Visits From Gene
A/N: Gene is Mars' dad. He wanted to make that clear.
While we were fat with razors we got spoiled like nothing I ever experienced. Everyone was very attentive and helpful. I had classes with my group by the pool and health checks a lot. Hope even gave me mental health check ups, which I depended on. I loved talking with Hope and she became important to me.
I wanted to visit my dad but I wasn't allowed to leave our area yet so my dad came to us. Tesla explained the situation to him and I'm sure he was confused.
I was already showing and my jeans were tight all within the first week. I rubbed lotion on my belly twice a day, a tip that Sally told me. She said she heard that it was good for us. It couldn't hurt.
So, my dad was coming. I got some jeans that were stretchy and a little bigger and a larger t-shirt. Heston went shopping for pregnancy pants because Tulip let him.
"Yes, Mars?" Tesla was helping me get ready.
"How long am I pregnant?" I was curious. There was already a huge difference from last week. I hadn't heard that number just yet.
"Sixty days." Tesla smiled at me. "Then we get to meet our razors."
I nodded. "That's not that far away!" My heart rate picked up.
Tesla wrapped around me slowly and rubbed my belly. "I'm here for all of it, Mars. Just calm down. Your father's here so let's give him the news. Come on, Sweetheart." I felt so calm.
Whyk finally chimed in. "You have nothing to worry about Mars. It's going to be fine. I've waited for three centuries for this! I can't wait!"
I could feel his excitement. "Thanks for being here with me Whyk. You know that you mean everything to me, right?"
Whyk nodded.
"I missed you while you were sleeping. I hate not being able to talk with you." I sighed. I felt a lot more calm with his support.
My father was sitting with Tulip as we walked in. "Hey, Dad." I smiled at his happy face.
He was all smiles these days. I know that Sam's death and my disappearance really took a toll on him. He had a lot of anger that he was dealing with and I know that Hope was helping him. She was a blessing.
"Mars." He stood and hugged me after he looked at Tesla first. Tulip must have filled him in on our rules.
I sighed as he hugged me. "How are you doing?" I was curious about his mental health. We sat down.
My dad nodded as he sat. "I'm okay. Hope's been helping me out." He sighed. "I spent so many nights.... I just knew you were dead!" He wiped his hand down his face and cleared his throat.
I nodded. "Me too. I'm sorry it took me so long to get back home!"
Tesla joined us. "He was dealing with a lot."
"Right. Being a werewolf and being all alone in the woods." My dad sighed. "I'm sorry you were alone, Mars."
I smiled at him. "I wasn't alone. I had Whyk, my friend and were."
"I"m still confused about that part. So a werewolf is called a were?" He asked us.
I nodded. "Yes. They have names too. Mine is called Whyk and Tesla's were is Barrick. I've met him. He's very sweet and possessive just like Tesla." I leaned into my mate.
My dad watched us. "Okay."
"And Mars can talk with Whyk. None of us can do that." Tesla filled him in. He explained the whole thing to my dad in more detail. He didn't get much the first time because he was just getting introduced, this time was more in depth.
My dad had tons of questions and kept asking them until we got to having razors. Tesla smiled. "Yes, even our males can have babies... razors. I know that's different."
My dad laughed. "Seriously?"
I nodded. "I..."
Tesla smiled at me. "My Mars is carrying our razors as we speak."
My dad stared at us. "What?"
I cleared my throat. "I'm going to have babies."
Tesla smiled. "In less than sixty days... you will be a grandpa."
My dad just stared some more. "What now? You are having babies? Like a woman?"
I laughed and nodded. "I am. My were will have them actually and for the first three weeks, they will stay in were form." I turned to Tesla and smiled. "I know something!"
Tesla chuckled. "Indeed." He kissed my temple.
I chuckled and turned to my dad again. "I'm taking a class so I'm learning."
"So the werewolf has the babies?" My dad asked.
"The were has the razors, yes." I nodded. "I know that this is weird and if you need a break..."
"Mars, I spent two years thinking you were dead so having...razors...I'm not going anywhere! My son's going to be a dad!" He stood.
"A mom actually. I'll be a mom!" I smiled at his expression. I stood up. "Okay?"
My dad just laughed. "Sure! You're going to be a mom!" He hugged me. "You could be an alien, Mars! I just missed you and I'm so happy you're here and alive! My son's going to be a mom!" We were both in tears as we hugged.
Thanks for reading!
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