Golden rays of sunshine breached through the blinds, shaking you awake once again. With your eyes half closed you turned your back to the window. You just wanted a few more hours of sleep but you knew you wouldn't get them.
"Morning ____." Asriel greeted you in an upbeat mood.
Your responded with an incoherent string of sounds, somehow ending up muttering a morning back to him.
"So do you have any plans for today?" Asriel sounds especially eager to go out and do something with you. You couldn't see it but you were sure he had a big grin on his face.
"How about sleeping, sleeping sounds good if you ask me." Your voice, and pretty much everything else about you, was drowsy.
"You can sleep the entire night. C'mon, we have stuff to do." He kept urging you to get out of bed, his vigor seemingly endless.
"I'm part cat. Cats love their sleep." You mumbled back at him.
"Yesterday you said that only a very small part of you is actually cat." And now Asriel was teasing you.
"Ugh, fine." You groaned and crawled out of your bed in a half awake state.
"Put on some clothes already. My roommate in his underwear is definitely not the first thing I want to see in the morning." You hissed at Asriel as you walked past him, grabbing fresh clothes from your wardrobe.
Rainbow briefs, it just had to be rainbow briefs. It was almost as if he was trying to tell you something. The fact that he's been trying to get to know you since day one only added to your suspicion.
"Show some appreciation. A lot of people would pay good money to see what you can see for free." He shot you another grin as he spoke in a sarcastic voice.
"Well then. Maybe I should take some pictures of you and sell them to these people. If they pay as much as you make it sound I could simply drop out of college and live like a king." You responded with a smug grin, the sarcasm in your voice palpable.
"There's a different way you could live like a king, if you catch my drift. But if it's pictures you want, you just have to ask. Your eyes only though." He spoke in a somewhat suggestive voice, winking at you.
And now he just suggested marriage. Now that you think about it. What he said yesterday strongly suggested that he had a thing for neko-boys.
"Yeah, you wish." With a dismissive hand gesture you disappeared into the bath.
While you were standing underneath the shower, you reflected on what exactly just happened. Asriel was, weird, for the lack of a better word. He doesn't want other people to see too much of him but around you he's walking around like you've known each other for years.
Maybe you do know each other and you simply don't know about it. That is, if the multiverse theory is correct. Or maybe time is simply not as linear as you thought it is. Either way, he was acting completely different around you.
Once you dried yourself off you left the bathroom again, only to see that Asriel didn't though it would be necessary to get dressed.
"Seriously? You're still in your underwear? You had more than fifteen minutes to get dressed and you're still lying in bed?" You half shouted at him, slowly growing irritated.
He gave you a dumbfounded look, realizing everything soon after.
"Sorry, I'm just used to have a room for myself." He apologized and began to quickly put on his clothes... right in front of you.
You weren't quite sure why but you had the sneaking suspicion that, at least to a certain degree, he was doing this on purpose. Like it or not, you probably had to get used to it sooner or later.
"So, do you have any plans for today?" Asriel asked in a curious voice as he slipped his head through his longsleeve.
"Not really." You responded in a casual voice.
"So I got dressed for nothing?" Asriel pretended to sound angry, throwing his hands up.
"Well, you can't just sit on your bed in nothing but you underwear for the entirety of the day. Besides, you're the one that urged me to get out off bed." You almost sounded like a father talking to his child.
"You clearly underestimate me." Asriel sounded like he took it as a challenge, speaking as if staying in bed all day long was something to be proud of. He did look rather amused so you simply assumed he was joking. You hoped he was.
He dropped back on his bed, all the while keeping his eyes locked on yours.
"You know what, your right about one thing. I can't just sit on my bed like that, doing nothing all day." You had a bad feeling that he was about to say something incredibly stupid. "At least not by myself. You still want to get some more sleep? If so, mind if I join you?" He once again winked at you, sounding completely serious about what he just said.
Your ears immediately turned to the side, tail puffing up as your eyes narrowed. Asriel simply began laughing at your reaction. Little did he know you were about to pounce him in a way he'd probably not enjoy. Unless of course, he enjoys being assaulted by an angry cat.
