Mom of a Croc
"Hi, it's us, the Kratt Siblings. I'm Martin, " Martin said to the audience.
"I'm Solara! His twin sister!" Solara introduced next to him.
"And I'm Chris, their younger brother! And it's alligator feeding time!" Chris chimed in.
First, they came up to a baby alligator.
"We'll start with the smallest and move up from there. This one-year old alligator will eat anything he can catch and fit in his mouth." Chris explained holding the hatchling.
"And here's a favorite first food ofan alligator hatchling, dragonflies. Hungry? Who knew dragonflies were so good?" Martin said giving the dragonfly to the hatchling.
Solara got to feed an older alligator. "This alligator is only three years old, she's definitely ready for fish and mammals and much bigger food. You got something, little brother? " she asked. Chris came over with a medium sized fish and gave it to the alligator.
"Easy, easy, girl. There you go. How about that? "
Chris then came up to the biggest alligator with the biggest fish. "And the biggest alligator gets the biggest fish!" The alligator bit down on the fish and squirted fish juice in Chris's face.
"Ugh, fish juice in the face!" Chris groaned laughing.
"Right down the hatch. An alligator this size has a bite force of about 1,000 lb." Solara explained. "The biggest crocodiles and alligators have a bite force of 5,000 lb. That's the same amount of force as a pickup truck sitting on top of you! That's the power of this reptile's jaws. But alligators and crocodiles are about more than just sharp teeth and a deadly snap."
"You're right, Eclipse. Imagine meeting a completely different side to a crocodile, a side that is dedicated, protective, and maybe even caring!" Chris said.
"Then, we'd be able to appreciate what these creatures are really all about. " Martin added.
Then, the three siblings posed. "What if?" they chorused.
(Imagine Solara Belle is in the theme song)
Solara, Chris, and Martin were near the Nile river in Africa looking for crocs, and trying to convince Aviva that there's more to crocodiles than their reputation as scary brutes.
"Oh, I think she's coming out of the water," Chris eagerly whispered.
"As long as she doesn't see us, we should be okay. " Martin added as they crawled into another bush.
"There she is!" Solara whispered.
The female crocodile slowly walked out of the water and onto the sandy riverbed.
"Whoa, the mighty Nile crocodile of Africa!" Martin gasped in amazement.
"At over 20', one of the two largest types of crocodile in the world. Right behind the saltwater crocodile, " Chris informed his older brother and sister.
Martin was getting excited. "She's picked a spot. It shouldn't be long now!"
"Oh, yeah. Digging is step one." Chris said.
"Alright. Operation Crocodile Nest is underway. Aviva, are they read yet?" Solara asked Aviva through her creaturepod.
"Almost. But, guys, I told you. This plan of yours is not going to change my mind. I just don't like crocs, period. " Aviva chided.
"Oh, you'll like them after this adventure. " Martin assured her.
"Don't judge a book by its cover, Aviva, " Solara chided with her hands on her hips.
"Yeah, Operation Crocodile Nest will prove that there's more to crocodiles than you think. " the youngest Kratt chimed in.
"They're just big, creepy and ugly reptiles. All I've seen them do is try and bite things. They give me the heebie-jeebies." Aviva said shivering at the thought.
"That's why they're cool. When they're far away from me." Jimmy whimpered in fright after Aviva showed him a crocodile.
"See that? And you think that if I see her lay eggs, it'll make me like the big meanies all of a sudden? I don't think so," Aviva chided again shaking her head.
"Okay, boys. Let's do this. Miniaturizer ready!" Solara exclaimed throwing the machine to the ground and ignoring Aviva. She, Martin, and Chris jumped on the miniaturizer and shrunk to the size of crocodile eggs.
"Okay, they're done. Zap it, Jimmy!" Aviva ordered as she threw a package at the teleporter.
Jimmy stopped screaming long enough to teleport the package to the Kratt Siblings. "Teleporting secret disguise now!"
The secret disguise was egg suits!
"Ok, go, go, go, go, go!" Chris urged as they shuffled closer.
"Guys, check out those huge scoopfuls ofsand she grabs with her hind feet! We better hustle, you two," Solara told her brothers as they kept moving.
"Whoa! Now this is an impressive face! I'll call her Crocodilla!" Martin declared as they walked up to her face.
"Chris! Check out her teeth! 64 dagger teeth, twice as much as we have. " Solara whispered to her younger brother.
Solara whispered, "It's a good thing we just like a couple of crocodile eggs, otherwise I don't even WANT to know what would happen."
"See?" Aviva said as she spoke through her creaturepod as a hologram. "You don't trust her either! Just don't awaken the beast, you three. Ugh!"
The oly thing Crocodilla did was blink.
"I don't even think she sees us! She's in that special trance that crocodiles get into when they lay...their....eggs~~" Martin said partially joking, earning a slight laugh from Solara.
That's when Eclipse realized something. "The trance! She's in step 2: Egg-laying! Let's move!"
Martin, though, fell on his face.. "Did I crack?"
"Nope, you're good!"
"56, 57. 57 eggs! One by one, she lays her eggs in the nest chamber!" Chris was amazed.
Martin said, "If all these hatch, there'll be lots of little Nile crocodiles running around here in about three months!"
Suddenly, the crocodile started to bury the eggs in the sand, knocking the Kratt Siblings away.
"She's burying them! Are you kidding me?! She just drops her eggs in a hole and covers them up?! I told you three, that is one cold creature!" Aviva chided once again with her arms crossed.
"We'll see. Let's get in there, guys," Chris said to Martin and Eclipse.
Aviva was confused now. "What? Get in where?"
"Where else?" Martin asked as if it were obvious. "The nest! We're crocodile eggs, those are our pals down there, Aviva."
Chris chimed in. "Besides, how else are we going to find out the secrets of crocodile birth? Let's get cracking!"
The trio shuffled towards the nest while Aviva rolled her eyes and cut the communication link.
Crocodilla was still covering up her nest when Martin, Chris, and Eclipse leapt into the nest.
"Guys, wait!" Koki called as she typed on her keyboard. "We're losing you! I'll have to make some adjustments to the signal reciever."
On the main screen, Jimmy and Aviva were watching Crocodilla pack in the sand on her nest, mouths agape.
"Whoa," Jimmy breathed out in amazement. "She's stomping the sand! Looks like she's packing them in,"
"I knew this was a bad idea," Aviva said while shaking her head. "Never trust a crocodile!"
"I'm getting a signal again!" Koki exclaimed from her station.
"Yo there, guys, we're fine!" Chris said from inside the nest.
"The eggs have landed," Martin added.
Then, Crocodilla stopped packing the sand.
"She's done." Jimmy observed.
Martin and Chris started cheering, until their sister brought up the topic of what they should do.
A few days later, Chris brought out the periscope and saw Crocodilla holding her mouth open.
"She's holding her mouth open. It's getting pretty hot up there; about 90°F today," he said, looking at Martin.
"But cooler down here in the nest," Solara observed from where she was laying on top of one of the eggs, her roller skates sitting on the ground.
Chris put his hand on the sandy floor and checked the temperature.
"Yeah, this sand is amazing! Down here, under a layer of sand, the temperature hardly changes at all! It's been about 85° day and night! The perfect temperature for these eggs to develop."
"Oh, your mom knew exactly what she was doing when she put you in here, Fred," Martin said.
"I thought that one was Crunch." Chris said in a questioning manner.
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