Chapter 53: WE'RE RELATED NOW?!
(* Late chapter again guys!! -A/N *)
*2 weeks later*
*Balloon's P.O.V*
I was going out with Nickel today. And only Nickel.
He insisted that we get some quality time together. Well actually, Baseball suggested this for us.
According to Baseball, we needed the most mending. I guess it makes sense, Nickel caused me some of the most emotional pain during season 2.
So that's what we're doing. We decided to go to the aquarium, because I wanted to see some fish.
We've been here for about an hour now and It's been so fun! We saw loads of fish, some eels, a few sharks, and more!
We're about to eat now, cause we both somehow forgot to eat breakfast. This was some hangout!
"So. What happened next?", I asked, giggling.
"Well! Mic fucking ran and slipped into the pool! She almost caught the ball, but holy fuck!!", Nickel laughed.
We both laughed a lot at the memory Nickel shared. Nickel was currently telling tales of the hotel while I was gone.
Most we're super funny! Sure some were like, shocking and sad, but most were good. I'm kinda glad everyone was okay while I was gone.
Sure, they all missed me and felt guilty for the shit they did to me. But, the fact they still held strong and remained happy?
That made me feel happy and good inside. The more Nickel talked about the hotel life, the more I realized I missed a lot while I lived with Taco.
Not only that, but I find myself just loosing the world around me. It kept feeling like I could just stare at him and listen to him all day.
"Balloon? Hey!", I hear Nickel call out.
"Huh?", I hummed, snapping out of my day dream.
"Finally! I've been calling your name for like 3 minutes.", he said.
"Oh! S-sorry Nickel!", I apologized.
"Nah. It's fine. But are you good?", he asked.
"Y-yea! I'm good! Just... got lost in thought.", I said.
"Oh? Heh. Sounds like you really.", he cuckled.
"Hey!", I whine.
"What? It does man!", he backed up.
"Rude still!", I pout.
"Oh I'm SO sorry Loon.", he apologizes sarcastically.
We laugh at this still and continue to talk. We haven't gotten our food yet, but that's fine.
This was fine. Yea, my stomach was growling like crazy, and I think Nickel's was too, but we would be fine!
"Fuck man.... I'm so hungry!", Nickel groaned.
"Don't say shit Nickel! I'm trying NOT to think about my hunger.", I complained.
"Shit! Sorry man! But we've been sitting here for hours!", he groans louder.
"It hasn't been that long! Only like a good 30 minutes now!", I giggle.
"It doesn't feel like 30 minutes man!", he complained.
"Nickel calm down! We don't need people staring!", I tried to hushed.
"What? Why?", he asked.
I give him the 'really' look. He still looks confused and I roll my eyes. I then glance at my left nub.
Nickel then followed my stare and looks at my arm. He then silently gasped and understood.
"Don't worry. I get it. Sorry Loon.", he said.
"No it's okay. I just don't like others staring... especially strangers.", I mumbled.
"Don't worry. I'll keep you safe.", he comforted.
I smile at his words. It seemed so, out of place for Nickel to say. If this was the old Nickel, he would've laugh and mocked me and bullied me more.
But, this wasn't the old Nickel. This Nickel was different. He showed different colors, colors rarely anyone sees.
And I'm in love with this Nickel. I never thought I would love Nickel honestly. But here I am, head over heels for him!
"Hello you two! SO sorry for the wait! Here's your food!", the waitress said.
"Oh! Thank you ma'am!", I thanked.
"Thanks.", Nickel thanked.
"It's no problem!", she said.
She leaves after handing our food. Once she leaves, Nickel starts going to town on his food.
He was devouring his food like no tomorrow! I don't blame him though!
"Nick! Slow down! You're going to choke!", I panic.
"Dom't wofry abouf me!", Nickel said with his mouth stuffed.
"Nickel! Don't talk with your mouth full! You could choke!", I panic again.
"Bawwoon! You wofy too mufh!", he said muffled.
I sigh and start eating as well. This stuff was pretty good! I had gotten some chicken tenders and fries. Nickel got a whole burger and some fries.
Safe to say, we were both content with the food. Because we both ate nearly everything on our plates.
"Holy fuck... that was soooo~ good~!", Nickel sighed happily.
"I know.... But I'm still hungry.:, I slightly groan.
"Same... we should go get dessert!", he suggested.
"Oooo~! That's a great idea!", I agreed.
"Hell yea! But should we get it here or no?", he asked.
