I made my way inside, trying to figure out where Kade went. Since I hadn't been to his house before, it was going to be a task to find the right place especially since it was massive. I threw a cursory glance back to see if there was anyone following me inside.
Thankfully, there was no one.
I quickened my pace and focussed on locating the kitchen. It took me a couple of minutes and a few wrong turns to finally spot it but to my utter dismay, it was empty.
Where did he go?
It could be that he made a stop over somewhere else before he came here so I decided to wait a little. It was better than going out and losing on another possible chance to step up. This push and pull game with Kade had gone too long now.
I knew I had feelings for him way back. I didn't know when my simple attraction turned into more but it was one truth I couldn't deny. Having gone through heartbreak in more ways than one made me cautious of getting feelings. Even in friendship, the little seeds of doubts and insecurities still existed and I hated that.
What Beth and Reed did was something that pushed me off the cliff and with dad leaving us alone, it had taken my will to fight back. Maybe that was one reason I thought pushing Kade away before he could break my heart was a good thing.
But I knew one thing. If I didn't fight to get what I wanted, I was going to lose way more than I bargained for. I had already witnessed that with Olivia. A lot had gone wrong with her misplaced hatred, my lack of effort and both our tangled emotions but both of us were piecing it together, albeit slowly.
There were still a lot of things Kade and I hadn't talked about yet. With him, it had always been dancing around feelings rather than exploring what lied beneath the surface. My messed up emotions had made me lose clarity of what I wanted in life but I was coming back.
It was high time that I confronted my feelings with the boy in question and he did the same. I needed to know if this was worth fighting for because my heart was holding on to him and I didn't want it to be a wasted effort.
I was jerked out of my thoughts when a hand snaked around my waist from behind me. The lack of butterflies told me exactly what I needed to know. Whoever it was, needed to get his hands off of me right now.
I immediately turned around to see Mike smirking down at me. He was again too close for my liking and his aftershave was overpowering my senses in the worst way possible.
How was it that being in water hadn't washed the scent off?
"I thought you came in for a drink?" he leaned in whispering in my ear.
"Uh, yeah. That's what I am here for," I said and scooted to the side to make space between us. I almost lurched forward towards the island that had the solo cups and an array of alcoholic drinks on it.
I grabbed a cup and and poured the littlest amounts of vodka in it before grabbing some orange juice and filling the cup entirely. Yeah, I wasn't about to get drunk in front of Mike of all people.
"That's not a drink," he complained and I gave him a slightly awaked smile.
"I don't feel like drinking too much," I said, hoping he would let it go.
"Okay, how about this. You take two shots with me and I won't ask you to drink more than that," he bargained and I looked at him sceptically.
I weighed down my options.
Looking at him, he didn't seem like the type to give up so easily. I knew he wasn't going to back off unless he got what he wanted and I was really hoping he stuck to his words of not pestering me any further.
Moreover, I could use some liquid courage if I were to step up my game wit Kade.
"Okay. Sounds good but I will not have any more after that," I said, a little sternly so that I got my point across.
He raised his hands in surrender. "I promise," he smirked a little.
I eyed him for a few seconds and decided that I would believe him for now. He hadn't really done anything much other than invade my personal space for now and I was hoping it stayed that way.
I watched him as he fished out two shot glasses and kept them in front of us. He poured vodka to the brim and smirked at me. I grimaced a little at the glass. Vodka on its own was never a very good idea and I already knew the disgusting taste that was going to attack my taste buds.
I shook my head slightly and before I could change my mind, I picked the glass up and downed the drink. Immediately I felt it burning down my throat. I could feel my taste buds revolting at the taste and before I could spit it all out, I gulped it down.
I quickly sipped on the orange juice so drown some of the bitterness. How did people find this enjoyable?
I looked up to see Mike looking slightly impressed and smug as he picked up his glass and downed his drink without flinching. His eyes never left mine as he licked his lips and kept he glass back. It was as if he had just had water and not the worst drink possible.
Some people really were good at having alcohol.
"Ready for round two?" he said, stepping closer to me again.
I barely paid any mind to that for now and motioned for him to fill up the empty glasses. Better to get it done with.
