006. Full of Unfortunate Events
full of unfortunate events.
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SORELLE LEFT RIGHT AFTER WHEN SHE SAW THAT Katherine was freed from the tomb. She didn't have the stamina anymore to bother—all she wanted was to rest after everything that went down with Elijah. She still thinks they shouldn't have daggered him, but nothing could've changed the Salvatore's minds.
So she just decided to ignore the guilt inside of her, and she tried her best to think about anything. School was a great distraction. As much as she disliked it, Sorelle needed to go if she wanted to graduate. The Madden girl had way too many absences.
"Elle!" Sorelle spun around to see Elena standing by Stefan's car. She sees Stefan getting out from the driver's seat and she walks over to them, giving a wide smile to the pair.
"Hey! What's up?" Sorelle greeted them cheerfully but the smile on her face faltered upon seeing the looks on their faces, "What happened?"
"Katherine happened." Stefan pursed his lips and Sorelle rolled her eyes with a groan.
"What did she do now?"
". . . She pretended to be Elena and tricked me and Damon this morning."
Sorelle's jaw slightly lowered before a small giggle left her lips causing Elena to give her an incredulous look.
"Sorry, sorry." Sorelle quickly apologizes, pressing her lips into a straight line, "That wasn't funny, I'm sorry." Even though she apologized, her eyes still held amusement in them causing Stefan to shake his head fondly, he could never be mad at her, no one can really.
"Wait, is she gone now or?"
"No," Elena grumbled, adjusting the strap of her bag as the three of them walked towards the school entrance upon hearing the bell ring. "Which is confusing to me because why is she still here? She was free."
"She wants what we want. . . Klaus dead." Stefan replied, "Maybe she sees us as her only chance."
"Or maybe she's trying to lure you and Damon back into her web." Elena shot back which made Sorelle let out a snort.
"I doubt that."
Elena gave Sorelle a frown, "I still want her gone."
"Yeah, so do I." Stefan sighed.
"Alright, first of all, you guys need to think this through. Now I'm not saying we should trust her, but we kinda need her help because; one, she's the only one who knows what Klaus is like; two, she also knows what he looks like; and three, she's five hundred years old. We need all the strength that we can get." Sorelle stated and Elena pursed her lips, the frown on her face deepened.
"Katherine said the same thing." Elena groaned.
Sorelle shrugged, "Exactly, so we need her, Lena. I know you hate it but with Elijah gone, she's our only option at this moment."
There was a moment of silence before a sigh left Stefan's lips, "Sorelle's right. I mean, it looks like she's not going anywhere anytime soon. We should try and figure out why she's staying, the real reason why."
"How? All she does is lie." Elena mumbled with a scoff.
"I hate it as much as you do." Stefan responded, "But Katherine does make a point, and just like Elle said, we don't know anything about Klaus. She does."
"Right, but that doesn't mean I want her shacking up with you." Stefan turned and smiled gently at Elena who still had a scowl on her face, he proceeded to pull her into a hug.
"Hey. Maybe we should stay at your place tonight."
"Ah ah, she can't." Sorelle shook her head, placing her arm around Elena's shoulders when the couple pulled back from their embrace, "She got a date with me, Bon Bon, and Care later today."
"Yeah." Elena gave Stefan an apologetic look, "Bonnie's freaked because she lost her powers and Caroline's having Matt drama again. It's kind of a girls' night."
"Ooo, maybe Katherine can join us." Sorelle teasingly wiggled her eyebrows at Elena.
Stefan let out a loud laugh at her comment causing Elena to glare at both of them and scoff, lightly shoving Sorelle causing the Madden girl to bark out a laugh.
"I hate you."
"You love me!"
. . . . . . .
Sorelle nearly fell asleep during her classes but before she actually could, she was hit in the face with a small rolled-up piece of paper that Stefan threw at her whenever he caught that she was about to doze off. The sandy-haired vampire had a difficult time containing his laughter upon seeing the scowls that Sorelle would shoot at him.
When school was over, she was ready to go home and have a nap but unfortunately, Sorelle didn't get that as she was dragged to Mystic Grill by Stefan so she could go with him and Bonnie to talk to the Martins who were Elijah's witches, warlocks, whatever.
"Your friends are here." Sorelle sarcastically mumbled, noticing that the Martins had walked inside the restaurant.
Stefan quickly stood up and gave the two a polite nod, "Thank you for coming."
"I didn't want to." Luka's father, Jonas said.
Sorelle let out a quiet snort, her fingers lazily twirling the straw of her drink, her voice came out in a whisper, "You and me both." Bonnie suppressed a smile and shook her head softly.
"But my son made a case to hear you out." Jonas added, he took a seat in front of Sorelle and Luka sat down beside his father.
"Bonnie said that you have information about Elijah." Luka raised his eyebrows at the three. Sorelle and Stefan shared a look, glancing over at Bonnie who had pursed her lips.
"Elijah's dead." Sorelle muttered, her eyes soft, "I'm sorry." Jonas and Luka glanced over at Bonnie in shock who avoided their gazes. Jonas was quick to stand up, ready to leave but Stefan followed his movements, fastly placing his hand on the warlock's shoulder.
"Hear me out. We can help you, please." Stefan pleaded. Jonas pressed his lips in a thin line and reluctantly sat down.
"We know that Klaus has your daughter." Bonnie glanced over at Luka with an apologetic look, "I'm sorry about the way I had to get that information but it's good that we know. We can all work together to get her back."
"How?" Luka clenched his jaw, eyes narrowed at the Bennett witch.
"Well," Sorelle trailed off, her eyes slowly glancing up to Luka who was already staring at her, "I'm sure that you and Elijah had a plan to kill Klaus. It's simple really—let us help you carry out that plan."
"You can trust us. I give you my word. We all do." Stefan chimed in, his eyebrows creased together. Jonas glanced between the three and looked over at his son before he let out a quiet sigh, nodding.
A small smirk appeared on Sorelle's face, "Great! Now tell us everything that you know."
. . . . . . .
After speaking with the Martins and succeeding in getting them to agree with the plan that Stefan and Bonnie came up with along with getting information from them about what to do with Klaus. Stefan went back to his house whilst Sorelle left with Bonnie to go to Elena's house as they had plans for their girls' night there.
"Chinese food or pizza?" Caroline chirped, looking between the three girls. Sorelle was sitting next to Bonnie, grabbing some chips from the bowl that Elena had just placed down on the kitchen counter.
Elena let out a small chuckle, "Like you have to ask."
"I will get it." Caroline grabbed her tablet but froze causing Sorelle to furrow her eyebrows together in confusion. She exchanged a look with Bonnie before leaning over to see what was on the screen of Caroline's tablet, a picture of the blonde and Matt was displayed and Sorelle pursed her lips, gently grabbing the device from her hands.
"I'll do it."
"Do you believe that Jonas is being sincere?" Elena asked Bonnie and Sorelle as she placed down some empty glasses.
