Chapter 43
Waking up this morning was a battle. I felt flustered, cold, but in a strange way . . . lifted. I fluttered my eyes open, squinting at how bright and blurry my surroundings were. I reached for my glasses which I left on my nightstand, but my hand dropped immediately. It was then that I noticed the grey and white walls.
My room was white.
I sat up, to a metallic ding that went off but the noise was distant. The sudden breeze that sent goosebumps down my spine was what made me realize I was in fact very naked.
Even though no one was around, I felt a small blush on my cheeks as the memories of the night before rushed back to me. I let out a small squeal of excitement, looking to my right, expecting to see Zayn by my side. He wasn't there however, which let down my mood a little at the fact that I didn't wake up next to him. But I was sure there was a meaningful explanation for this.
Remaining positive, I reached for my underwear that was on the floor next to me and slid them up my legs. I did the same for the plaid shirt Zayn had given to me yesterday and buttoned the last four buttons only, leaving the first four, and lifted myself off the bed. I walked to the en suite, washing my face and using a little mouth wash, before stepping outside the room. The strong smell off burnt toast hit me immediately, which made me laugh knowing what Zayn was doing downstairs.
And there he was in all his danger, and all his glory, his boxer covered back to me and facing the stove. I tiptoed behind him quietly wrapping my arms around his back. His head turned slightly, and I could just make out the small smile that painted his lips.
"Good morning." I croaked with a grin.
"Morning beautiful." he turned facing me, his hands resting on my thighs.
"You've been busy?" I teased.
"You ruined the surprise, I was going to bring you breakfast in bed." he pouted.
"From the smell in here, I'm not so sure I want what you're cooking."
"Shutup its just toast. I made pancakes; my specialty."
"Did you now?"
"Turn around love."
And there they were. Pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries decorated on the top, stacked neatly in a four. I walked over to the table immediately.
"These look so yum." I smiled in admiration.
"I made them hun, of course they do. Taste come on." he sat next to me. I was shocked at the burst of flavours in my mouth at that second.
"Woah, these are really good." I told him. A phrase to make him even more cocky.
"It's like 7am now." Zayn sat by me once again when his pancakes were done.
"Okay good, because I have a lot of things to do before tonight." I remembered.
" What's tonight?"
I paused for a moment, looking at him with disbelief.
"Prom Zayn." I laughed. If I had looked down a second later, I wouldn't have noticed his now cold look. He froze a little, but only for a split second but he brushed it off.
"Yeah, I remember now. You're still my date right?"
"Ye-No! No no no. You haven't asked me." I joked.
"Asked you? We've been dating for the past year. We literally had sex not less than fifteen hours ago." he replied bluntly.
"No, I've always wanted to get asked to prom so ask me." I demanded, ignoring the blushing creeping towards my cheeks.
He looked at me for a moment, before getting up.
"Just go along with what I'm about to do." he told me, before walking out the front door.
I stood confused for a minute or two, before I heard the door bell ring. I opened the door, but even though it was in the moment, I felt my chest swelling as the seconds passed. There was Zayn, on one knee, with three daises in his hand.
"Francessca Sandford. Will you go to prom with me?" he asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
I nodded frantically, taking the flowers from him. He stood up and gave me a little hug, pulling us back inside the house.
"I can't believe you just pulled a Good Luck Charlie on me." I giggled.
"In that moment it was the only way to ask you that I could think off." he replied.
Two plates of pancakes and a whole lot of kissing later, I was ready to go.
"I'll see you at seven tonight okay?" I told Zayn giving him a small kiss as I stood on his doorstep.
* *
"Why didn't we do this before?"
"We? Love this is your prom not mine." Sacari replied back sassily.
"We've been to like six different stores and when it's two-thirty I need to get to my hair appointment." I groaned.
After saying goodbye to my mother and grandmother, Sacari and I dropped them at the train station around eleven and from there, proceeded to shopping for my dress, which I should have bought days ago.
"Don't worry sweets, it'll all piece together. The only dress shops left are Celebrity boutique and Red Carpet. We'll find you the perfect dress, promise." My sister re assured. I nodded at her finishing my lunch, trying not to think about how it was now quarter to one-thirty.
"I'm taking loads of pictures." Sacari smiled brightly.
"Whatever, but please don't embarrass me."
"Have I ever? By the way, how are you and your lover?" She laughed.
"Don't say it like that. And we're great, in a really good place too. I dropped the L-bomb last night." I blushed.
"Aw, that's amazing. I'm happy for you, truly. Then I guess you two are going to be doing what every couple will be doing after prom?" Sacari smiled.
"Oh my-don't say that!" I replied.
We sat laughing for a twenty or so minutes, before proceeding to Celebrity boutique. We browsed around the store and I I saw one or two dresses I liked, but one was too plain and the other, too flashy. For this reason, we walked into Red Carpet, and the amount of dresses there were slightly over whelming.
