You were currently spending another evening with the Neko club, sitting by the table and waiting while Lucky tried to come up with an efficient way to shuffle the decks of cards he brought. He wanted to play another card game with the club members, war to be exact. The same people as usual joined the soon to be had fun, except Alister. He was busy somewhere else.
"How about we make all of this a little more interesting and add some truth or dare to the mix?" Lucky asked, his voice a mixture of curiosity and slight playfulness. "Everyone picks a deck and shuffles it. Highest cards gets to ask the one with the lowest card. In case all of us draw a card equal to each other, we'll just use the next one. Winner gets all cards that are open. Same goes if two or more players have a winning or loosing card."
Everyone seemed to be more or less intrigued by the idea and picked their deck. After a thorough shuffle, the game began.
You drew a six, not too bad but not all that good either. Everyone revealed their card and you didn't have the worst card, Felix did and Chloe emerged victorious.
"Alright Felix, truth or dare?" Chloe sounded as if she knew exactly what she was going to say next.
"Dare," Felix daringly answered without hesitation.
A mischievous smile began to spread on Chloe's face. "Show us a little dance. As the captain of the dance club I'd love to see your moves."
Felix wasn't fazed by her dare at all and took the limelight without hesitation. "Really? That's all? They gave me this body for a reason you know?" he sounded a little too confident, almost as if this was something he always wanted to do.
And so he began to dance, quite well actually. Seriously, he made it look like his joints didn't work the way they're supposed to. Arms and legs are not supposed to bend that way. Either way, he earned a standing ovation from pretty much everyone that was in the room and rightfully so. Even Chloe, who sees great performances on a nearly daily basis, was impressed.
"Well, that was unexpected. I actually feel kinda stupid now..." Chloe wore an embarrassed expression. "Anyway, how about you join the dance club? I'm sure you'd make a great addition."
"No thanks, I like things the way they are right now," Felix politely declined Chloe's offer and sat back down.
Chloe placed her cards underneath her deck and everyone pulled a new card from the top of their deck. Ace, this was a sure win unless someone else drew an ace too. In that case your on the ropes again.
The great reveal showed that no other aces were present and Lucky once more proved that his name was only for show. He lost, holding a three in his hands.
"Truth," he stormed ahead and answered the question you haven't asked yet, not that you'd hold it against him. The rules were clear and saying truth or dare was redundant.
"Alright then," you began as you reached inside one of the pockets of your jeans, looking for the trinket you packed before leaving for the Neko club. "How did you get this chip?"
Lucky simply sighed in response when he saw the glittering trinket you've been handed not too long ago, while the others seemed to aghast.
"Don't have much to add. Alister told you everything there is to know. It's a shameful reminder of how many casinos I ruined. Not that I really care. Gambling is their business and even though the odds were in their favor, they lost it all. I have no regrets," Lucky shrugged as he answered your question.
"Dude seriously? You gambled casinos into bankruptcy? How much money do you have?" Leo was utterly bewildered by his friends statement.
"It's not your turn to ask questions," Lucky playfully reminded the hot-headed Neko.
The game continued and cards constantly switched owners, who got to know more and more about each other. Either through silly dares or daring questions.
"Do you have a crush on anyone in this room?" Lucky directed his question at Felix, who began to light up brightly.
"Yes but I don't think I have a chance with them, seeing that they're already in a relationship with someone else," Felix sounded sad and his eyes drifted off to somewhere on the ground but quickly bounced back to the table. Crying over spilled milk would get him nowhere and he knew that perfectly well.
Everyone drew their next card and you already knew you lost, promptly causing you to start contemplating whether you should take truth or dare. What are the odds that more than one person drew a two? Too low, judging by the fact that everyone else had something better than you, with Chloe emerging victorious once more.
"Truth," you spoke plainly.
"Since you and Asriel are dating. Did you two do, you know, IT?" she sounded almost too embarrassed to ask.
"No," the completely nonchalant sound of your answer didn't make things any less embarrassing for Chloe, who was as red as a beet by now.
Once the awkward moment of silence passed, the game continued and more details were unearthed. Turns out that Leo has a bit of a crush on Lilly, which didn't surprise anyone. The only reasons Lucky attends college is because he wants to, seeing that he has enough money to live every day of his life, however long it may be, to the fullest. Chloe had to deal with the weirdest fans the world has ever seen and Felix seemed to gather all sorts of attention, wanted or not.
You could continue playing like this but judging by how things were currently going you would probably sit here until the world is engulfed in fire and flames. So Leo called it a day and dismissed the club.