You took a deep breath to compose yourself, with moderate success, and tried your hardest to ignore the look Asriel was giving you.
"How about we get breakfast instead." You suggested, trying you hardest not hiss at him.
Try as you might, you simply couldn't figure out what Asriel was about. No, scratch that. You know exactly what he wanted, you simply didn't understood why. You've known each other for two days and he's already trying to get you to share a bed with him. He's either incredibly desperate, or really, REALLY, into neko-boys. Or maybe he's just really into you.
"Alright, let's go." He sounded content and jumped, or rather rolled, out of bed. With a big smile on his face he walked towards the door, waiting for you to follow.
You'll probably never fully understand Asriel and the way his brain works, if it works at all. It's almost as if he himself doesn't really know who he is. The more you think about it, the weirder it becomes to you. When you looked back at everything that happened yesterday for example. When he walked out of the bathroom and then dashed past you. He did apologize and sounded genuine about it but his reaction was a little weird.
You're probably completely wrong about it but it almost feels like he wanted you to see him like that. Then all of his questions and the fact he tried to play with you like you were an actual cat. What he said yesterday, that he only wanted to befriend you and the fact that he seems to have grown a little too comfortable around you. All of it made you think that he tried to accomplish something, even.
Just what is it with this guy. It didn't seem like he had a crush on you but he was way too open around you. Maybe you're already in a committed relationship and you simply don't know. Maybe Asriel is simply trying to evoke memories you didn't knew you had. Whatever his reasons may be, his behavior left a weird feeling in your stomach and you knew for sure it wasn't love. It was too heavy and foreboding for that.
"Hey, what are you waiting for. I though you're the hungry one here." Asriel called out to you, once he realized you were deeply lost in thought.
You visibly flinched at the sound of his voice, ears flattening against your head.
"Y- yeah, sorry. I kinda got lost in thought there." You stuttered out. For the first time in years you had a somewhat shy expression on your face.
"What's that look for? Wait, don't tell me your actually considering my offers." He gave you a suggestive look, speaking in a joking voice.
"No. I'm thinking about how I should rearrange your face the next time you say something stupid like that." You looked at him with narrowed eyes, presenting your claws as you spoke in an agitated voice.
"You know, all these empty threats your giving me slowly make me feel like you actually like me. You're quite the tsundere, you know." Now he was downright mocking you, with that sarcastic voice and stupid grin of his.
"I have no idea what that is supposed to be and I honestly don't care enough to ask." You dismissed Asriel's words as you pushed past him.
"Oh come on now ____. I'm kidding. Don't be mad with me. You're scary when you're mad." And now Asriel sounded almost like he was pleading. He really didn't want to blow it with you.
You simply responded with a dismissive hand gesture and walked down the hallway. Asriel immediately began running after you.
With Asriel following close behind, you once again passed numerous students. The rumors about you were getting worse and worse. At first people were gossiping about whether you and Asriel are dating or not and if you actually beat up someone or not.
But now rumors were getting downright defamatory. Some say you're involved in shady businesses, that you have a criminal record and even that you're abusive. Someone had to be spreading these nasty rumors about you and you had no idea who it was. You could feel how you ears began twitching and that's usually a very bad sign.
"Don't pay attention to those rumors. They'll disappear on their own sooner or later." Asriel reassuringly placed a hand on your shoulder, giving you a soft smile.
"I swear, If I ever catch the one who's spreading those lies. I'll shove their words so deep up their buttocks they'll choke on them." You hissed. Right now you were far beyond agitated.
"Please don't kill them." Asriel said in a worried tone. He wasn't quite sure if you were able to kill someone and he had no intention to find out.
"What? No! I won't kill them, but I'll make them wish I did." There was a clear sound of aggression in your voice. Once again you terrified Asriel and he visibly gulped.
Asriel wanted to strike up a conversation while you were continuing on your way to the cafeteria but decided against it. You were already on edge and he was afraid he might just push you over it.
