*continues from last author note* ... or i might just do it now
thank you for 3.1K my lovelies, small chapter ahead since i have been updating non-stop
Ashton laughed at the joke the radio host said, it wasn't even funny but he was so nervous he couldn't help. It wasn't his first time in a radio show, he used to work at one and once had to cover for a host that was sick. This time he was the one being interviewed instead of the opposite. He felt nervous, what if he said something he wasn't supposed to? At least it was his last interview in Australia.
"Now, wanna reply to some questions on twitter?" Mitchell, the radio host, said with a smile and an eager voice.
"Hit it Mitch." Ashton said and both of them laughed."
"We asked you all to tweet questions with the hashtag AshtonPineappleParty - which trended worldwide, thanks guys Ashton must feel very special right now." Mitch said, the question showing up on Ashton's screen "First question from warpedalex do you have any struggles while filming on a tight schedule? you seem so tired sometimes, i'm worried"
Ashton smiled "Not really, I have this thing where I can work my schedule and manage to make everything on time. I feel tired sometimes. Thank you so much for caring!"
"Next question is from southwestash who do you ship yourself with?"
Ashton sweateda bit, he only shipped himself with Luke but that would be too awkward to say.
"Dylan O'Brien, he's my God."
He also shipped himself with Dylan O'Brien.
"Damn, I don't like boys but that is sure one nice piece of ass." Mitch said and laughed "Sorry if you're listening to this Dyl. Next question is from killjoyposey and it says what was the most exciting thing you have done lately?"
Ashton smiled at the memory with Michael and Olivia, he started giggling "Probably the time tried to teach me how to do a good make-up for the movie in case he messed up. We made Olivia be our little rat so I could try it on her, it was exciting because she is a person who moves a lot and would probably punch me in the eye if I tickled her. Sorry Olivia, I love you."
"Seems like a wonderful girl, we gotta exchange numbers sometime." Mitch said, wiggling his eyebrows and making Ashton laugh even more "Now the last one from hemwings, which might be a combination of your last name with Luke's or hem then wings. Creative username and O hope it's chicken wings, someone give this girl an award." Ashton laughed and agreed, blushing "You and Luke have been hanging out a lot lately, what are your thoughts on him? Love you Ash xx"
Ashton blushed, looking down and not knowing what to reply. He should just say what he thought, not caring about the others.
"I've seen so many articles about how he is a diva and others making assumptions, which I think it's disrespectful." Ashton started "He's a really nice and funny guy, I enjoy his company because he knows what to say when I'm feeling a little insecure about shooting and boosts my confidence. He's anything but a diva. Luke is sweet and funny, that makes a great friend. I love you too, by the way! I hope you're having an amazing day"
"Well, that is sweet." Mitchell said "And this concludes our interview with the amazing Ashton Irwin! Any last words before you leave?"
"A wise girl told me a beautiful phrase on the other day. It was 'Ashton, you can do whatever you want if you try hard enough.'. It was Olivia, she also said a thing after that I am not allowed to say because it's nasty, but she knows what it is." Ashton said and they said their goodbyes, him leaving when the music started.
He walked to the car with his security guard, asking him to turn on the music as the driver drove away. Ashton was going home since it was almost time for dinner, it was a 30 minute drive which meant he could do some stuff on his phone. He turned it on and saw he had many notifications, especially from Olivia and Michael on twitter.
thatgirlolivia - and now, back to this bitch who dragged me in australian radio ashirwin what's good
mikeycliff - thatgirlolivia ashirwin the make-up he made was dope though
thatgirlolivia - mikeycliff ashirwin yeah, because it was on me
Ashton giggled and his phone beeped with a message from Luke. He waited three minutes, taking them to reply to his friends on twitter - it was useful, at least he didn't seem desperate while Luke had sent three messages.
[From: Luke]
heard you talking about me on the radio, that was nice
thank you kitten ;)
also, you don't ship yourself with me? what a shame
Ashton blushed at the new nickname plus the third text and felt glad Luke couldn't see him. He had to admit he had a huge crush on Luke. It used to be completely platonic and fan crush, but as he got to know the blond he just started liking him more. If Luke knew Ashton would be in deep trouble, deep deep trouble.
[To: Luke]
you're welcome :) i'm just sick of people talking shit about you and pretending they know you when they never ever ever spent a minute with you
meh, dylan o'brien is pretty hot :P
[From: Luke]
i learned how to deal with it but i really appreciated it :) no one had ever done it for me
and i can be hotter than dylan, just wait ;)
Ashton decided to flirt a little as well even though he was bad at it. He didn't know if Luke was flirting and he didn't want to create illusions on his head, but maybe flirting a little wouldn't hurt, right?
[To: Luke]
glad i was the first one then
you deserve it and much more:)
and i'm sure you can, i'll wait
It didn't seem like flirting but hey, he tried.
[From: Luke]
so about that thing i said the other day
we should totally meet up to partice the script, i'm having trouble with a scene and i shoot it with you :)
maybe tomorrow? in my room at the hotel
[To: Luke]
sure! at what time?
[From: Luke]
five pm
see you then, princess ;) xx
Ashton blushed and said goodbye back, and leaned back to his seat, sighing happily. He looked out the window to the familiar neighbourhood, noticing they were reaching his home.
things might start heating up in next chapter who knows idk
-ana rita (moony)
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