"I told you we would find something. Get looking now."
Red dresses, blue dresses, green dresses, even black dresses, this place had it all. Despite all the dresses, I still struggled to find the perfect one. I sighed, ready to give up. Then, to my left I saw a stunning nude dress hanging off a manikin.
"Sacari!" I called.
My sister stood by my side several minutes later and looked at the dress I continued to gaze at.
"Wow." She spoke.
"That's what I thought."
"Well don't just stand there; go try it on!" She pushed, slipping the slim staps off the manikin.
I already knew the dress was perfect and there was no need to try it on, but when I did, the way I looked exceeded my expectations.
"How is it?" Sacari asked from outside the stall.
"It's perfect."
* *
To say I was dolled up would be an understatement. To say I looked like a movie star, would be a right understatement. It was six fifteen, and how I was looking all I could think was, Elsa had nothing on me.
It was simple yet elegant, and the silk put it in place. My hair was straightened and in a tight, slick ponytail with a shimmery bow on the ribbon. It went all the way down to my back, with the help of extensions of course, and I wore nude lipstick with a smoky eye.
"Simply aesthetic!" Sacari suddenly squealed from behind me. She stood with Zac at my bedroom door a camera in hand and the messiest bun I had ever seen.
"Thanks, I'm so in love with this dress."
"You look beautiful." Zac complimented and I smiled a 'thank you' at him.
"Zayn won't know what hit him."
"Stop it." I blushed at the feedback I was getting. I had made sure to shut my curtains at 5 so that Zayn couldn't peep at my dress. I made sure to ignore his calls too, but I couldn't help myself with the texts. As for my friends, Harry had managed to score a date with Courtney, a gorgeous girl in our class who wasn't too popular and conceited. Niall was going with Leigh just like Louis was going with Jade. I didn't know too much about who Perrie's date was, but Jesy was going with Aaron, a quiet yet cute boy from my Drama class and Kingsley scored himself a blonde bombshell he'd been crushing on for a while; her name was Hailey.
I broke from my thoughts when the doorbell went.
"That must be Zayn." I said, picking my clutch from my bed.
"Call him in for pictures!" Sacari reminded as I walked down the stairs.
Zayn stood there, handsome as ever; in a stunning suit and looking completely new, with a corsage in his hand.
It was as if our eyes went wide at the same time.
"Wow." he said in awe.
"I could say the same thing for you." I gazed back at him. Despite the heels, he still towered over me by three or four inches.
"Gorgeous is not the word to describe you right now in this moment." he replied. I felt my cheeks grow hot as I stared at him.
"Thank you, same for you, you just blew my mind."
"Thanks. I got you this, my mum called, she said I should um . . . girl's love these on prom so." He stuttered, his hand reaching to scratch his neck as a blush grew on his cheeks. I accepted the corsage that consisted of baby pink roses with baby's breathe flowers decorating all over. It matched my dress perfectly.
"My sister insists that you come in for pictures, so please." I said, stepping aside. We walked in together, hand in hand and settled in the living room. Sacari squealed when she saw Zayn, giving her a small hug. Zac gave him a little hand slap of the hand and then before I knew it, we were posing for pictures.
"We have to get going now though, it's almost seven and the traffic in town is crazy." Zayn said when we took the last picture.
"Okay! I 'll see you when you get back. Who knows when that is, tonight . . . tomorrow morning?" Sacari winked. That's when I knew it was my cue to drag Zayn away from the embarrassment that was my sister.
"Is everyone meeting us there?" I asked, once we settled in the car.
"Yes they are, since they all have individual dates."
"Alright then, to prom?"
"To prom."
* *
"This is by far the best night of my life!" I yelled over the music at Kingsley.
"Same, I'm glad I have a friend like you you know." he replied.
"Shutup, I'm grateful for you more than anything." he smiled at me, pulled me in for a hug, before the song changed to a more slow one I knew to be 'You and I' by John Legend. Kingsley and I separated to go and look for our dates. I found Zayn sitting with Harry in what looked to be an intense conversation, however his eyes softened when he saw me approaching.
"I love this song, lets dance." I nodded at him. He stood up and lead me not too close to the center, but the stares were evident.
"I love you, you know that right?" Zayn suddenly said when the second verse of the song started.
"I know, we established that yesterday. I love you too." I giggled.
"No, I mean I really love you. I love everything about you. I think I've known this for a while, but I was never really honest with myself about this. I know I can trust you, and I've never felt that way before about any girl. That's how come I know it's you."
"You're going to make me tear up." I joked, trying not to let the tears of joy fall.
He leaned in and connected our lips. I smiled into the kiss, thinking about how, right then everyone around as was meaningless and I felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
The lyrics to the slow song ended, which caused our slow dance to come to a halt. Warmth filled in my chest as I looked up at Zayn, wondering how we made it.
