The sky was dark. There were grey clouds and behind them brilliant stars. The only other bit of light came from the street lamps. As cj walked up the familiar pathway that lead to the charming purple Victorian house he put his hand inside the blazer pocket to make more light so that he could see. Tonight was like any other night. It was rather quiet outside since all the neighbors were in their homes starving off from the unreasonable weather.
The flap of cjs blazer opened and he shuddered as a gust of bitter cold air hit him square in the chest. cjs body reacted to the cold. his hair stuck on end. Goosebumps formed on his flesh. his jaw twitched and his teeth grinded as he looked for the key. he found one that looked about right and he stuck it in the keyhole and turned it but it didn't budge. Frustrated cj pulled the key out and tried the next likely one but this one didn't fit in the hole either.
cj put his briefcase down next to his feet and took out his phone for more light. A stream of white light hit the door and he aimed it at the keys in his hand. he picked at a familiar looking key and flashed the light so that he could see the hole. cj pushed the key all the way in and turned it to the left. he could hear bolts moving and then as he turned the knob he opened the door. The hinges squeaked in protest and he made a mental note to spray it with some e-40 as he pulled the key out and closed the door safely behind him. This time it didn't squeak.
Finally cj made it inside the house.
cj figured his sisters went off to bed since everything was turned off. Cj tore off his brown leather loafers, his achy feet sighing in content now that they could breathe, and placed them neatly next to the door.
He didn't wait until his eyes adjusted to the darkness before he atempted to make his way through the living room, and placed his black suitcase on the red velvet couch.
Cj made a point not to look at the closed bedroom door on his way upstairs. Mom and dads room. they all thought Deana would take the master suite since it had more room but the day never came. it was a museum.
Tired, cj walked up the winding staircase one step at a time and grabbed onto the wooden railing as he made his way to his room.
As he did so he gingerally loosened his tie and ran a tired hand over his face. he would have to shave first thing tomorrow morning. cj had to shave everyday that's how hairy he was. It never bothered him, but a woman or two would complain.
The contents of the day played through cjs mind on fast forward. Yes he had an early morning meeting with the boss that's why he couldn't give his sisters a heads up about Meagan. Then there was that awful phone call from a hysterical Deana. Boy was she pissed that he didn't say anything before hand. But Meagan was their sister and they were the only family they had left.
A film of a tall imposing man creeped into cjs mind. Numbers he could handle. Clients like (new client) not so much. cj shook his head and squashed the memory of today's meeting as his ears picked up the sound of someone talking.
Cj was not hard of hearing.
The door was closed but there was light flooding through the slit. cj quietly tip toed up the last three steps and hoovered near the door.
Did he know what he was doing was wrong? Yes. Yes he did. Did he care? Nope. Not at all. snooping was the only way he could find out what was happening between his sisters. They never asked cj on his opinion. It was always inform cj last.
"I cannot believe she talked to your mother like that!" Deana shrieked/whispered. When cj didn't hear anyone talk back he figured out she was on the phone talking to her beau. Cj hadnt seen much of him because he was working on getting that patent. Whenever Deana mentioned his name she always talked about him with such love and admiration. It made cj wish he was in a committed relationship. But When he got a job right after graduating college he'd put his personal life aside. There were a few beats of silence before Deana spoke up.
"She's intolerable!" Deana said over the receiver. "If that girl thinks she can come back after all this time and go around like nothing ever happened she's got another thing coming. Yes....I know....that's not-." Her voice lowering in a downward crescendo.
Her voice drowned out and all cj could hear was her mumbling about something. he wanted to know what she was saying so he pressed his ear to the wall hoping to get a better ear shot.
That's how cj found out Meagan had left to live some big dream in the city. She would never say it out loud but Meagan leaving really hurt Deana. After a while of silence cj could hear his eldest sister Deana sigh tiredly. "She's just like my father. He always defended the good guys you know." There was a bit of silence when (fiancé's name) spoke to her. "Okay dear I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight." Came Deanas tired voice.
Cj slowly backed away from the door when all of a sudden chance, their fat orange tabby cat came running in between his legs and cj was able to maneuver around the cat like they were in a dance.
"Cj! I know that was you. Come in"
Cj winced.
he looked back to where chance had been purring but the cat was gone.
Cj shyly walked inside his sisters room forgetting about the cat. It was in the shape of an octagon. There was one window facing the front of the street. Her walls were purple with butterflies on it. Mom and dad stuck to the princess theme with the white queen size bed. It was a miracle deana never renovated it.
Because that's what kids do. But they weren't the average normal family. What with no parents and all.
deana was sitting on the edge of her bed when cj walked in. he crossed his arms over his chest and smiled faintly as she took her hair out of her bun. Her red hair, the same shade as dads, fell down in long cascading waves and she began brushing it When cj cleared his throat. he did that whenever he was nervous. And thanks to a new client that habit was becoming more and more pronounced and cj hated it.
Cj could feel a shade of crimson rise up his cheeks just thinking about it. How was it possible to be envious and feel something close to attracted? Some people had it all. Cj thought to himself
deana stopped what she was doing and immediately rushed over to him. A mother's worry written all over her beautiful face. I don't know how but she always knew when something was bothering cj.
"Look at you buggy boo. It's late. Did you just get home? Is that boss of yours working you late again?" Deana asked cj concerned
cj smirked at her. "Look at you worry wort." he teased her sticking his tongue out. She chuckled but she didn't look happy. Tired cj shrugged. "You know how it is dee." cj said calling her by her family nickname. His two older sisters still called her that but they had history. The three of them were right about the same age so they grew up together. Deana was more of a mom figure to cj that's why It felt weird on his tongue so he tried again. "I mean Deana mom." He said sighing out loud.
Deana frowned. She had the beginnings of worry lines but time seemed gracefull on deana. She reminded cj a lot of their mother. From what he saw in photos. She was tall skinny and had the whole package of a supermodel. At least that's what his sisters always said whenever the subject came up.
"You're getting bags under your eyes." She tisked. "You know I don't like you working there. You're the smartest person I know, cj. Someone will come into your life and realize that. I just hope you don't turn their offer down all because that boss of yours gave you your first real job."
Everything she'd said was true. Their conversations were mostly like that. Alyssa says she has mother's intuition but cj didnt believe in anything that was not backed up by proof. Things like believing in superstition and having a sixth sense were just silly. Deana was just being Deana. She was always right and cj hated that.
"You're right." he told her.
Deana nodded her head at him with a small smile. The worry in her eye could have meant anything.
Cj scratched his cheek and tossed hair out of his eyes.
"I'm beat. I had a long day. I'm going to my room to watch the news until I fall asleep." he told his sister as he massaged the back of his neck.
Deana lifted an eyebrow but didn't approach the subject. "Of course sweetheart. Go get some rest. I should probably do the same. Will you do me a favor and close the door?"
He walked out his sisters room and closed the door behind him.
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