So Heard of zebra eating grass in daylight so one zebra hear a were-hyena watching and were-hyena stalking one zebra and
were-hyena jumping on top zebra back with his claws cut zebra skin and were-hyena bite zebra neck and zebra neck less a lot of
blood with a bite mark on it neck and zebra fall to the ground with were-hyena pines zebra down and finish with killing blow by
Crushing zebra neck off with his teeth and zebra heard running away from the were-hyena.
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were-hyena howl the rest of the pack
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But were-hyena growl at some of his pack because he eats first so were-hyena ripped zebra carcass with his hand to garb meat and bones so were-hyena Paul meat and bones for zebra stomach so were-hyena take meat and bones to his spot and so the were-hyena sit down next to zebra carcass so hyena pack members start eating the zebra carcass with were-hyena two pet laughing hunter and laughing hunting eating with the pack
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so were-hyena finished eating his meat and bones and were-hyena see his pack members and his two pet laughing hunter and laughing hunting finish eating zebra carcass and so were-hyena see a lion running to their zebra carcass and the were-hyena roar at his pack and his two pet laughing hunter and laughing hunting to running away from the lion.
So the were-hyena and his pack members and his two pet laughing hunter and laughing hunting leave the lion alone so they walk to lake to get some water and after dinking some water the were-hyena and his pack members and his two pet laughing hunter and laughing hunting see Heard of elephants getting some water so they leave water.
the were-hyena climb a tree and sit down on a tree branch to see a turtle ship to landing Neil The grassland and were-hyena see people come out turtle ship and his pack members stay next to the tree and his two pet laughing hunter and laughing hunting and were-hyena going to see their people in his territory.
Jimmy Z: will guy welcome come to Africa
Martin: so Chris what do you want to explore
Chris:let explore a heard of zebra
Chris: yeah Aviva you can come along with use
Aviva: should guys al make you some zebra powers
Martin and Chris:awesome
So Martin Chris and Aviva leaving the turtle ship on the Createrra to search the zebra heard so they see their zebra heard maze
Martin Chris and Aviva jump out the Createrra to see maze
Chris: i see maze heard but one zebra heard member is missing
Aviva:oh no
Chris:guy look The strange creature left bloody claw marks on grass and then it ran off.
Martin: weird how can a predator take down a full grown zebra
Aviva: yeah that weird
So maze and his heard see something behind them
Chris:maze what wrong girl
Martin: Chris I think maze heard see something behind them
Aviva: what behind them
the were-hyena growl behind them
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chris Martin and aviva whimpered as chris Martin and aviva didn't wanted to know what was behind zebra and chris Martin and aviva turned around,chris Martin and aviva face turned literally paled when in the daylight was two red glowing eyes and a monster about 35 inches tall.
Whatever it was, it growled at and raised its claws to scratch Chris Martin and aviva.
AH!" chris Martin and aviva panicked as chris Martin and aviva ducked and ran back to Createrra with maze hair so aviva finished making zebra power and aviva touch zebra disc to the Kratts brothers
were-hyena run behind the Createrra to see Aviva hair in backseat and so were-hyena gab Aviva hair by pulling her for backseat of the Createrra
chris and Martin:Aviva
chris:Martin stop Createrra
chris was to later to gab aviva hand
Aviva:help me
chris took a picture of a were-hyena on his creature pod to send to koki in Tortuga HQ
Chris:I got to call koki
Koki:you call Chris
Chris:yeah a predator take aviva for the Createrra
Koki:a predator take aviva for the Createrra
Koki:Chris do you have a picture of the predator take aviva for the Createrra
Chris:yeah just sending you picture right now
Koki:okay Chris I get the picture you send of predator take aviva for the Createrra
Koki:it a werehyena
Koki: yeah a Were-hyena is a neologism coined in analogy to werewolf for therianthropy involving hyenas. It is common in the folklore of the Arabian Peninsula, the Levant, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, and the Near East as well as some adjacent territories.
