The Way To The Battle Of Battles
Everyone that was staying in human form were in battle gear, SWAT uniforms and protection. Okay, I was in SWAT gear. They were protecting me. Alabama, Aden, Adair and Tesla were all going with us to hunt for the monster. We were going to find the people who did this to me and stop them.
We were taking a group of fifty weres so I won't name them all however, they mean the world to me. It was supposed to be twenty weres but here we are with fifty in two buses. My family was amazing.
Harlow was staying behind to watch out for the pack with Heston and others. Hope hugged all of us too. I would miss them all. Everyone wished us safety and wisdom and protection. How great were they?
Heston hugged me. "Be safe and listen to our Alpha. No questions. Okay." He glared at me. "Listen to him."
I could tell that he was worried and I agreed with my head. Whyk explained that when the Alpha leaves, the beta stays with the pack and vice versa. This way the pack always has a leader.
We got into a couple of buses to carry everyone. We were saving our energy for a fight. Four hundred miles was too far to run and fight.
I dozed off leaning on Tesla. I felt him just wrap around me and comfort me. We stopped half way to eat and check our equipment and GPS. I smelled the air and knew we were heading in the right direction. A place I used to call home. I was dreading this trip and just wanted it over with.
I sighed and cleared my throat. I was telling everyone to warn them. "So, the people we're looking for are....were family. My stepmom, Brenda, ran the illegal fighting ring. My uncle Beau ran the bets and collected the money right beside Brenda."
"They were using a werewolf. They used it first on my little brother..." I cleared my throat. "They tossed him in, placed bets on how long he would last and then set the werewolf loose."
I wiped a tear. "It was seconds. I lasted a little longer and wounded the werewolf."
Alabama wiped a tear. "How?" He looked surprised.
"I grabbed a piece of metal from an old table or something. I jammed it into his ribs. I got him as he killed me." I wiped my face. "I don't know what happened to him. It's been two years."
Alabama stared at me. "Two years? You were in the woods for two years, alone?" None of them knew that.
I nodded.
"My mate is strong." Tesla kissed me and smiled to reassure me. How great was he? I know I say that a lot but it was true. I just leaned into him.
"I hope it's not still happening." I sighed. "I hate thinking that someone else was killed because of them."
Aden sighed. "We will put a stop to it, Sir. You have our word and our loyalty."
I chuckled. "Just call me Mars, Aden. I know I'm the Sol but I'm still your friend first."
Aden smiled at me. "Thanks...Mars."
I nodded. "Just please be careful. Promise me. I can't lose my family, any of you." I knew the other vehicle could hear us. They were all connected with cameras and mics. These were my people and I loved them all. It was tough to explain but I really loved them.
I knew we were close when I could smell them. Everything. The sweat, the people, the blood and the iron from the cages. They had turned up the psychotic behavior. People were in cages and scared. I could smell fear and death. It wasn't a good smell but I can't put it into words, I just pray that no one else ever smells this scent. Ever.
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