"I don't know what to believe. I think he's at a loss. He's not sure who to trust." Bonnie sighed, answering for the both of them. Sorelle hummed in agreement, typing out 'Pizza' on the tablet. A list of various restaurants popped up and Sorelle scrolled through each place to see which one was the best.
"Join the club." Elena let out a sharp sigh. Caroline had her chin tucked against her knuckles, her eyes flickering between the other girls before she sat up straighter.
"Well, what are we gonna do about this movie situation?" Sorelle raised an inquisitive eyebrow at the blonde, "Oh! What about 'The Notebook'?"
"Caroline, how many times have you seen that movie?" Elena questioned the blonde, an amused giggle leaving her lips.
Sorelle snorted, "She watched it too much, I actually lost count." Bonnie laughed causing Caroline to give them a pout.
"That is so not the point."
"Uh, well, yeah, I mean—" Elena chuckled but fell silent when she noticed her aunt Jenna walking into the kitchen, "Hey!"
"What's going on?" Jenna quirked a curious brow, her eyes held a hint of amusement in them. Sorelle looked away from Caroline's tablet and grinned widely at the Sommers woman.
"We are having a girls' night."
Jenna pulled her lips downwards as she raised her eyebrows, "Oh." Elena sat down in an empty chair and pursed her lips, a frown displayed on her face.
"How are you doing?"
"You heard about my fight with Ric." Jenna sighed.
"He feels terrible." Elena muttered softly.
"Is this some kind of disguised attempt to cheer me up?" Jenna inquired with a hum which made the four girls shake their heads in response.
"No, no, no. This is about. . . us girls hanging out." Elena waved her hand, gesturing towards the three girls and herself, "And you know, we'll be here if you happen to want to talk or—"
"—Because I am a winner when it comes to successful relationships." Caroline piped in sarcastically which resulted in Jenna giving her a look.
"You too?"
A sigh left the Forbes girl's lips, "You have no idea."
"Just give me the word, I'll kill him." Sorelle lifted an eyebrow at Caroline, tossing a chip into her mouth. Bonnie and Elena let out a quiet snort in amusement. Caroline stared wide-eyed at her, smacking her on the arm gently.
"Elle, what?! No!" Sorelle merely gave her a shrug in response. Jenna shook her head with a chuckle before letting out a loud sigh.
"But uh, it's just—" Jenna walked towards the refrigerator, "—It's this whole Isobel thing. He's hiding something from me." She grabbed a tub of ice cream, closed the fridge, and sat down beside Caroline.
"To play devil's advocate, maybe. . . there is a great reason why he's not telling you." Caroline shrugged, "Maybe he is just trying to protect you." Elena and Sorelle exchanged a look and the Gilbert girl gave her aunt a reassuring nod, agreeing with Caroline's statement.
"Well, that's not his call to make. I mean, I deserve the truth. Everyone does." Jenna retorted, voice firm.
"Sometimes it's harder than that," Caroline interjects.
Bonnie glanced up from her lap, turning her gaze over to Elena who stared back at her, the two then looked over at Sorelle who had her lips pulled into a straight line.
"Not if it's somebody you care about, it isn't." Jenna let out a quiet emotionless chuckle. Caroline's lips parted, voice caught in the back of her throat.
"You know what we need?" Caroline stated after a moment of silence, "Dancing. There is a band at the Grill." Bonnie was quick to smile, nodding her head in response.
"I'm in."
"In." Jenna grinned widely.
"Me too." Sorelle cheered and the four looked over expectantly at Elena who let out a laugh.
Caroline beamed and clapped her hands happily, "Yay!"
. . . . . . .
Sorelle was immediately met with the loud blaring sound of music as she entered the Grill, her lips curled in distaste as a random man bumped into her. She quickly followed behind Bonnie, and a sigh of relief left her lips when they found an empty spot. Caroline instantly began to dance, a happy smile etched on her face as she bopped her head against the music.
Sorelle glanced around and she saw that Jenna seemed to have caught something and a sharp exhale left the Sommers woman's lips as she turned to leave, "I need a drink."
Elena frowned at her retreating figure. Sorelle noticed her expression, slowly pulling the Gilbert girl towards her and giving her a twirl, a surprised laugh left Elena's lips as she did so, "Lena, dance with me!"
"Hey, Matt." Sorelle heard Caroline say and turned to see Matt walking past them and she grimaced as she watched the Donovan male ignore their presence.
"Oh, yikes. ."
"Things just got real awkward." Bonnie stuck in the air through her teeth. The Bennett witch turned to Caroline, her eyebrows raised, "Care, didn't he say the ball's in your court?"
"Yeah, but I can't do anything about it." Caroline sighed sadly, a frown etched on her face.
"Why not?" Bonnie questioned loudly, "All you do is talk about how much you care for him."
"Yeah, but I'm still keeping so many secrets." Caroline retorted.
"Alaric's in the same boat with Jenna." Elena piped in, "And maybe that's our mistake. We're trying to protect the people that we love by keeping them out of it, but in the end, we're hurting them anyway." Caroline pursed her lips and averted her gaze over to the band that was on stage and Sorelle perked up at the look that appeared on the Forbes girl's face.
"Care." Caroline glanced over to Sorelle who had a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips, "Go be the Caroline Forbes that I know and get him back."
Caroline grinned and began to take off her jacket, handing the clothing over to Elena who stared at her in confusion.
"What are you doing? Where are you going?" Caroline didn't answer her, she simply walked away, pushing through the crowd of people to go towards the stage.
"Where is she going?" Elena mouthed to Sorelle, and the Madden girl merely gave her a giggle in response.
"Just watch and see."
"Hey, everybody!" Caroline chirped, holding onto the microphone, "Let's hear it for the band! Weren't they awesome?" A loud applause emitted through the crowd and Sorelle gave a smile to Jenna who strolled up beside her.
"This isn't gonna end well." Jenna tilted her head back slightly, downing the liquor shot in her hands.
"So there's this guy." Caroline started, "And, uh, he told me to tell him how I feel about him." A small giggle left her lips, "Like it's so easy. Um, you know, just 'cause I talk a lot doesn't mean I always know what I'm talking about." Elena's eyes darted over to Sorelle who gave her a reassuring wink which caused her to shake her head fondly, "Uh, like now, I'm feeling loopy and I don't really know how to express myself." The lead singer of the band began to reach for the microphone which made Caroline to blurt out hurriedly, "Um, I can sing!"
Elena's eyes went wide as she gave a look to the three beside her, "Sing?"
"Trust me." Sorelle placed her index finger against her lips, eyes twinkling in delight, "She got this."
"Yeah! Yeah, you know what, I'm gonna sing." Sorelle saw the lead singer lean over to Caroline, mumbling something to her but his body went rigid when Caroline said something back to him and Sorelle was quick to understand that he was being compelled. She watched as the Forbes girl reached up to whisper in his ear and immediately a soft tune began to play.