He didn't object as he refilled the glasses and handed one to me. "Let's do this one together."
His eyes flitted to my lips as I brought the glass to my mouth. I could sense that he was enjoying this and my focus had shifted from his closeness to the drink in front of me instead. I looked up at him and watched him mimic my actions. Without wasting another second, I downed the drink and watched him do the same.
I don't know if it was because I had never had undiluted vodka shots before or I hadn't eaten in a long while, but I could already feel my body feel warmer. I was pretty sure it wasn't because of Mike so it had to be the alcohol.
I wasn't feeling much in my head yet though.
"I heard you're in Madison's dance team," he said, his voice dropping down an octave. Was that supposed to be sexy?
Where did he hear that from?
His eyes travelled down my body, stopping to check out my curves. I would've stepped away immediately had I not been distracted by the footsteps heading towards us. Mike seemed to be too preoccupied to realised that we were about to have some company.
Could it be Kade?
My lack of moving away, however seemed to have been misunderstood as it being a positive sign because once again I felt him snake up his arm around my waist and step even closer.
I could pass out from the intensity of the aftershave that was attacking my senses right now.
It wasn't even good.
I guess he thought I was too awestruck to answer him going by his expressions and he was enjoying it. He looked way too smug for his own good.
My eyes were glued to the door that I was looking at from over his shoulder and my heart almost stopped when I watched as Kade walked in. He looked up, the presence of more people in the kitchen catching his attention. That's when his eyes landed on us.
My first instinct was to immediately push Mike away and put some much needed space between us.
But I watched as his expression changed completely when he realised who it was. His eyes landed on me and I quickly diverted my gaze so that he didn't see me looking at him. I discreetly looked at him again through my perisperhal vision to his his jaw ticking when his eyes looking at Mike's arm around my waist and how close we were.
He was almost crushing the can in his hand and I felt my body heat up at his gaze that was dangerously staring at the two of us. His entire form had gone tense and he had completely stopped moving.
As much as I wanted to push Mike away and go to Kade, I felt my gut squeeze in anticipation. Maybe seeing me up and close with Mike would give him the motivation to make his move.
With that thought in mind, I looked back at Mike and batted my eyelashes at him flirtily. I guess the alcohol had started working because I knew I wouldn't have the confidence to do this completely sober. I guess I did have Mike to thank for that.
Mike seemed to love the attention I was giving him now.
"You know what I would love right now?" he said trying to sound husky.
I bit my lip, something I knew Kade liked, and smiled at him. He was lapping it up. "Yeah?"
His eyes flitted to my lips and I could see him get excited with my apt responses.
"You out of your coverup showing me the moves I have been hearing so much about," his eyes were once again focussed on where they shouldn't be but I couldn't seem to care because that seemed to have done it for Kade.
I heard a loud smash and both Mike and I looked up startled and turned our heads towards the sound to see a broken beer bottle on the ground and Kade standing there nonchalantly.
"Ah, my bad. It slipped," he said and his expression showed that he was anything but sorry for it.
I took that as my chance to step away from Mike and take the deepest breath free from the horrendous scent. Gosh, I needed that.
"No worries bro. Do you need help cleaning it up?" Mike asked, clearly a little annoyed with the interruption.
"Don't worry about it," Kade waved it off before his eyes landed on me.
I looked away towards Mike. "Okay, then. Kyra wo-" Mike began as he turned and not watching where his hand was going, he knocked my solo cup with orange juice, splashing more than half of it on me.
I gasped as the sticky orange liquid soaked into my dress. Since the lace was super light and delicate, it immediately clung to me and turned translucent.
"Oh shit," Mike quickly picked up the solo cup and reached his hands out to me but before he could touch me, I felt a pair of hands grab me by my arms and pull me back into a hard chest. No guesses to who that was.
Despite the cool liquid, I could feel my skin burning at the contact where Kade touched me.
"Don't worry, I'll get Kyra cleaned up," Kade spoke up before Mike could offer to help.
"But I-"
"I'll handle it from here," Kade interrupted, not letting him finish what he wanted to.
