Chapter 55: Finally Some Help
(* ENJOY!!! >:3 -A/N *)
*Timeskip: 9 am*
*Balloon's P.O.V*
I'm so tired. But getting pics of Taco's confession earlier that night was so worth it!
I even managed to convince Trophy to come and snoop with me! Haha! We got some amazing photos!
It's currently 9 am and it's breakfast. I was just staring off into space because I was so tired.
"Balloon? Earth to Balloon!", a voice calls out.
I snap out of my tired state and look up. I see OJ looking at me concerned. I smile at him, which he returns.
"Hey OJ.", I greet.
"Hi. Are you okay? You haven't touched your plate of food.", he asked.
"Oh. I'm *yawns* okay.", I yawn.
"You don't look okay... you sure?", he asks again.
"Mhm... just didn't get any sleep again...", I slightly mutter.
"Oh, well maybe- wait. Again?!", he asks in shock.
"Mmm... Haven't been able to sleep in the past 3 days.", I confess.
"Balloon! You should've told me! Come on. We're getting you back in bed.", he said.
"I'm fineeeee~ OJ...!!", I whine.
"Loon. You're running on 0 sleep. I doubt you're 'fineeeeee'~.", he somewhat mocks.
He picks me up without me having time to protest. I grow shocked, but try and protest anyways.
But my fatigue gets to me as I slowly start to grow tired. I'm not sure where OJ is taking me.
But I could care less about it. I was too tired to care and slowly start to feel myself dozing off to sleep.
Soon, I was asleep in my cousin's arms.
*4 hours later*
"Balloon~... wake up.", a voice calls out.
"Mmmm~ 5 more minutes~....", I whine.
"Loon. Come on now. Wake up.", the voice says.
I feel a sudden coldness flow through me as I try to grab the warmth back. Not feeling it, I open one eye.
I look to see OJ holding a blanket. I whine, knowing I wouldn't get any more sleep from this moment on.
So, I sit up and rub my eyes in a drowsy way. I think I'm more tired than I was before. The fuck?
"Good! You're awake! How was your nap?", OJ asks.
"Mmmm.... it was okay.", I mutter.
"That's good. Lunch is being served if you want any!", he said.
I nod, not feeling like talking. I get out of bed and head to the restroom. I see clothes out for me, I guess OJ put them out.
I change into these clothes that OJ letf out. I wash my face and fix my hair into something okay.
Looking in the mirror, I don't look that bad. OJ gave me a nice oversized shirt and some shorts.
The shirt was of Demon Slayer, which I loved. Feeling okay with my attire, I walk out the restroom.
"There you are!", OJ says.
"Huh? Did you wait for me?", I asked puzzled.
"Of course! Wanted to make sure you didn't go back to bed!", he explained.
"I guess that makes sense. Thanks.... cuz.", I say, a little hesitant.
"Heh. Anytime... cuz.", he says a little hesitant as well.
It's only been 2 months since we found out that we were technically related. I've had to pinch myself a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
And I'm not every single time. Me, OJ, and Test Tube really were related to each other now. It felt so surreal.
"I'm still not used to calling you that.", I sighed.
"Same. But hey! It's not all bad.", OJ said.
"I know that. It's just. I've never had an aunt before. Let alone cousins I actually know!", I say.
"You don't know your cousins?", he asked shocked.
"Nope. My extended family was never in my life when... my parents were around.", I say sadly.
"Oh.", he gasps.
".... But it was okay. I didn't mind. I was okay with my little family.", I say.
"Well. At least now you'll have that extended family huh?", he says.
"Yea. And I'm glad it's you and Tube.", I beem.
"Really? How come?", he asks.
"Because tio Life-ring as had bad relationships before. But I can see that tia TK is a good person.", I explained.
"TK is amazing. She's an amazing aunt.", OJ says.
"I know she is. And that's why I'm glad you and Tube are my cousins.", I say happily.
".... You mean it?", he asks softly.
"Of course. I know you did me bad. But it's the past now. You've both helped me ever since I got back... and I'm grateful for that.", I say softly.
I hug OJ and he hugs back. I can hear him sniffle a little bit. I guess he didn't feel like a good cousin.
I soothe him as he calms down a bit. I know OJ hurt me in the past, but he didn't hurt me as bad as the others.
"Better cuz?", I asked.
"Y-yea. Thank you cuz.", OJ thanked.
