Chapter 30
"Did he say where he was taking you?" Jesy asked me.
"No, he just said I should be ready by 8:30, and that we were going out to celebrate." I replied.
"What the hell, how are we meant to get you ready then?" She said frustrated.
I shrugged.
Zayn decided that since I apparently did an "amazing" in our performance, he was gonna take me out to celebrate. He didn't say where, so I didn't know what to wear. But knowing Zayn we weren't going anywhere fancy that's for sure. Especially with his reputation in this town and everything.
Jesy, Jade, and Leigh-Anne volunteered to help me get ready. Perrie couldn't because she said she had to meet up with somebody.
"Alright well, let's go with something casual, an outfit that can get you prepared for anything." Jade said.
I nodded at her, and immediately, the three of them raided my closet. I chuckled at them and wondered of on my phone for a bit. I recently downloaded this game, It's quite boring, but since I started, I couldn't stop. It's called Fruit Ninja.
I was interrupted when the girls came out of my closet with an item each in hand.
Jesy held a held a yellow sweater in her hand.
Leigh held light blue jeans in her's.
And Jade held a pair of light brown UGGS in her's.
"This is the perfect outfit." Leigh-Anne smiled at me.
I smiled at her, and at all of them. These people were honestly amazing. And to think we only met earlier last year.
"Thanks, you guy's are the best." I said gratefully. They returned the smile, and tossed me the UGGS.
"Hurry up though, it's 20 to 8." Jade alarmed.
I took the outfit from their hands and hopped to the bathroom.
I took of my sweatshirt and slid on the sweater. Then I removed my old jeans, and put on the blue one's, before slipping on an UGG on my good foot.
I opened the bathroom door and skipped back outside. I landed on my bed with a slight thud. The girls giggled at the sight of me.
"Okay, hair and makeup." Jesy said once we stopped giggling.
Then she went behind me and began to gather my head into a ponytail. It was just a simple one, but it worked well with my outfit. Then she came to my front and just touched my up my makeup a bit, since I had some on earlier.
When they were done, I admired myself in the full length mirror and smiled at my reflection.
"Thanks again you guys." I said looking back at them.
"What the fuck are you talking about Zayn, of course you want me." I growled at him.
"No, I actually don't, get the fuck out of my room now." He growled back, putting on his shirt.
"Don't tell me you actually like that bitch." I said annoyed at him.
"Perrie. Get out." He said in gritted teeth.
"Answer me Zayn! Do you like her?!" I yelled at him.
This was the first time Zayn had ever denied me. Usually, when I came over, we'd just get straight to it. He never denied me. And I know for sure that that bitch Frankie had everything to do with it.
I saw Zayn get angrier by the second. His face slowly started turning red and his angry vein popped out of his neck.
"Get. Out. Now." He growled one more time. I looked at him wide-eyed and in fear. I knew he was angry but I didn't want to leave until I got what I wanted, but I didn't push him. The last thing I want is to feel the wrath of angry Zayn.
"Fine." I muttered, and made my way out of his room. I jogged down the stairs and got my bag from the living room before heading out of the house.
I have had it with this bitch, getting to be with Zayn whenever she wants. And I don't know how Zayn feels about, but this is only a dare. Maybe he's just playing it how it's meant to be played. I was so tempted to go to her house and just break the cold, hard, truth to her. But I'll wait. Just to see the look, and humiliation on her face when she Zayn dumps her.
"Are you ready, he'll be here any minute." Jesy alarmed me.
"Yeah, I'll just put my phone in my pocket, I can't carry a bag." I replied to her.
At that moment, the door bell went, making the four of us squeal.
"Okay, okay. Wish me luck." I said, grabbing my crutches.
"Good luck, and I'm off soon anyway so, see you tomorrow, my house, 12:00." Jade reminded.
I nodded at her, and I opened my bedroom door and waved to them. I hopped down the stairs as fast as I could, and across, the living room, and to the door, opening it quickly.
And there he stood, with his hands stuffed in his pockets. He wore are and black flannel top, with the buttons open, showing the black tee shirt he was wearing underneath, with black jeans and black converse.
I smiled at him, and he smiled back at me.
"Hey". He said with a grin.
"Hi." I replied to him.