I didn't speak a work because I totally wanted Kade to handle it. As much as Mike wanted to hang out with me, I was done being within his nauseating scent. My lungs couldn't take it anymore.
Mike didn't seem too pleased with the outcome but thankfully didn't protest much. After giving it a thought or two, he stepped back a little.
"Okay, then. Kyra, I'll see you in the pool," he said before leaning in,"I guess I'll at least get one of my wishes today," he whispered, his eyes wandering to the dress that was sticking to me like second skin. You could see my lilac bikini much more now.
Kade must've heard it because I felt him stiffen. I held in a shudder at both Kade's touch and Mike's roaming eyes.
"Come on," Kade spoke up and without giving me a chance to say anything he grabbed my hand and dragged me away from the kitchen.
He was still tense, his face set straight and he glared ahead as he pulled me along to God knew where.
After a few turns and a climb up the stairs, Kade led me through a door into a room that I realised was his bedroom. Just the thought of being alone with him in his room was exciting but I didn't try to raise my hopes too much.
He closed the door behind him and disappeared into the bathroom and I took that time to take a look at his room.
It was stunning with dark wood accents dominating the aesthetic of the room. It was relatively neat and screamed Kade. There was a wall of books to the right where he also had his desk and a few essentials stocked. Right by it he had a few of his trophies and certificates put up.
I held in the urge to go touch his stuff. I felt like his room could really give me an insight into who exactly Kade was.
But I couldn't do that because he emerged from the bathroom a few seconds later with a towel. What irked me though was that he wasn't looking at me.
"Here. clean yourself up with this. I'll get you something to wear," he said and I watched as he handed it to me, still not meeting my eyes.
I wordlessly took both it from him and went towards the bathroom. I was getting a little annoyed now.
Was that it? A little show of jealousy and nothing after that?
I was even questioning if it was actually jealousy that I saw. He could've been irritated with anything and my hopeful brain could have seen it like I hoped to.
I quickly removed the dress and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I looked at myself, examining my body from top to bottom. The vodka shots seemed to be taking their action because I felt more confident as I looked at my bikini-clad self.
I quickly wet the towel and cleaned off the sticky juice before feeling more determined. I had to take control of my own situation. I was done waiting for things to just happen on their own. I needed to step out of my comfort zone. I ran my hand through my hair and exited the bathroom.
If I were sober, I might have wrapped the towel around myself and waited for Kade to give me something to wear on top to be more comfortable. But right now, with alcohol coursing through me and giving me false confidence, I was going to own it while it lasted.
I stepped out to see a t-shirt laid on the bed for me to wear. Kade was standing near the wall, typing something on his phone.
He must've heard me walk out of the bathroom. "You can wear the t-shirt I put on the bed," he said raiding his head to look me in the eyes for the smallest of seconds and motioning towards the t-shirt.
I grabbed the tee off the bed and stared at it. A part of me did want to wear it but the other part wanted to be bold. The other part won.
"What if I don't want to?"
Kade froze and his head snapped up. That made you look.
"Kyra, don't mess around. I know you won't feel comfortable without it," he said, his gaze was burning and I could already feel my body react to it.
"Why do you care? You haven't even looked at me ever since we got out of that kitchen," I retorted, crossing my arms defiantly.
His expression changed. He looked so painfully conflicted that I almost grabbed the t-shirt but I held myself back. Not today.
Just when I thought that he was going to say something to finally make his move, he said,"Kyra, just wear the damn t-shirt," and I felt disappointment course through my body.
Why couldn't he be true to himself for once?
"No," I retorted, with a little more defiance in my voice and started to make my way out of the room. If he didn't want to step it up, I was not going to wait here all night for it.
I ignored him and walked towards the door.
"I swear I'm hanging by a thread here. Please don't do this?"
The plea in his voice made me pause. I bit the inside of my cheek, contemplating on whether to let it go and listen to him or stick to myself and my thoughts. I looked at him. Somehow, there was this feeling inside me that was not letting me give in.
I decided to stick to that feeling.
"Well, you can keep hanging by that thread. Meanwhile, I'll go entertain Mike. I might even give him that lap dance he asked for," I added without thinking.
