Before I pushed past him and walking until I saw her stood against the balcony looking over "Trevanion" Alex shouted after us which made Jodie turn around with a sad look on her face. "What are you doing here?" Jodie asked, "I've come to apologise" I said looking at her sad because i felt guilty "i overacted" I said looking at her "it was a shock" I said placing my hand on her arm.
"I'm sorry Jodie, please come back" I said which made her step back from me "sorry doesn't always make up for everything Danny" Jodie said sounding upset before she began to walk away "Jodie please stop" I said running after her "I think it's time you leave" Alex said stopping front of me causing me to stop "mind your own business Alex" I said snapping at him. "No when your causing a scene at my business and upsetting my friend" Alex said which made me glare at him.
"Friend you've only known her five minutes" i said getting angry "let's go Danny" Sarah said as she grabbed my arm before I nodded and we headed away from Mara and the Jeep.
Jodie POV
I walked away before sitting down and Alex came over "are you alright" Alex said as he also sat down "yeah, but I wish you had told me the truth also" I said rolling my eyes at him "I'm sorry I didn't want you to think bad of me for a mistake I made" Alex said as he looked at me "Thankyou for taking me back in" I said with a smile as I wiped away my tears away with the sleeve of my jumper. "Of course" Alex said reaching over and placing his hand on mine as he looked into my eyes.
which made me smile again, "if you want to stay I would take you on as a vet" Alex said which made a grin appear on my face "really?" I asked "of course your talented, funny and very appealing on the eye" Alex said in a flirtatious tone "stop flirting with me" I said with a chuckle "why not" Alex said with a flirtatious looking on his face. Alex had made mistakes in the past but he had been nothing but kind to me since I had arrived and the one person who hadn't turned on me and that meant a lot to me.
"Thankyou" i said which a smile as I put my hand on his. Over the next coming weeks I worked at Mara as there vet, treating every animal that came my way and I became to get closer to Alex as well as creating a friend ship and bond with Autumn and Emma which finally made me feel like I belonged here and I became happy. Which was a first for me in what felt like a long time as I seeing to a giraffe stood on a barel I heard Alex behind me "looks like you've made a new friend" Alex said with a grin on his face "yeah" i said wiping the sweat and mud off my face "so I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner tonight" Alex asked which made me smile "yeah why not as long as I don't have to wear this" I said pulling my tshirt out.
"Why not I like you all sweaty" Alex said as i placed my hands on my hips before we both laughed "well when you've finished here I need you to come to my office there's some paper work you need to fill out" Alex said before he walked away with a grin on his face. "What's he up to ay" I said feeding the giraffe a carrot "what's happened to me I'm stood here talking to a giraffe expecting you to talk back to me hey" I said feeding the giraffe another one.
Before finishing up and jumping down off the barel causing dust to fly everywhere so I wiped it off my shorts before walking over to Alex's office before knocking on the door before stepping in "hey" Alex said with a smile as he sat at his desk "so where's this paper work" I said as he stood up and walked over to me "there isn't any" Alex said as he moved his finger down my cheek "so it was a ruse to get me in your office on my own" I said with a smile as I nodded my head.
"Of course" Alex said as he leant in to kiss me and I didn't know why but I kissed him back before he lifted me up and placed me onto his desk as he kissed my neck "we shouldn't be doing this" I whispered "why not" Alex said as he continued to kiss my neck as he did I pushed him off "because your my boss" I said with a smile "and it means that you can't get fired for being in a relationship with a member of staff" Alex said with a grin as he placed his hand on my bare thigh as I was wearing shorts "because I don't want anyone to think I'm getting special favours from the boss" I said.
"Now I'd better get back to work" I said getting down from the desk and walking off from him and through the door of his office as I walked out I took a deep breathe because I was attracted to Alex but I felt that if something happened between myself and Alex it could affect my job and any chance of myself and my father sorting everything out between the both of us.
As I sat there on the balcony over looking the reserve, I sat there thinking about my father and the fight between us both, which I regretted so I stood up from my chair and grabbed my jacket before heading out I walked to Leopards den because I needed the time to think about what I would say to my father so I placed my earphones in before I began walking, taking in the scenes which made me smile Africa was the one place I felt calm and myself more myself that I had ever been.
As I reached the house I looked at it the distance and smiled but also cried because the last memory I had of this place was myself and my father arguing and me running off into the bush as I walked up to the house I saw my dad walk down the steps "Jodie what are you doing here?" Dad asked however he sounded happy to see me "I think we need to talk" i said as he nodded and the both of us began to walk off together.
End Of Chapter 6
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