"Hmm.. Somewhere else. It's not good here.", I suggest.
"Okay! Let's walk around a bit, head to the gift shop and leave!", Nickel exclaimed.
"Okay Nicky!", I say.
"Nicky? The hell kind of nickname is that?", he chuckled.
"I-I... It was a last second thing!", I say all flustered.
"Pft-!! Hahahaha!! Oh man! You suck with nicknames!", he laughed.
"Hey! I'm not THAT bad!", I pout.
He continues to laugh for a bit as I sit and shulk. Stupid Nickel and his amazing laugh. Why can't I just tell him?
"Oh man! That was great.", Nickel finished.
"Cool. Can we go now?", I asked all pouty still.
"Aw? Is little Loony in a bad mood?", he teased.
"Yes I am. And I'm going to leave your ass here and get dessert without you.", I pout.
"What?! You can't do that!", he exclaimed.
"I can. And I will.", I playfully threaten.
"You wouldn't dare!", he dramatically gasps.
"Watch me.", I said.
I stand up turn around. I begin to walk off to prove the point. I hear footsteps running over and I smirk.
I turn around, ready to give him a snarky comment, when....
He gives me a small peck on the cheek. I stop dead in my tracks and just stare at him.
We both stare at each other for eons. I could feel my face heat up, as I turn back around.
"U-um... W-wha-? W-why?", I stammered.
"U-um... W-well. U-um... Oh fuck! I'm sorry!", Nickel stammered.
"N-no! I-i-it's o-okay!", I said.
We were both a blushing mess. We deicded to just walk around a little bit more. Walk in a VERY awkward silence.
After a good 30 minutes, we head to the gift shop and wander around. I saw the animal plushies, and walked over to them.
I couldn't resist and grabbed a seal plushie, a sea horse plushie, and a dolphin plushie. Oh hang on!! I should get a jellyfish plushie too!
After grabbing the plushies, I walked over to Nickel, who had keychains and bracelets. The bracelets were friendship bracelets, and it was a set of 4.
Like it was meant for 4 people. That's actually super cool! I wonder why Nickel got them?
"That's a lot of plushies.", he commented.
"I know. But their not all for me!", I replied.
"Oh? Really?", he smirked.
"Yes Nickel. I got some for Suits, Troph, and Taco.", I said.
"Huh. That's nice of ya.", he smiled.
I smiled at him as we both head over to the register. We pay for the items and head out. This was a nice little outing!
"This was nice.", I say.
"It was. Glad you had fun.", Nickel said.
"I had tons of fun. Thanks for this Nickel.", I thanked.
"No problem. I had tons of fun too.", he said.
"Hehe. Where should we go to get dessert?", I asked.
"I have no clue.", he commented.
"I think I heard from my dad that the 'Dessert Bar' was a good place.", I said.
"Well. Let's go there then!", he exclaimed.
"Okay!", I said.
With that, we leave the aquarium and head to Nickel's car. I didn't have a car, mainly cause I can't drive.
The reason? I'm terrified of driving. Hell! I'm terrified of being in a car with a crazy driver!
You see, I had been in a car accident before, with my biological parents. While I was okay, my parents had died.
My mom died instantly, while my dad died months later. I was only 11 then when it happened, but it scared me for life.
I could never drive on my own, simply cause I was afraid of getting into a crash. That crash made me paranoid of driving and being on the road.
I know I should be driving, but I don't think I could. I think I would just be a big ball of panic as I endanger myself even more.
I shake this thought out of my head, I can't think like this now! Especially since I'm next to Nickel!
Nickel gets in the car as I follow suit. He starts the car and we were off. He as music on, and since he kinda knows about my fear of the road, he has some calming music on.
I never knew Nickel was one for calming music, but he was. Well, in a way he was. He didn't like all calming music, but some he did like.
So, he knew what to play so we could both be at ease. Normally Nickel listened to some modern music, which I didn't like all that much.
We continue to talk as we drove to the place. This felt really calming, which was weird since this was Nickel we're talking about!
But, I didn't mind all that much. Nickel was becoming a friend of mine, he was no longer a bully to me.
He was actually caring towards me, something I never dreamed of. But here I am, hanging out with Nickel.
The same person who tormented me thoughout Inanimate Insanity season 2. This guy was actually hanging out with me and-
"Hey. You good?", I hear Nickel ask.
"Huh?", I hummed.
"I asked if you were good?", he repeated.
"Oh! I-i'm fine...", I answered.