A huge smile grew on Sorelle's face as Caroline started to sing, Jenna looked over at her and chuckled, "She's good."
"Told ya." Sorelle grinned.
Sorelle looped her arms through Bonnie and Elena's and the three girls began to sway as they watched their best friend sing her heart out. Sorelle mouthed the lyrics as Caroline sang. She caught the sight of Matt walking up to the stage, the blonde male stopping right in front of Caroline.
Sorelle observed as Matt pulled Caroline into a kiss and she jumped in joy, laughing with Bonnie and Elena as the three cheered for their best friend.
"Yeah, Care!" The crowd screamed louder when Matt suddenly dipped Caroline and a loud giggle left Sorelle's lips as she watched the scene with fondness, her heart bursting with contentment. Caroline deserved this. She truly did.
Matt and Caroline giggled and scampered down the stage, disappearing into the crowd.
"Ten bucks, they went to fuck in the bathroom." Sorelle smirked, resulting in a smack on her arm from Bonnie who shot her an incredulous look.
Elena giggled loudly, covering her mouth as her eyes formed crescent moons.
"What?! Am I wrong?"
Bonnie rolled her eyes fondly and shook her head with a laugh.
"Wait—I have to go to the bathroom!" Elena shouted, pointing behind her, "I'll be right back!" Sorelle gave her a nod and smiled.
She turned to Bonnie with a huge grin whose eyes went wide and the Bennett witch put her hands up in front of her, "Absolutely not!"
"Bon Bon, don't be shy, c'mon now!" Bonnie let out a squeal when Sorelle twirled her around, "Let loose for the night!" The Bennett witch laughed as Sorelle swayed them back and forth for a bit.
"Elena's been gone for awhile! Can we go check?" Bonnie shouted through the deafening music and Sorelle gave her a nod.
"Sure!" The two girls turned around, gently pushing through the crowd as they made their way towards the restrooms. They see Elena walking out of the bathroom, the Gilbert girl gives them a shake of her head, her palm outstretched.
"I wouldn't. Caroline and Matt are. . ."
Bonnie's eyes went wide, "In the bathroom?"
"I called it!" Sorelle snorted.
Elena shrugged with a massive grin, "If they're happy, I'm happy." She begins to walk away and the two follow behind her.
"Um, hey, speaking of happy, would it freak you out if I started dating your brother?" Elena and Sorelle skid to a stop, the both of them turning around to face the Bennett witch. Sorelle's eyes went wide as saucers and her jaw dropped.
"Bonnie Bennett!" Bonnie sent her a shy smile.
"You're into my brother?" Elena's eyebrows were raised in genuine surprise.
"I know it's weird." Bonnie stated, "But he's been so good and strong. He makes me happy." Elena's mouth gaped open and closed causing Bonnie to stare at her anxiously, "And I really can't tell what you're thinking right now."
Elena let out a breathy chuckle, "I'm—I'm thinking that my brother has had more pain in his life than a hundred people's worth of pain, and—" Elena's lips upturned into a soft smile, "He deserves to be with someone as amazing as you."
"Really?" Bonnie whispered.
"Really." Elena grinned. Bonnie let out a relieved chuckle and pulled her into an embrace. The two girls let out a giggle as they rocked back and forth. Sorelle beamed and pulled the duo into her arms, groans left their lips as her arms tightened around them.
The sound of a phone ringing was heard and Elena choked out, "My phone." Sorelle pulled back and she shared a smile with Bonnie who had a slight blush on her face.
"Hey, Stefan, I'm at the Grill." Elena said into the phone, "I can't hear you. Ho—Yeah." She gave Sorelle and Bonnie an apologetic glance before walking around them to find a quieter place.
"You need to tell me everything." Sorelle demanded, grabbing the Bennett witch's hands into hers. Bonnie let out a loud laugh and opened her mouth to reply but quickly closed it when her eyes caught something or rather someone. Sorelle frowned and turned to follow her gaze and her heart dropped at the sight of Jonas Martin walking inside the Grill.
"Bon. . ." Sorelle muttered, glancing back at her with worried eyes. Bonnie pursed her lips, grabbing her hand and dragging her to follow after the Martin warlock.
"Dr. Martin, you okay?" Bonnie asked when they came to a stop in front of Jonas.
"Where is she?" Jonas ordered, ignoring her question.
"We don't understand." Sorelle stated softly.
"My son is dead." Jonas glared at them. Sorelle's lips parted in surprise, "He is dead."
"Whatever it is you think you need to do, there's a better way." Bonnie uttered out frantically but Jonas didn't want to hear anything that they had to say.
"They killed Elijah and they killed Luka. And my only shot at getting my daughter back is if I have Elena."
"No, no. Dr. Martin, think this through." Sorelle furrowed her eyebrows together, reaching over but stopped when Jonas suddenly turned to his left and stared at the stage lights, the bulbs burst into sparks and Sorelle's eyes went wide.
"Where is she?" Jonas demanded again.
"I haven't seen her." Bonnie shook her head with a gulp. Jonas clenched his jaw and closed his eyes, more bulbs started breaking, and terrified screams rang through the air.
"No one's getting out of here until I have her." Jonas looked between the two girls, glaring harshly at them. Bonnie gripped onto Sorelle's hand tightly, the Madden girl interlocked their hands and she gave the Bennett witch a reassuring squeeze.
"We told you we haven't seen her. Are you deaf?" Sorelle snapped, giving the same intense glare that he was giving them. Jonas narrowed his eyes at her in warning.
"Don't do this. Please don't do this." Jonas ignored Bonnie's pleading and turned away, and this time, the liquor bottles started shattering and the two girls jumped in surprise. Sorelle pulled Bonnie into her arms and her eyes darted around frantically.
A gasp left her lips when a line of fire appeared and Jonas began to walk away from them causing Sorelle to tug on his arm, Jonas pushed his palm out towards her making the Madden girl go flying back against the wall, a grunt of pain leaving her lips as she did so.
"Elle!" A ringing noise made Sorelle wince, her fingers reaching up to her temple and she let out a sigh of relief when she felt no blood. Sorelle let out a gasp and turned around, trying her best to find Bonnie and when she did, her eyes went wide at the sight of Bonnie on the floor, unconscious.
"Bonnie!" Sorelle shouted, running towards the Bennett witch, "Bonnie? Bonnie, can you hear me? Come on, open your eyes please."
"Bonnie!" Sorelle's head perked up to see that Matt was running towards them. The Donovan boy dropped to his knees and his eyes flickered around Bonnie's figure in concern.
"Is she okay? Bonnie?" A groan left Bonnie's lips as she began to stir awake. Sorelle closed her eyes in relief and grabbed her hand, pulling her up into a standing position with the help of Matt.
Bonnie gasped when she took in the scene in front of her, the fire almost completely engulfed the restaurant. Sorelle urged her towards the entrance along with Matt.
