The sun began to rise as its first, gentle rays shinned through the blind's cracks. Your eyes began to open slowly when the first streaks of warm light hit your face. Only second later, Asriel's alarm got off.
No longer did you have to listen to the dreadfully loud sound that Asriel uses to wake up. Instead, you heard a calm tune that was more soothing to your ears.
"Morning Asriel," you greeted him with a soft smile.
"Hey," he returned with a sleepy look on his face, "are you feeling better?"
"What do you mean? I've been feeling fine lately," you looked at him with a confused expression.
"It's just that you've been spacing out lately and it has gotten me worried," Asriel spoke in a soft, concerned voice.
"I'm fine, really," you answered reassuringly.
"Well, if you say so," Asriel responded despite being dissatisfied with your answer. However, he realized that he wouldn't get anything else out of you.
The morning proceeded as usual and you were enjoying breakfast at your usual spot.
As you were enjoying your meal, you spotted a familiar face approaching your table, a face you didn't enjoy looking at.
"Morning guys," Lonnie decided to join you, sitting down next to Asriel like he had known him for years.
"Morning," Asriel returned with a smile.
You simply shot daggers at Lonnie. While you didn't know why, you did know that you didn't like him.
"How are you doing today?" he asked looking at you with concern.
"What's it to you?" you hissed at him.
"I was just worried. The people at the drama club seem to like you and they were quite shocked by what happened yesterday," he spoke calmly.
You simply continued at glare at him.
"Why are you so hostile ____? He hasn't done anything to you," Asriel asked looking at you with confusion.
"I simply don't like him, that's all. Sometimes you just don't like a person and there's nothing you can do about it," you answered casually.
"I know this might be a bit sudden and I know your dislike will not make this request any easier, but could you tell me about that entire experiment you used to be part of?" Lonnie asked, clearly interested in your past.
"Why should I tell you?" you asked remaining hostile towards Lonnie.
"I'm trying to get more information on the entire experimentation program so I can inform the public on what was going on," he explained enthusiastically.
Despite his enthusiastic attitude, you remained quiet and simply refused to give him any information.
"I can pay you if that's what you want. Also, if you tell me it will help to hold everyone involved accountable," Lonnie tempted you trying to sweeten the deal a little.
"Pretty much everyone that was involved in any part of the project is dead. I'm one of only a few subjects that survived. But if you really want to know that badly, talk to me again after classes. It's too long of a story to be told in just five minutes," you said deciding to give in so he'd finally leave you alone. "Now, If you'd excuse me. Classes are about to start."
You got up from your seat and returned your plate before you departed for classes.
Asriel was a little surprised by your unusually and sudden, rude behavior and rushed after you.
"Why are you being so hostile towards Lonnie? He hasn't done anything to you," he asked with a look of confusion on his face.
"I just don't like him. Sometimes you just don't like someone for no reason at all. That's just the way things are sometimes," you calmly explained.
"Why did you agree to tell him about your past then?" Asriel asked with the confused expression lingering on his face.
"So he'd shut up and stop bothering me," you bluntly answered.
"Shouldn't you just ignore him then?" Asriel inquired further, still not satisfied with your answer.
"If I would just ignore him, he would continue to bother me. It's more likely he'll leave me alone if I just tell him want he wants to know. Or rather what I want him to know," you explained already sounding bored with your conversation about Lonnie.
Once you arrived at today's first lecture, you remembered that you still had assignments to work on. Just another things on the ever expanding list of things you really weren't looking forward to.
More math, because everyone loves math. Once again the teacher presented you with problems that were so ridiculous that they made brain surgery look less complicated to complete.
Against all odds, you managed to survive math without having your brain-cells decimated.
Up next was English paired with everyone's favorite topic; interpretations because who doesn't love playing 'guess what I'm thinking about' with their teacher?
Another two agonizing hours of useless rambling later and you were finally free, for your lunch break.
This time, you could enjoy your food without interruption from others.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" Asriel looked at you with a curious expression.
