Chapter 44
When I was around six or seven, I moved into the city. My parents were not well-off neither did we have to go hungry, but the lifestyle we lived in wasn't a good one. As I got older, I began to get into bad habits: smoking, drinking; One night I got into a bar fight. The man that I was up against had to be at least 21 or 22, I was only around 14. I was sloppily drunk and littered in bruises, then came literally in that moment, my saviour.
Zayn Malik at only 15, despite not knowing how to fight, rescued me from what to me looked like near death. He became one of my best friends ever since. Not once had I seen him falter or show any sign of weakness. I'd never seen him break, cry, or look so lost and frightened; never.
But when I looked at him now, I'd seen a mix of emotions yet melancholy and nostalgia were what told me that Zayn Malik had officially broke.
Third Person
It had been at least two days since the oldest Sanford saw her little sister. Worry could not describe her emotions anymore. Her little sister had locked herself in her bedroom and say nothing to anyone. Her mother and grandmother had each attempted to call the shattered girl, to try and get her to come outside. Emphasis on attempted. Frankie's phone had been switched off for two days because she didn't have her phone. It was in her purse, which she had left at the school. Zac had also tried to talk to her, but as usual, had no luck.
Her bedroom windows were closed and the curtains drawn. The lights remained off and the door of course, locked. Sacari left her food morning, afternoon, and evening, with a little note of encouragement on the side, so when she left for work and her sister opened up to find the food, she would feel motivated to come outside and let it all out. Her attempt at this had failed miserably. The only noises that could be heard were the faint sounds of cries that Sacari would hear when she passed by her sisters' door; this broke her heart.
It was the third day, and Sacari was skeptical about leaving for work, as she usually was for the past two days but she knew she had to go. She left a plate of eggs and toast, picking up the plate from the night before, and sighed before walking down the stairs. She dropped the plate in the sink, and picked up her keys, before speeding down the road.
Hiding in the bushes, a very sneaky, rushed, Kingsley ran quickly to the front door, letting himself in and closed the door silently behind him. He looked around slightly, noticing how silent it was, as if the house was deserted. He quickly ran up the stairs in his scruffy converse to Frankie's room. Kingsley was slightly surprised at the plate of food and note outside the door. It all made sense to him then, Frankie hadn't come out of her room ever since she went in. This would explain why she hadn't been at school.
"Frankie?" he knocked three times, in a quiet voice. There was brief commotion on the other side of the door, before footsteps neared the door and then suddenly, a loud bang sounded near Kingsley's head; shocking him.
"Fuck off." Kingsley was slightly taken aback by the voice he heard. The one he was used to was lighter and more positive. This new voice was dark, croaky, negative, and wavered by those two simple words.
"Frankie come on, I'm here to check on you to see of you're okay. I had nothing to do with what happened to you." Attempt number one.
"Liar! Liars. All of you. If you don't get lost right now I'm calling the police."
"That what, I'm trying to get you to come outside? Listen to me, hand on my heart, I had nothing to do with this. Come on, you know you've grown on me; I love you, you know this. You know deep down that I love you and would never do this." Attempt number two. This time, there was silence on the other side, before soft sniffles appeared. This made Kingsley close to tears himself.
"I swear I'm just hear to check on you. Besides, I brought your purse-"
Kingsley was cut off by the sound of the keys churning, and before he could blink, a body stumbled into his. He caught her and held her against his body, as she shook with sobs.
"I-I think I'm going crazy." she cried.
"You're not going crazy, that's heartache you're feeling and the truth is, it's going to last a while, but eventually it's going to get better. You don't need anyone that doesn't need you." he comforted, running his hands through her hair.
"But it's only getting worse." she choked.
Kingsley let go and came to face her, taking in her features. Just like he'd expected, her face was slightly pale due to the loss of sunlight, and her eyes were puffy and red. She wore sweat pants and an over sized plaid shirt. She didn't look dirty or dripping in punch anymore, so she most likely took a shower. But her over-powering emotions were what stood out the most.
"You just don't know where to start. Locking yourself up in your bedroom and wallowing in self pity is not the way to go. Your sister is most likely crazy worried about you and wearing his shirt? Never run back to whatever broke you. What you need is to talk about, take a nice long bath, wear your own clothes, and who knows, maybe even go shopping. There's no rush, but you need to try, or it's never going to get better." he finished.
Kingsley wasn't stupid. He knew the shirt wasn't hers and he knew she hadn't talked to anyone. But he wanted to change that.
They stood still for a moment, before Kingsley declared that he was going to heat up her breakfast while she went for a shower. Then they would go to the city centre and maybe even go to the spa. Kingley wanted to be a girl for one day, so he could make her feel better. And they would take it from there.
Frankie sat on her bed, listening to the various voice messages from the other two important women in her life. She made a mental note to call them in the evening. She didn't have many texts, but just one, from the girl who she knew she couldn't trust since day one.
'i always get what i want, and i wanted zayn, so i got zayn. cheers love - Pez.'
* *
Later that night, Sacari was surprised to come home to her sister sitting on the bar stool with an actual slight grin on her face; it was very small, but it was there. This made her very happy. For this reason, she jumped at her sister, engulfing her in a hug and gave Kingsley a small smile too, inviting him for dinner with the Sanford sisters as a thank you, for being there for her sister.
"Are you going to tell me what's up?" Sacari asked once dinner was over and Kingsley had taken off.
Frankie froze for a minute, still not feeling exactly one hundred.
"I will, just not now." She said softly.
"I completely understand, but I'm here for you okay?"
"I know." Frankie smiled at her sister, before they both headed upstairs into their bedrooms.
That night, Frankie had to sleep with the night light on, and headphones blasting The Weeknd songs on repeat. It was around 2am that she decided she couldn't sleep and would stay wide awake if she didn't get out of that room.
She silently dragged her feet into her sister's bedroom which was a few doors down from hers. The room was dark with only a soft illumination of the moon shining into the room. Frankie slowly made her way under the covers of the bed, which made her sister stir slightly.
"Yeah, I'm sorry; I couldn't sleep and I thought maybe that if I was here-"
"No no, it's okay. Get comfortable." Sacari chuckled.
"Thank you."
About five or six minutes had passed and Frankie blurted out in a hushed whisper.
"Am I ugly?" her sister immediately turned back round to face her.
"No! What? Why would you even think that?"
"I just- Everything that's happened to m-me. There has to be something people are not agreeing on when they see me."
"Get those thoughts right out of your head. You're beautiful." Sacari re-assured.
It was silent yet again, until Frankie started again.
"He lied to me." she whispered.
"Zayn. He told me everything I wanted hear; it was all a fat lie."
Sacari said nothing as she listened to her sister about to break down.
"He told me he loved me too, he laid with me at the hospital. H-He held me when I was at my weakest and he took care of me. He made me feel so beautiful for once in my life. He went all the way with me. It was a lie." her palms began to shake.
"After everything that he knows Iv'e been through, he lied to me and I don't even know why he did it!"
"I hate him. I h-hate him for doing this to me."
"Calm down love, breathe." Sacari comforted as she tried to make sense of what was just said. Zayn and Frankie's relationship was a lie?
"The look in his eye when he said those words, I couldn't even make it out. He didn't mean it. I know he didn't." Frankie began to cry.
"Hey, baby girl don't cry okay? Calm down, we'll talk about this in the morning." Sacari decided, feeling tears well up in her eyes as well.
Why was her sister never happy?
A/N: One more chapter then Epilogue!
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