"You sure? You don't look fine.", he pointed out.
"Heh. I was just.. thinking.", I half confess.
"Oh? About what?", he asked.
"U-um.. just... how crazy this is.", I said.
"What do you mean?", he questioned.
"Well. You caused me so much hurt during season 2... and here we are now. You know?", I said vaguely.
"Oh. No yea. I get it. I'm sorta am thinking the same thing.", he confessed.
"Really?", I asked shocked.
"Yea. Us hanging out? It feels like yesterday where I just hated your guts. And now we're going to get dessert.", he chuckled.
"I know. But I don't hate it. I don't hate this.", I said.
"You don't?", he asked.
"No. It sounds silly of me to say. But, I don't fully hate this.", I say with a small smile.
"Heh. Then that makes the two of us.", he smiled.
Something about him saying that made butterflies form in my stomach. I felt so giddy inside, and a formed a smile.
We continue to talk for a good while when I spot a building. Nickel saw and pulled into the parking space.
He parks and we both get out. Man! This place better be good, cause I can smell the goodness from here!
We walk in and are greeted with amazingness. It smelt so amazing in here!
"Hello! Welcome! How may I help you?", the hostess ask.
"Hi! We'll take a table for two please!", Nickel said.
"Alrighty! Follow me you two!", the hostess said.
The hostess walks off and we both follow her. We were brought to a nice booth near a window. We sat down and were handed our menus.
"What would you cuties like to eat?", the hostess asked.
"Um. I'll have a Pepsi!", Nickel said.
"I'll have a rasberry tea please.", I said.
"Alrighty! I'll have those out in a bit! Any starters you may want?", she asked.
"None for now. Thanks.", I said.
"Okay! I'll be out with your drink in a bit!", she said.
The hostess then walks away as me and Nickel look at the menu. They had so much tasty desserts listed!
"Holy fuck! These all sound so amazing!", Nickel exclaimed.
"I know! How are we supposed to choose?!", I slightly cry.
"Right?! Ugh!", Nickel groaned.
We continue to look when something peeks my interests. I looked at the sopapillas they had listed.
It's been a long time since I've had sopapillas! And boy do the sound amazing! I think I'm going to get those!
"I think I got one. You?", Nickel asked.
"Yep! What are you gonna get?", I said.
"I'm gonna get a nice crepe! They sound tasty.", he said.
"Sounds amazing!", I exclaimed.
"Heh. What about you?", he asked.
"I'm gonna get sopapillas!", I said.
"Sopap- what?", he asked confused.
"Hehehe! Sopapillas! It's super yummy!", I said.
"Huh. Well okay then.", he said.
We talk a bit more before the waitress comes back. She hands us our drinks and we take them.
"So! Have you decided on what you want?", she asked.
"Yep!", Nickel said.
"Excellent! What will you get?", she asked Nickel.
"I'll take the chocolate crepes!", Nickel said.
"Okay! And for you?", she asked me.
"I'll have the sopapillas please!", I said.
"Ooo~ I love the sopapillas here! Would you like honey with that?", she asked.
"Yes please!", I said.
"Okay! I'll have your order ready in a bit!", she said.
She leaves and me and Nickel continue to chat. This was so amazing, I barely noticed the stares.
I do notice however some whispers from nearby tables, but I do my best to ignore them. I get a little uncomfortable and shift in my seat.
"Huh? You okay?", I hear Nickel asked.
"Huh? Oh. I'm fine.", I slightly mumbled.
"You're lying. Tell me the truth.", Nickel 'demanded'.
"Okay... *sigh* I hear whispering about me right now. It's making me uncomfortable.", I whispered.
"I see. Well. Wanna switch places? So they don't talk shit about you?", he asks.
"Okay. Thanks Nickel.", I thanked.
"Of course. And hey. They're just jealous.", he comforts.
I smile and we switch places. Now I'm on the opposite side with my left arm near the window. I felt better, but the whispers kept going.
"Nick.", I whispered.
"Don't worry. I know. Just stay calm okay?", he comforted.
I nod and try not to listen to the whispers. We both continued to talk as the whispers kept going, only they got louder.
I was doing my best not to breakdown and panic, but it was getting harder to do so. Nickel noticed my distressed face and got pissed off.
Hoping he knows confrontation isn't my thing, he gets up from the booth. He walks away somewhere leaving me alone.
'Great. Now I have to suffer alone. Thanks Nickel.', I pout in my mind.