He hadn't asked for a lap dance and I wasn't going to give him one but Kade didn't need to know that. He could use his imagination to fill out the gaps and enjoy it however much he wanted to.
Right before I could open the door, Kade grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. Not expecting that, I stumbled a little as he caged me in his arms, pushing me against the wall.
"Not on my fucking watch," he growled, his voice low.
Fuck, that was hot.
My eyes were wide as saucers and I could feel my breathing go haywire. My heart was ready to beat its way out of my chest and my body was burning. Kade's heated gaze slowly took me in and just the intensity of it felt like he was dousing me in lava.
He stepped closer, making our bodies brush against each other. Our half-naked bodies. Oh my freaking goodness. Maybe I hadn't thought this through.
He closed his eyes, letting out a deep breath.
"Kyra, what are you doing to me?" he whispered, his voice husky, sending shivers down my spine.
I forgot how to speak.
The contours of our body were aligned with each other and I could barely believe that this beautiful guy in front of me was this close to me. It almost felt like a dream; a dream I didn't want to wake up from. Ever.
His Mediterranean blue eyes met mine and I could almost see the storm brewing inside them. I could feel the conflict in his eyes. There was something that had been holding him back and right now all I could feel was the need to settle the tornado.
My hands travelled up on their own accord, one resting on his chest and the other travelling up to cup his cheek. It was instinctive. I wanted to take away whatever was hurting him and keeping him from acting on his feelings.
His eyes automatically closed as he leaned into my hand.
My whole body reacted to him in ways I had never experienced before. The need to see him smile was so much that I was ready to do whatever it took to see that stunning image.
"Kyra..." he breathed.
My body seemed to have a mind of its own because it moved forward, pressing into him. His bare chest met mine. I felt like I could combust as our skin touched. My heart was already in overdrive and my thoughts were muddled together.
I didn't know if it was the alcohol or just him that was so intoxicating that I could barely breath. His scent unlike Mike's was something that drew me in even further. I wanted to breathe it in, breathe him in.
I didn't realise I had been biting my lip until Kade's hand travelled the length of my arm, up my neck to my jaw and the pad of his thumb gently let my lip loose. His eyes were trained on my lips and I involuntarily licked them.
That small action seemed to have ignited something in him. I felt the storm in his eyes turn into a hurricane. "Kyra, tell me to stop or I won't be able to hold back."
His eyes begged me to tell him to stop. It was as if he didn't realise how much I wanted it too.
"I-I can't do that," I found it in me to answer.
I wanted him to know that he wasn't the only one on the verge of losing control. I was too and I wanted him to not be afraid of letting go either.
My response seemed to have just the effect I hoped for. It seemed like it was the final cut to chop off the thread he hand been hanging by. He pressed himself into me, his arm circling around my waist. His eyes fixed themselves on my lips as he leaned in.
Our lips brushed together in a feathery touch and my body lit up in anticipation.
If there was something I realised, it was that life always had a way to test me in ways that I hated. Which is probably why loud banging on the door snapped us both out of our dreamy trance.
"Kade, are you in there?"
The voice that I hated the most came through the door and I wanted nothing more than to go out and rip her apart.
Kade put some space between us as he looked at the door. It took me a minute to catch my breath. I looked down, not knowing how he felt right now.
Would he still kiss me after? Or did this happen in the moment?
Montana's banging continued as I made a move detangle myself from Kade. It looked like it always did end up being her and I. Montana had won almost every time and I didn't expect this to be any different.
How did she have this hold on him?
I took a moment to breathe before looking up at Kade.
"It's okay. You can go get the door," I said, forcing a smile at him.
If only the she-devil came a few minutes late.
Kade looked at the door and then back at me. His gaze examined my face before Montana's voice grabbed his attention again. "Kade, are you there?"
Just when I thought he was going to go open the door, he looked back at me.
"Fuck it."
With that, he cupped my face and pressed his lips to mine in one of the most exhilarating and hot kisses of my life.
How was the chapter? ;)
I told you guys it would be fun.
Q: What are you looking forward to reading in the story next?
Thank you guys for all your votes and comments! They mean a lot to me. You guys reading and enjoying the story is the only thing that keeps me writing.
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