"Anytime.", I smiled.
We stay like this for a bit, before we let go. We both smile at each other before OJ heads to the door.
"Let's go get lunch now.", OJ said.
"Okay!", I said.
I walk towards the door as OJ opens said door. I walk out and he follows and closes the door.
He starts making his way down while I follow behind. I guess we were in his room because we were on the 2nd floor.
We make it to the bottom floor after not even a minute. I can smell the goodness of what was cooked/ordered!
I think it was pizza I was smelling! We head into the kitchen to see everyone grabbing plates of food.
And I was right, it was pizza! Nice! We head over to the counter and grab a plate and some pizza.
I grab a cheese pizza and a meat lover's pizza. Once I grab that, I get a soda and make my way to the living room.
There I see Suitcase, Baseball and Nickel all hanging out on the couch. I blush at the sight of them and smiled.
'They all look so cute and handsome over there', I blushed in my head.
I can't believe that I'm in love with 3 people. Suits and I were dating already. I had talked to her about my growing crushes about 2 months ago.
And I'm so glad she felt the same! She even agreed to a potential polyamorous relationship!
The thing is... we were both SUPER nervous on confessing to the both of them!! Both were these handsome yet strong guys!
And we're here all small! How do we confess to them?! Just the thought of them kissing us is making me blush!
"Hey Loon!", Suits calls out.
"Oh! H-hey sweetie!", I called out.
"Hey Loony!", BB calls out.
"Sup.", Nicky calls.
I walk over to them and sit next to BB. We talk and hangout for a while. This was always a treat!
"We should go somewhere soon!", Nicky exclaimed.
"Heck yea we should!", Suits says.
"But where?", BB asks.
"Maybe we could go berry picking! And bake afterwards!", I suggested.
"I love that idea Loon!", BB exclaimed.
"I agree!", Nicky says.
"Yea! We could totally do that!", Suits beems.
"Then it's settled! We'll go berry picking at the farm!", Nickel said.
"Cool! But when? We have to schedule a day to go if it's the really good one.", BB says.
"You mean 'Granny Coco's Berry Picking Farm'?", Suits asks.
"Yep! I've heard it's super good there!", BB exclaimed.
"I've always wanted to go back to that farm!", I beam.
"You've been there before Loon?!", Nickel asks.
"I have when I was younger! I loved going there!", I explain.
"Then we should go! Let me pull it up to see when we can go!", BB says.
He pulls out his phone, and pulls up 'Granny Coco's Berry Picking Farm' and heads to the website.
Baseball presses on 'Schedule Trip' and we all look at the times it had. Unfortunately for us....
None were for this month. The earliest we can get? May 15th. It was about a month away from now.
"The earliest we can get is May 15th...", Nickel says upset.
"Yea. But. We can wait til then!", Suits says.
"Are you sure?", BB asks.
"Yeah! All good things are worth waiting for right?", I asked.
"Makes sense to me! I'll go ahead and schedule this for us then!", BB said.
"Alright! And this gives us more time to-", Nickel said before stopping.
"Huh? More time for what?", I asked.
"U-uh! N-nothing!", Nickel exclaimed.
"Um. Okay?", Suits says.
Baseball finishes scheduling the little trip for us and smiles. We all smile and contine to talk some more.
The more we talk, the more fun we have. I really did love these 3 so much.
Nickel suddenly falls off the arm of the couch and hits my left nub. I tense up a bit and look over at him.
He sits up and leans against my left shoulder, making me tense up more. He notices this change and looks up at me.
"You good Loon?", Nickel asks.
"Y-yea.. You... just hit my left arm.", I say.
"Oh! Sorry about that!", he apologizes.
"I-it's okay. I-I'm just... Not used to people touching my left arm.", I mutter.
"Oh. Don't worry. I get it.", he says.
"You're not used to the one arm still huh?", BB asks.
"N-no... I thought it would be. But it's harder than I thought.", I sighed.
"It's okay Loony... we all take time adjusting to things..", Suits comforts.
"You know. It's a lot harder for Loon to adjust. Cause he had to lose it. We were born with no arms.", Nickel said.
"You know. That's completely valid.", BB said.
"Hey Loon! Maybe you should try finding someone to help with your arm!", Suits say.
"I've been trying... but everything is too expensive!", I groan.
"Damn. Why does things have to be like that?", Nickel asked agitated.
"Who knows love... but maybe Loon can find someone who can help for free?", BB said.
