Chapter 6
-It's getting dark
And it's all too quiet
And I can't trust anything now-
(Haunted, Taylor Swift)
Nat's POV
Some days passed and everything seemed back as usual.
Steve and John kept looking for some informations about the man who killed April and I didn't tell anything to Chris about what happened.
I was in the gym, I wanted to train a little, when my phone rang: Steve.
-Hey- I said.
-I have some news on "you-know-what". See you in my apartment?-.
-Yeah sure, give me some minutes-.
I changed clothes quickly and went to his apartment. He found something, but what? A part of me couldn't wait to know, but another part was scared.
When I arrived at Steve's apartment I understood from his look that there was something wrong.
-What happened?- I asked entering the house.
We sat on the sofa and he looked at me: he was worried and sad and it was scaring me.
-Steve you are scaring me- I said.
-We went to your old home and... well we found some DNA of the man that killed your daughter- he said.
-Who is he then?!- I yelled.
-Your... Your ex-fiancee- he said.
The world fell on me. What? Tyler? Why would have he killed our daughter and tried to kill me too?!
-Oh God- I said getting up.
-The police is looking for him but we need you to witness if we'll go in front of a Court- he said -Can you do it?-.
-I...- I said.
I didn't know what to think, what to say, I didn't know anything!
-I don't know...- I said.
-If you want justice you have to do it- Steve said taking my hands -I won't leave you alone, I promise-.
I looked into his eyes and I felt safe, like if nothing was going to hurt me.
-But... If he is the guilty one, he knows I'm alive, why didn't he try to kill me again?- I said.
-Maybe he thought that you would have never discovered the truth-.
Steve's phone rang.
-Hey... Yes she is here with me... What?!... Ok, I'll stay with her... Yes she accepted... Perfect- Steve said on the phone.
When he ended the call he looked at me.
-They found him. But... It seems that he was working with Chris, your boss-.
Ok, what was happening?!
-What?! Well this explains why he didn't try to kill me, there was Chris that was keeping an eye on me...- I stopped -Oh my God, Chris has men that can find me, we have to...-.
I couldn't finish the sentence that we heard some shotguns. We went down on the floor.
-We need to get out of here!- I said.
-I know a place where to hide, follow me!- Steve said.
I did as he said and we went out the building from the back.
We were running as fast as we can, hiding through the cars and the buildings.
Suddenly I felt a strong pain at my shoulder: one of the bullets hit me.
I couldn't stop so I tried to ignore the pain and kept running.
After some minutes we lost them and went to a building that was, like Steve explained me, one of the police secret buildings.
-She needs help!- Steve yelled when we entered the building.
I had lost blood, I was feeling weak.
Suddenly I didn't feel my legs anymore and I fell down on the ground.
-Nat!- I heard Steve say.
The last thing I saw were his eyes, then it all turned black.
Steve's POV
It was a lot of time that the doctors were wirh Nat and I couldn't stay calm.
I was so scared, I didn't want to lose her!
You like her
No I don't! Maybe...
-She'll be ok, I know her. She'll.never give up until she knows the truth-.
I turned and I saw John behind me.
-I know but... - I said.
-You feel something for her, isn't it?- he said.
-I don't know, I...- I put my head in my hands -I think yes...-.
John smiled.
-She likes you too, I can see it. Tell her what you feel, it could save her from falling again- he said.
-What do you mean?-.
-You are the only certain thing in her life, she needs someone to trust. Stay with her kid, save her-.
In that moment the doctor walked towards us, his face was worried.
-How is she?!- I asked.
-The bullet was poisoned. We gave her the antidote, she is getting better. We must protect at any cost- the doctor said and we nodded.
-Can I see her?- I asked.
-Sure, but don't stay too much, she needs to rest- the doctor said and then left.
I went to the room where Nat was; she was lying in the bed, I could see how weak she was.
When she saw me she smiled.
-Hey- she said.
-Don't you dare to do this to me again ok?- I said sitting next to her -You scared me to death-.
She smiled.
-Sorry, I didn't want to-.
I smiled and kissed her forehead.
-There is something I want you to know- I said.
I took her hand in mine and kissed it.
-I... I feel something for you, since that night we went out in that bar. I... I...- I didn't know how to continue speaking.
-Are you trying to say that you love me?- Nat said looking into my eyes.
-Y... Yes...- I said.
She smiled and then kissed me on my lips.
I kissed her back; this kiss was sweet, soft, not like our past ones.
I laid down on her bed and she put her head on my shoulder.
-You should skeep now- I said.
-Steve?- she said.
-Don't leave me alone please- she said.
I kissed her forehead.
She closed her eyes whispering something that made me the happiest man on Earth.
-I love you- she said and then fell asleep.
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