Martin:wow a werehyena that is so cool
Chris: awesome a werehyena
Koki:not awesome
Jimmy Z:AH
Koki:Chris I think you and Martin should rescue aviva for a were-hyena with your zebra power
Chris:okay koki will rescue aviva for his were-hyena
Chris hang up his creature pod
Martin:yeah bro
Chris:let use our zebra power suit to rescue aviva for his were- hyena
Martin and Chris use maze hair to activate they creature power suit
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Martin and Chris:to the aviva rescue
Martin:so where do you think the were-hyena take aviva for to
Chris:maybe werehyena take Aviva back to his den with the tree next to water
Martin: okay let go
Chris: hang on aviva we will find you
So Kratts brother run after were-hyena by following were-hyena foot print on grass
So were-hyena hold on aviva hair by running long distance to his home to den next to the tree
were-hyena drop aviva next to the tree next to den and water
aviva:ah my head hurt,where am I,I look to see I'm in a den,but who den is
were-hyena: welcome to my den Beautiful women
Aviva:ah and you can talk and you call me Beautiful
Aviva(blushing)he called me beautiful
were-hyena:yes I can talk and your welcome
Aviva:thanks and why you take me
were-hyena:because me,my pack and my two pet laughing hunter and laughing hunting need a Queen to leader us
Aviva:oh were are your pack and two pet laughing hunter and laughing hunting anyway
were-hyena:oh they right here
were-hyena howling rest of the pack member and his two pet laughing hunter and laughing hunting
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Aviva: wow
were-hyena pack member
And his two pet laughing hunter and laughing hunting
Aviva: wow that a lot of hyena
Were-hyena: yeah
Aviva:but why do you need a queen
Were-hyena:because we need person who will leader us to help animals that need saving
Were-hyena will you leader us to help animals that need saving
Aviva:yes I will leader you to help animals that need saving
Were-hyena:good let do the hyena laughing okay everyone let get out of here den and laughing outside
So Were-hyena with aviva and pack member and his two pet laughing hunter and laughing hunting are outside to be laughing
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pack member:laughing
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his two pet laughing hunter and laughing hunting
laughing hunter:laughing
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Laughing hunting:laughing
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Aviva:wow no wonder hyena laughing it so beautiful
Chris and Martin can hear hyena laughing right there
Were-hyena see intruders coming Close to his pack members and his two laughing hunter and laughing hunting
Were-hyena howling at his pack members and his two laughing hunter and laughing hunting to surround the intruders
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Were-hyena run with his pack members and his pet two laughing hunter and laughing hunting to attack the intruders
Aviva see Chris and Martin in they zebra power suit to rescue her to see Were-hyena run with his pack members and his pet two laughing hunter and laughing hunting and Were-hyena they split up to attack the left side and right side
So Kratts brothers in they zebra power suit to stop to see a Were-hyena with his pack members and his pet two laughing hunter and laughing hunting with Aviva behind them and they hears the were-hyena pack growling at Kratts brothers, then they circle Chris and Martin.
Chris and Martin in zebra suit:"Uh-oh"
Were-hyena was about to attack they see Kratt brother use the zebra Stripe Confusion power on Were-hyena pack to Confusion them.
Were-hyena pack run back to the dean to be Confusion by zebra Stripe.
Chris and Martin:Aviva
Chris and Martin was about to grab aviva hand for the den
They hear a roar in front of them
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It was were-hyena
Chris and Martin deactivate zebra power back to the human-self
were-hyena:leave the queen alone
Chris: you can talk
were-hyena:yeah I can talk
Chris and Martin:what do you want aviva anyway
were-hyena:to leader us to help animals to be rescue
Chris and Martin:Aviva it this true that you are Queen of the were-hyena and ask him to leader you to rescue the animal
Aviva:yes I'm sorry bro
Chris:that okay aviva lest you have a new member of the Wild Kratts team and were hyena as a pet
Martin: so Chris do you have a tranquilizer dart
Chris:got bro
Chris hold a tranquilizer dart use one tranquilizer dart at the were-hyena.
Martin:okay bro I want you to shot three dart at were-hyena.
Chris pulled tranquilizer dart trigger shot three dart at were-hyena body so drown with a howling to the ground so aviva ben down to feel were-hyena fur
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
were-hyena he collapsed on the ground and feel in a deep sleep and kratt brother being a caged for were-hyena and kratt brother and Aviva was examined to put were hyena in his caged.