I know excatly who to ask for help. I shift my focus over to a duo. Not just any duo however.
But Fan and Test Tube. I was mostly looking over at Tube. She could help me. I know she can.
I've been meaning to talk to her for a while now. But I couldn't muster up that courage to do so.
Plus, she's too busy and I don't want to disturb her with my needs. I already worry others, and it still makes me guilty.
I know I should talk to her about it, but-
No. You know what? Screw it! I'm going to go ask. I'm tired of feeling like shit and being reminded of my missing arm.
I bid good-bye to my future lovers and head to the kitchen. I throw my paper plate away and walk to Tube.
On second thought, this isn't a good idea. Nervousness begins to settle in and I get second thoughts about doing this.
By instinct, my body turns around and begin to make my way back to my future lovers. That is until I feel a tap on my shoulder.
I tense up a bit and turn around. It was Test Tube.
"Hey Loon.", Tube greets.
"U-um. H-hey Test Tube.", I squeak.
"Did you need anything? You can tell me!", she asks.
"U-um.. I-i did.", I confess.
"I see! So what's up?", she questions.
"C-can... can we go somewhere else?", I whispered.
"Oh okay! I was just heading to my lab actually. Let's go there.", she suggested.
"A-alright!", I agree.
We head out of the hotel and walk towards an opening. There, I spot a lone vending machine. Weird.
"Tube? Why is there a vending machine in the middle of nowhere?", I asked.
"Well. I'm sure you've heard that I have a lab right?", Testy asks.
"Yea. Also heard that the enterance to in got destroyed because of something.", I answer.
"I'm sure! Because this is my lab enterance!", she said.
"It is? But... it was destroyed?", I questioned.
"I always have a back up vending machine. Okay not always, but I did this time.", she explained.
"Oh. I guess that makes sense.", I say.
"Well. Let's go inside!", she said.
I nod and she enters an elevator like thing that popped up from the ground. I follow suit and suddenly we're heading down.
After a bit, we make to a dark room. Anxiety creeps up on me, as this is new and it feels very creepy.
"Here we are! Welcome to my not so secret anymore lab!", Tube announced.
"I-it's k-kinda dark....", I stutter.
"Oh! My apologies! Let me get the light cuz.", she said.
She claps her hands and the room is filled with brightness. I close my eyes out of instinct because of how bright it was.
"Sorry about that cuz! I forget how bright the lights can be when turned on.", Tube apologizes.
"I-it's okay.", I slightly grunt.
I open my eyes up to get adjusted to the light. Once I am, I take a look around the place. It's a little messy, but it's Test Tube, so yea.
"Sorry it's a mess. I um... Don't really have the time to clean.", Tube apologized.
"It's fine Tube! I don't mind.", I say.
"Thanks. Let's head to my common area. It's cozy in there.", she says.
I nod and we make our way to the common area. After a few short minutes, we make it and it really does look cozy.
She plops on the couch and motions me to sit. I follow and sit on the couch which was super comfy.
"So! What did you need little cuz?", she asked.
"1st. We're only a year apart Testy. 2nd. I... I need your help.", I say.
"I know we're only a year apart. But I'm older~..", she says smugly.
"Oh hush.", I pout.
"Hehe. But what did you need help with?", she asks a little seriously.
"W-well... It's my arm...", I confess.
I hold out my left arm and she inspects it, like she's trying to figure out what's wrong. That's when it clicks and nods.
"I see. Well. I can tell that you've haven't grown used to it huh?", Tube asks.
"N-no... I want to. But everytime I look at it... the memories of that night and the small phantom pain that lingers all just come back.", I sighed.
"Hm.. Maybe. You just need a new one then.", she suggested.
"I do want one. But I've been too nervous to ask you for help. I've been trying to find places, but it's all too expenisve.", I complain.
"Oh Loon! I'll be happy to make you a robotic arm!", she exclaimed.
"R-really? You'll do that for me?", I asked in shock.
"Of course I will!", she says happily.
"Wow. Thanks Testy!", I beam.
"Any time! I just need measurments of your arms and I'll get to work on it!", she says.
"You'll do it now?!", I asked.
"Yep! I'm not doing much right now or for the next few weeks! So I'll have time to work on it!", she explained.
"Wow. Okay then! Just please don't overwork yourself okay? This isn't too important.", I say.
"Not important? Loon. This is important! To you that is.", she smiled.
