Chapter 31
Author's notes: Wattpad may have won the quote of the day, but Quizilla is doing better in my eyes. More views! Yay, Quizilla!
Quote of the day: "Hey Lookie!!
You Updated!! It's a miracle!!!
But you sure took you time!!
Sometimes I think you take pleasure in the pain you cost us!!
Seriously! Waiting for a chapter is pure agony!!!
LOL! But really seriously this time!
Wait... you sorta already are... LOL
And might I add how much I love it!!!
Love Ya! <3
~MeDaNite" - MeDaNite
Rachel's P.O.V
"Attention shoppers, Wal-Mart will now be closing. Please exit the store. Thank you," a voice said over the intercom.
"Say what?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "Wal-Mart? Closed? How is that even possible? Wal-Mart prides itself in being open 24/7! How the hell is this happening? I DON'T WANNA LEAVE!"
Adam laughed. "Calm down! I don't know how, but that doesn't mean we have to leave..."
"Let's go!" he said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards the camping section. Lucky for us, there was a huge tent already out and ready, and it was just screaming, "Rachel! Adam! Use ME! Use ME!"
What? It's possible!
We climbed in there and hid for what seemed like hours.
But truthfully, it was only about twenty minutes. By then, there was no one there, besides Kia and Drew, and they went on to the roof. They claimed it was a "sexy spot" for you know what.
I don't need details.
Adam sighed dramatically. "I can't believe you're leaving Wednesday. And today's almost over."
"I know, it sucks," I pouted. "But looking at the bright side, this is the best Monday ever!"
I've been back home for a month and a half now, and I am not looking forward to going back to Ricky.
Adam smirks, and kisses me passionately.
Obviously, I kiss back. Who wouldn't?
I lie down on my back and Adam climbs on top of me.
Is this really happening?
I rested my hand on the back of his head, and played with his hair, never breaking the kiss.
After an hour-long make-out session, we pulled away, breathing heavily.
"You will never understand just how much I love you," Adam told me, his upper lip curling up into a smile.
"Then show me."
He kissed me roughly and I pulled off his shirt, my fingers tracing his abs.
Mine followed, and after that my jeans.
"No fair!" I said, pulling down Adam's jeans, as well.
I'm not going to go into details. I'm sure if I were Kia I would, but since I'm not, I'll end it here...
I woke up to find myself holding on to Adam tightly. This is my last day with him... I felt like crying. Then I reminded myself once I got rid of Ricky (hopefully in a painful, violent manner) I was free to be with Adam all day, every day!
"You do know your hair looks like a birds' nest, right?" Adam teased playfully.
I blushed madly and said the always clever, "Shut up!"
Adam laughed and shook his head.
I buried my face into his chest and sighed dramatically.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't want to leave..."
"It won't be for long. Nothing can keep us apart. Not even that sadistic jackass," Adam assured me.
I then heard a gunshot-yeah, that's right, a gunshot- and I sat upright. I realized the sheet that was wrapped around me had fallen to the ground, and I quickly picked it back up and wrapped it around myself again. I'm still slightly self-conscious.
Kia suddenly appeared, wide-eyed, and squeaked, "It's Ricky. He's come back/ he's looking for you, Rachel. He knows you're here, and he's not leaving without you."
I sobbed quietly. "But..."
Adam kissed my head lightly. "It's okay, we'll be together soon."
Kia left in a hurry, and I got dressed quickly.
"Bye," I said, kissing Adam passionately.
I didn't want to let go, but I had to.
I left the tent, and looked back longingly.
I hurried over to where Ricky was, holding a goldfish I had picked up.
"Hey!" I smiled fakely.
He glared. "What are you doing here?"
"Oh, you see, it was my friend Marianna's birthday today, so I booked a flight here, and I didn't want to buy the gift in New York, because I was going to buy her a goldfish, and it might not have made it through the flight, and you know I hate seeing innocent animals die. So, I came here!"
"Springfield? A little suspicious, I think, don't you think?" he said distrustfully.
I grimaced. "I was wary of coming here, too. But, lucky me, it turns out my so-called friends moved. No one's heard of them for months."
"They didn't even bother telling me. Not even a simple text that read, "we're moving." I said with false sadness in my tone, and facial expression.
Not to brag, but if this music thing doesn't work out, I should try acting.
His expression softened, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Adam, Drew and Kia watching, hidden, behind a mountain of pillows.
"... Oh! There she is!" I said, jogging towards a young girl with red hair.
"Play along, and I'll give you twenty-bucks!" I whispered in frenzy. "Call me Rache!"
She nodded silently.
"Marianna! Happy birthday! Look at what I got you..." I said, holding out Goldilocks. (That's what I named her!)
She smiled, and said, "Omigod, Rache, you remembered!"
She pulled me into a tight hug, and said, "Thanks!"
Ricky looked convinced, and with one last "bye" from me that was actually directed towards Adam, Drew and Kia, I was dragged out of the building by Ricky.
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