"You. . . you look nice." He said with a shy smile.
"Thank you." I said looking down.
With that, we were off in his Hammer, to the unknown destination.
But how awkward was the car ride there. We didn't say anything, but I think we both just felt a bit weird, as this was our our second date. I just looked out the window the whole time.
Then I felt the car stop. I snapped out of my daydream and looked out the window. Woah.
There was . . . nothing?
Just grass. Flat grass. It was a field. I looked to Zayn in confusion. He simply smiled at me, and got out of the car and jogged to the other side to help me out of the car. I gave him a 'thank you' smile. I reached to get my crutches, but then my face but then suddenly, I felt weightless, and I was looking at the dark night sky.
I shrieked and looked at Zayn, who just had a cheeky look on his face.
"We're not walking anywhere far. I'll carry you." He suggested.
I didn't even have a say in this, and we soon began moving onto the field.
We got to some area that had some flowers around it, and a stream, that ended somewhere. It may have been simple, but it was honestly a very beautiful sight.
Zayn slowly set me on the ground and sat across from me.
It was quiet for a bit, and then he struck a conversation.
"I didn't know you sang. Very well, may I add." He said looking into the distance.
"Oh, I don't, I think things like that just come to me naturally." I replied to him.
He hummed and it became quiet again.
"Do you sing?" I asked starting the conversation back up.
"Me? No man." He chuckled.
I was about to say something, when he said again.
"I'll tell you something I haven't told anyone though." I gestured at him to continue.
"I sing to myself sometimes. I don't know why but the thought of singing interests me. But believe it or not I actually considered a while back, being a singer once I left here." He said
I looked at him shocked.
"Are you serious? But you-" I said but was cut off.
"I do what I do because I need money." He said looking at me dead in the eyes. I didn't talk more about that subject, cause I could tell it bothered him.
"Well then you're gonna have to sing for me sometime." I teased.
He chuckled at me.
"Will do." He said and we continued talking.
For the rest of the night, we talked about useless and useful shit. But it was such a fun night. And to be honest, I feel like Zayn and I will be together until the end of the year, and hopefully more, because I felt like I'd grown so attached to him. Physically, Emotionally, and Mentally.
"You can stay at mine if you want. Tomorrow is Saturday anyway." Zayn suggested once we got back to our neighborhood.
"Yeah, sure." I smiled at him biting my lip. He returned the smile and helped me out of the car.
We walked inside his house.
"Do you want anything?" He asked slipping of his shoes and helping me get mine off.
"Can I just have water?" I asked.
"Sure." He said and walked into the kitchen. Minutes later, he came back with a glass of water. I thanked him, and he carried me up the stairs to his room.
He laid me down on the bed, and began to take off his shirt, and SHIT.
Zayn Malik is just the hottest human being I have ever laid eyes on. Just looking at his back muscles move gave me a funny feeling. Down there.
I clenched my thighs together, and watched as he took of his jeans.
"I can give you a top if you want." He said and turned around, but quickly his suggesting look was wiped off by a smirk.
He bit his lip, and my eyes went wide. I clenched my thighs harder.
"Uhh... Yeah. Sure." I said taking a deep breathe.
He slowly turned around and went to his wardrobe, and came back with a grey 'OBEY' sweater. I thanked him, and wanted to stand up, but Zayn turned around, and told me to change quickly.
I quickly took off my jeans and my sweater, and folded them up, before I pulled the sweater down my body. It was quite baggy and short, but it covered my ass, and that's what matters right?
"Done." I told Zayn. And he turned back round. Still in his boxers. Still.In.His.Boxers.
I felt my cheeks become red as I watched Zayn make his way to the bed. I lied down, and he lied on top of me, making my heart race rapidly. He connected his lips with mine, and I immediately kissed back.
His hands trailed up the sweatshirt, and found my chest, and he squeezed lightly. I moaned into the kiss, and run my hands through his hair. Then his hands trailed slightly to the inner of my thighs, making me moan again.
I knew at that moment that he knew what I felt when I was looking at him undress. Then just like that, he broke the kiss.
I panted, trying to catch my breath, and he did the same.
"Goodnight." He told me, pulling the covers higher.
"Night." I told him back, and waited for sleep to catch up on me.
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