i updated a lot last week so i might not update this week, idk i kinda want to focus on my new story since it's a short
Staying with his family was great but unfortunately, Ashton had to get back to the studios on the next day. He spent most of the night texting his friends who also slept on the flight and got up at midday to get ready for the studios. He drank a coffee and got out of the house, the driver already waiting for him.
He got in the black car and was instantly hugged by two pairs of arms who belonged to Olivia and Michael. They looked tired but managed to stay active, which was a weird combination. The man started driving and Ashton put on his seatbelt, smiling at his friends who were staring at him.
"I can't believe you did that." Olivia said, referring to cuddling with Luke "I want details."
"I already gave you details."
"We want more." Michael said "We are thirsty Ashton, thirsty as hell."
Ashton giggled "There is nothing else."
"I'm going to hack his phone." Olivia told Michael "Both of their phones actually, I don't care if there are nudes or not I want to know their deepest secrets."
Ashton only laughed and they all talked until they reached the studios. Memories started hitting Ashton, he smiled when he remembered the first time he came to a casting. It was for a TVShow, he didn't get the role but tried again and got the other one. He's not mean but the show he got the role for had the biggest audience while the other was considered as mediocre, he laughed at that since the people picking the actors were extremily rude to him and told him he was never going to be successful.
Who's laughing now, am I right?
"Hey, do you know if Luke is coming to the studios today?" Ashton asked them as they left the dressing rooms and entered the make up section, Olivia heading to her booth.
"We don't know anything, all I know is that I have to complain to Calum." Michael said, narrowing his eyes at the assistant who walked away slowly when he noticed Michael was staring at him "Someday, I swear to God, I'm going to put the amount of sugar I want."
"You're fighting just because of sugar?" Ashton asked, sitting on the chair while Michael prepared everything to do his make-up.
"It's not just because of sugar," Michael says, starting to do Ashton's make-up "We are sharing a hotel room and there is only one bed, something was messed up and they booked our wrong so we have to sleep together. He refuses to sleep with me! I don't know if I should feel flattered or mad but I don't want him sleeping on the floor- and okay I'm done with your make-up."
"Can I put lipstick on your lips?" Ashton asked and Michael nodded.
Ashton chose the pale-pink lipstick and started putting it on Michael's lips. Michael closed his eyes and sighed, smiling when Ashton was done. Ashton wonders if Michael ever had a boyfriend or maybe a small crush on Calum, they were always arguing like a married couple and everyone found it quite amusing.
"Ashton, it's your turn to record!" someone from the team called.
"It's your turn, big guy! Go get them." Michael said and Ashton smiled at the support, thanking him.
They were going to shoot a scene where Percy would be reading a journal and having a conversation with his sister. The scene was going to introduce the amusement for feminine clothing the character had, later being caught by his sister.
Olivia patted his back and made a disgusted face when Ashton saw her dress. It was purple, rather ugly but she was lucky it was the first and last time she would be wearing that.
They got ready on set and Ashton looked around to see who was there, blushing when he saw Luke staring at him and amused. Ashton sent him a small wave which Luke replied with a wink while bitting his bottom lip. Ashton swore he could have died right there but kept his face straight (as an actor you get a lot of practice for faking some things like nervousness, anger or that feeling you get when you close a book making that sound we all love).
"Action!" Hedgar yelled, making Calum - who was right beside him - jump and spill his coffee on the floor. Ashton had to control his laughs.
"Mom is calling me, I'll be right back." Hailee said, walking out of her bedroom and leaving her brother alone in it.
Percy stared at the dresses laying on the girl's bed, opening his mouth to let out a comfortable sound as he touched the fabric. It was soft, the dresses were flower-themed and pretty. At least he found them pretty and felt a desire to try them on, which was weird since he was a boy.
"I'm back." Hailee said, coming into the room and make Percy step away from the lavender dress "I still don't know which one to take."
"Probably the lavender one." Percy said, blushing and staring at it "It would look perfect on you."
Hailee smiled at him and hugged him, thanking. Percy only kept staring at the dresses in front of him while he hugged her, imagining himself in them. It was weird but he liked it.
"Cut!" Hedgar yelled and everyone started clapping at their acting.
Olivia and Ashton took a bow and started laughing, walking to the dressing rooms together. They were complimented on their acting and thanked the people, feeling good about themselves. It's been a while since Ashton had been this relaxed, he still wonders how he kept calm knowing Luke was on the crowd watching them. He wondered if Olivia was freaking out on the inside too or didn't even notice him.
Ashton started undressing after he got in and gently put his clothes on the couch, being careful not to mess them. He put on the grey shirt and dark-blue shorts he had on and walked out, fixing his haird on the way. He was too busy looking down and bumped into someone.
"I'm so sorry!" He said, looking up and see a smirking Luke "Oh, hey."
"Hello, princess. How have you been since yesterday?"
"I'm good, spending time with my family is good. You?"
"I'm just fine, have to record a scene today too. Hey listen-" Luke started "I've made this list of places I want to visit here in Sydney but only has the Opera House, a museum and the planetarium. Got anything else to recomend?"
"Well... now I'm in kind of a rush since I have to get to an interview on a TVShow. I can tell you later if you want." Ashton said, sratching the back of his neck.
Luke smiled "Sure, thanks, it means a lot to me." He kissed Ashton's cheek, leaving his lips there for a while as the younger boy's face heated up "Good luck on your interview."
And with that Luke walked away slowly, leaving Ashton surprised and frustrated.
okay hUm i might update tomorrow
i'm scared i might post the whole fanfic before school even starts help
-ana rita (moony)
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