Chapter Six || Two broken hearts
"Last night I dreamt,
That somebody loved me.
No hope, no harm
Just another false alarm".
- The Smiths
After spending the rest of the day walking across Robinson Park and observing all the different types of plants, Charlotte returned to the mansion. Olga opened the door and pointed to the dining room, telling the blonde that Ed and Oswald were already at the table. Once Charlotte walked closer to the room, she heard Oswald's voice and stopped to listen. A blues song was playing in the background so she stepped closer to hear clearly.
"Ed. A man comes to a crossroads in his life, and he has to make a choice. Does he choose safety and cowardice or does he opt for courage and risk everything? I choose courage. What I'm trying to say is..." Oswald stopped mid-sentence and cleared his throat. Once again he seemed nervous and it caused Charlotte to take another step in anticipation. "The thing I've been wanting to tell you all day long is... I love you".
Charlotte gasped after hearing Oswald's revelation. She had to admit she had wondered if Oswald was falling for Ed, but hearing it from Oswald's mouth made it sound real.
After a minute of taking the news in, Charlotte finally stepped into the room with an emotionless expression. Oswald was with his back to her and a table filled with food in front of him. However, he was alone. Charlotte had been so absorbed in her thoughts she didn't even notice there was no reply to Oswald's confession.
"Oswald," Charlotte called almost causing Oswald to fall off his chair.
"Charlotte?" He asked in surprise. Oswald immediately tried to compose himself to make it appear like nothing had happened. "Didn't hear you coming in".
The blonde's expression remained the same when she answered. "Yes, I've noticed".
Even though Oswald couldn't decipher her emotionless expression, he must have definitely noticed the cold tone in her voice.
"How long have you been standing there?" He asked, doing his best to sound oblivious.
"Long enough," Charlotte replied. She sat down on the right side of Oswald and filled a glass of wine for herself. Oswald also grabbed his glass of wine but it was empty, so he put it back on the table with a frown on his face. After a while of silence, Charlotte finally broke it. She was calmer now and decided it was better to say what she was thinking whether he cared or not. "I don't hate you, Oswald".
"What?" he asked after being suddenly pulled out of his own thoughts.
"I don't hate you for falling in love with Ed," she explained. "He's been a great friend to you. Where is he anyway?"
Oswald sighed. "He didn't come back yet. I thought he was with you".
"He told me he was going to buy a bottle of wine but would be back in time for the dinner. Do you think something happened?" Charlotte asked worriedly. Butch was on the loose and Charlotte was concerned that he might have done something to Ed.
"I'm worried, yes," Oswald confessed as his light green eyes focused on Ed's empty chair. Charlotte and Oswald waited for Ed to join them for dinner, but he didn't come. They decided to eat dinner and did it in silence.
After that, they retreated to their rooms. Charlotte dressed a black silk nightdress and layed down on the bed. Once again she waited and waited for Ed to enter the room and lay down next to her with a simple explanation as to what had happened. She called his phone, but it was turned off. She waited for so long she ended up falling asleep.
In the next morning, panic settled. Charlotte woke up to find Ed had not returned home that night. Oswald was also panicking and didn't seem like he had any sleep during the night. He wasn't even wearing a tie like he usually did and the top buttons of his white shirt were unbuttoned.
"I'm gonna call the GCPD this instant!" Oswald exclaimed hurrying himself towards the phone. He argued with the cop on the other side as soon as he was told to wait twenty-four hours. "I understand that one is expected to wait twenty-four hours before filing a missing persons report, but, sir, I am the Mayor".
"Oswald," a voice suddenly called from behind them, causing both Charlotte and Oswald to turn around. "Charlotte. I am so sorry".
Charlotte was going to step closer to Ed when Oswald ran past her and hugged him. "When you didn't come home, I assumed the worst. I am so glad you're okay".
Instead of hugging Oswald back, Ed stared at Charlotte, a sad look on his face that made the blonde even more concerned. When Oswald pulled away from the hug, Ed stepped closer to Charlotte. "Can we talk?"
The blonde woman nodded and both went to talk in his office. Charlotte waited for Ed to tell her whatever he wanted to talk about, but he just avoided her eyes and stared at the floor thoughtfully.
"Ed? What happened?" She questioned. "Wha-"
"I can break, I can be clogged, I can be attacked," Ed interrupted her with a riddle and gulped before he continued. "I can be given, I can be kept, I can be crushed yet I can be whole at the same time. What am I?"
"A heart..." Charlotte answered hesitantly as she wondered why Ed was so nervous. "Ed, just tell me what's wrong".
"I'm afraid I'll be breaking yours," Ed told her quickly, almost stumbling in his words. "I met someone".