Once you reached the cafeteria and grabbed today's choice for breakfast you sat down by the same table you sat yesterday. Students all around you were talking about you, continuously spreading only the most vile things about you.
Some saying they saw you steal from the lockers while others downright claim you robbed them. What made all of this worse was the fact that everyone was speaking in hushed whispers, too afraid of what would happen if they speak any louder.
They should know that you can hear them, you made sure of that on day one and yet they keep talking. You needed some sort of distraction, anything that prevents you from doing something you'd regret later on. So you decided to talk to Asriel.
"Hey, I know this might be an odd time to ask but monsters are really proficient with magic, right?" You sounded almost helpless, as if it was your first time talking to someone.
"Yes, they are. Though I'm pretty sure humans are still good at using magic too. Why are you asking? Do you want me to teach you?" Asriel tilted his head, sounding confused and curious at your sudden interest in magic.
"No, I'm doing just fine in terms of magic. I was simply curious what your magic looks like." You weren't particularly lying but you really weren't too interested in Asriel's magic.
"You first." Asriel demanded. Well, he tried to demand. Everything, from his expression to his voice, betrayed his words and made them sound more like a humble request.
"Well, I guess the easiest way to describe it would be high voltage. Just imagine having the power of several million, maybe even a few billion, volt at the tip of your fingers." You gave a simple explanation, trying your hardest not to sound to disinterested.
"I always knew you were..."
"Don't you dare make that joke." Not in the mood for stupid jokes, you cut him off before he could finish what he was about to say.
"electrifying." Asriel snickered at his not so shockingly bad pun, disregarding the potential consequences.
You, on the other hand, were everything but amused. "Are you serious Asriel? That was, by far, the worst joke I've ever heard."
"Anyway, I guess you want to know about my magic?" Asriel looked at you as if he didn't want to tell you.
"Let me guess, rainbow fire?" You joked.
Asriel looked away, clearly embarrassed.
"Really now, you're just going to bail out of our deal?" While you weren't surprised, you still looked at Asriel with a disapproving expression.
"It's really embarrassing o.k? I was somewhere between eight and ten years when I made that up." Asriel tired to talk his way out of it, which actually intrigued you more that you have actually thought.
"C'mon, tell me." You urged him.
"Ugh, fine. Rainbow fire, rainbow lightning, rainbow stars, rainbow lasers, guns, swords and a rainbow aura. There, you're happy now." Asriel blurted out an almost incoherent list, looking away immediately after he finished.
Tears were forming in your eyes as you struggled to contain your laughter.
"Seriously Asriel. I didn't figure YOU would be that flamboyant when it comes to magic." You joked, wiping the tears out of your eyes.
"I was still a child when I came up with that ok. Back then I thought it would be really cool." Asriel pouted, crossing his arms as he turned his head away from you.
Your eyes wandered past Asriel, once you noticed someone approaching your table.
"Leave Asriel alone at once!" A student decided to walk up to you and start shouting at you.
"Excuse me but, what are you talking about?" You gave the student a confused look as you ears began to flicker.
"You will not have him so you might as well just leave him alone!" The student kept shouting nonsense at you.
"Seriously, what are you talking about?" Asriel jumped in, equally confused as you.
"Don't you know, that guy is out to kill you." Your eyes narrowed at his words. Accusations like that tend to tick you off faster that you'd like.
"Well, you got me." You raised your hands up in the air, speaking in a mocking voice. "I'm trying to get Asriel's trust so I can lure him in front of a moving car and eat his soul afterwards."
"So you ARE trying to kill him?" The student gave you a serious look, utterly convinced that he in the right.
"No. Now, how about you get lost. I'm in no mood for you and your bullshit." You were done with his lies and placed your claws dangerously close to his throat.
The student visibly gulped and left, not saying another word.
"Seriously, now their saying you're a murderer? What's wrong with everyone?" Asriel was at utter disbelief.