Once you arrived back at your dorm you were greeted by Asriel, who looked very displeased for some reason.
"Did something happen?" a concerned expression began to spread across your face as you spoke in a worried tone.
Asriel let out a long, exhausted sigh. "Remember when I told you Frisk would come visit? Yeah, well. That's tomorrow. I basically spend the last hour arguing with mom why that's a bad idea but she can be really stubborn. Guess that's another thing I got from her."
"So in other words. They're coming, whether you like it or not," you reply sounded unimpressed as you sat down on your bed.
"Yeah," Asriel let himself flop on his bed and turned his head towards you with a dejected expression. "I just, I can't even stand being around them anymore. Every time I see them I remember all those people I've met, all those memories we made, all those times these goddamn resets ruined everything over and over again. What makes all of it even worse is the fact that Frisk was the very first person I had a real crush on."
Frisk was the first person Asriel fell in love with? That was quite curious considering how badly he seemed to think of them nowadays. You wanted to ask him to elaborate but knowing him, he'd do just that any minute now.
"The first time they saved me from my personal, little hell I saw them as a hero. I looked up to them, thought of them as the perfect friend. So we kind of started dating at some point," Asriel's voice sounded full of regret as he told you a little more about his past. "During all that time I did two things. I showed that I didn't learn my lesson from the entire Chara debacle and I forgot something very important thing," he closed his eyes for a moment and took in a deep breath, releasing in soon after. "Hold your heroes to a higher standard. In the end, all I did was to once more proved how much of an idiot I am."
The drastic change in Asriel's expression became more obvious as he rolled on his side to ease the strain on his neck. "I'm just so tired of it, all of it. The only thing that's consistent in my life is the complete lack of consistency. Even my brain is scrambled after every reset. While my memories remain, I always end up us a slightly different person after a reset. All I want is a little consistency, a little bit of stability. Is that too much to ask for?"
Asriel's little rant left you feeling conflicted as a myriad of emotions began to well up inside you. Sympathy, sadness, confusion but on top of it all, anger. Sheer, relentless, burning anger. The hell he has to go through on a daily basis, falling asleep without knowing whether the next day will come or if he'll wake up in the past. What made matters even worse was the fact that you unwillingly and unknowingly became a part of it. In a previous timeline he fell in love with you and you with him, then you were torn apart. And sooner or later it will all happen again. You'll be torn apart again and he'll give up on you at some point. And all the memories you made and will make up to that point will turn into nothing more than emotional baggage that only serves to drag him further down a hole with neither escape nor bottom. You wanted to say something, anything, to cheer him up but your mind was either completely blank or too crowded.
Asriel picked up on your shifting expression and a smile began to spread across his face, though it seemed more forced than anything. "You're probably thinking I'm insane and you know what? You're right. I don't even know why I do what I do, why I bother if nothing has any consequences. It doesn't matter what I do. Sooner or later everything just goes back to zero and everything starts again. It doesn't matter what's going to happen, who gets killed and who survives. I could chuck myself of a cliff and would wake up in that damn flower field again. I'm just so GODDAMN SICK of it!"
There was a long moment of dreadfully uncomfortable silence. Is this what really goes through Asriel's head? Is this the reason he thinks so poorly of his sibling? You couldn't imagine how he felt, there was no way your mind could come even close to comprehending his situation. When absolutely nothing you do has any lasting consequences it may sound like heaven at first but it also makes finding a lasting relationship impossible.
Asriel sighed, breaking the silence in the progress, and rolled over on his back again with all his limbs stretched out. "Sorry for ranting like that. I just needed to get that off my chest, at least for the moment."
"Don't worry about it, we all have those things that keep pestering us," you reassuringly replied.
"Yeah, I guess," there wasn't much hope in Asriel voice and expression, or so you'd assume. His face became significantly more difficult to see. "Anyways, I guess I'll go to bed early. I'll need a good night worth of sleep, considering who I'll have to face tomorrow."
Asriel got off his bed and disappeared into the bathroom, reappearing minutes later only to crawl under the sheets of his beds afterwards. Seeing that there wasn't much else to do, you followed suit and went to sleep in your own bed.
Morning came and the sun slowly peered over the horizon, throwing it's first gentle rays into the room, tickling you awake. You opened your eyes only to find the room empty. Asriel was already up and, judging by the sounds coming from the bath, taking a shower. Today was not only the day Frisk would visit, it was also the day you would finally get your answers. If anything you've been told held even a tiny fragment of truth, then Frisk should be able to answer you question. They WILL answer your questions.