"I-i know... but-", I start.
"Loon. Are you feeling like you don't matter?", she asks in a sad tone.
".... Yea.", I confess.
"Oh Loon. You matter to us. You know that right?", she asks.
"I do... it's just that lingering feeling I have. Depression does that to you.", I look away.
"Well. if you ever need a pick me up. Come to one of us, okay?", she smiles.
"I will. Not completely guaranteed. But I'll try.", I confess.
"Better than bottling up your feelings.", she says.
I smile at her words. I needed that honestly, I wasn't feeling the best. We hug for a bit and we both make our way to the main lab.
There, she took measurements of my arm and asked what color I would want my new arm to be. I said a light salmon color and she agreed on it.
Once she had all the information she needed, I left the lab and headed back to the hotel. She wanted to start working on the arm right away, so I let her.
I went into the hotel and plopped on the couch. I'm so tired right now. Maybe I need to do something to wake me up.
"Hey bro.", I hear a voice.
I look up and see Trophy. I smile brightly and he plops next to me. He hands me a drink and I take it.
"You looked tired still. And knowing its your insomnia, I got you your favorite tea.", Trophy said.
"Oh! Thanks bro!", I beamed.
I take a sip of my raspberry tea and feel a lot better. I drink more and feel more awake now than ever!
"Feeling better?", Trophy asked.
"Yep! Thanks again bro!", I thanked.
"Anytime. Wanted to hangout with ya anyways. Down for it?", he asks.
"Of course bro! Anywhere in particular?", I asked.
"Mini golf?", he asks.
"Sure! You gonna bring Cheesy?", I ask all smug.
"I would. But he's prepping for his comdey show happening tonight.", he said.
"That's too bad.", I said.
"Yea. But! It's still going to be us!", he said happily.
"That's true! Come on! Let's go!", I say excitedly.
"Hehe. Okay. Let me grab my stuff. Then we can head out.", he laughed.
"Alrighty! I'll grab my bag too!", I said.
"Be quick.", he joked.
"Hey! I will!", I pout.
We both head upstairs and grab our bags so we can hangout. Once we do, we head out the door to our destination!
This was going to be so fun!
*1 hour later*
We made it about 20 minutes ago! I was so pumped! We were just waiting in line to get our stuff.
I'm pretty sure there was a person holding up the line though. I looked over to see it was Mangy!
They were talking to the receptionist who looked a little flustered. They both do actually.
We were lucky there wasn't many people in front of us. Just 2 others stood in line, waiting to pay to play.
"The hell is Mangy doing?", Trophy puffed.
"From the looks of it.... I think their flirting with the receptionist....", I inspect.
"Hah. Priceless!", he laughed.
"I don't know. It looks kinda cute!", I say.
"Eh. It does. And I'm glad that they like somebody.", he smiled.
"Me too!", I beam.
As soon as I say that, Mangy kisses the receptionist on the cheek and bids goodbye to them. They walk away and spots me and Trophy.
They wave hello and realizes that we were there. They blushed and rushed off. I'm guessing they thought we're going to tease the living daylights out of them.
And their probably right. I wouldn't though. Trophy would, and he would tell the others.
Another 3 minutes later and it was our turn. We're greeted by a lovely woman with brown hair and blue tips.
"Hello! My name is Rosa! How can I help you today?", Rosa greets.
"Hey. We're here for mini golf. 2 adults.", Trophy says.
"Of course! Adults are $14 per person. So it will be $28 please!", Rosa says.
Trophy pays her and she smiles.
"Thank you! Go ahead and pick out your clubs and golf balls!", Rosa beams.
"Okay! Thank you!", I thanked.
"Anytime! And apologise for the wait before. My girlfriend came to give me lunch.", Rosa apologizes.
"No worries. Mangy is a friend of ours. If anything, we're going to tease them.", Trophy smirks.
"Oh! So your the friends they've been talking about! Nice to meet you!", Rosa exclaims.
"Nice to meet you too! I'm Balloon. And this is Trophy!", I greet.
"Sup.", Trophy greets.
"Well it was nice to meet you! Have a fun time!", Rosa says.
"Thank you! Have a lovely day!", I say.
We wave goodbye and head to the clubs and balls. There was a good variety of clubs and balls to choose from!
Trophy got a nice yellow club and a yellow ball. I got a nice blue club and a red ball.