"We need to go, Bon Bon." Sorelle muttered. They were almost out when Sorelle heard Caroline scream, she turned around immediately and her eyes went wide at the blonde's figure crouching on the floor in pain.
Matt pushed them towards the door, "Go! I'll get her, just go!" Sorelle gave him a hesitant look causing Matt to give her a firm nod, "Go!" Sorelle gnawed on her bottom lip before nodding and walking out of the Grill with Bonnie in her arms, the witch still shaken up by what had just happened.
"Elena's house." Bonnie croaked out, "We need to go to her house." Sorelle nodded and the pair ran towards her car that was parked nearby. Sorelle got in the driver's seat whilst Bonnie got in the passenger. She quickly put on her seatbelt and began to reverse out of her parking spot, steering the wheel in a hurried manner to get to Elena's house.
Once they've arrived, Sorelle quickly parked her car and the two girls rushed out of the vehicle, jogging up to the front door. Bonnie knocked frantically against the door and was met by Jeremy who stared at them in surprise.
"Bonnie? Elle?"
"Hey, little Gilbert. Elena's back yet?"
Jeremy scrunched his eyebrows together, stepping aside for them to walk in, "No, why?" Bonnie and Sorelle exchanged a worried look, strolling over to the kitchen table.
"Sit." Bonnie told Jeremy, pointing to the chair beside her. The Gilbert male sat down, his confusion only increased as he stared at the two. Sorelle sat down beside Bonnie and let out a heavy sigh.
"Luka's dead." Bonnie revealed causing Jeremy's eyes to go wide.
"He's what?" Jeremy whispered in shock.
"He's dead." Bonnie repeated, gulping harshly, "I can't believe he's dead. After what we did to him."
There was a pause before Jeremy spoke, "Actually no, after what he did to you." Bonnie shot him a dumbfounded look, "Look, I'm sorry, I know you feel bad about all of this but I don't."
"Little Gilbert." Sorelle sighed which made Jeremy pull his lips into a straight line, the Gilbert boy mumbled a quiet 'sorry' under his breath.
Bonnie pursed her lips, "I couldn't do anything to help. I was useless. I hated it."
The sound of the door opening was heard and the three turned their heads towards the entrance, a breath of relief left both Sorelle and Bonnie when their eyes laid on Elena and Stefan. The trio got up from their seats and made their way over.
"Thank god." Bonnie muttered.
"It's not over yet." Elena shook her head as she glanced upstairs.
"What's going on?" Jeremy questioned with furrowed eyebrows.
"He'll explain." Was all Elena said before she walked up the stairs. Sorelle squinted her eyes at Elena's exiting figure, picking up a familiar scent, and that's when she knew it wasn't Elena's. Her eyes went slightly wide and she glanced over at Stefan who gave her a look. Katherine.
"When did you guys get home?"
"A few minutes ago." Bonnie answered with knitted brows.
"Did you check the house?" Stefan asked.
"And why would we check the house?" Jeremy inquired.
"You don't mean. . ." Sorelle trailed off, eyes narrowed at the sandy-haired vampire. A loud thud was heard upstairs and Sorelle shared a look with Stefan before they both rushed upstairs, coming to a stop outside the bathroom.
Sorelle's lips parted when she took in Jonas' body on the floor, unconscious and dead. A bloodied bite mark was on his neck and she glanced up to see Katherine licking at the remnants on her lips. Bonnie came up from behind Sorelle, a gasp left the Bennett witch when she laid her eyes on the Martin warlock's body.
"You're welcome." Katherine raises an eyebrow. Sorelle moved aside for Bonnie to walk in, the Bennett kneeled down beside Jonas.
"You didn't have to kill him." Bonnie muttered, looking up at Katherine.
"Yes, we did." Katherine retorted.
Bonnie shut her mouth and leaned over to shut Jonas' eyes when suddenly the Martin warlock jumped up, his hands placed on the sides of her head.
Bonnie let out a terrified scream, "Get him off!"
Sorelle immediately jumped into action, not even hesitating, and reached over to snap his neck. Katherine moved over to place her foot on his neck to see if he would try anything but slowly moved her foot away when she confirmed that Jonas was, in fact, dead.
The sound of the front door being opened again resonated through the house. Sorelle exchanged a look with Stefan who gave her a nod, the both of them walked down to see Elena and Damon.
"Everything's taken care of." Stefan told the pair and Sorelle's shoulders sagged in relief when she caught Damon's eyes. She brushed past Stefan and walked over to pull the raven-haired vampire into a hug. Damon was quick to place his arms around her, his hand was pressed against the back of her head.
"You okay, Ellie?"
"Mhm, just need a minute."
"I'm guessing you're gonna want this back." Sorelle pulled away to see Katherine standing at the end of the stairs whilst holding up Elena's necklace, "But your pretty little outfit is gonna need a good dry clean." Elena strides up to Katherine, snatching the jewelry from her hands.
"You're gonna have to get her out of here before Jenna comes home." Elena murmured, glancing over at Stefan who nodded.
"Is that all you have to say to me?" Katherine sneered.
"This doesn't change the way I feel about you." Elena retorted.
"I don't much like you either, if we're gonna be open." Katherine glared at her, "And frankly, I'd be happy to see you dead but if we're gonna try to take on Klaus, we kinda need you to be alive. So, I'm not a threat to you, Elena. If any of you are going to believe anything, believe that."
Sorelle glanced over at Damon who pursed his lips with a shrug.
"Alright, Kitty Kat. Let's go." Sorelle gave the Petrova vampire a tight-lipped smile, "Come on." Katherine rolled her eyes and grazed past Stefan to walk out of Elena's house. Sorelle gave Elena a hug, the Gilbert girl held her back tightly.
"I'll see you later, okay?"
Elena nodded against her shoulder, "Mkay. Goodnight."
"Goodnight, Lena." Sorelle pulled back and gave her a soft smile before walking out to follow behind Stefan and Katherine who already left. Damon placed his arm around Sorelle's shoulders and pulled her against his chest.
"You want me to drive you back to your house?"
Sorelle leaned her head against Damon's shoulder, arms circled around his waist as they walked towards his car, "Please."
. . . . . . .
After such a tiring and eventful night, Sorelle was eternally glad that it was now the weekend—that meant she would be able to sleep in. Although that wasn't the case for her anymore as she was shaken roughly awake by Caroline, the blonde's voice was similar to a noisy alarm.
"Elle! Elle!" Sorelle shoots up from her bed, hair completely disheveled as she stared at Caroline wide-eyed. A scowl appears on her face, her body slightly relaxing when she realized that there was no threat.
"Seriously?!" Sorelle whined, "I was having a good dream."
"Matt knows about me." Caroline blurted out causing Sorelle to shut her mouth. "You weren't home yet and he was hurt last night, like really hurt and I healed him with my blood and he started freaking out and Mom came home and that's when he left, and I—"
"Care! Breathe." Sorelle grabbed the blonde by her arms, "You're fine, breathe. Let me get ready and we can go deal with this, okay?" Caroline nodded, letting out a slow breath whilst closing her eyes. She opened them and Sorelle gave her a raised eyebrow, "Feeling better?"
