Chapter 3
-He said let's get out
Of this town
Drive out the city,
Away from the crowds-
(Wildest Dreams, Taylor Swift)
Nat's POV
Some weeks passed since when the new guy arrived with us. He was getting better, I have to admit it, and luckly he decided to avoid me most of the time.
He was cute but also very annoying.
One day, after complete a difficult mission, Chris gave us the night free, so I decided to go out and drink something.
-Hey Nat!- Chris said from behind me.
I turned and found him with the new guy.
Don't say what I think you are going to say please!
-Bring the new guy with you, he needs to have fun a little, he never left the building since when he arrived here- Chris said.
I nodded killing Chris with my eyes and he noticed it.
-Don't worry, I'm sure he won't annoy you- the boss said smiling and then left.
When he was away Steve spoke: -So... I guess we don't have another choice-.
I ignored him and started walking towards the car.
-Ok, two rules: do not talk to me, do not stay with me all the time- I said and he nodded.
I started driving to the city and for the first minutes he stayed silent.
-Why are you always mean with everyone?- he said.
-Rule number 1, remember? Do not talk with me- I reminded him and he sighed.
We arrived at the bar and we entered it.
I went to the bar counter and ordered something to drink.
I don't know how much time passed, I only know that I kept drink and drink, until I saw someone at the end of the bar: Tyler.
I got up from the chair and tried to run towards him but the crowd and the alcool didn't help.
-Tyler!- I yelled but he didn't hear me because of the loud music.
I followed him out of the bar and when we were out I called him again.
This time he turned and from his look I understood he was surprised to see me.
-Nat...- he said.
I walked towards him, staggering a little because of the alcool.
-Tyler...- I said and fell into his arms.
He hugged me and I understood how much I missed his strong arms around me, protecting me.
-Where have you been all of these years?- I asked with tears in my eyes.
-I... I thought you and the baby were both dead... I left the city, I couldn't stay here... I didn't want to abandon you- he said.
I hugged him stronger.
-It's ok, I'm here now- I said.
We stayed in that position for some minutes and I wanted it to be the eternity.
-We can go back together now, start a new life...- I said.
He looked at me at caressed my hair.
-Nat... look, I can't... I can't come back with you... Everything will always remind me that day... I'm sorry- he said.
He gave me one last soft kiss and then walked away, leaving me there unable to do anything.
Suddenly someone touched my shoulder; I turned and found Steve.
-You are crying, are you ok?- he asked.
-Bring me inside, I want to drink until I'll forget everything- I said.
-Wait wait, I won't bring you there again! You have been drinking for 2 hours!- he said.
Wow I didn't realized that so much time passed.
-Come on, let's go back- he said.
We went to the car and this time it was he who was driving.
-You didn't see me cry ok?- I said.
He smiled.
-Who was the man that hugged you?-.
-My ex-fiancee- I said and I could feel my eyes full of tears again.
-Why did you break? He cheated on you?- he asked.
I sighed.
-April...- I whispered.
-Who is she?- he asked -A woman?-.
-My daughter... well she was my daughter...- I said.
Ok, it was definitely the alcool that made me speak... But I felt I could trust him... He wasn't like the others...
-One day... A man came into our home and killed my daughter... she was 6 months old- I said.
I couldn't see his face but I imagine he was shocked.
-That man killed April in front of me and then tried to kill me too... And now I have a scar on my stomach that reminds me everything-.
We arrived at the building and he helped me walking to my room.
-I'm sorry... You didn't deserve it...- he said.
I sat on my bed and looked at him.
-You don't know anything about what I just told you ok?- I said.
Steve nodded.
-Go to sleep now, you need it- he said.
This time it was me the one who nodded.
I laid down on my bed and he approached the door.
-Goodnight- he said looking at me.
-Goodnight- I said and then fell asleep.
Steve's POV
After I left Nat's room I went to mine and, after being sure that no one was looking at me, I took a note book from under a piece of wood of the bedroom floor.
I started wriring.
One of the members is starting to open with me. I don't know her full name, but I'll keep investigating on her.
I ripped off the piece of paper from the notebook and jumped from the window out of the building.
Some meters away, like every night, there was a man.
I gave him that piece of paper and he read it.
-Keep investigate on her, if she trusts you she may lead us to their boss-.
I nodded.
-I will-.
The man smiled.
-Good job Agent Rogers-.
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