"I'm just going to run to the washroom quickly." I excused myself once Zayn nodded.
As I touched up my makeup and put on a little more perfume, I dissapeared into my thoughts.
I couldn't believe it was Zayn, Zayn.
I couldn't believe he was my missing salvation all the while. Every girl deserved a Zayn in their life. I loved him so much, and as cheesy as it sounded I was thrilled with myself for actually getting the chance to say I had fallen in love in high school like all those cliche books I had gotten lost in.
Who would've figured that this would be my faith.
When I was done, I walked out of the washroom, clutch in hand, striding confidently trying to match my walk to my emotions. I saw that everyone else was at our table which was placed a little bit further from everyone else, in the shadows far back of the prom hall.
I smiled at the girls, and indulged in a conversation, strangely about silk. However, in the corner of my eye I noticed Harry gave Zayn a look. Zayn nodded hesitantly and stood up, drawing the attention from everyone. Just then, the tension around the table became so thick not even a saw would be able to cut through. Uncomfortable looks and shifts were passed around as Zayn walked up to the DJ table, and finally walked onto the stage.
Immediately, I knew something was off. He wore a confident smirk but it didn't reach his eyes, and he couldn't look at our table, just everywhere else.
The whole gym looked at Zayn as he tapped the mic, which made the music stop abruptly. I never imagined him to be the speech type though.
"Hello Chester High and welcome to prom night, I'm not M'c ing this or anything, and I'm not making a speech either, I just want to say a few words. As you all know, at the start of the year I met girl who is now my girlfriend, Frankie. - " Everyone looked at me and back at Zayn. I gave him a confused look, and he continued.
"Yes, its true. Frankly I had never been one to commit to anyone, many of you would know. Frankie, I'd just like to say, that it was good why it lasted you know why?" He asked, his wild grin growing bigger.
While it lasted?
"Because it was never real." He said softly, which had my heart pounding in my ears.
"Literally been waiting for this since day one. I was going to tell you what you wanted to hear, make you, then break you."
I could feel all the attention from my year as they looked at me, but all I could concentrate on was Zayn. Zayn. Zayn.
"M'sorry to disappoint but you in case you were hoping I was loyal, hate to break it to you sweetheart but it was never real." He rambled on. I felt the sting in my eyes and the lump in my throat, which made me struggle for air.
What's going on?
I looked around our table, seeing mixed expressions.
But Perrie . . . Perrie looked incredulously content.
"Money. That's why I did it, a bet. And may I say, for a prude you give some pretty mind blowing head." He concluded with a slight laugh, which sent a wave of gasps, and a little laughs all around the room.
Embarrassment couldn't describe the feeling in my chest.
"Look left sweet heart." Idiotically, I shifted my gaze to the left to have a whole bucket off punch thrown at me.
Now the laughs all around the gym outweighed the gasps.
So I ran.
* *
Third person
The lost, broken girl ran all the way home. Her hair a mess and out of its once glorified state; her shoes, discarded three or four blocks back. She hadn't stopped wailing, as she tried to hit herself to try to wake up from a dream she failed to believe existed.
When she barged through her front door, she thundered up the stairs, breaking down with each step, yet running because she didn't want her sister or practically brother to know about the heartbreaking situation was in.
But the walls weren't soundproof.
"Frankie?" Sacari yelled, worried about the weeping sounds coming from upstairs. Zac followed behind her, trying to see if he could do anything to help his girlfriend and basically little sister. Frankie locked herself in her bedroom, sobbing loudly, feeling completely destroyed. She felt disgusting and sticky due to the substance that was thrown at her. Her sister banging repeatedly on the door.
She didn't understand what was going on, what was happening and why it was happening. She refused to believe the fact that she thought the love of her life had just disgraced her in front of the whole student body and ripped her heart apart for everyone to see.
While she sobbed, in the eyes of everyone else, the 'king' of the night, the frightening of them all, the drug dealer, and most of all heart breaker, was smoking five or six cigarettes, not caring how cloudy it made his lungs, because he needed a release. He needed to come to terms that he had done something he thought he'd never have to do. Not since she comforted him about his mother, not since she told him about her father, not since they got drunk on his roof, not since they laid in the hospital bed because she didn't want him to leave. From that second, he knew he'd have to return back to his old ways and pretend he was someone he was not.
But what was done had been done, and there was no changing time.
He'd broke her heart.
Yo... I feel so bad for writing this, like the tears are so real right now.
But there it is. Two more chapters left and then maybe an Epilogue? I don't know. But I don't think this needs a sequel. I'm still undecided.
But thank you for baring with me for the past three weeks. My laptop was destroyed again and I just got it back. But hey! Vote and comment pretty please because I'm dying to know what you think about the moment we've all been waiting for.
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