"Yeah." Caroline breathed out.
Sorelle gave her a soft grin, "Good. Now call Stefan, I'll meet you outside in the car." Caroline nodded again, pulling out her phone to dial Stefan's number. Sorelle rushed into the bathroom to get ready as Caroline ran out of her room, grabbing her things with her.
Sorelle managed to quickly finish brushing her teeth as well as grabbing an outfit. She was sporting a simple pair of blue jeans with a white t-shirt along with a black leather jacket that she stole from Damon's closet. She hurriedly brushed out the tangles in her hair with the hairbrush that was on her dresser, placing it down before snatching her bag that was laid on the floor.
Sorelle grabbed her keys with her, exiting the house and locking the door as she stepped outside. She rushed towards Caroline's car, sliding into the passenger seat and placing on her seatbelt.
"Hey." Sorelle raised an eyebrow at Caroline who pulled her phone away from her ear and pressed the speaker button, "Stef?"
"Elle! Okay, thank god." Sorelle heard a sigh of relief leaving Stefan's lips, "Caroline, are you okay with finding Matt on your own? I kinda need Elle to come by to Elena's house." Sorelle and Caroline shared a look, confusion was clear on their faces, "It's important, please."
"Yeah, yeah, I am." Caroline answered as she fastened her seatbelt, "I'll, uh, drop Elle off first and then look for Matt."
"Alright, thanks. Oh, and when you do find him, you have to calm him down. Compel him if you have to, okay? Is he still on vervain?" Stefan questioned.
"I slip it into his soda when he's at work but I didn't get to last night, so it's out of his system. He has a catering shift at the Lockwood's today. I'm gonna try there." Caroline replied and she received a hum from Stefan. She ended the call and pressed a button, a 'ding' emitted through the speakers.
"Call Matt."
"Calling Matt." A robotic voice responded and Matt's voicemail immediately began to play after the first ring causing Caroline to lean back against her seat in defeat.
"Great." Caroline grumbled before stirring the car out of the parking spot. Sorelle gave her a pity look, rubbing her arm gently.
"You'll find him and it'll work out." Sorelle paused, "Hopefully."
"That makes me feel so much better, Elle." Caroline whined causing Sorelle to let out a small laugh. She saw that they had pulled up outside of Elena's house so she took off her seatbelt and leaned over to pull Caroline into a comforting hug.
"Keep me updated, kay? Love you." Caroline mumbled a 'love you too' against her shoulder and Sorelle pulled back, giving the blonde one last smile before she got out of the car and jogged up to the front door.
She rapped her knuckles against the door, and instantly it was opened by Elena who had a displeased look on her face. Sorelle's eyes went wide before her face fell into a scowl, eyes narrowed at the person who stood behind the doppelgänger.
"What the hell is your vampire mother doing here?" Sorelle asked in an irritated tone.
Elena gave her a grateful look, "Thank you!" Sorelle stepped inside and crossed her arms over her chest as she stood next to Stefan and Elena, still glaring at Isobel.
"She has information about Klaus. Please just listen to her, okay?" John stated causing Sorelle to look over at him with squinted eyes. She felt a bit skeptical but decided to bite the bullet as they desperately needed to know more about Klaus.
Sorelle turned to Elena who had a frown on her face, she knew that the Gilbert girl had no choice but to agree. She looked over at Stefan who gave her a soft nod which made her glance over at Isobel who stared at them apprehensively.
"Fine. What do you know?"
Isobel gestured towards the kitchen and everyone walked in as she took a seat at the dining table, "Since I was last here, I've been doing everything possible to find Klaus." Isobel answered, "We knew our best chance was to find him before he could find you."
"Best chance at what?" Stefan questioned with a raised brow. Sorelle stood next to him by the kitchen counter, the two were leaning against it whilst Elena was pacing back and forth beside them.
"Keeping Elena alive." John answered.
"You don't get to talk, okay?" Elena snapped, glaring at John, "Not after everything you've done." Sorelle pursed her lips to fight off the smile that was threatening to show.
Sorelle inhaled sharply before giving Isobel a look, "So, were you able to find Klaus or not?"
"No. Nobody knows where he is." Isobel shook her head, "But there are these rumors that are flying around that a doppelgänger exists."
"Which means any vampire that wants to get in favor with Klaus will be lining up to capture you." John said. Elena, Stefan and Sorelle all shared a look before Elena let out a small scoff.
"I'm not buying any of this." Elena peered over at Isobel, lips curled downwards in a sneer, "The last time that you were here, you made it clear that you didn't give a damn about me now all of a sudden I'm supposed to believe that you want to help?"
"Isobel's been helping all along." John defended the Flemming woman. Sorelle quirked a brow in interest, huh. "Klaus has been obsessed with finding Katherine for centuries. All it would take was any one of those 1864 tomb vampires to spread the word around that Katherine was still alive and it would bring him straight here to Mystic Falls where you were bound to be discovered. So we killed them."
"And almost killed me, Stefan, and Damon in the process." Sorelle laughed emotionlessly, glaring at John, "Thank-fucking-you for that." John presses his lips into a thin line, guiltily looking away from her. She still remembers that day, everyone was told by John that it would only affect vampires so it was a great surprise to her when she dropped down just like those tomb vampires, her head felt like it was being stabbed with needles repeatedly. Sorelle genuinely thought that she was gonna die.
"I have a safe house that I can take you to." Isobel voiced, standing up from her seat, "The deed is in your name. No vampires can get in without your permission. Not even me. Let me help you."
"You wanna help?" Elena muttered before scowling at her, "Then get the hell out of my house." Isobel's face fell before she slowly nodded in defeat.
"If that's what you want. . ."
"Yes." Sorelle glanced down at her feet, her hand reached up to pretend to scratch at her neck, she was really just trying to cover the snicker that wanted to leave. Stefan looked over at her and shook his head, lips pursed as he tried to hide his amused grin.
"Elena." John began but the Gilbert girl gave him a sharp glare.
"Save it." Elena glances over at Stefan and Sorelle, "Can we leave? We need to tell Damon." Sorelle hummed while Stefan nodded, the sandy-haired vampire softly grabbed her arm and the three walked towards the front door. Elena and Stefan already made their way outside the house to go to Stefan's car whilst Sorelle stopped right before she actually stepped outside. She turned around to face John.
"John." The Gilbert man gave her a confused stare, "You better hope Isobel is telling the truth, I don't give one fuck if she's the love of your life or Elena's mother, I don't care. If I find out that she has a secret agenda, and the people that I care about get hurt, I won't hesitate to kill her. You know I'll do it. Got it?"
John gulped with a nod, "Got it."
Sorelle gave him one last scowl before slamming the front door behind her.
. . . . . . .
