Chapter 27
I embraced my mum in a massive hug, as soon as she walked through the door. I'd missed her so much. But not as much as I've missed my grandma. I hadn't seen her in years. I broke the hug with my mum and pounced on my grandma. So much love going on.
It was Christmas day, and I'm so excited for whats to come. This would be my first Christmas in England with my sister, grandma, and mum. The three most important women in my life. I just loved them so much, and I was so happy to spend this Christmas with them.
We walked into the house. By we I mean they did. I hopped on my crutches. It'd been hell these past couple of days with these crutches on, but I get the cast of in five weeks. I couldn't wait.
Sacari and I are in matching onesies. Just like old times.
The presents were under the tree, the lights were twinkling, and there was snow everywhere. This is gonna be the best Christmas I have had in a long time.And I sure as hell am looking forward to it.
It is 6:00am now, that means we were yet to get started on Breakfast. So as soon as my mum and grandma came, they put their presents they got for us, under the tree and we headed to the kitchen.
Obviously I didn't participate in the cooking. I just did little things. I couldn't cook for shit. I would probably burn the place down if I ever attempt to cook a meal, or go next to a stove. So I just stuck around the kitchen and didn't do much.
For a bit, I thought about inviting Zayn over, because yesterday, he told me that his parents had gone to Palm Springs for the holidays, and he didn't really celebrate Christmas, obviously because of religious reasons. But that didn't stop me wanting to invite him over so we could spend the whole day together. I mean, even though he didn't celebrate Christmas, didn't mean I didn't want to give him a taste of what it felt like, or wanted him to stay at home alone all by himself.
One thing I didn't get though is, why he so secretive about why he hated the holidays. I mean, I tried asking him the last time, but he didn't answer and he said he was 'tired' so I got kicked out. I don't want to be seen as that clingy girlfriend, who worries about all the shit her boyfriend does. That's not me. I'll give him the space he needs. And plus. This got too serious, I didn't even know we were gonna last this long. And not that I don't like him or anything, I do, very much. But I didn't want the relationship where we kept stuff from each other. I knew my past was a secret to him too. But I planned to tell him. Hopefully he tells me about him too. But if he doesn't wanna tell me. He doesn't have to.
Space matters in a relationship.
I was snapped out of my thoughts by my mum, asking me if I could set the table. Obviously, I agreed. So I got out five plates out of the cabinet. five cutlery each, five napkins, and five glasses. Yes five of each. I just made up my mind that I was going to invite Zayn over. Why not? This was the perfect time for it. Everyone was in a happy mood. And I thought they might like him.
I put the red lace table cloth over the table and set the plates on the table, cutlery, napkins, and glasses. I picked up my crutches and called Sacari over quick.
"Whats up?" she asked once we were alone.
"I was wondering if I could invite Zayn over for the day?" I asked.
She paused for a moment.
"Sure. Sounds good." she replied with a smile.
"Thank you so much, it's just his parents aren't in the country and I don't want him to be alone, today. You don't know how much this means to me." I replied. She chuckled.
"No problem. I invited Zac over to meet Mum and Nan anyway, don't know why you can't." She smiled mentioning her boyfriend. Okay then so I guess he's coming.
"Thanks again, I'll be right back, I'm just going to go get him." I said. She waved her hands and walked back into the kitchen.
I hopped to the door, where my brown uggs were. I sat on the floor slowly, and then slid one, cause the other foot had the cast, onto my foot. Then I held the door handles and slowly stood back up. I picked up my crutches, and opened the door, to be hit by the light wind, before I shut the door behind me, and hopped across the road to Zayn's house.
When I got to the front door, I rang the doorbell twice, and waited. Five minutes after, no answer. I rang the bell twice again. A few minutes later, the door opened to reveal my boyfriend who looked like he'd just been dragged through a bush. But still cute. I think he was just sleeping.
I put up a big smile.
"Merry Christmas!" I shouted and brought him into a hug, giggling slightly,as his hands slowly made it way to my waist.
"You alright?" He asked as we broke contact.
"I'm fine. What about you?" I asked cheerfully. He just nodded in return.
"Come in if you want." He said stepping aside.
"No, no, I'm being quick, I just came to ask you if you wanted to come over for the day?" I asked.
"I don't know." He said unsure.
"Please. I really want you to meet my mum and my gran, and my sister's boyfriend is gonna be over all day, and not that I don't love mum and Nana, I do but, I can't spend the whole day with them I'll be bored, and-" I rambled but he cut me off.
''Okay. Sounds alright." He said making me shut up completely.
"Thank you so much! You won't regret this." I said once more with a massive smile.
He just did one of those awkward shrug that he always does, and said.
"Well, hope you don't mind waiting, I'm just gonna change into something else. " He said and stepped aside again, allowing me to come in.
I went inside his house, and it felt so empty.
No tree, no decorations, no presents, no fire. Nothing. It was just some dark empty house.
I waited patiently on the sofa as he run up the stairs to get changed.
A while later, he came down, in a grey beanie, sweatpants, sweatshirt, and a present in hand.
I stood up once he came down.
"This is for you." He told me handing me the present.
"Thank you." I said and sat back down, when he gestured for me to open up the gift.
I tore off the paper, and it revealed a long black box. I opened it up, to reveal a slightly pastel opal necklace with a gold chain.
"Aaaw, Zayn thank you so much. It's beautiful." I said as I observed it. He shrugged again.
"It's nothing, just thought I'd get you a little something." He said.
"I love it." I said to him. I told him to clip it around my neck, and he did just that, and I loved it even more around me.