At first, Charlotte didn't even know how to react. She just stood there with wide eyes. Then all of a sudden, her expression hardened. "You're kidding me, right? Please tell me you're kidding". Ed felt bad and looked down at his hands. Charlotte already felt the tears welling up in her eyes, but she didn't want to cry in front of him. "After everything we've gone through, you're breaking up with me?"
Ed looked back up at her. "I'm so so-".
But Charlotte didn't want to hear his excuses. "Who is she?"
"Her name is Isabella," Ed told her after a moment of hesitation. Charlotte looked up at the ceiling so the tears wouldn't fall. Then she walked towards the door.
"Charlotte, wait!" Ed called after her, but she didn't stop and didn't look back.
The blonde stormed to her room and layed down on her bed, finally able to let the tears spill from her eyes. A question kept going through her head: 'How could he have done this to me?'
After hours of just laying there on the bed, Charlotte heard a faint knock on the door. "Can I come in?" She heard Oswald ask from the other side of the door. She sat up on the bed and cleaned her tears before telling Oswald he could walk in. She was feeling so sad about Ed breaking up with her that she completely forgot about Oswald's feelings. He had said he loved Ed too after all. Finding out that Ed met someone else had to be devastating to him as well.
When Oswald walked in, Charlotte saw he was now all dressed up. He wore a black suit with a purple vest and a brocade tie. Oswald sat down beside her on the bed but didn't say anything. The two of them just sat there in silence.
"You look great, Oswald," Charlotte spoke after a while. "Brocade really brings out your eyes".
"I know," Oswald replied emotionlessly, but then he turned to Charlotte and nodded once. "Thank you". She nodded back at him, trying her best to smile. "I'm going to the Founders' dinner tonight. It was started by the first families of Gotham over two hundred years ago".
Charlotte nodded again. "I hope you have fun".
"Oh, no, no. Ed will have a date with Isabelle tonight, so you're coming as my plus one," Oswald informed her. Charlotte was pretty sure the woman's name was Isabella but she didn't correct him. "I'll order dresses for you to chose which one you prefer".
Charlotte frowned just at the thought of having to go out. "No, you go. I'm not going to be much of a company anyway".
"I don't care," Oswald argued as he stood up. "Don't be like that. I'm pretty sure the only reason Ed is confused is because that Isabelle woman looks like Kringle. Now don't make me drag you out of bed. We need to go to the Main Public Library". Then he walked out, not even bothering to shut the door behind him. Charlotte was left shocked on the bed.
She groaned, but deep down Charlotte knew it was a good idea to go with Oswald. She promised herself to try having fun at the Founders' dinner and not think about Ed. He would certainly not be thinking about her during his stupid date. In less than an hour, Charlotte's room was flooding with different types of long dresses. She chose a white and golden dress for the night with golden earrings and a golden purse to match. She applied light makeup and brushed her blonde hair. Then she was ready.
Charlotte walked into the living room where she saw Oswald waiting by the fireplace. She asked him why they had to go to the library first and her sudden voice pulled Oswald out of his thoughts.
"Ed told me it's where his date works," Oswald told her.
"I'm confused. Aren't you happy Ed broke up with me?" She suddenly asked, not being able to hold it any longer. "As soon as you get rid of Kristen, it leaves your way free to conquer Ed's heart. Why are you helping me get rid of her?"
"I believe it's easier if we get rid of her together. Then we can resolve things between us," Oswald explained. Charlotte didn't want to go against Oswald. She had already lost Ed and didn't want to lose her friend too. However, she thought it was fair. Charlotte remained silent for a minute and then suddenly started walking back to her room, leaving Oswald confused. "Where are you going?"
"I'm going to get my gun and I'm going to kill Isabella," Charlotte stated determinedly.
Oswald's eyes widened at her words and he quickly limped after her. "Are you out of your mind? Ed will know it was you".
She stopped and turned to face him. Charlotte knew Oswald was right. If Isabella died now, Ed would definitely know it was her. She had to come up with a better plan. Make Ed think she had moved on was the best thing to start, then she could work from there.
Together, Charlotte and Oswald made their way to the Main Public Library. When the two entered the tall white building, they saw a blonde woman on top of a ladder putting some things in a drawer. She was focused on her work and didn't hear them come in. Oswald had to tap the bell on the front desk to get her attention. The moment the woman turned to face them, Charlotte's eyes widened.
It was like staring in the face of Kristen Kringle. Isabella was exactly like her, except for the blonde hair instead of the strawberry blonde. She descended from her ladder and straightened her light blue dress before approaching Charlotte and Ed.
"Hello, there," Oswald greeted.