"Do you really think that Isobel's telling the truth that the word's gotten out about the doppelganger?" Elena asked with knitted eyebrows as she stared between the Salvatores and Sorelle. Elena, Stefan, and Sorelle made it to the Boarding House a couple of minutes ago. Damon came a little later after when they arrived as he was at the Martins' apartment to help Bonnie get their grimoires.
Damon was lying on the couch, his legs propped up on Sorelle's lap. Elena sat on the other couch with Stefan beside her, the sandy-haired vampire sat on the singular sofa.
"Look, I don't trust a word that she says, but I think we'd be stupid to ignore the warning." Stefan sighed causing Elena to make a face in agreement.
"You know, you should just stay here. It's better for us to keep an eye on you." Damon chimed in.
Stefan let out a scoff, "What? In the house that any vampire can enter? No! Her house is safer."
"Well, then we'll stay here." Damon rolled his eyes.
"So is that the plan?" Elena raised an eyebrow, "Neither of you will let me out of your sight again?"
"Let me know when you come up with a better one." Damon retorted.
"Actually. . ." Sorelle spoke up, she pointed a finger at Elena, "Isobel's right with the idea of a safe house but I don't think your house is safe. I think you should put your name under the deed of this house. Damon and Stefan can protect you that way." A look of realization fell upon Elena and the Salvatores' faces.
Damon sent her a smirk, "Ellie, have I ever told you how much I love your beautiful brain?" Sorelle merely rolled her eyes in response with a snort.
"That's a good idea." Stefan nodded, grinning.
Elena smiles, "I think so too but that's a later issue. Right now, I need one of you two bodyguards to come with me to the Lockwood luncheon."
"That'd be me." Stefan chuckled.
"Not me. Ellie and I have witch stuff to attend to with Bonnie." Damon stated.
"Does that mean that you're taking her to the. . . ?" Elena trailed off causing Sorelle to nod before she put up a finger against her lips which resulted in the Gilbert girl giving her a confused look.
"Don't get quiet on my account." The four of them turned over to see Katherine walking towards them, "If you have a plan to combat the impending vampire doom. . . please do tell." Silence. "Seriously? What is the plan to get us out of this mess, hm? I delivered you a moonstone, a werewolf, and the dagger to lure and kill Klaus, and right now all you have is a moonstone, or so you tell me."
"No, we have it." Damon hummed.
"Where is it?" Katherine quirked a curious brow at him.
"It's in a very safe place." Damon sent the Petrova vampire a tight-lipped smile.
"I've been honest with you. Time to return the favor." Katherine scowled.
"Let me be honest with you, don't mistake the fact that we haven't set you on fire in your sleep for trust." Damon gave her a look causing Katherine to sigh heavily.
"Fine. Be that way." With that, Katherine left the room. Sorelle snickered before pushing Damon's legs off of her lap. She stood up, patting the raven-haired vampire's thigh. Damon let out a groan and stood up as well, he gave a mock salute to Stefan and Elena who stared at him amusingly.
"You two have fun. C'mon, Ellie." Sorelle gave the two a quick hug each before leaving with Damon.
. . . . . . .
"Is this the spot Emily Bennett was killed too?" Jeremy asked Damon. Sorelle and Damon met up with Bonnie who apparently brought Jeremy with her. The four of them were currently walking in the woods, the leaves crunching beneath them with each step. Sorelle tucked some hair behind her ear as a gust of wind blew it in her face.
"Founders thought it was poetic. Burning her where the other witches burned." Damon answered.
"How do you know where the witches were burned?" Bonnie inquired softly.
"Because he tried to save her." Sorelle replied, giving Bonnie a shrug who stared at her surprised, "He tells me everything." Damon snorted and nodded in agreement.
"Ellie's correct. Emily was just my key to getting Katherine back before I knew what a nasty little bitch Katherine was." Jeremy let out a breathy laugh at Damon's words. They walked further and stopped when a very abandoned and worn-out house came into view.
"You're sure it's the right place?" Jeremy questioned Damon. The raven-haired vampire hummed in response. Sorelle felt chills crawl up her body as she continued to stare at the house. Damon was the first one to start walking and everyone slowly followed behind him. When they arrived, Damon turned the doorknob, opened the door and the four of them strolled inside.
Sorelle swallowed thickly as she peeked around the empty house. She turned when she heard a grunt from Damon, her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.
"D. . . ?"
"Whatever witchy prank you're playing, don't, it's not funny." Damon muttered with a scoff, giving Bonnie a look who gave him a shake of her head.
"I'm not doing anything."
"I can't move." Just then, Damon's skin started sizzling and Sorelle chortles in amusement. "My ring's not working."
"I think some people here are not a big fan of you, but I don't know." Sorelle shrugged, she received a glare from Damon which only made her more amused.
"Do something," Damon told Bonnie with a groan. Bonnie sighed and closed her eyes, muttering something under her breath before she opened her eyes, and Damon hunched over with a loud pained groan.
"I think Elle's right, I don't think the witches like you here." Bonnie smirked and Jeremy glanced around, a quiet chuckle left his lips.
"I guess this is the right place."
Damon pursed his lips and pointed towards the door, "I'm gonna go wait outside." Jeremy and Bonnie stepped aside for him to walk out. Sorelle shook her head and laughed before looking over at the two.
"I'll wait with him. I will not be third-wheeling you guys." Bonnie blushed madly at her words whilst Jeremy had a proud smirk etched on his face. Sorelle sent Bonnie a cheeky grin before turning on her heels and joining Damon outside the house.
"You didn't go with them?" Damon quirked a brow and Sorelle gave him a scoff, a slight chuckle leaving her lips.
"Are you kidding? I don't want to be alone with those two lovebirds." Damon let out a snort at her response, shaking his head fondly. He glanced back at the house and let out a loud sigh.
"Wanna hurry it up in there?!"
Sorelle raised a brow, "You do realize they don't have supernatural hearing, right?" Damon waved her off, rolling his eyes in the process. He made his way over to the door but it was shut closed before he could enter. Sorelle let out an amused laugh at the look that appeared on Damon's face.
"Screw you too, Emily." Damon scowled before he added, yelling out to Bonnie and Jeremy who were still in the house, "You know, you're on your own in there!" A huff left his lips and he gave Sorelle a nod, "C'mon, Ellie. Let's go."
"What about Bonnie and Jeremy?"
"They'll be fine, let's go." Damon answered and Sorelle pursed her lips before letting out a reluctant sigh.
"Fine, grumpy pants."
. . . . . . .
Damon and Sorelle were driving back to the Salvatore Boarding House when suddenly he received a call from Elena, the Gilbert girl informing them that John was killed and thrown down the stairs by Isobel, or at least that's who Elena and Stefan think. So they had to take a detour to the Lockwood Mansion and take care of John's body.
"How is he?" Damon asked Liz as he walked inside the Lockwood Mansion with Sorelle trailing behind him. Carol Lockwood, who opened the door for them, closed it when Sorelle and Damon had entered.
