THE TWO GIRLS GOT OUT OF MR. LAWRENCE'S CAR AND WALKED TOWARDS THE DOOR, Aisha opened the door followed by jingles. Eden saw her uncle and Miguel together who seemed to be training, "uncle johnny?, I didn't know you were Miguel's sensei." Miguel looked at Eden and Johnny with his eyebrows furrowed.
"Hey Eden, your dad didn't tell you before bringing you?" Eden shook her head. "Atticus brought us, he used dad's truck since his is at the shop."
Johnny nodded, "wait till he finds out im teaching karate, he is going to start bitching." Eden let out a laugh, "he wont have to know."
"Well, there's no yoga till five if you wanna wait."
Eden looked at the girl who stood next to her, "um, we're actually here for karate. Eden told me about it and I also saw your website." Aisha said nervously. "It said that there was supposed to be a session today."
Johnny stopped what he was doing before turning to the two girls at the door, "I appreciate you coming in, but there are no girls in cobra Kai." Miguel looked at his sensei confused. "Why not?"
"Same reason there aren't women in the army. Doesn't make sense." The two girls looked at each other before Miguel turned to johnny. "Uh, sensei, I need to show you something in the office." Johnny and Miguel walked off the mat and bowed before walking off to the back room.
Eden took a look around the dojo looking at the big letters that were painted on the wall, meanwhile Aisha stood still. "Wow, this place is amazing. My dad told me my uncle was teaching classes but he didn't say he was teaching karate."
"Well, let's just hope we can even join." Eden was interrupted by a voice, "ok, take off your shoes. Hop on the mat." The two girls took their shoes off and walked up to the mat and stood next to each other.
"Ok, after further review, I've decided to allow female students. But if you wanna be in cobra Kai, you can't act like a girl." Eden tilted her head confused.
"What do you mean? How do girls act?" Aisha asked.
"Don't give me that. You know, all emotional, loud, complain-y. Never letting you finish a sentence." Johnny looked straight at the two. "Well, i know a few guys who act just-"
"Quiet!" The girls jumped startled by the loud demand. Johnny began to pace around them, "my student tells me you've been harassed at school." He looks at Aisha. Miguel and aisha look at each other before she answered. "Yeah."
"Mostly online. Um, i get mean texts and e-mails sent to me. Makes me not wanna go."
"And who sends you these messages?" Johnny questions.
"Well, they're mostly anonymous. These kids create fake accounts, and they tell me things like I'm ugly and that i should kill myself." Johnny stops his trace. "Oh my god. What a bunch of pussies!" The girls tilt their head surprised.
"Back in my dad, if you wanted to tease someone, you did it to their face. There was honor, respect. These geeks hiding behind their computers, what a bunch of spineless losers. You're not afraid of these losers, are you?" Aisha shook her head hesitantly, "no."
Eden smiled at the girls response, "you gonna take shit from those losers?"
"Good, because when I'm done with you, you're gonna be sending a message back. Only it's not gonna be with your keyboard. It's gonna be with your fists." Johnny put his fists up showing the girl.
Johnny turned over to Eden who was a bit nervous since the only time she did karate was with her dad when she was six, "why are you here, Eden? Any specific reason you're here?" Eden shook her head in response. "No, i just wanted to join my friends and see what I remember from the last time i did karate." Johnny nodded walking to the middle of the mat.
"Ok, let's see what you got, ms. Robinson. You're up first." He got Miguel and Aisha in the mat first. "Face me. Bow." The two faced johnny and bowed in command with their hands to their side. "Face each other. Bow. Mr.diaz, show her everything you've learned." Miguel looked astonished turning his head over to johnny.
"Wait, wait. I don't think this is right, sensei."
"You don't think whats right?" Miguel put his hands out to the side looking at the girl in front of him. "She's a girl. I'm not gonna.."
johnny looked confused, "and? I thought you said women were equal to men."
"I did say that. I didn't mean it like that. I mean..why-y can't Eden go up against her so it would be girl versus girl." Johnny shook his head quickly denying the challenge. "No, Eden hasn't even trained, it's you Diaz."
"Show her women are equal, and give her everything you got."
"Wait. I just wanna remind everyone this is my first day." Aisha spoke up, Eden looked at johnny before speaking up, " I don't mind going, if you don't wanna do it Miguel."
"No, Eden you'll go next but Diaz is first. You enemies don't care what day it is. They prey on weakness."
Everyone stood quietly listening to johnny's speech. "If you wanna beat them, you gotta conquer your fears and jump face-first into the fire. Are you ready, ms. Robinson?" She swiftly looked at Miguel who had a worried look. "I guess."
Johnny looked to the side, "Mr. Diaz." Miguel looked nervous to Eden's eye, "uh.." before he could answer Johnny had already started the fight, "fight!"
It was pure silence the first couple of seconds, Eden felt the awkwardness from the sidelines, "come on, Aisha you got this!"
"Don't just stand there. Fight!" Miguel got into a fighting positions meanwhile Aisha stood there with her fists up, "I'm sorry." Eden was quick to cover her eyes as Aisha flew to the floor, Aisha grunted as she laid on the mat. "Oh my god! Aisha, are you ok?"
Miguel stuck his hand out for her to reach but Aisha had other plans and tackled him on the floor leaaving Eden and johnny surprised, "girls a natural cobra." Miguel was on the mat cradling his ribcage. Eden went up to Aisha and congratulated her, "wow! That was so amazing especially for your first time." Aisha thanked the girl looking over at Miguel.
"all right. Students, wait here. Diaz, you're in charge."johnny walked off leaving the three teenagers in the dojo, the two girls gave Miguel a hand to get him back on his feet. After a while Eden got a message from Atticus telling her to come outside, "alright, my rides here I'll see you school. Aisha, you need a ride home?" The girl nodded walking out the building with her.
Not edited!
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