"What is it?" you responded looking up from your meal.
"It's something I've had on my mind for quite some time now. You said that back during the experiment you were assigned to different facilities. What exactly happened during your 'training'? Do you even remember any of it?" Asriel asked in a complete disregard of your feelings.
Of course he decided to bring up the one part of your life you'd rather forget. There goes any chance of having a peaceful lunch.
"There isn't much I remember except that there was a lot, and I mean A LOT of combat training. Armed, unarmed, lethal, and non-lethal. We were also trained in anatomy for obvious reasons," you explained as you felt a certain sense of fury rising.
"What level of combat training are we talking about?" Asriel continually asked, his curiosity clearly not sated.
"I was trained to protect whoever ended up owning me. Take from that what you will. Now, could we please talk about something else? You should know how much I hate talking about that entire experience," you growled starting to grow irritated.
Not only was Asriel asking you those questions, but he also refused to answer yours. If he expects you to tell him your past without telling you his, how would that be fair? You shouldn't be expected to let your guard down around him if he's unwilling to share his past.
Asriel quickly picked up on your changed expression and fell silent.
Seeing that Asriel obviously had no more question, you decided to return to your lunch.
Lunch passed with a certain sense of awkward silence between you and Asriel. Even though you were craving an interruption-free lunch, the awkwardness prevented you from enjoying it.
The last class for today was PE, which didn't sound all that bad. The teacher was none other than the ex-royal guard captain Undyne, preventing any possibility of having a normal PE class from happening.
Once everyone was dressed in their sportswear, the warm-up exercises began, though most students were too busy gawking at Asriel. You still failed to understand why everyone was so obsessed with him. Perhaps people would stop daydreaming about him if they saw what you did. Or perhaps it would make things even worse. Humans and monsters were hard to predict how they would respond to things.
Ten minutes into the class and most students were already out of breath. You were only one of a few students that weren't at the verge of collapse.
"I always knew that humans aren't the strongest, but this? This is pathetic!" Undyne exclaimed disappointedly. Undyne rolls her eyes at the out of shape humans and monsters before turning her attention at the remaining survivors.
"Unlike the rest of those losers, who thinks they can take me on in a fight?" Undyne challenged eyeing each and every one of us.
"____ thinks he can. In fact, he's the only one with proper combat training," a familiar voice chirped from the back.
You turned around to face its origin and were met with a face you haven't seen in a while. Decora stood in the background with a smug smile across his face.
"How do you know about that?" you hissed at him as you felt anger well up inside you.
"A little birdie told me," he spoke in a sing-song voice.
You simply unsheathed one of your claws and pointed at him.
"You've been eavesdropping, haven't you?" there was a clear hint of agitation in your voice and you ears began to flicker once again.
"Hey, you can deal with that punk later," Undyne shouted from behind you, "don't keep me waiting!"
"Ugh, fine," you groaned and turned around to face her.
"Close combat only, no magic and no weapons. Understood?" she stated giving you a quick rundown of the rules, to which you simply nodded in response.
Once everyone retreated to the sidelines, your little sparring match began.
You stood there as Undyne was closely watching you, waiting for you to make the first move. After a few minutes of waiting, her patience overtook her, and she threw the first punch.
You responded by quickly blocking her punch. Within a second of your block, you grabbed her arm with the blocking arm and threw her over your shoulder in a quick pivoting motion. Upon her body coming in contact with the ground, you pinned her to the ground with both arms behind her. With you sitting on her back, she had no other choice but to concede.
The match was over before it really started and most students were staring at you. Some were in awe while others were completely terrified. Asriel was among the more terrified students.
Undyne let out a hearty chuckle as she got up from the floor.
"Now this kid," she began as she patted you on the back. "This kid got some backbone."
Seeing that Undyne was quite impressed with your performance today, you probably got an A for the day, basically saying "congratulations for not being lazy".
PE came to an end and you were on your way back to your dorm. As per usual, Asriel was following close behind.