While you were devising a plan on how to get the most information out of Frisk, the door to the bathroom opened. It would seem that Asriel finally learned his lesson judging by the fact he left the bath fully clothed, a rather rare sight to behold.
"Morning ____," just by the tone of Asriel's voice you could tell he would rather stay in bed for the day.
"Morning," you replied in a more optimistic tone, hoping that it would at least slightly rub off on Asriel.
"Frisk will be here in a few hours, so could you keep an eye on them while I show them around?" concern lingered in Asriel's voice, which only served to prove your theories right. Frisk was potentially dangerous.
"Sure, I'll keep an eye on them," you continued to reply in a reassuring matter.
It seemed to work. Asriel's expression eased visibly as he sighed in relief. "Thanks, that means a lot to me," the corners of his lips curled upwards as he spoke his words of gratitude.
Asriel proceeded to walk over to his desk and grabbed a map of the campus from one of the drawers. He was planning a route that would show Frisk through the college as quick as possible. This might be a good moment to take a shower yourself. About fifteen minutes passed and you were ready to face the day and the kid that, may or may not have, murdered you in the past. Feeling refreshed, your morning routine continued. Once breakfast passed and you were back in your room, Asriel presented you with the route that would show his sibling fallen from grace around the campus.
"So the basic idea is, the faster I'm done showing them around the quicker they can go back home," Asriel really didn't want to do to this, that much was obvious just by the tone of his voice alone.
"Won't you see them anyway, should they join this college next year?" you carefully asked, to which Asriel simply rolled his eyes in response.
A knock on the door caused Asriel to groan in annoyance as he got up to open it. There they were, a human roughly a head shorter than you wearing a blue and pink striped sweater. Behind them stood Toriel with a wide smile on her face, something neither of her children shared. Asriel looked like he was already done for today while Frisk wore an expression of indifference. Their expression changed rather quickly though. The second they saw you, their face became twisted by something akin to fear. You could already tell that this was going to be a long day and much like Asriel, you weren't looking forward to it.
"Alright children, be nice to each other," Toriel spoke in a motherly manner and returned to her office, leaving Frisk standing in the door frame.
"Alright, let's just get this over with," Asriel already grew impatient and walked over to Frisk, his expression speaking volumes about his current mood. "And by the way. ____, this is Frisk. Frisk, this is ____."
After halfheartedly introducing you to Frisk, he began to lead the way through the college while Frisk simply followed. Seeing that you had a promise to keep, you tagged while keeping a close eye on Frisk.
It was just a simple tour through college but for some reason Frisk seemed terrified. Each of their steps was shaky and they kept their arms close to their body, as if they were trying to preserve their body heat.
"Here's the cafeteria, I'm pretty sure you know what it's for and if not, you probably shouldn't go to college," there was a strong, palpable hint of disdain in his voice as he spoke to Frisk. He really, REALLY disliked them.
The trip continued past the gym and the various clubs, while Asriel halfheartedly named everything noteworthy without as much as looking at Frisk. He just wanted this to be over as quickly as possible and it seemed as the feeling was mutual for once, though the reasons were different. Frisk still looked like they were fearing for their very live, as if a violent death was right around the corner.
After a few hours of walking across the campus, in which Asriel showed everything worth of notice, you returned to your dorm. You and Asriel sat down on your respective beds while Frisk sat down on the ground, still shaking with fear.
The surrounding atmosphere was tense, dangerous even. Asriel simply sat on his bed, looking like he wanted to be somewhere that wasn't where he was right now. Frisk on the other hand began to frantically look left and right, as if they were trying to make sure no one would just lunge at them. One thing did stick out though. They avoided looking at you like you were the harbinger of death.
"I just remembered that I need to take care of something. I'll be back in a few minutes," Asriel got up from his bed and left through the door. It almost seemed as if he had some sort of devious plan. "Make sure you don't kill each other, not that it really matters if Frisk dies. It'll be just another reset for the ever growing pile."
A guilty expression began to spread across Frisk's face after Asriel closed the door and for some reason they became even more afraid than before. They continued to restlessly shift from side to side while fidgeting with their fingers, still refusing to look in your general direction.
"Uhm, I- I think I should go," they spoke quietly and slowly began to get up and walk towards the door, but you stopped them by simply moving in front of it.
"Leaving so soon? That's a shame. Would've loved to chat with you for a minute or two," the aura of fear that surrounded Frisk nearly began choking them and you mocked them for it. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. At least as long as you don't try to kill me again."