Liz glanced up from John's dead body and her lips parted in surprise at the sight of Sorelle, "Elle? What are you doing here?"
Sorelle sent her a small hesitant smile, "Hey, Liz. . . Y'know me, always involving myself in dangerous situations." The Forbes woman shook her head fondly. Sorelle was so similar to her mother, it was crazy. The two Madden women had a knack for going towards danger.
"You are your mother's daughter." Liz rolled her eyes with a chuckle before she averted her gaze over to Damon, "To answer your question, he's dead."
Damon kneeled down beside John's body and used two fingers to move his head to the side, Sorelle cringed at the horrific bite mark on his neck. Damon proceeded to lift up John's arm and let it drop roughly when his eyes caught a familiar ring on the Gilbert's man's finger.
"He'll be fine in a couple of hours."
Carol knitted her eyebrows together, lips pulling downwards into a frown, "What are you talking about? Damon, he's dead." Sorelle pursed her lips and shared a look with Damon who slowly stood up.
"Well. . . here's the thing." Damon trailed off, sending Liz and Carol a tight-lipped smile, "John's ring. . . it's an old Gilbert family heirloom that protects its owner from death by a supernatural entity."
"But he's not breathing. He has no pulse." Carol tried to argue.
Sorelle shook her head with a sigh, "Trust me, he'll be fine." Damon nodded and began to drag John's body away.
"We're gonna need a cover story." A strained groan left Damon's lips as he hoisted John's body into his arms. "Epileptic fit, alcohol binge, banana peel, whatever works. But right now, we just have to get him out of here."
"Be careful, Elle." Liz placed a hand on Sorelle's arm and gave her a stern look.
"Don't worry, I will." Sorelle muttered softly with a smile, turning to look over at Carol and giving her a silent goodbye. The Lockwood woman gave her a soft grin and Sorelle quickly rushed out of the house towards where Damon's car was parked.
"Something doesn't feel right." Sorelle bit down on her bottom lip anxiously. She sat down in the passenger seat, putting on her seatbelt as Damon drove out of the Lockwood Mansion.
Damon gave her a confused look, "What do you mean?"
"Why would Isobel kill John? It makes no sense."
"Maybe they had a little ex-boyfriend-ex-girlfriend quarrel and Isobel killed him because he pissed her off. If I was her, I would do that." Damon smirked, a quiet chuckle leaving his lips afterwards. Sorelle rolled her eyes with a shake of her head.
"You're an idiot."
"Aw, love you too."
The car slightly bounced as Damon drove into the driveway of the Salvatore Boarding House, the sound of rocks rumbling underneath the tires was heard. The vehicle came to a stop and the two got out with Damon throwing John's body over his shoulders. Sorelle quickly rushed to open the door and once they've entered, Damon dropped John down onto the floor carelessly.
Sorelle raises an eyebrow, "Seriously?" Damon only gave her a shrug in response before his eyes caught the sight of blood on his hand.
"Ugh, I have to clean up now." Damon groaned, taking note of the blood that was also on his clothes. Sorelle snorted and strolled over to the couches, plopping down with a loud sigh.
"I'll stay here and wait for John." Damon gave a nod, silently thanking her before walking away to his room.
Sorelle reached for her phone from her back pocket and scrolled through her Instagram feed. She let out a quiet giggle here and there seeing the cringy posts that her fellow peers made.
Suddenly a loud racket was heard upstairs causing Sorelle to sit up with furrowed eyebrows, she shoved her phone into her pocket before hesitantly calling out, "Damon?"
A whoosh was heard and Damon stood in front of her which momentarily startled her as she didn't expect it, "It was Katherine."
"What was Katherine?"
"Stefan just called. Katherine was the one that called us, not Elena. That doppelbitch was conspiring with Isobel. They were working together, Isobel was never on our side." Damon disclosed causing a scoff of disbelief to leave Sorelle's lips.
"I'm not even fucking surprised. I'm gonna kill Isobel I swear, I knew that bitch was up to something." Sorelle grumbled, she gave Damon a frown, "Are we meeting with Stefan now?"
"Yeah." Damon answered, his eyes averted to John who was still dead, "It'll be some time before he wakes up so we can just leave him here. But, do me a favor and call Liz. Ask her if there are any empty houses around here, one of them will be where Isobel had been staying."
"Okay, okay." Sorelle hastily grabbed her phone and quickly dialed Liz's number. The pair rushed out of the house towards Damon's car. They entered the car and as Damon turned on the engine, a familiar voice rang through Sorelle's ears.
"Liz! Hi! Um, I was wondering. Really random question." Sorelle forced a fake laugh, "But uh, do you know if there are any houses around here that are empty? It's just for research purposes so you don't need to worry so much." Damon was slightly speeding and the car shook as he ran over a bump. Sorelle shot him an exasperated glare when her head almost hit the car's roof.
"Oh, sure." Liz responded, a noise of shuffling was heard before she spoke again, "Yeah, there's one empty house, it's white and it's near the old warehouse that was recently renovated. You know where that is, right?"
"Yes, yes! Thank you so much, Liz! See you later." Sorelle beamed and ended the call when Liz gave her goodbyes.
"You got it?" Damon asked.
"Yeah, a white house near the old warehouse that was recently just renovated." Sorelle answered and the car came to a screech. She sees Stefan walking towards them and quickly moves to the back so Stefan would be sitting in the passenger seat.
"Hey." Stefan greeted Sorelle, his voice sounded like he was out of breath and his hair along with his clothes were fairly disheveled.
"Jesus." Sorelle's eyebrows shot up, "What the hell did she do to you?" Stefan scowled as Damon began driving.
"Vervained me and threw me into the bushes." Sorelle stifled a laugh whilst Damon let out a low whistle, a smirk tugging at his lips.
"I wouldn't take that if I were you, brother."
"Oh, shut up."
The car came to a stop again and Stefan got out of the car with Sorelle following behind him. Sorelle turned and a huge white house stood in front of them, it looked like a place where Isobel would be staying.
"You think this is the house?" Stefan inquired.
"It better be." Damon grumbled, walking up beside them, "It looks to be the nicest foreclosure in town plus Sorelle called Liz earlier and she said that this was the only empty house in town."
"Swear to god if she's not here. . ." Stefan trailed off but Sorelle was quick to cut him off with a roll of her eyes.
"Oh, don't be such a pessimist, Stef." The three hurried inside and their eyes glanced around. Stefan turned to them and pursed his lips.
"I got upstairs." Damon and Sorelle split off into different sides of the house before the sound of Stefan's footsteps was heard from upstairs. Sorelle turned to see him rushing down with a deep frown on his face.
"This is Isobel's stuff. It's definitely the right place." Damon commented.
"Her scent is here too. Same with Katherine." Sorelle pressed her lips into a straight line, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Where are they?" Stefan questioned.