"I still can't believe you just threw Undyne around like that. This is Undyne we're talking about. The underground calls her Undyne the undying for a reason," Asriel ranted sounding equally impressed as he was scared.
"I'll be honest, I have no idea who she is. In my eyes, she's just the PE teacher," you casually responded.
"WHAT? She's so much more than that. The underground hails her as a hero! She suplexes boulders just because and she's basically the underground's strongest fighter! And you just tossed her around like she was some rag doll!" Asriel continued shocked by the fact you never heard of her.
"You sound quite fond of her," you teased.
"She has a girlfriend. Besides, she's not my type. I just think she's one of the most bad-ass woman of the underground," Asriel stated taking your little teasing a lot better than expected.
"And what does that make me?" you asked with a hint of curiosity.
"Well, seeing that you managed to pin her easily shows that you're stronger than you look. But let's be serious: do you really think you can take her on if she really wanted to fight you?" he began playing down the achievement you didn't even knew you accomplished.
"What are the odds of that ever happening?" you asked almost laughing at Asriel's question. Why would you actually have to fight Undyne?
"Do you think you can take me on?" Asriel asked jokingly.
You simply stopped dead in your tracks and turned around. After carefully examining him, you began to lift each of his arms for a second, before letting them drop again.
"That's a rhetorical question, isn't it?" you joked, smirking at his appearance.
"Hey, I'm stronger than I look, you know!" Asriel retorted in mock-offense.
"How about a sparring match one day?" you suggested without expecting a serious answer.
"No thanks, you're probably going to mop the floor with me. Unless I get seven human souls," Asriel chuckled at a reference only he understood.
"Why would you need a human soul, let alone seven of them?" you asked concerned of the answer you may or may not get.
"Humans and monsters can grow stronger by absorbing the souls of deceased members from the opposite species. If I absorb the equivalent of seven human souls I'm basically unstoppable. Unless you talk me out of it that is," Asriel explained.
Though you weren't quite sure whether he was being serious on the last part, it concerned you nonetheless.
Once you arrived to your room, you decided to take a shower. You still had evening classes coming later on. You were already standing under the shower when Asriel knocked on the door.
"Didn't you want to talk to Lonnie later today?" Asriel's muffled voice could be heard from outside the bathroom.
"Yeah, I did," you responded in slight annoyance. You almost managed to forget about that, but of course, Asriel just had to remind you.
"And what about the game you promised to play with me today?" he asked. Even underneath the sound of running water you still managed to hear Asriel's impatience.
"Once everything else is taken care of," you responded baffled by how backwards Asriel's priorities were.
A few minutes later you stepped out of the bathroom again, refreshed and fully dressed.
Only a few seconds later, a knock could be heard from outside the room; you already knew who was outside.
Of course Asriel had to open the door immediately and greet whoever was outside.
Lonnie stood inside the door, just as you expected.
"Hi, I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time," he greeted you as he entered the room.
"Let's just get this over with, I have evening classes soon," you responded impatiently.
"Alright, I'll make this quick," Lonnie stated remaining undeterred. You watched as he pulled out a notebook from his bag and began flipping through his notes to find a blank page to write on.
"I'm just going to ask you a few question and I'd like you to answer as best as you can," he stated looking up from this notebook.
He shot you a smile while you continued to glare at him. You could feel your stomach turn. No matter how nice Lonnie might be, you simply did not like him.
"Alright, fine," you agreed in a way that made you sound more like a cold business man.
"Great. Let get started then," Lonnie responded appearing enthusiastic about this entire thing, "how exactly were you created?"
"I can't give you any details because I'm not sure myself. All I know is that the scientist involved managed to decode the human DNA and created artificial strands with the desired changes. Everything else, I assume, happened in vitro," you once more began to recall memories you'd rather bury somewhere, where you won't find them ever again.
"That sounds pretty messed up," Lonnie said as he wrote notes on his notebook. "How was your life like back then?"
