Becca was born originally in Manover, a small town located far away from the population, in the middle of wild vegetation, not far from the nothern lagoons which provided the region with enough water to satisfy the thirst of the circling troops.
It afforded her shelter and protection since she could remember. A geographic shield from the cruel world who could exploit her inner power for their selfish purposes if they ever discovered.
The inhabitants of her town were nice and kind people. They had always covered her with love and affection, cherishing her every bone under the pretext of her orphanism even if she never showed any need for their deeds. She was well aware of their believes, and the rumors they spread about her being a trigger to the cultic power.
Avirel, her mother, had provided them with free and unlimited water ever since she found a way to connect plumps from the nearest nothern lagoon to a built dam inside the town. Since most of them were farmers, this selfless mishievious act had bought their gratefulness to Avirel and her family, trying to be of service for them in order to show their thankfulness.
When Avirel perished, the entire town has been left broken, sad for the loss. Their savior left behind a little toddler and they decided from that day onward, that it was their duty to look after her and treat her as their own child, even from a distance, since they couldn't quite approach her a lot.
Rebecca has been lucky, yes. She appreciated every person of those inhabitants, but she could never feel any real attraction to them, not in her 17 years. She never considered any of them as affectuous as her real mother, even though she never met her, she felt the growing love the lattest developped for the baby in her womb.
She used to sing a melody, one Becca doesn't quite remember exactly, not the lyrics anyways, but she can always hum it when she is alone. A soft rythm that brought her special memories, took her to past days when she found refuge in her mother's abdomen. Avirel seemed diiferent from the baby she was about to deliver even then, sprinkling goodness everywhere. She almost envied people who happened to aquintance her, Rebecca would have given all she could to take their place, because as everyone was saying and repeating, her mother was a special specie.
Growing up, Becca started distancing herself, prefering to isolate among trees and animals. Well aware of the danger within her, she even thought of running away. It would've been easy, but "leaving" would be hard. Of all the things holding her in place, her grandpa, Domsay, an old man who probably wouldn't make it until the end of the year was the most important one.
Becca cherished him dearly, his company was worth the wait. He was her last memory of her mother, and also a soothing herb to her constant rage.
Thanks for reading ♡ You're probably wondering what Becca's power is...Im as excited to share it with you as you are to know :)) Don't worry it won't take long.
In the next chapters, the narration will adopt an internal focus ; so now you will get to live the events from Becca's point of vue yaaay !!!
Don't hesitate to correct me if mistaken, I'm kinda clumsy in writing 👉🏻👈🏻 Carry on with the story xoxo
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