Chapter 8: Guilt Upon Disappointment
*Some vulgar language*
*OJ's P.O.V*
.... Balloon is gone......
He ranway from the hotel......
Oh my god. How are we going to find him!?
'Calm down OJ. We're going to find him.... We have to.', I try to calm myself.
It was the next day. I didn't get much sleep. *Sigh* How am I going to explain this to everyone?
Hang on.... Balloon wrote notes to EVERYONE. Even those still in season 2! I need to call Mephone and get EVERYONE here.
I get up from my bed, grab my phone and open my contacts. I scroll down to the contact that saids 'Fat Slob of a Host', which was Mephone. I hit the call button and wait for him to anwer.
"Hello?", I hear a tired Mephone answer.
"Mephone! It's OJ.", I greet.
"OJ? The hell you doing calling me at 8 am?", He asked. It's not that early Mephone!
"Look. It's urgent. I can't tell you right now. I need you to grab everyone still in season 2 and the co-hosts and come to the hotel at around 12 pm.", I explain to him.
"What? OJ. What's going on? I am not in the mood to get a lawsuit again", Mephone stated.
'Heh. Still salty about me sueing him', I chuckled in my head.
"Like I said. I can't I need everyone to be there! Including you guys. I'll explain then.", I told him.
"Ugh. Okay okay. Calm your pits OJ.", Mephone sighed, quoting a line from season 1.
"I'll see you at 12 pm.", Mephone said as he hung up.
Okay. That's taken care of. Now. To make some breakfast for everyone.
Normally, Paper is making breakfast. But he's asleep. I think learning about Balloon's mental state made Paper even more worried. It makes me worried about him.
I take a stretch and start making my way towards the kitchen. I give Paper a kiss on the forehead before I left tho.
'WHY DID I DO THAT!? OH MY GOD!', I panicked as I left the room.
I think I might have a crush on him.... I need to talk to someone about it though, just to make sure. But that can wait.
We have bigger priorities than a simple crush. I mean, for starters, I need to make breakfast!
I make it to the kitchen and debate on what to make. I decided to make some potato and egg and some toast. That sounded good, plus Knife said I should make it one day.
I have an idea on how to make this.... I think. I'm gonna try anyways.
Hope this turns out well....
*Nickel's P.O.V.*
I..... I didn't know what to say or think.
Balloon really left..... I couldn't believe it. I don't want to believe it.
.... Damn it. I feel so.... guilty. Ugh, that sounds weird even in my head.
I'm just laying in my room, now feeling just a little empty since Balloon left. Man. I feel lonely as hell. Is... Is this how Balloon felt all this time?
Man. Suitcase was right. I am a terrible person. I should've given her and Balloon a chance. I was a horrible alliance member.
'I should get up. Don't want to lay here any longer with my thoughts...', I think as I get up from my bed.
I get dressed and start to head out. It was, I think, 9:30. Has breakfast been made yet?
As soon as I think that, I can smell burning. Who the hell is in the kitchen!? It better not be Apple!
I make it to the 1st floor and head to the kitchen. As I walk in I see a very panicked OJ attempting to make something. And burning it.
"OJ? The hell you doing!?", I exclaimed as the scene continued to play out.
"Oh! Nickel! Haha.... Just trying to make breakfast!", OJ chuckles nervously.
"You making breakfast? Or are you burning it?", I questioned.
".... Probably burning it....", OJ confessed, averting his gaze.
"What are you trying to make anyways?", I asked him.
"I was trying to make potato and egg with some toast. I... Think I messed up though....", OJ answered.
"Potato and egg?? The hell is that?", I questioned.
"Something Hispanics eat... I'm pretty sure. Knife said I should make it like 3 years ago.", OJ said.
(author: hey! potato and egg is good! especially on toast!)
(Why did it feel like some random ass people are gonna come in and start asking for food? I also had this weird ass dream where Balloon was being kidnapped by Evil Paper willingly.)
'That doesn't make any sense though! Evil Paper is dead. And Balloon is a scardy cat!', I thought to myself, disregarding the weird dream.
.... Balloon. Damn it. I'm thinking about him again.
"Nickel? You okay?", OJ asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Ah. Um... Not exactly...", I confessed.
"It's about Balloon? Isn't it?", He pointed out.
"...... Yea. I just feel.... shitty about the whole thing..", I confessed, feeling my face frown.