We were ready for mini golf! We walk over to the 1st hole and get into place.
Trophy opts to go first, so I let him. He lines up his shot and takes a swing and it gets to the end.
It wasn't a hole-in-one, he got close! Now it was my turn. I place my ball and conentrate.
I swing and I also get to the end! I wasn't as close, but just about! Trophy putts his ball in the hole on his turn.
I line up and also putt my ball into the 1st hole! So we each have 2 strokes for this 1st hole.
It continued like this for the next 4 holes. Each getting at least 4 strokes for each hole. I even got a hole in one!
Trophy was currently up to swing while I was waiting. That's when I heard a familar voice.
I look over to the 3rd hole and see 3 boys. That's when I see a familar boy. It was Punkbrush!
You know. I should ask xem about what it's like to be in a polyamorous relationship. Oh! They're all coming over!
Punk looks over and sees me. Xey smile and wave at me. I wave back, leaving the other 2 boys looking confused.
"Hey there Balloon! How have you been?", xey ask.
"I've been okay! You?", I ask back.
"Great! Who's that behind ya?", xey ask.
"Oh! This is my best friend! Trophy! Come here!", I call.
"Huh? Oh. Hey there. Name's Trophy.", Thophy greets.
"Nice to meet ya. Name's Punkbrush. You can call me Punk tho.", Punk greets.
"Nice to meet ya. Who are they?", Troph asks.
"These are my boyfriends! This cutie is Coco.", Punk introduces.
"H-hello there!", Coco greets.
"And this is Star! He's not much of a people person. But they're super nice.", Punk says.
"Hi.", Star greets.
"So? What brings you here?", I asked.
"Oh! Star's mom brought us here! They're super sweet!", Punk says.
"That's nice of them!", I say.
"My mom also came to flirt with her girlfriend who's a receptionist here.", Star says flatly.
"Wait. Mangy is your mom?", Trophy asks shocked.
"Yes? Why do you ask?", Star asks.
"They're a friend of ours!", I beam.
"Oh. Cool.", Star says.
"Cool! You know Ms. Pepsi!", Coco exclaimed.
"Yep! Oh! Punk. Could I ask you a question?", I asked.
"Fire away man!", Punk says.
"Um. You're in a polyamorous relationship right?", I ask.
"Yep! With these two amazing guys!", Punk beams.
"Puuunnnk~! You're making me flustered!", Coco exclaimed flustered.
"Sorry sweetie~. Continue Balloon.", Punk says.
"W-well... What's it like? Being in a polyamorous relationship?", I asked.
"Oh? Well. It's fun! Some say it's hard, but once you know how to spend your time with each partner. It's easy!", Punk says.
"Wow. That's really helpful. Thank you.", I thanked.
"No problem. But why did you want to know?", xey asked.
"W-well... I'm kinda thinking... that I want to be one. With my girlfriend and my 2 crushes.", I confess.
"Oh? That's awesome! I wish you luck then!", Punk praised.
"T-thank you.", I thanked again.
"Anytime. Now. We should head back to playing!", xey say.
"Oh yea! Troph. It's my turn huh?", I asked.
"Yep. Got super close just now.", Troph says.
"Yikes! I better putt and move on!", I say.
"Nah. Take your time. We'll be here for a while.", Coco says.
So we all continued to play mini golf. This was super fun! Me and Trophy finished and headed home after another hour of playing.
I'm glad I got some help for my problems. I was finally going to get a new arm, and I got help with my polyamorous problem!
All that was left? Was to wait and plan for this confession and arm.
*End of Chapter 55*
In all seriousness?
This book is coming to an end soon.
I know!
It's sad!!!
I'm thinking 2 more actual chapters.
And then an epilouge!
The final chapter would be about our final pairing~!
Our polyamorous ship between Baseball, Suitcase, Balloon and Nickel!
I hope you guys are ready for that~!
For those who DON'T know!!
I've made a book for voting on the next book once this one is completed!
If you haven't voted aleady, I engourage you all to do so!
Because the highest voted book idea will be the next one written!
Voting is still open for another 2 weeks at best!
(Depending if I write 2 chapters again next week >:3)
So you all have time to go and vote!
And feel free to vote multiple times for a book!
(Only 1 vote per book idea tho. Vote for as many book ideas, but only 1 vote will be counted.)
With that!
My mini rant is over!
I hope you all liked this chapter!
I'll see you all next week!!!
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