Do I still have feelings for Finn? Well, everyone meets that special someone at some point in their lives, the one. I always felt like Finn was the one for me, my soulmate, my perfect match, but then we broke up, and I moved on with Thomas. I'm with Thomas, my best friend, my could I possibly still have feelings for Finn? Maybe I'm not over him, maybe I never was.
"Hey," Aunt Liz said as she poked her head in the living room.
"What's up?" I asked and got up off the couch.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
"Don't lie, I can tell that everyone is feeling emotional and tense because let's face it, the past few days have been nothing but emotional and tense. People think they are clever at hiding their emotions, but I can tell when people are fine, and you Mallory are not."
I sighed, I guess you can't hide anything from your family. "Okay, so I'm not fine."
"Want to talk about it?'
"No...I'm dealing with a past issue...and realized that maybe I'm still stuck in the past."
"Well, when I think about something from the past, I try to focus on how good my future is. Sure, I'm single and my mother just died...but I have a roof over my head, food in my fridge, and the biggest most supportive family anyone could imagine."
"Did you ever date when you were my age?"
"Honey, I had them on rotation." Liz sighed. "I guess I never stuck with one person because of how my father treated us, so cold and distant. I tried my best not to be like him but made me scared to open up with other people."
"You're up opening up to me right now."
"You're family, it's different. Whatever past you are dealing with right now it's in the past...focus on the future you have."
"You always give the best advice."
"I know, that's why I'm the smartest in the family. Don't tell your father I said that."
I chuckled, "I won't."
Later, the family went down to the lake to cool down and let off some steam. I was surprised when I saw Thomas there.
"Babe, there you are." His brown hair was matted from the heat and his swim trunks hung low from his toned body. He ran over to me and kissed me.
"Were you looking for me?"
"I tried calling you, but you didn't answer."
"I'm so head has been all over the place the last couple of days."
"Is there anything I could do?"
"Kiss it better?"
He gave that signature smirk. "Sure thing." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer.
"Ew! There are people here besides you two." Katherine remarked.
We rolled our eyes. "Get over it."
"You'll get to used it when we're married." I was shocked when Thomas said that.
"Married? Are you proposing?" Is it bad that I don't want him to? Gosh, what is wrong with me?
"No, but...I mean we are graduating soon and.... maybe we should talk about our future."
"Hey, are you two love birds getting in? The sun is about to go down!" Katherine yelled as she jumped into the lake, splashing water around us.
"Let's put a pin in this for now," I said and didn't miss the look of disappointment on Thomas's face.
The entire family swam around the lake as the sun set on the shimmering water. Everyone looked so happy like they belonged there...something I've been desperate to feel lately. This whole past thing with Finn and the future with Thomas is freaking me out. Not to mention I checked my email and read that I got a job offer to work with a high-end fashion brand in New York. I still don't feel like I belong there, that I'm some big fraud and someone will notice it sooner or later.
I got out of the water and as everyone put on their towels and covers, I threw back on my shirt and shorts while walking up towards the street that led to the city.
"Hey! Where are you going?" Thomas shouted.
"I need a minute think!" I said and walked to the nearest building which happened to be a bar. I sat down on a stool and listened to the live band, the singer was really pretty and her voice was amazing. I sighed and heard a familiar voice.
"Having a rough day?"
I turned my head to see Finn sitting right next to me wearing a plaid shirt and baseball cap. Is he a magician? Do I have a clip implanted in my skull? How does he keep popping up like this? "How can you tell?"
"I've gotten pretty good at reading you when we dated."
"I really don't want to talk right now."
"Okay, then what are you drinking? I'll buy."
"What do you want in return?"
"One dance." He nodded to the empty dance floor.
"Fine, a dance for a drink."
Finn waved down the bartender and ordered some whiskey, while we waited the band started to play a slow song and Finn reached out his hand. "I believe I'm owed a dance."
I follow his lead and listen to the music. The lyrics are sad and desperate....and give a sense of longing and loss.... the wanting of a past relationship, which is something I can relate to. I lay my head down on Finn's chest, listening to his relaxing heartbeat.
He speaks in a whisper. "Do you ever think about us?"
The question is quiet and daring. How do I respond to that? "All the time." I can practically feel him smiling at my answer. "We were so young and in love, I thought you were it for me.... but now there's Thomas and-'"
"Do you love him?"
"Does he make you happy?"
"Is he the one?"
There it is the one question I can't answer yet. "I don't know."
"You know, I still about us all the time. What we could have we ended things."
I look up at those emerald eyes. "You do?"
He looks down. "I think you were the one for me, might still be." His lips are getting dangerously close to mine. "Do you still love me?"
"Finn...I.... I can't do this to Thomas." I say and head for the door. Finn pulls my arm and in a second his lips are on mine. I pull away, trying to find the right words to say when I see Thomas standing next to me...he looks utterly heartbroken.
"I came to see if you were okay...I guess I got my answer." Just like that, he's out the door and I'm chasing after him.
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