"*sigh* I thought so. I'm worried too... And we have to tell the others soon.", OJ confessed as well.
We have to tell the others!? Wait. I guess that makes sense...Wouldn't make much sense if we didn't.
"What time?", I asked.
"12 pm. Mephone and the others from the current season are coming and are going to help... hopefully.", OJ answered, a hint of concern.
"Shouldn't you make some breakfast? Everyone is gonna wake up soon.", I asked OJ.
"CRAP! You're right! I should make something... *Sigh* I guess eggs and toast it is then. Seeing as the potato and egg attempt was a total bust.", OJ sighed as he grabbed more eggs to make some eggs.
"Here. Let me help make the toast.", I offered.
"Oh! Thanks Nickel. That would help me a lot!", OJ exclaimed.
And with that, we had a really simple breakfast. Everyone was awake and ate. Noticed that Trophy didn't eat as much, wonder why?
Doesn't matter right now. Time passed and it was 12 pm.
'It's just about time to tell everyone....', I thought. I'm nervous about this.
Eventually... There was a knock at the door....
*Trophy's P.O.V*
I was hanging out with Cheesy in the living room when a knock was heard. Weird... Are we expecting something?
OJ heads to the door and opens it only to reveal.... MEPHONE!?
Not only him.... but his co-hosts and the remaining 8- wait, Marshmallow was here, I thought she left. Whatever. Mephone was also here with the last 8 from the show still. The hell?
"Hey. We're here. Now why did you call here that was so urgent?", I overheard Mephone asking OJ.
Something urgent? What was going on? Did something happen?
"Hang on. I'll get to that in a minute. Let me make an announcement so everyone knows that there's an emergency meeting. Then I'll tell everyone.", OJ said.
Ok. Now I'm VERY fucking confused. What is going on!?
Just like that.... OJ made an announcement on the speakers.
"Attention everyone! Please make your way to the meeting room. We are having an emergency meeting in the next 5 minutes!", OJ said through the speaker system.
Me and Cheesy got up started making our way to the meeting room. I caught a glance at Nickel rushing up the stairs with a nervous look on his face.... Weird.
Eventually, everyone but Nickel were in the meeting room. A good 3 minutes later, Nickel came back with a bunch of paper and still had a nervous face. Okay....
My answers were about to get answered as OJ began to speak.
"Okay. Thank you everyone for attending this very urgent meeting. I'm sure you're all wondering why I called this meeting.", OJ began.
"H-hold on O-OJ....", Suitcase started. "B-Balloon isn't h-here yet!", She finished.
Holy shit she's right! Balloon wasn't here! I haven't seen him all day actually!
"Yea! Where's Balloon?", I asked, getting glances at some of the others.
"Hold on. I'm getting to that. This meeting is about Balloon actually.", OJ confessed, getting a little flustered.
The meeting is about Balloon? 'Is Balloon okay? Is this about what happened two nights ago!?', I thought, growing worried about my SALMON haired friend.
"I know what some of you are thinking... 'Balloon?' 'What about him?' and what not.", OJ continued on.
"It has come to my attention that.... *deep breath* Balloon has ran away from the hotel....", OJ finished his sentence.........
W-WHAT? N-no. NO! HE'S LYING! Balloon isn't..... Balloon can't-
"WHAT?", My inner thoughts were interrupeted but Suitcase.
"Y-you're joking! B-Balloon isn't....", Suitcase continued as she had tears in her eyes.
"I'm..... I'm not joking Suitcase....I wish I was...", OJ confessed.
I..... I'm not buying it! Balloon wouldn't...... If anything was wrong, he would come to me! I start shaking a little bit... I was becoming more concerned by the minute. He didn't leave me again... right?
"I have a note that Balloon left out. Along with personal letter addressed to each of us here.... including the hosts.", OJ claims.
"Wait. He left US a note?", Mephone asked, shocked. I guess he wasn't expecting a letter.
"Yep. I will hand out the personal letters in a after the meeting. Let me read the note that's for all of us 1st.", OJ stated.
So, he grabbed the not that was in Nickel's hand and began to read it....
Balloon wouldn't leave me... right?
"*Dear everyone,
If you are reading this. It is too late. I'm no longer in this hotel. I was fed up with getting hate and backlash for years on end. I never belonged here, and everyone made me believe that I had no place living here.