"Mr. Mayor," Isabella greeted back, seeming surprised with his visit. "What an honor". Then she looked at Charlotte and she grew a bit uncomfortable at the sight of her.
Charlotte decided to pretend she didn't notice. "Hi, my name is Charlotte Bateman".
Isabella nodded with a slight smile. "Yes, I've heard of you, Miss Bateman. It's a pleasure to meet you. How can I help you?"
"I am attending the Founders' dinner this evening," Oswald told her. "And I wanted to brush up on the history of Gotham's first families. My chief of staff suggested I come here. I think you might know him".
She immediately blushed at the mention of Ed, which caused Charlotte to fume inside. "Yes, I know Edward. We just met, but well, I feel I've known him my whole life".
"How romantic," Oswald smiled fakely.
Isabella took her hands to her cheeks and blushed even more. "Oh, listen to me, blathering on". She looked at Charlotte and that uncomfortable look returned to her face. "I don't mean to... uh, Ed told me you two were together once. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable".
"Oh, don't worry about that," Charlotte chuckled amusedly as she wrapped her hands around Oswald's arm. "Ed and I are over. I'm actually glad we broke up, it gave me the opportunity to find someone who treats me better".
Oswald looked at Charlotte in confusion. He had no idea what she was talking about. However, the librarian made the connection and looked between her and Oswald. "You two are together?"
"Yes," Charlotte confirmed with a wide and happy smile on her lips. On the other hand, Oswald widened his. "And we couldn't be happier, isn't it, my dear Ozzy?"
Oswald was pulled out of his shock state and smiled a tight lip smile. "Yes, yes. We are very happy".
Isabella smiled back at them and then remembered why Oswald and Charlotte were there in the first place. "You wanted a book".
As soon as the blonde librarian turned her back, Oswald sent Charlotte a furious look. She just shrugged her shoulders and glanced at Isabella.
"I'm so glad you appreciate Ed," Oswald spoke after his eyes landed on a pair of paper figures representing Isabella and Ed. Charlotte looked over to see the figures and rolled her eyes as her heart seemed to clench inside her chest. Isabella turned to see what Oswald was talking about and hurried herself to hide the paper figures in one of her books. "Really, I should thank you for brightening Ed's spirits. He has been so down since he got out of Arkham".
Charlotte understood he was trying to scare Isabella and she nodded to back up Oswald's statement. It seemed to work, because the librarian gulped before approaching them again. "Edward was in Arkham?"
Oswald was surprised by her obliviousness. "You don't know? It was front page news".
"I stick to books," Isabella explained. "Don't people typically go to Arkham for murder?"
"I make it a policy not to gossip about staff, but..." Oswald seemed to hesitate for a second before mouthing a silent yes.
Charlotte smiled when she saw Oswald's plan to scare the librarian was working perfectly. Isabella gasped slightly and walked away to another stack of books. However, Oswald was not finished yet. Both him and Charlotte approached Isabella and Oswald stared at the librarian, making her look more uncomfortable than she was before.
"Uncanny how much you look like her. It's that swan-like neck," Oswald mused, causing Isabella to involuntarily take a hand up to her neck. Oswald chuckled at this. "Ed loves a neck".
Charlotte chuckled as well. "He really does".
Isabella smiled nervously and Oswald took the book she had in her hands. "Well, thank you for the book. It was a pleasure meeting you". Oswald winked at the blonde librarian and then led Charlotte towards the exit where he was finally able to pull his arm away from her. "What the hell was that? Telling her that we are a couple!"
"Relax, it's only until we get rid of her," Charlotte explained calmly. "She will definitely tell Ed and he will think I moved on and won't suspect of us when Isabella dies".
Deep down Oswald knew she was right and it caused him to inhale sharply. "Fine. Now let's go to the Founders' dinner".
A/N: I hope you guys like this chapter! I want to tell you I have a new Jerome Valeska story in the works. I haven't started publishing the chapters yet because I've been going over it to make sure everything makes sense. The only things I can reveal right now it's that it will be called 'The Reaper' and my OC (the faceclaim for her is Bridget Satterlee) will be based on George Foyet's character from Criminal Minds, who is a serial killer called 'The Boston Reaper' or 'The Reaper' for short. If any of you don't know him try watching criminal minds season 4 episode 18, the last scenes of episode 25, season 5 episode 1 and 9, which makes me cry every time. You're gonna love this show, I promise. it's different than any other cop show you have ever seen before. I'm gonna leave two videos of him so you guys can check it out if you want. The first tells the story of the Reaper and the second is a tribute with Imagine Dragons song 'Believer'. I just thought it was really cool.
Many things will be inspired in George's story, but obviously, my OC will also have many differences since it's an original character. I hope to start publishing soon. Love you all <3
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