Once he was out of view, one of the people at the nearby table stood up. Oh god, I'm in some serious trouble now.
I didn't notice him before, but now that he stood up, my eyes shrunk in fear. It was none other than Kevin Adam. One of my old high school bullies.
He walked over to me and I turned away. Oh god! He saw me! Fuck! Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!!!
"Well. Well. Well. Look who we have here~.", Kevin called.
I was petrified. I couldn't say anything but I kept looking away. I couldn't face him, not after-
"Look at me when I'm talking to you fucker.", he spat.
He pulled my hair and forced me to look at him. I squeaked and trembling a lot now. He chuckled and smirked at my terrified face.
"My. We haven't changed since then huh? You're still a pathetic little loser.", he laughed.
I still couldn't muster up the courage to speak. He noticed this and laughed more.
"Still the same scared little bitch huh? Where's your body gaurd huh? Is he not here with you?", he teased.
I was still trembling in fear as he kept taunting me. I'm glad he hasn't said shit about my missing arm.
Suddenly, I was thrown to the floor. I panicked so bad, I tried to get up and run. I was grabbed and pinned on the ground.
"Ngh.", I grunt in pain.
"Hah! So fucking weak! And the fact you lost your arm gives it away! Hahaha!", he laughs.
I wanted to cry. God I felt pathetic right now. He kept mocking me while others stared at me.
Negative thoughts plagued my mind left and right. I felt tears form in my eyes as I tried my best to block them out.
"HEY!", a loud voice boomed.
I shot my gaze up and saw a person with Nickel by his side. The bigger person with the tie walked up to Kevin pissed off.
Wait a second. Isn't that his dad? I think I remember seeing him sometimes at school.
"KEVIN!", the dad yelled.
Kevin immediately lets me go and I slowly sit up. I rub my head since it ached a bit. I looked over and the once terrifying Kevin now looked terrified.
"What are you doing to this poor boy?", the dad asked.
"I-I was j-just helping him up dad.", Kevin lied.
"Is this true young man?", the dad asked.
"N-no sir. H-he t-threw me t-to the f-floor.", I confess.
I'm not one to lie to strangers. Unless for a specific reason, like being kidnapped or mugged. But for someone hurting me? Yea, no.
"Why are you lying to me son?", the father boomed.
"I-I-", Kevin stammered.
"Hang on. I seem to recognize you young man.", the father interrupted.
"O-oh?", I stutter.
"Yea. You went to the same high school as my son, yea?", he asked.
"Y-yep. Summit Peak High School.", I said.
"Yea! I remember now. You were the one my son bullied huh?", he questioned.
"Mhm. That's me.", I say.
"My. I haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?", he asked me.
"I-i've been good.", I said.
"Oh my! What happened to your arm? If you don't mind me asking.", he asked.
"I-i don't mind. Me and a friend w-were a-attacked by a bear in the woods.", I said.
"Oh. I'm so sorry that happened to you.", he said sympathetically.
"I-it's okay. We're both okay now.", I said.
He smiled and frowned back at Kevin. Kevin now looked, ashamed. I felt a little bad, but he hurt me first so...
"Now son. I want you to apologize to this young boy. You've terrorized him long enough.", the father said.
Kevin nodded and looked over at me. I looked at him and gave him a small smile.
"Hey. I know I caused a lot of pain to ya. And, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I know it doesn't mean much, but I'm sorry for the shit I did in high school.", Kevin apologized.
I smile more as I give him a hug, to the best of my abilities. I need to talk to Testy soon. Kevin looked confused but hugged back.
"I can't forgive you yet. But I'm willing to make amends and maybe get to know you better.", I say.
"You know. That doesn't sound that bad. I'll accept.", he said.
"I'm glad you two are going to be on good terms.", Kevin's dad said.
I smile and look at Nickel. He was giving Kevin a bit of a glare, not that I blame him.
"Well I'm sorry this happened. I'll gladly give you two a discount for this incident.", the father said.
"Oh! You don't have to do that!", I said.
"No. Let me, it's the least I could do.", the father said.
"Well. Okay I suppose.", I gave in.
"Wonderful! Oh. And your dessert will be out soon.", he said.
"Thanks again sir!", Nickel thanked.
"Anytime. And please. Call me Mr. Adam.", he said.
"Alrighty. Thank you Mr. Adam.", I thanked.
He smiles and walks away. Kevin smiled and goes and sits back down at a table. Me and Nickel do the same.
"Thanks for that Nickel.", I thanked.