"I don't know, Stefan." Damon sneered before he turned on his heels. Sorelle pinched the bridge of her nose before following after him along with Stefan.
This was going great.
. . . . . . .
Hours had passed and Elena was still nowhere to be found. Sorelle went back to the Salvatore Boarding House with Stefan and Damon, the both of them were convinced that Elena, wherever she was, would come back here soon. John, on the other hand, was still dead. Surprisingly.
Sorelle perked up at the sound of the front door opening and she scurried over there and her shoulders sagged in relief seeing Elena walking in. She was quick to pull the Gilbert girl into her arms, and an audible sigh of relief left her lips.
"Thank god." Sorelle pulled back and cupped Elena's face into her hands, "Are you okay? Did she hurt you?"
"No. I'm okay." Elena whispered with a soft smile before it faltered, "Isobel's, uh, she's dead."
"What?" Sorelle murmured in complete shock, her eyes slightly bulged. Elena opened her mouth to respond but she quickly shut it when Stefan came into view. The sandy-haired vampire closed his eyes in relief as he walked up to Elena and pulled her into an embrace. Sorelle made a face and moved aside to let the couple have their moment.
"You're okay." Stefan whispered and Elena nodded against his shoulders.
"Wait—" Stefan pulled back and furrowed his eyebrows together, "Did you say Isobel's dead?" Elena pursed her lips and nodded again, she brushed past him and sat down, her fingers twirling with an unfamiliar necklace.
"Is that Isobel's?" Stefan asked softly, striding up to her before sitting down on the armchair of the sofa near him. Sorelle followed his actions but sat down on the other couch.
A heavy sigh left Elena's lips, "I never thought I would feel bad about her being dead and yet. . ."
"She was your mother, after all, despite how much of a bitch she was." Sorelle shrugged. Elena's lips slightly twitched before she sighed, brows creased together as a confused frown appeared on her face.
"Why did they let me go?"
"Anything that John told Isobel, we have to assume that Klaus knows." Sorelle answered, "So he knows that you're not gonna turn yourself into vampire."
"And he knows that you have us keeping you safe." Stefan added and a look of realization grew on Elena's face.
"He knows I'm not gonna run."
"Which is why we need to take some precautions because we got played." Damon said, announcing his presence to the three. Sorelle squinted her eyes at the papers in his hands. He proceeded to place the stack of papers and a pen in Elena's lap. "All of us."
"What's this?" Elena inquired with a lifted eyebrow.
"It's the deed to our house." Stefan answered and a slow triumphant grin grew on Sorelle's face.
"We're going through with my idea?"
"I told you." Damon smirked, "I love that beautiful brain of yours." Sorelle rolled her eyes fondly, the smile on her face stretched wider.
"It's in Zach's name but as soon as you sign it, it'll be in your name." Stefan stated.
"You're actually giving me your house?" Elena sputtered.
"Isobel had the right idea with the safe house and Elle's idea of using our house was a better idea. You'll just stay here till it's all over, that way you can control who gets invited and who doesn't."
"Although I'll be super pissed if you lock me out." Damon commented drawing a snort from Sorelle.
"Lock him out." Amusement fueled in her even more when Damon shot her a death glare. A loud gasp was heard from behind them and everyone turned their heads to see what had happened.
Sorelle clapped her hands slowly, "John! Welcome back to the dead, perfect timing! Very dramatic might I add."
John continued to pant and in a blink of an eye, Damon had the collars of his shirt bunched up in his hands. The raven-haired vampire had a sneer plastered on his face as he glared up at him.
"I swear I had no idea what she was gonna do." John quickly sputtered out, "I'm sorry." He turned to Elena and gulped, "I'm so, so sorry."
"Damon, let him go." Elena sighed. Damon faced her, an unsure expression on his face. Elena's face fell into an emotionless one as she stared at John, "He and I need to talk."
Damon scoffed before dropping John, the Gilbert man let out a startled gasp when he plunged to the floor harshly.
Sorelle placed a comforting hand on Elena's arm and gave her a delicate smile, "We'll be in the study, okay?" Elena returned her smile and nodded.
Damon continued to stand glaring at John causing a huff to leave Sorelle's lips, she walked up to him and dragged him away with Stefan following after them, the sandy-haired vampire snorted in amusement at the sight.
"You want a drink?" Stefan asked when they entered the study. Sorelle nodded as well as Damon and he walked over to the tray of alcohol and poured some liquor into three glasses. He handed Sorelle a glass and Damon, the other. Sorelle's phone dinged and she pulled it out to see a text from Bonnie.
hey just wanted to let you
know that the spell worked :)
"Bonnie just texted me, she said that the spell worked." Sorelle informed the Salvatore brothers.
"She's locked and loaded then." Damon hummed in approval as he sat down on a stool.
"At least something went right today." Stefan stated, taking a sip of alcohol from his glass.
"Amen." Sorelle sighed heavily, plopping herself down onto the couch. "Today was just full of unfortunate events."
A moment of silence passed before Stefan let out a quiet murmur, "Hm." Sorelle raised an eyebrow, "Katherine has no idea that Bonnie got her powers back."
Damon furrowed his eyebrows together, "Uh-huh."
"And Isobel had no idea what you, Jeremy, and Elle took Bonnie to do today.
Sorelle's eyes went wide in realization, "We're the only ones who know." Stefan grinned and nodded before clinking his glass with Damon who had a smirk plastered on his face.
"That literally makes Bonnie our secret weapon."
"Holy shit."
. . . . . . .
Katherine Pierce slowly blinked open her eyes, she wrinkled her eyebrows together in confusion as she glanced around the strange place that she was in. It looked like an apartment to her, but although it looked unfamiliar, it felt familiar.
Her eyes fell on the warlock who had knocked her out earlier. He had his eyes closed with his hands in the air, they were placed on the sides of a brunette man's head that sat in front of him, his back was towards her so she couldn't see who he was. Katherine's confusion only grew as she pulled herself into a sitting position.
The Petrova vampire watched as the warlock slowly placed his hands down, falling into a bow in front of the brunette man. Katherine frowned, standing up from the floor; her legs wobbled as she did so, not fully in control of her motions.
The man turned around causing Katherine to slightly relax when she identified him, but she was still wary, "Alaric?" Alaric didn't respond, merely walking up to her and Katherine tried using her vampire speed to leave, only to be blocked by an invisible barrier at the door. A quiet gasp left her lips as her eyes frantically flickered around.
She slowly turned to face Alaric who had a taunting smile on his face. She gulped harshly, eyes narrowed suspiciously at the brunette male.
"Zdravei, Katerina." Alaric muttered as his hands reached up to hold her face, "I have missed you."
Realization dawned on Katherine's face, her eyes went wide and her voice dropped to a trembling tone, "Klaus."
The wicked grin on Klaus' face grew wider at her blatant fear.
. . . . .
author's note! — sorry for the late update buttttt klaus is finally here!!!!! klarelle meet up soon ;)))
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