"I was living with a gun pressed against my chest, metaphorically speaking. Stepping out of line was not tolerated; those who did were severely punished while some were even killed. I was basically living in fear every single day," you continued to answer Lonnie's question.
While Lonnie continued to scribble in the notebook he brought, you checked the time; your evening classes will start in a few minutes.
"Well, I think it's about time I leave for class," you said as you got you grabbed your bag. "Asriel might be able to help you if there's something else you want to know."
"Got it. Thanks for answering my questions even though you obviously dislike me," Lonnie said trying to show his appreciation, but you were already out the door.
While you were on your way to attend another highly uninteresting hour of alternate history class, you remembered that you still had assignments to work on. Maybe the upcoming class can be used for something productive after all.
So you decided to take a seat in the back of the room. While the teacher was rambling, you continued to work on your unfinished assignments.
The hour passed faster than you expected and you still managed to get a pass for the day despite your mental absence.
You returned to your dorm and once you opened the door, you were immediately greeted by your caprine roommate.
"Welcome back," he shot you a wide smile.
"You're acting like I've been gone for weeks. It's only been an hour," you responded amused.
You shut the door behind you and tossed your bag in a nearby corner.
"So, did Lonnie asked you any special questions?" you asked as you sat down on your bed.
"Nope, nothing in particular. He asked me the same stuff I asked you. I answered as best as I could," Asriel answered casually.
Asriel walked over to the TV and picked up the controllers.
"So, you ready?" he asked looking at you with anticipation.
"Sure, I did promise you after all," your answer was much to Asriel's delight. For a moment, he simply looked happy and careless.
Asriel handed you a controller and turned on the console and for once, there were no updates that would eat up time. Only a few seconds later and you were met with the title screen.
Once the character selection came up Asriel decided to randomly select his character, saying that it would be unfair if he'd choose a character he was familiar with. You randomly selected your character because you still had no idea what you were doing.
Once the stage was selected, the fight began with Asriel instantly throwing attacks at you. While it was still obvious that he was new to the game, his performance improved quite a bit. Seeing that you were completely clueless as to how the game works, you simply mashed buttons after waiting for Asriel's to miss.
The first round actually ended with a draw, which was quite rare to happen.
On the next round, characters were selected and Asriel began to blindly mash buttons again. After performing a variety of pretty, but ultimately useless moves, Asriel once again managed to off his own character.
He simply dropped his controller on the floor and took a deep breath.
"You know, maybe this was a bad idea after all," Asriel said, his former joy seemingly disappeared.
"So you're calling it quits?" you asked surprised that Asriel would just give up like that, especially after looking forward to playing games with you.
"Yeah. I'm just going to get upset and hurt someone. And if that someone is you I probably won't see the next day," he stated sounding disappointed but ultimately relieved.
"That's a shame, but alright. It's your call," you said understandingly.
"Besides that, you still have assignments to work on, right? I don't want to get in the way of your education. There's too much at risk for you," Asriel replied. He sounded almost sad that it had to be this way but only wants what's best for you.
"I appreciate your concern," while you were grateful for Asriel's concern, you were slowly getting the impression that something was off.
Before you could ask him if something was up, he climbed into his bed and rolled over exposing his back to you. It was rather odd he had gone to bed that early. You responded with a sigh figuring it was probably best not to ask him about it after him becoming annoyed from playing the game.
Seeing as your schedule had changed, you decided to continue working on your assignments. Once the sun disappeared behind the horizon and the veil night covered the campus, it was time for you to go to bed. As you laid in bed, you stared at the ceiling remembering the discussion you had with Lonnie.
Another person decided to question you about your past; a person you severely disliked. Could you really trust someone you barely knew with the knowledge of your past? It made you wonder whether you actually have to utilize the skill you were taught years ago. Or had you been overdramatic about Lonnie altogether? He seemed like he was actually a nice guy, but your gut feeling kept disagreeing with you every time you came into contact with him. Either way, as long as things between you and Asriel don't turn sour, you should be fine.
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