I thanked him again, and took my crutches, and he helped me to the door, and he shut it behind us and locked it.
We made or way across the road, and once we got to the door, we rang the bell. Shockingly, it was Zac who opened it up. (Zac will be played by Liam Hemsworth. ;* )
"Hi Zac." I greeted. He smiled.
"Fran, Merry Christmas." He said to me. He has this little nickname for me, where he called me Fran, because he said that Frankie was too common, and everyone called me that. He is definitely a keeper. He's like the brother I never had.
He brought me into a light hug. Before we broke apart and went inside. Inside, and took off our shoes, leaving Zayn in socks, and leaving me in the footies that came with my onesie.
We went into the dining room, to see everyone else sat around the table, with smiles.
"You guys this is Zayn, my boyfriend." I introduced. Zayn waved slightly.
"Hi Zayn!" My mum cheered enthusiastically. Granny just nodded with a smile, Cari who already knew him, said a small hello, and Zac, said a hello as well.
"How are you taking care of my baby girl?" the sweet old voice of my grandmother joked.
We all laughed, taking our seats and started with breakfast.
"Thank you so much." I said to Sacari giving her a light hug.
Now we were sharing presents, and so far, I had gotten a leather jacket from my mum, perfume from my nan, a pair of Nike Air Max's from Zac, and now Sacari had gotten me some Lana Del Rey posters, and a new phone. An I-phone 6.
"Your Welcome babe." She said smiling at me. I smiled back.
"Alright, then I think that's about it." Nan spoke up.
"Hold on, there's still some presents under the tree, who're they for?" Cari added.
"Oh, don't mind those, they're for my friends, I was gonna go give it to them once we were done with present sharing and stuff." I spoke.
"Well then you can go give it to them now if you like. I don't mind, I'm sure we have nothing else planned to do except lunch and dinner. So just be back by 12. We'll watch a few movies." Mum said.
I nodded, and Zayn stood up, helping me up and to the door. I picked up one UGG boot again, and got up once more, before Zayn said.
"We can use my car, around. I don't mind." He said, as he put on his shoes.
"Yeah, sure." I agreed and walked back into he living room. I got a bag, and put all the presents in, before finally, we got across the road, sat in Zayn's car, and drove off.
"Where to first?" He asked glancing at me.
"Well I don't know where Niall, Louis, Liam and Harry live, but, lets just start with who lives closest?" I said shrugging a little.
Zayn's expression was gobsmacked.
"You got stuff for them as well?" He asked in shock.
"Yeah. I mean they are my friends. At least I think they are." I replied.
"I just didn't think you'd get presents for everyone. Jesy lives closest." He replied.
"Well we all act like friends, that's the okay thing to do. Yeah sure lets go to Jesy's first then."
We arrived at Jesy's door. Zayn decided to stay in the car, while I limped up to the front door. I rang the doorbell, and waited for a while. The door opened to reveal 1/4 of my best friends.
"Happy Holidays!" I cheered to her. Her eyes lit up at the sights of the presents. She looked so shocked.
"Thank you!" she said pulling me into a hug. We pulled apart, and I handed her the presents.
"Come inside if you want." she said moving aside.
"No. I'm being quick, I got loads of other presents to deliver." I replied back.
"Okay, well, Merry Chrismas."
"Merry Christmas, I said and turned around and limped back to he car.
"Is that it?" Zayn asked as we pulled out of Harry's driveway.
"Yeah, we can go home now." I told him, and took a deep breath.
Everyone really liked the fact that I got them gifts. They all looked really, genuinely shocked I bothered. A part of me was sad. Did they not think of me as a real friend to get them gifts or? But another part found the situation fucking hilarious.
We were a few minutes away from my house. Everyone actually lived closer than I thought. But Iv'e only ever been to the girls' houses so to find out the other boys lived that close as well, shocked me.
I was broken out of my thoughts when we pulled up at Zayn's house. We got out and he helped me across the road, and back to my house. It was around 12:30. I saw Zac and my sister, setting up the table, for lunch. Just then, Nana, and Mum walked in with a chicken roast, and food to go with it.
We sat down at the table, and dug in.
"Thanks so much, guys." I told Nana and Mum, as I stood up using the napkin to wipe my mouth.
"Welcome honey." Mum replied.
"Anytime dear." Nana smiled.
Zayn was done ages ago, and was just waiting for me. He stood up once I did, and I took his hand.
He said a slight thank you and we went upstairs to my room. Once we were in I sat on my bed.
"So how you liking Christmas so far?" I asked him.
He shrugged. "Its alright. Haven't had a home cooked meal in a while." He admitted.
I smiled at him. Then realization hit.
"Oh I almost forgot,!" I remembered. I reached for his presents and gave them to him. I held the sketchbook for after.
He opened the two boxes, and looked up.
"Thanks." he told me.
"You're welcome." I smiled at him.
"One more present though." I said and brought out the sketchbook.
He opened it up, and flipped threw. His looked extremely shocked as he flipped threw the drawings.
I drew 20 in total. When I saw he was at the page with the one that he had glasses on, I added.
"I caught you with your glasses once, I made a mental picture." I said.
"Wow, this is really cool." He said and closed the sketch book.
"No big deal." I shrugged.
We sat in silence for a moment. Before I noticed what was hanging from the ceiling.
"Oh, look at that." I said still looking up. I felt Zayn's eyes trail up.
"Mistletoe." he added.
I smiled cheekily.
Before I knew it out lips locked together.
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