"I have no idea where they got that from but things are really getting out of hand." You sighed. It's been three days and your reputation was already beyond terrible.
"Do you have an Idea who could spread these rumors?" Asriel asked, giving you a questioning look.
You shrugged in response.
"Could it be that someone holds a grudge against you?" He further inquired.
"Well, the only person that comes to my mind is..." You fell silent for a moment, remembering a certain, flamboyant bird monster.
"Decora." You finished.
"Decora? Who's that?" Asriel seemed even more confused.
"Just some dude that's been bothering me ever since day one. Claims to be someone really important." You rolled your eyes. You really wanted to forget that guy even exists.
"Wait, I think I heard about someone with that name." Asriel pulled out his phone and began looking up something.
"Found it. Decora Paradisa, son of Rudolph Pardisa. Founder and CEO of Paradise entertainment. He's the heir of one of the most successful companies out there." Asriel gave you a brief rundown on who that Decora guy actually was.
"In other words, a spoiled, cocky brat born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Well, I guess I'll have to have a nice chat with him." Your tail puffed up and ears were visibly flickering. It sounded like you were about to clip his wings and kick him off a cliff.
"What are you going to do to him, I mean, we don't even know it was him." Asriel looked at you with concern, afraid that you might hurt someone innocent.
"Easy, I'll find out if he has something to do with these rumors." You response sounded casual, almost as if you were doing this for a living.
"What if he refuses to talk?" Asriel asked, dreading the possible answers you could give him.
"That would confirm my suspicions that he is involved in this, which means I'll have to make him sing." You sounded cold, an unreadable expression on your face.
"Listen. I know spreading rumors, especially rumors this bad, is unforgivable but that doesn't justify torturing him." Asriel looked at you with great concern, talking like he had to defuse a terrible situation. He, as always, expected the worst.
"WHAT? NO! I won't go that far. Trust me, I have other, more humane, ways to make him speak. Rumors like that would be considered defamation. Not only can I get him into serious legal trouble, I can also get him kicked off this college. A criminal record and the fact he got expelled from one of the most prestigious colleges of the country will make his life a lot worse." You spoke calmly, smiling at Asriel in reassurance.
He sighed in relief.
"So, all that's left to do is to find that guy and confront him about the rumors." You spoke in a fairly neutral voice, ready to put an end to this entire rumor business.
You and Asriel left the cafeteria, trying to locate your 'beloved bird friend'. The dance club sounded like your best guess. Once you arrived at the door, said door opened and Decora stepped outside.
"Oh, so that's how things are. I'm not simply not good enough for you." Decora looked at you, a sour expression on his face.
"How about you we cut to the chase. What do you know about the rumors about me that have been going around lately?" You were in no mood for his games and made that quite obvious.
"Nothing." He was obviously lying, you could smell it from miles away.
"Listen, we can clear things up and forget about his, or I can permanently ruin your life. Both options are equally fine to me." You spoke calmly, keeping a stoic expression.
"I don't think there's much you can do." Decora taunted.
"Well, I can have you expelled from college, prevent you from ever being accepted to another one and to top it all off, prevent you from ever getting a job." Asriel jumped in, speaking in a self-assured tune.
"Think about it. Asriel has way more influence that you can even dream off. Do you really want to ruin your life like that?" You sounded friendly, almost as if you didn't want to ruin his life. You totally wanted to ruin his life.
Decora fell silent, almost as if he tried to use his brain fore once.
"Fine, I'll clear things up." He conceded, sounding defeated.
"You made the right choice." You patted his shoulder and left.
Once you were out of sight you turned to Asriel.
"Thanks for helping me out, I don't know what I would have done if you weren't there." You smiled at Asriel.
"Hey, that's what friends are for right?" He made it sound like threatening to ruin someones life was something totally normal to do. "Now, how about we check out what's outside the campus? I heard they even have a cinema around here."
"Fine by me." You accepted Asriel invitation, feeling slightly obligated to do so since he helped you.
Despite a rather rough start today might turn out better than expected.
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