Chapter 9
"This is so difficult Zayn!" I whined to a chuckling Zayn who was in the other lane.
I haven't skated since i was like 6, so i couldn't move without falling.
Zayn on the other hand, found it extremely amusing. He was a fairly great skater, which shocked me since he was a bit of a bad boy. The whole roller rink was bare, with no one there but us.
He skated over to me still laughing a bit.
"Here let me help." He said rolling over to me.
He held my hand in his.
"Okay so just push your leg naturally, as if you are walking and try not to look at the ground."
I dragged my feet, still holding on to his hand, but tripping over a few times, yet he never failed to catch me. Then finally I was going by myself.
"See that wasn't so hard." He simply said.
"Yeah. It is hard, you're just a great teacher."
We were there for about an hour more, until m stomach grumbled slightly.
"Zayn, I'm a bit hungry is there a place-"
"I think there's a KFC around here, are you feeling that?" He asked.
We returned our shoes and put on our own shoes. Mine which was a pair of all black all stars.
We walked around a bit, which made me observe the 'Friday night' scenery. There were a lot of people out, strolling the slightly warm air. The stars twinkled a little in the dark sky. Zayn didn't talk, but it was a comfortable silence, because I didn't talk either.
We saw the bright lights of 'KFC' around the corner, which made me sigh in relief. We entered, got a table and ordered. I couldn't help but notice but notice the frightening looks people were giving us, but I put it at the back of my mind, so my thoughts wouldn't ruin our date.
"So how did you like our date?" Zayn asked a few seconds later.
"It was really cool. I'm just so glad you're not one of those guys who goes all out on dates. I find that quite cheesy." I replied.
"I'll keep that in mind on our next date." He smirked.
Next date? Did I hear correctly?
"Next date? Y-You want to go out with me again?" I stuttered.
"Well you're really great company and I'm not the kind of guy to ask out a girl, but I think you might be an exception". He said, taking me by surprise.
"But I'm nothing special, and I don't really know, you might find me boring-"
"Trust me when I say I won't get bored. I just want to give us a try."
"Us?" I asked eyes wide
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
There you go Chapter 9.
Okay im so sorry I missed updates for a while. The thing is I went on holiday. But now im bak.
Again sorry.
Next update tomorow
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