Third person P.O.V.
The Cullen's were all in a clearing within the forest practicing their battle moves with the guidance of Jasper. All of them were on edge awaiting the wolfs to show up. Jasper was the most on edge with Ash they were a newly bonded pair. Their instinct were still on a all time high and this could go south very quick. The sounds of paws crossing over the hill as Sam decanted down first stopping a bit away.
"They don't trust us enough to be in their human form" Edward translated as he glided over to Bella when Carlisle took the front by stepping up.
"They came that's what matters" Looking Sam in the eyes he nodded slightly " Will you translate" His question rang out as Edward nodded going back over to stand with his father.
"Jasper has experience with newborns, He is gonna be the best person to hand this conversation over to so he can explain more clearly. " Carlisle motion to Jasper as he left Allie with hesitation.
"They want to know how these newborns differ to us "
"They are a lot stronger, Faster because of their human blood still runs through their tissue, We are never stronger than when we are newborns. A few things you need to know is never let them get their arms around you, they will crush you instantly. Second never go for the obvious kill they will be expecting that, Emmett " Jasper finished off as he stood straighter and walked over away from their family. Emmett and Jasper standing across from each other waiting for either to move.
Emmett smirking Jasper called out " Don't hold back "
"Not in my nature " With that Emmett was off charging at jasper.
" Are you fighting?" I walked over to Edward standing by his side as Emmett tried to get Jasper but seemly to fail.
"No someone needs to be there for Bella on the mountain" He mumbled out in a low voice as he glanced over at her talking to Jake almost sadly.
"Edward, Carlisle" Jasper called out their names as both walked over to face off towards each other. As they went at it Jasper stood with is hands claps behind his back watching closely as Edward got his father on the ground.
"One more thing, never turn your back on your enemy " He said almost mocking both of them making me giggle into my hand lightly. God this is got I thought to myself as Edward turned to look at me with a grossed out face which made me laugh harder. I shook my head as I glanced over at the wolfs and saw a small one off to the side. He's young Slowly I walked over to stand closely watching the young wolfs sights.
"I'm not gonna bite you " I almost laughed at my small joke which seemly eased the small wolf as he sniffed in my direction as he scrunched up his nose like I smelled. "Okay rude you don't smell that good either kiddo" I replied about to walk closed but before I could jasper called my name in a warning tone. Walking back over to my mate I let out a purr to calm him down knowing that this situation was already tense for him.
"They want to know why she is purring " Edward voiced Sam's thought as They all glanced at Jasper and I which slightly puts me on edge.
"Its a calming sound mates to do for each other, almost like a call " Carlisle explained at he wrapped his arms around Esme and with that everyone went back to fighting with each other. As we went to leave Bella sat on the hood of Emmett's jeep.
"Jasper is there anything I can do to help plus how do you know so much about this" She questioned jumping down as she walked with us a bit further.
" I don't have the same upbring as my siblings" Jasper tightened his arms around me as I slightly rolled up his sleeves kissing his old bite marks. I slightly zoned out as he started to tell his story to Bella. I wouldn't be the same without Jasper. I want to spend every moment together what if I My thoughts were cut short as Edward slightly gasped snapping his head in my direction Don't you fucking dare I hissed in my head glaring at the mind reader. I wanted this to go smoothly. I kissed Jaspers cheek as I walked over the Carlisle and Esme who was talking to an way too happy Alice.
"Carlisle and Esme can we talk a walk " I mumbled while fidgeting with my sleeves. Both of them smiled as we walked towards to the house at a human pace and out of hear shot of everyone.
"look this is gonna be really hard to say so please bare with me" I took an unnecessary deep breath as I came to a stop.
"you know you can talk to us about anything hun, you are already part of this family " Esme side hugged me urging me to go on as Carlisle held a small smile watching us.
"Well that's a funny thing to say cause uhh- what if like I became a permit part. " I asked shyly looking at Carlisle since he was the leader of the coven. "What I mean is like, fuck this. Can I please have your blessing to marry your son" I rushed out looking worried at his parents. both of their faces held happiness and confusion.
"Isn't this supposed to be the other way around ? " Carlisle joked a smile spreading across his face his eyes shunned happiness
Giggling " I know but who's he gonna ask and knowing him it'll take forever " I joked back a smile planting itself on my face as I knew they weren't going to say no to me.
" Oh sweetie have you picked the ring yet?" She questioned as I rubbed the back of my neck I let out a sigh.
"Not yet I want to do this after battle, He is to warped up right now but I would love for both of you to come with me and help pick it"
Before I knew it they both wrapped me in a hug while on the way back to the house we all chatted happily about our plan and how I would do this without embarrassing myself. Coming up to the house our conversation died down knowing the others would start to hear. Seeing my mate standing by the door awaiting my return made me fall more in love. I couldn't wait to do this every day of our lives.
"Why do you guy feel increasingly happy" Jasper questioned as he smarted to smile as our mood started to effect him.
"Nothing my love, just thinking how I keep falling totally in love with you"
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