So, I decided that since everyone here never wanted me living in the same building as them, then I might as well leave! I just wanted to say one thing. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for everything I've done. I'm sorry for being an awful person to all of you. I know you all hate me, I hate myself for the things I've done. I'm sorry for all the suffering I caused by livng amoungst all of you.
Feel free to celebrate me leaving once and for all! I know you all want to. I know you all have been waiting for moment I left this hotel.
I left personal notes to everyone here. You don't have to read them, I know you won't. I was just gonna write them for the season 1 vets, but since I'm leaving, I thought I might as well write one for everyone. Including those in the season still!
So. This is my final goodbye. And to Trophy and Suitcase.... Thank you.
Thank you for being my only friends. I'm sorry for leaving you. Please... Keep living for me!
*No P.O.V*
Once OJ finished the note, there was nothing but silence that filled the air.
Nobody was expecting this. Everyone was shocked. Some were upset, others... didn't know how to feel. The long silence was soon filled with sobs....
Suitcase was sobbing. She didn't expect Balloon to be this depressed to the point where he was willing to run away!
"Suitcase?", Baseball questioned.
Sure, he and Suitcase had a little falling out after Balloon and Nickel were elimnated, but he was still a team leader! It was his duty to make sure his teammates; even if the teams were merged; were okay.
Baseball wanted to see if Suitcase was okay because he knew that Balloon meant a lot to her. The same went both ways as Suitcase meant a lot to Balloon because she was Balloon's only other friend in the competition who knew Balloon had changed.
"Suitcase... Are you okay?", Baseball asked the very distraught girl.
"N-NO! No I'm not okay! My only friend here ran away from a place where he should've felt safe!", Suitcase exclaimed, voice cracking a little as she tried to hold back tears.
"How could you let this happen!? All of you! Did you all still hold a grudge against him!?", Suitcase yelled a little angrily.
Suitcase is not the one to get angry, but she couldn't help herself. Balloon was her only friend. She knew Balloon had changed, yet everyone still didn't trust him!
"Suitcase... I know you're upset. And we're sorry for not being there for him. But-", OJ began.
"No. I don't want to hear it. You all hurt Balloon for the longest time and only NOW you feel sorry for him!? Some 'friends' you all are....", Suitcase cut OJ off, getting the anger out.
Nobody spoke. Suitcase was still crying as she rushed out of the meeting room. Baseball followed soon afterwards, to check on her and to prevent her from having a huge mental breakdown.
"So... What do we do?", Mephone asked, concerned in his voice.
Mephone wasn't always one to care. However, Balloon was a former contestant, and he grew to like the nervous SALMON haired boy. Mephone feels partly responsible in Balloon's disappearance as it WAS his show and he's suppose to make sure every contestant was okay.
"Well... We're going to go find Balloon of course!", OJ exclaimed.
"But how Mr. Juice? The woods out here are rather large. It could take months to years to find Balloon.", Mepad pointed out to OJ.
"Well... These next two weeks, we are going to search for him. If we can't find him in those two weeks.... We'll call the police.", OJ stated.
"What about the show? Will it still continue?", Paintbrush asked, looking at Mephone.
"Um.... I guess it wouldn't hurt to help. We'll put the show on pause for these two weeks to help out.", Mephone explained.
"That works.", OJ said.
Everyone was conversating on how things are going to be vastly different without Balloon. However.... one person wasn't fully aware of the world around him.
Trophy was standing near a corner.... Alone with his thoughts. Balloon had left him.
Even though he made a promise never to leave him again.......
*Trophy's P.O.V*
OJ finished reading the note Balloon left....
I..... I can't move. I can't say anything....I couldn't say anything.......
I'm shaking like a leaf. I could feel my fist curl into a ball. I felt my breathing get quicker. I couldn't comprehend anything that happening around me..
All I could feel... was disappointment. Disappointment in myself. I failed at keeping Balloon safe. I FAILED at making Balloon better. I FAILED AT BEING A FRIEND TO BALLOON! I WAS A BIG FUCKING DISAPPOINTMENT TO HIM!
I wasn't a good enough friend to Balloon. I should've tried to help him better! I SHOULD'VE MADE THE EFFORT TO HANG OUT WITH BALLOON INSTEAD OF IGNORING HIM! I'M JUST AS BAD AS EVERYONE ELSE HERE!!!! DAMN IT! DAMN IT! DAMN IT!!!
