Lash's pov
I gasp, looking around, realizing that i'm sitting on angel island, in front of the Master Emerald, i look around and i find knuckles, and he spots me, yelling," where have you been? Everyones been searching for you and error!" I sigh in relief," eggman sent us to another world, we're fine luckily, and we have 5 emeralds, has egghead done anything since we dissapeared?" Knuckles shakes his head," no, but how are you here then?" " i dunno, i was just really missing you guys, and if anybody's told tom i'm missing, let him know i'm ok, and we found a new friend on the world we're bringing home with us, poor kid's been alone longer then me." Knuckles nods," i'll tell the others you two are ok, how's error?" " eh could be worse, he got trapped in ice, luckily our new friend was there to help me dig him out. He's weak, but i'm sure he'll be ok soon, it's error after all." Knuckles nods and plucks some grapes from a tree." Well tell him i say hello, but you should get back." I nod and i focus on going back and i softly fade away as knuckles runs for the edge of the island, gliding off as i fully fade away.
I gasp, sitting up too fast for me and i feel the hammock overturn and i land on my head, causing me to wince and i sit up, standing, taking in the dream, and i smile. Our friends will know we're ok, and hopefully they don't do anything stupid with that info. I look around to see silver and Error asleep, martin sitting next to error's hammock, half asleep, and i come over and i shake him awake and he gasps, spotting me and i chuckle." Go get some sleep martin, you'll regret not sleeping." Martin nods, yawning," thanks Lash, you got the next shift?" I nod," yeah, i'll watch over him." Martin nods and heads to bed and i giggle, sitting by error and i softly rock the hammock with soft taps of my shoe. I pull out a photo i have of my whole family, bound to a golden bracelet, and i smile. Seeing knuckles had eased my homesickness, but it didn't stop my worry for them. Knuckles hadn't mentioned egghead. I just hope they're being safe
Many hours pass and error groans, coming to and he sits up, and i grab the hammock so he doesn't fall out." WhAt happEned?" I smile," we found you in the ice, and made a new friend, finding 3 more emeralds all in the proccess." "New fRiEnd?" I chuckle and i let go of the hammock, and he lands on his feet and i walk over to the third hammock and i gently guesture in," his name is Silver, he helped me save you. He's been trapped on this world his whole life." He looks in, suprised," how dID thEy fInd mE?" " no clue how he exactly found you, but he saved your life. Sure you wouldn't have died, but you were already too weak to escape on your own." He nods, sighing as he relaxes," pooR kId, iF hE's beeN heRe eVen hAlf thE tIme yOu wEre on eARth alOne,he DeseRvEs a FaMIly." I nod," i said the same, even offered for him to join us, he happily accepted." Error chuckles and nods, as jimmy comes out," oh error, your up and about. How're you feeling?" "MucH bEtter, aLthOugh hOw SilVer eVEn fOund me iS a MysTERy fOr mE." Jimmy nods and gets started on some chili dogs. Silver smells the chili as it cooks, and he sits up." What smells so good?" I laugh," have you never had chili dogs?" He shakes his head and error chuckles glitchily and silver says," good, your awake." " hOw dID yOU fiNd mE iN tHe iCe?" " your energy, it was calling for anyone to help, i was trying to crack the ice with anything i could lift, but nothing was breaking it until Lash came along and said to use her as a drill." Error nods at that and says," you hAve mY thaNks Silver. As wELl as mY tRust." Silver smiles, stepping out of the hammock. Sure i'm the only one to bonk thier head getting out. Sure error is a god, but still! Error waves a hand in front of my face and i look over to him,"there yoU aRe, yOu dRifted Off fOr a SecONd. ChiLi dOgS are rEAdy." I nod and i grab a plate of them, chowing down on them. Silver's yellow eyes light up when he tastes the first bite, downing his food in a minute max and i ask." You all good there Silver?" He nods," yeah, i've just never had anything so delicious, and food has been scarce since winter hit, i haven't eaten in days." I nod, i understood that pain." I'm suprised you didn't hide out near human settlements." " i tried, but taking food didn't feel right." My ears fold down and i hold his shoulder." Well those days are behind you now. Your safe with error and i." Error nods, asking chris, who had just woken up and gotten toast for breakfast with some honey."coUld wE mOve aWay FroM Cold BioMEs? All eMEralds leFt are South oF uS." Chris nods," of course, besides i think we've all had a fill from the cold right?" I giggle and nod. We lift off that hour, in search of the last 2 emeralds.
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