn't even phase me.
With Craig's horniness fueling the kiss, our faces connected roughly and loud smacking sounds filled the empty yard. Our moment became more heated by the second, our teeth clinking as the kiss became fast and sloppy, and Craig fastened a tight grip on my shirt. Our lips moved passionately as one, our tongues crossing in long strides. My fingertips balanced between a light caress and bruising massage, alternating to bring Craig to his weak point. The kiss broke for a quick breather, but Craig wanted nothing more than for me to kiss him again, which I couldn't blame him seeing as I had felt the same way. Instead of kissing him though, I pulled our faces close together, but did not dare move. Craig struggled to get me to kiss back, but I was having too much fun teasing him.
Without a warning, Craig groped at my groin, making me let out a gasp and surprised grunt. Craig plunged his tongue into my mouth, his tongue trying to show who's boss, and as if a sudden switch was flipped, a sense of dominance came over me and I pushed him down onto my lap and took control of the kiss. His spine was between my legs, his feet getting situated over my shoulders, and his chest against mine. Craig let out an aroused mewl and entangled his fingers in my hair, happy that he was getting the attention he wanted.
"Fuck, you're so hot when you're frustrated and horny." I groaned into Craig's neck as we took another quick breather, chuckling when I brought my face back up to kiss him again. "'Glad you find my pain amusing, now get back to work." Craig ordered, smiling contently as his eagerness was just about almost worked out of him. The lust in his eyes was replaced with a calm, delicate look of love, even though the spit on his face betrayed his feelings. After a sweet moment of us just nuzzling each other, my teeth found his bottom lip, and I tugged him in for a gentle kiss. It was slow and passionate, nothing like our previous one.
With a sudden whistle and 'BANG', the moment was interrupted by the loud sound of neighbors' fireworks, including a big gathering in a nearby field. We both gasped at the sudden loudness, flinching and latching on to each other in surprise. Once realizing what scared the living daylight out of us, we both let out an amused huff and slowly put our lips back together. I decided to crack an eye open though; I loved seeing the fireworks reflect brightly onto his sharp glasses and cute face, especially when his expression of him enjoying the kiss made him look lost in his own little world. One of my hands found his upper back, and I pushed him into a deeper kiss. I smiled into the kiss at Craig's soft, nearly inaudible, moan. With that, I was more gentle with the fragile being in my arms.
We soon parted- since Craig was all up for watching the fireworks and claimed he could kiss me anytime -and I helped him get situated in my lap so he could see and I could have just the right angle of his face. His now semi-dry clothes clung to him in a way that its teasing manner could only allow me to see so much of his frame, and I hugged his back into my chest. Our warmths were exchanged as we enjoyed the glow of the explosive light show in the sky, or at least Craig anyway. I was too distracted watching Craig. His excitement gleaming throughout his face, his eyes reflecting the fireworks, his hair wavering slightly with the light wind, his hands tucked safely in mine. He was beautiful, and I, being the perverted prick I am, wanted nothing more than to make sure he knows he's mine.
Craig's P.O.V.
The fireworks glowed this way and that, shining almost every color I could think of. My nerves tingled in amusement- probably adrenaline -not to mention the hair on my neck standing up with every tickling breath Tyler took. My focus shifted to Tyler adjusting his chin to rest on the nape of my neck, albeit I tried hard to ignore his actions. I wasn't being mean, I just knew he was trying to ruin the moment with something stupid or sexual, I know him too well. My nose twitched at the thought, and I tried to keep watch of all the pretty stuff in the sky instead. Just until Tyler's sudden voice rang humbly in my ear, his stubble brushing against my earlobe.
"Now since it's January, can I give you an early birthday present?" He asked quietly, a pinch of hope in his voice. "I mean.. Depends on what it is, really. It's rather late anyway and we should probably head off to bed, so.." I muttered, not entirely sure if I wanted to know what this so called 'gift' was. "It's in bed." Ty whispered seductively into my ear, kissing my cheek to my jawline and trailing down my neck as a sudden large hand slipped into the front of my pants. My face reddened with a gasp, the chills running up my spine giving me a good feeling that New Year's is gonna start off with a bang.
4,190 words.
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