I hear people around me.... I think I hear someone calling me.... Cheesy???
"Trophy? Bud?? You back?", Cheesy asked, concern filling his voice.
I couldn't find the words to speak, so I just nod. I can see him perk up.
"Oh. Thats GOUDA. Heh. Sorry. Not the time.", Cheesy joked, apologizing soon after.
'Weird. He didn't do his knee slap...', I noticed, slightly.
"Are you alright, though? You look super shaken!", he asked afterwards.
"I-I...... N-no....", I barely mustered out. My voice is super shakey and scratched.
"I can tell. You're crying....", Cheesy pointed out.
I put a hand up to my face and feel wetness. I was crying. Holy shit. Balloon running away must have really hit me hard.
"..... B-B-Balloon.....", I whisper.
He's gone. Balloon was gone. He was gone from my life again.... This is my fault. I should've helped him. I should've been there for him no matter what! I JUST HAD TO KEEP UP MY STUPID JOCK PERSONA!
I pushed Balloon away... I'm no 'brother' to him.... I wasn't there for him when he was hurting... I was an awful friend....
"Trophy. Bud... It's gonna be okay. We're going to find him. I promise.", Cheesy reasures me.
I wasn't in the mood to talk. I'm too hurt and heartbroken to do anything right now. I think Cheesy can see that in my face.
"Come on. Let's go up to our room. You can vent in there.", Cheesy coaxed.
I nod again. I feel him lifting me up so I can walk. We begin walking towards the elevator. I feel the floor shake the stop when we reach the 3rd floor. We head to our room and he opens the door. I step in then he does the same and closes the door behind him.
I feel myself fall to the floor as I feel tears trickle down my face. I'm full on sobbing now. I think I'm having a mental breakdown...
Cheesy sees this and begins calming me down. He's doing his best, and it's working a little.
"Trophy.... It's okay. You're going to be okay. Balloon's going to be okay. I promise. We are going to find him. I know we will.", Cheesy whispers to me in a nice soothing voice.
After what feels like hours.... I feel calmer. I'm still hurt and upset, but I'm a little calmer than before.
"..... I..... T-thanks.....", I thanked Cheesy, in a whisper.
"Anytime.", Cheesy says.
I feel so tired..... All this worrying and the mental breakdown made me super tired. I yawn as a sign that I'm exhausted.
"Tired? Already? It's barely 2 pm.", Cheesy stated.
I only nod. I'm too tired to speak. Plus my throat kind hurts from crying so much. I get up and sluggishly walk towards my bed.
I get in bed and Cheesy puts the covers over me like I'm some sort of baby. I give a small smile as a sign of 'thanks'. I lay there for a minute before I hear Cheesy tell me something.
"I'm gonna head downstairs. I'll be back in a few!", Cheesy says cheerfully.
I think he expected me not to say anything cause he just heads out of the room after he said he was going downstairs. I'm alone with my thoughts now.
'Why did he leave me? Did he really feel that unwanted here??', I think to myself.
Balloon endured years of pain and suffering alone. He more than likely felt alone and unwanted by everyone. He must've grown tired of being hurt by everyone.
But.... I was still here! Me and Suitcase were still here for him! I.... I feel so.... hurt.
I can feel tears rolling down my face again. I curl up in my bed and start crying again.
I'm such an awful person.... I don't deserve to be friends with Balloon. I never deserved to be his friend in the first point. I'm just a shitty excuse of a 'jock' who can't keep a friend in check.
I continue to cry as I think of all the memories we made together.... I miss those days.... Where he was happy. He was happiest then. I haven't seen Balloon genuinely smile in forever.
And I'm NEVER going to see that precious smile ever again. I'm NEVER going to see Balloon again.
I feel myself slowly falling asleep. I decide to let sleep consume me.....
My final thought were of me and Balloon being happy TOGETHER and how I'm never going to get those times back....
*End of Chapter 8*
This is my longgest chapter yet so far! (over 3000 words!)
So yea. Everyone knows about Balloon running away~
What's going to happen next!? What is Balloon going to do!? Will the others find him before it's too late???
FAN! You're not supposed to be here!
Fan: But I wanna say the line! Please...
Not bad.
See ya!
(And thanks for over 700 reads!!!)
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