Chapter 23
"Frankie baby, pack your your stuff, we're going! Quickly! Hurry up honey!" My mum said frantically waking me up from my little nap.
"What? Mum, whats going on?" am uneasy six year old me said.
"Nothing hun, we're just going away for a little while. Pack your stuff." She said, and kept looking behind her as if she was running away from something.
Just then, a loud BANG came from the other room.
"Hurry up sweetie!"
I looked in the mirror. Simply staring. Not liking at all what I was looking at.
'Why am I so imperfect.' I thought.
'Why doesn't he want me.' I thought turning around, still facing the mirror.
'Why does he do this to me.' I thought again looking at the burn marks underneath my left breast.
I sighed as I felt the familiar empty feeling in my chest.
This was too much for my 13 year old body to handle.
I began to tremble as I heard the front door shut with the familiar Bang.
"I'm home baby!" His sick taunting voice yelled from the living room.
"I don't know Charlie! He's the one who was all over me, not the other way around.!" I yelled at my boyfriend.
"Bullshit Frankie. He's my best friend! Why would he lie about something like that! Oh and don't think I don't see you staring at him everyday, I just learn to deal with it! How would you like it if I was all over your best friend. Oh that's right. You don't have any. You fucking loner. No one wants to be your fucking friend!"
He yelled in my face.
"I didn't do anything! You're just too big headed and a dumb ass to see that!" I yelled back. This was my first mistake of the day. I knew that caught him off guard. I'd never insulted him before.
It all happened to fast and in a flash, I felt the burning sensation on my right cheek.
He slapped me.
Charlie Connors just slapped a girl.
"Now you listen here you little bitch. Don't ever say that again!
I nodded my head immediately, not wanting to aggravate him even more since he was most likely going to tell my father I had insulted him.
I was only 14. Why was this happening."
"He did it again mom. Why does this keep happening?" I sobbed uncontrollably to my mother, who looked at me, pity consumed her eyes.
"Did you try to run again?" She asked, even though she already knew the answer.
"I just couldn't take it anymore, I had to! He wanted me to do things with him that I just didn't want to do. I c-couldn't, I-" She cut me off with a massive hug, as I sobbed into her chest.
I heard her sigh, and she pulled me out of our hug.
"Hun, there's something I'm not telling you." She said looking at me, her voice lowering.
"I've been earning more money since my new job, and maybe by the end of this year, I'll have enough money so me and you could start a new life. In another country, maybe with Nana and Cari, Okay? Away from Charlie, away from your father, away from everything. We can start over. Just hang in there for a little while more." She explained.
I looked at her in shock.
"Mom, that's great. Me and you?" I looked at her hopefully.
"Just me and you."
"Where are we going?"
For the past 15 years, my life has been hell and now I get to start over.
* *
I watched as they dragged my father into the back of the police car. He thrashed around, wanting to let them let go of him.
My life is finally pulling together. Charlie got arrested, a few days ago, and now dad?
It was finally over. My birthday was in 3 days, and then 5 more days until I got to leave this hell hole.
I turned to my mom, to see she was just looking at me with the same smile on her face.
She spread her arms wide, and I run into them, as she engulfed me in a tight hug.
"Its over dear. Its finally over" She said lovingly at me.
* *
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
I groaned a little when I attempted to move, causing my head and body to hurt, returning to consciousnesses.
I heard shuffling feet around me, and I suddenly felt dizzy, struggling to keep my eyes open.
"Frankie? Thank goodness your awake." Hearing the familiar voice of my lovely sister, almost made me smile. Almost. I couldn't because the pain I was experiencing was out of this world.
It was that bad.
I opened my eyes slowly, to see Sacari in front of me.
"Hi" I whispered, my voice croaking a little.
"Hi, your'e awake, let me just go get a nurse." She said and left the room. With all my strength, I managed to sit up, my limbs quivering as I did so.
A few minutes later, Sacari returned, but this time with a nurse.
"Francesca. Hello, how are you feeling?" she asked.
"My head's a little sore, my body really hurts, and I have a pain in my neck."
She smiled and said.
"I expected that. Here's some Advil, and some pain killers. Take 2 of each, the pain should slowly ease." she said re-adjusting her glasses.
"Now if you don't mind, I'd like to talk with you privately." she said looking at me seriously as I downed my medicine.
I looked at Sacari, and she got the message and left the room.
"Okay so I just wanna ask you some questions."
"Okay. . ." I said quietly.
"You came in here with lots of bruises, and you were loosing so much blood. You were possibly on the verge of death. Now, I want to ask, are you in an abusive relationship?" she said looking at me worriedly, her voice a whisper at the last phrase.
"What? No. I can assure you I'm not in an abusive relationship. I-I swear. Where did that come from?" I asked shocked.
"Honey don't be scared, the police is right out that door. They can stop him. All you have to do is tell me who it is and we'll stop him together." She said looking at me in pity.
"I'm not abused, I swear to you. He doesn't abuse me. I have a boyfriend, but he hasn't laid a hand on me. Believe me. I was just taken from a club." I pleaded.
She sighed and looked at me.
"Okay, but 999 is always available. Stay Strong."
She said, and left the room.
I looked shockingly at the door. I couldn't believe her. I am not abused anymore. The familiar feeling I knew all too well, returned.
I felt a lump in my throat.
I was broken from my thoughts as I heard the door open again, and this time, Not only Sacari, but Louis, Niall, and Zayn came in as well.
A huge smile appeared on my face at the sight of Zayn.
"Hi guys." I said looking at them.
Some hey's passed on around the room, making my smile wider. They do care about me.
"You all right?" Niall asked, coming down to hug me.
"Little sore, but I'm fine." I croaked, as he let go.
"Where's everyone else?" I asked as the room quietened down.
"Liam and Harry went home a little while ago, but they said they would be here as soon as you woke up." Louis responded.
The room went quiet for a moment, until Louis brought up.
"Well I need to go because, its like 2am, I've been here for a while, and my mum is quite worried."
"Yeah I'm heading off too. Night Frankie."
Slowly everyone left the room, until it was left with Zayn.
The silence was so thick and awkward, so I started.
"I've been out for 2 days?" I said blushing a little.
"Yeah. Well technically 3, cause now its like 2 something am." He replied.
I looked down again finding my fingers interesting.
''Can I have like a hug or a kiss or something?" I said quietly still looking down.
A few seconds later, I felt a hand lift my chin. I looked into the brown eyes I had grown to love.
Zayn leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips. The kiss lasted a few minutes, until I pulled away to breathe.
Zayn took of his shoes, and joined me in my bed.
I pulled him into a hug, and we just laid together. Now was one of those times when i needed someone to just hold me and tell me everything was going to be okay. And I'm glad that person is him.
"What happened to Gabe?" I asked burying my head into Zayn's neck as the horrible memories started up.
Zayn stopped stroking my hair, and said.
"He got away." He said angrily.
"Oh. I-Im s-sorry, I didn't mean to bring him up. I was just curious."
I said burying my face further in his chest.
"Its okay, I suspected you'd ask." he said cooling down.
He began to stroke my hair, as silence hit us.
And that's how we spent the night. Cuddled up in each others arms. Just how I wanted it to be.
A/N: Okay. So i know this took long. But last week, me and my boyfriend broke up. And It was really hard coping with it. And then there was this girl who messaged me saying my story was shit, and my writing is crap.It really hurt my feeling, so I decided to re-write this chapter, hoping maybe it will satisfy her. Hopefully it does. Anywho, sorry this took long, but hope you enjoy it. --KUKI
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