"Anytime. I had to do something to help.", he said.
"I honestly thought you would've went in and caused a scene.", I say.
"Heh. That WAS my first plan. But then I remembered I'm with you. So, I had to think of something else.", he confessed.
"I thought so. But I thank you for not hurting anyone.", I said.
"Anytime cutie.", he said.
I blush at the comment. I'm not sure he noticed his wording, but he just called me a cutie!
I think he noticed what he said as he blushes too. He also looked a bit panicked.
"U-um.. I didn't say anything.", he quickly said.
"U-um... s-sure.", I said.
We sat in a slightly awkward silence. But after a good 5 minutes, our dessert comes out.
"Here you two are! Chocolate crepes for you!", the waitress said.
"Thanks!", Nickel thanked.
"And sopapillas for you!", the waitress said to me.
"Thank you miss!", I thanked.
"No problem! I'll go ahead and refill your drinks for you!", she said.
She grabs our drinks and leaves with them. Oh man! These desserts smell AMAZING!
"Oh damn. These look amazing.", Nickel drooled.
"I know! Man. They're so tasty~!", I drooled as well.
"Let's eat!", he said.
"Okay!", I said.
With that, we began to eat. Holy fuck these sopapillas are amazing! I need Nickel to try this, before I devour them all!
"Hey Nick. Wanna try one of these?", I asked.
"Hm? Yea sure. They look good.", he said.
I hand him one of my sopapillas and he gladly accepts. He takes a small bit and his eyes go wide.
"Woah! This is super good!", he boasted.
"I know! Now try it with the honey!", I beg.
He nods as he dips the sopapilla in the honey. He lets it drip before he takes another bite. Once again, his eyes go super wide.
"Woah. That made it like 1000% better!", he exclaimed.
"Right?! It's amazing!", I say happily.
"Yea! Wanna try my crepe?", he asked.
"Sure! I was gonna ask anyways. Or just steal a tiny bit.", I say.
"Pft-. Really?", he laughed.
"What? It looks super good!", I reasoned.
"That's fair.", he gave in.
I take a piece of his crepe and eat it. My expression must be star-strucked, cause that was so good!
"That tastes so good!", I exclaimed.
"I know! God this place is amazing.", he said.
"It sure is.", I agreed.
We continued to eat and talk the day away. The waitress came back and gave us our refilled drinks.
After another 20 minutes, we finished our plates. The watiress came back with the bill, which had a 40% discount thanks to Mr. Adam.
We pay and leave the place. We head to the car and make our way to the hotel. Me and Nickel talked more as we drove.
We both agreed that we just had to come back with Suitcase and Baseball as a double date thing. I couldn't wait for that to happen!
After a short while, we make it back to the hotel. We head inside the hotel and are greeted by smiles and 'hellos'.
We greet the others as we plop on the couch. Man today was so fun! Just then, the main doors open again to reveal Tio Lifering and Ms. Kettle.
"Hey-a there guys!", tio greets.
"Oh! Hey Lifering! Hi auntie!", OJ greets.
"Hi there hun!", TK greets.
"Oh! Loon! I didn't see u there!", tio says.
"Hi tio! Hi Ms. Kettle!", I greet.
"Hi there champ!", tio greets.
"Hello dear! You don't need to call me 'Ms. Kettle'!", TK said.
"I know. But where did you go tio?", I asked.
"Oh! On a date with TK!", he said.
"YOU WENT ON A DATE WITH MY UNCLE/AUNT?!", me, OJ and Tube shouted at the same time.
Me, OJ and Tube stared at each other very wide eyed. I knew TK was OJ and Tube's aunt, but her going on a date with my uncle is what shocked me.
I'm pretty sure OJ was the same. Tio had told me that he told OJ about us being related.
Test Tube was probably shocked at the fact the Lifering was my uncle AND the fact that he and TK went on a date. I don't blame her though, it was shocking.
"Wait. Hang on. Balloon. Lifering is your UNCLE?!", Nickel shouted confused.
"Yep! I'm Balloon's uncle alright!", tio boasted.
"Then. Hang on. Does that mean...", OJ started.
"It sure does hun!", TK said.
"Me and TK are offically dating!", tio announced.
Mine, OJ and Test Tube's eyes all widen in shock. We all look at each other in absoulute shock as we look back at tio and TK.
We all had one thing in mind with what tio had just announced. Something what will change the way we will see each other for now on....
*End of Chapter 53*
(I'm not ready for tomorrow!!!! >~<)
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