So kratt brothers turned around to see were-hyena two pet two pet laughing hunter and laughing hunting
Growling at kratt brothers but they see Queen aviva so laughing hunter and laughing hunting bow down to her
kratt brothers:wow that some leadership
aviva:come laughing hunter and laughing hunting let's get back to Tortuga
kratt brothers:let's go
Aviva:Wait guys what about were-hyena pack members
kratt brothers:yeah just take theme with use
Aviva: whistle
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Aviva whistle call were hyena pack member
Kratt brothers: wow
So Chris call jimmy Z to find they Location
And Martin watch were hyena pack member and his laughing hunter and laughing hunting
Aviva put a dog callers for her front pocket put on were-hyena neck inside his cage with name Y/n his dog callers
So kratt brothers and aviva see the tortuga landing on their location
With tortuga backdoor open for Kratts brother walk in with Aviva putting caged with a were-hyena inside it and with his pack member and his two pet laughing hunter and laughing hunting following them inside the Tortuga.
Chris and Martin:koki, jimmy Z
Koki:guy did you rescue Aviva for the were-hyena
Chris and Martin:yeah
Koki walk in to see Chris and Martin still next to left side of cage and aviva still next to right side of cage to see were-hyena inside it and with his pack member and his two pet laughing hunter and laughing hunting.
Were-hyena wake up for a tranquilizer dart that Chris shot for it body
Koki: guys in think Were-hyena is wakening up
They look to see Were-hyena is wakening up with rest of the pack members and his two pet laughing hunter and laughing hunting watching they king wakening up.
Were-hyena yawn
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So Were-hyena yawn For this sleep and Were-hyena wake up to see his new family so aviva open cage to let were-hyena out see koki starting up at 35 inches tall by walking to her by sniffing and breathing her.
JimmyZ:ah what is that thing
Chris:that thing is were-hyena it aviva pet
koki:aviva please tell your pet stop sniffing me
aviva:okay koki come here Y/n
Aviva: whistle
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Were-hyena hear Aviva whistle walking back to her Queen
Were-hyena sit down next to aviva with her pack member with his two pet his two pet laughing hunter and laughing hunting and Watching Kratts brother talking with koki and jimmyZ.
koki:so you guys meet the were-hyena that take Aviva and aviva become their Queen
jimmyZ:wow guys that is so cool to see the first Were-hyena in the world.
Kratts brothers:cool so what are we gonna to about the Were-hyena we can take Were-hyena back to the wild Aviva will be sad seeing her pet return to the wild.
Maybe we can adopting the Were-hyena as our adventure bodyguard
koki:yes that could work
jimmyZ:okay I like that idea guys if you need me al be playing games right ahh
Kratts brothers:okay let Tell aviva we can adopted the Were-hyena our adventure bodyguard
Kratts brothers are walking to aviva but they hear a Were-hyena growling Standing up front her Queen
Kratts brothers:so sorry your highness can we borrow your Queen for a second
Were-hyena:Oh Okay you can borrow my Queen for a second but I'm watching you
Kratts brothers:okay aviva can you come for a minute
aviva: wow
Kratts brothers grab aviva arm by putting close to them so they talk to them will aviva pet were-hyena watching them talk about him.
aviva:okay guys what do you want to talk about.
Kratts brothers:will we finish thinking so we talked about adopting were-hyena as our adventure bodyguard to protect us went we go on our creature adventure.
aviva:okay like that so I will call him
aviva whistle to call her pet were-hyena
aviva: oh come here Y/n your Queen need you
were-hyena:okay your highness I'm coming
were-hyena walking straight to her highness and Kratts brothers
were-hyena:what do you want to your highness
aviva: will your highness me and Kratts brother's talking about adopting you
were-hyena smile in a creepy way to be adopting.
Kratts brothers: oh Aviva does he always smile in a creepy way
aviva: no he does will it creepy way to smile at a person
aviva:your highness are you okay
were-hyena:adopted I always want to be adopted
were-hyena: oh I want to hug you guys and my queen with my were-hyena strength
Kratts brothers and aviva:oh okay come over here give us a were-hyena hug
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