Their shocked expression was more than enough of an answer. It was clear Frisk was the one that killed you, no doubt about it. Then, all of a sudden, they began stumbling. Frisk's entire life flashed past their eyes as chopped words and incoherent mumbles left their throat, all of them adding up to hasty apologies and desperate excuses. They confessed what they've done. They confessed that they were the reason you were killed. All because, at some point countless of resets ago, their curiosity took over and they made a deal they'd regret until the end of reality itself.
You had your answers and stepped aside with an expression that could easily kill someone. "That's all I wanted to know. Now get out of here."
Frisk left the room and ran, they ran as fast as their legs could carry them. You doubt they'll join this college, at least for now.
"I assume you got the answers you were looking for?" Asriel returned to the scene, though you doubted he actually left in the first place.
"Yes, I did," you looked at him with a dead serious expression.
Asriel smiled and passed through the door, patting you on the shoulder as he walked past you.
"Hold on a minute," Asriel stopped when you called out to him. "You've been planning this, haven't you? Refusing to answer my questions until now, mentioning those resets and once I finally gather enough information you tell me that Frisk comes for a visit. Then you spontaneously leave the room and arrive at just he right moment to watch Frisk leave. Sounds fishy if you ask me."
Asriel simply raised his hands to the height of his shoulders, lowering his head in humility. "Guilty as charged. You're way smarter than you let on, you know? I'm impressed."
"If it turns out you've been playing games with me I'll gut you," you unsheathed your claws and moved in dangerously close, threatening him.
"W-what? NO! No, no, no, no, nonononononono," he panicked instantly, backing away as she waved his hand in front of him. "I promise, no, I swear. The things I feel for you are real. I just wanted to get back at Frisk for everything they have done."
"What are those 'things' you're talking about?" you already knew what he was referring to, but a little bit of confirmation never hurt anyone.
"Love. I still love you," he said it, he seriously said it and he said it like he genuinely meant it. "In so many ways you are still the ____ I remember. Sure, you might not be as adorable as you used to be, but you kept your 'no bullshit from anyone' attitude while also being able to goof around with your friends. You're still this caring, creative guy I fell for and you're still willing to protect the ones you care about with everything you have," He shook his head and rushed inside your shared room, jumping into his bed and burying his head in a pillow.
There they were, even more answers. Answer to who you used to be. But are you still that "you"? Or were you someone entirely else? Asriel's description does match some of your traits but others... Either way, he just confessed his feelings for you, even though they were already rather obvious. But you remained unsure how you felt for him. You knew you felt something. There was some sort of attraction you felt towards Asriel, though you couldn't tell whether it was romantic or platonic.
"It's happening, it's already happening," you could hear Asriel's muffled rambling as you entered your dorm again and they could have only one meaning. He was afraid you didn't return his feelings. And while you didn't know just how you felt for him, there was one thing you did know. Seeing him like that hurt in a way you couldn't quite describe.
"Azzy," his head, bearing a shimmer of hope, shot up the moment you called him by one of his various nicknames. "I'll be honest with you. I don't know what exactly I feel for you. I know it's something but that something is pretty vague."
Asriel remained quiet and his eyes began pacing left and right. He was clearly trying his hardest to process what you just said.
"I guess what I'm trying to say is, I just need a little more time until I've figured it out," while you didn't outright reject him, you did remain ambiguous. Wrong hopes were the last thing he needed.
"I guess that's fair," Asriel sighed, a half smile appearing on his face. "Thanks for being honest with me."
There was a weird 'calm after the storm' type of ambiance surrounding you. Asriel knew he did something stupid, and he knew you weren't quite happy with what he did.
"I might be giving you a fair chance but that doesn't mean I'm OK with what you did today, including all the planning you've done beforehand. Just make sure you don't do something this dumb again, alright?" you scolded Asriel for what he did.
"I guess I only did it because I wanted to get back at Frisk for everything they've done. It's thanks to them that I'm in this constant state of fear that the next time I open my eyes, everything will be back to the way things used to be," Asriel began explaining himself and his actions with an expression of deep guilt on his face. "I simply wanted them to feel fear in a similar way I do every day. Just for a short moment I wanted them to know how it feels like when everything you have could be taken away at every given moment. I'm sorry, I should've been better then them."
You couldn't quite understand the reasoning behind his actions, mainly because you couldn't even understand how he feels in the first place, but you decided to let it slide. His past, his fears, how these resets work and what they do and do not affect. None of it made sense to you and it probably never will. The only thing you did understand was how negatively they affected Asriel.
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