Chapter 52: Bonding Times
(* Ey~! Late chapter making a come back ya'll!! -A/N *)
*Mephone's P.O.V*
I can't believe it... and it's only been a full day.
But Mepad was alive all this time.
I'm still not sure when he was reactivated, but I could care less about that right now.
Mepad, my little brother, was okay. He was okay, and that's all I ever needed to be confirmed.
Right now, I was in our room in OJ's hotel. It was SUPER early in the morning.
I think it's about 3 am right now. I couldn't sleep what so ever, so I just laid there.
Maybe I should move around a bit. That gets people to sleep right? I have no clue.
Eh, whatever. I'll go for it.
I get up form my bed very quietly so I don't wake Mepad. I unplug my plug from my back and silently walk over to the door.
Even though I'm like a humanized looking thing. What's it called again? An android? I think a cyborg is the word.
Anyways, I'm a cyborg and obviously have to charge to gain power. I have other ways to charge, but during nights I use a plug.
In the days, I use food to recharge my battery. Hench the whole 'fat slob' part of me. Moving on, I carefully open the door and walk out of our room.
As carefully as I opened the door, I close it just as softly. I creep down the hall and down the stairs to the 1st floor.
I have no idea what I'm going to do actually. Hmm.. what am I going to do while I'm down here.
It sounded like it came from the kitchen... I should go check it out...
I slowly creep to the kitchen and peak in. I see a pink(?) hair boy panicking and muttering something.
Wait. Was that Balloon? It looks like him anyways..
Looks like he dropped a pan that was rudely left on the kitchen counter. Who the hell is lazy enough to leave the dishes on the fucking counter?
I slowly walk to Balloon to see if he was okay. I got closer and it sounded he was crying and muttering in Spanish.
I should probably help him out. I kneel close to Balloon and pull him into a hug. He's still crying, but it sounds like he's stopping.
After a good few minutes, it's down to sniffles. Good, he's okay.
"Huh??", he hummed.
"Are you okay?", I asked him.
"M-mephone?", he said confused.
"Yea. It's me. Are you okay?", I confirm.
"I-i'm o-okay...", he said weakly.
"You sure? You were crying quite a bit.", I explained.
"Mhm.... J-just p-panicked there.", he muttered.
"Hey. It's okay. You're fine...", I whispered.
"I-i didn't w-wake a-anyone did I?", he stuttered.
"Nope. As far as my knowledge goes.", I said.
"But.. y-you're here...", he said.
"I couldn't sleep. So I came down here anyways.", I said.
"O-oh. Y-you too?", he asked.
"You couldn't sleep either?", I asked.
He shooked his head as he continued to clean up. I decided to help cause why the hell not. A few minutes later, we finish.
"Thanks for helping Mephone.", he thanked.
"No problem. But who left the dishes on the counter?", I asked.
"I-i did.. N-nobody did them last night... S-so I did them.", he squeaked out.
"That's worse than leaving them on the counter.. Not counting you.", I said.
"Hehe...", he chuckled.
"So. Anything you wanna do?", I asked.
"I'm not really sure. I was gonna get some milk to sleep. But now I'm wide awake.", he said.
"Well fuck. We're in a huge pickle huh?", I said stumpped.
"Mhm... Maybe we could just... go outside?", he suggested.
"Alright. Come on.", I say.
We walk out the kitchen and was about to walk out when Balloon gasped. I looked behind hoping we weren't caught.
"You good?", I asked.
"I just had an idea.", he said.
"Oh? What is it?", I asked.
"We could go paint. OJ made an art room after Paintbrush was elimnated.", he suggested.
"Hm. Doesn't sound that bad. Sure. Let's go paint.", I shrugged.
He smiles and leads me to this art room. I didn't know OJ made one. I guess a little bit of renovating did happen after all.
Balloon kept walking until we reach a room on the 2nd floor. Huh. Looks fancy as fuck. He opens one of the doors and walks in and I follow.
Inside was super cool looking. There was a stage, lots of chairs and things to paint on. There were also a WHOLE lot of paint cans and paint brushes as well.
"Woah. This looks cool.", I gasp.
"Mhm! I like coming in here at times. Helps me calm my mind.", he says a little flustered.
"Nice. Here. I'll go grab the stuff to paint on.", I offered.
"Oh! Um.. T-thanks.", the thanked.
"No problem!", I say.
I walk over to the paint stuff and grab 2 canvases and place them down on some easels. I grab some plate things for the paint.
Balloon looks a little nervous. I wonder why? I'm not intimidating am I? I mean, I was the host of a show he competed on.
Maybe I could ask! I mean. We are bonding right?
*Balloon's P.O.V*
I was just standing there while Mephone got the painting stuff. I was a little uncomfortable, but I'm trying to keep my thoughts straight.
Kinda hard to when you haven't slept AT ALL and are just being plagued with bad thoughts. This sucks so bad! I just wanted sleep!
I'm really not having a good... morning? I have no clue. It's like 3 something right now. I just want these bad thoughts to go away.
"Balloon? You there bud?", I hear Mephone ask.
"Wha-?", I hummed.
"You were crying. Are you ok?", he asked.
I couldn't say much, so I shook my head. He brings me into another hug which I greatly returned. I calmed down a moment later.
"Better?", he asks again.
"Mhm... Thanks Mephone.", I thanked.
"You're welcome. I set everything up but the paint. What colors do you want?", he asks.
"Um.. Any. I'm not sure what to paint yet.", I said.
"Alrighty. You're easel is the one on the left.", he said.
"Thanks again Mephone.", I thanked.
"Anytime.", he said.
He went to go get some paint for the two of us. I went to go sit down at my easel so I'm ready.
This gives me a bit of time to decide what to paint. A night sky? No, I did that in chapter 3...
Maybe another scenery? Like a sunset? That might work if I get the colors.
"Here ya go Balloon!", Mephone says.
"Ah! Oh.. Um. Thanks Mephone!", I thanked a little startled.
"No problem. Sorry I startled ya!", he apologized.
"I-it's fine.", I reassured him.
I look down at the colors Mephone got me. Hmm... Can't do a sunset. The hell should I do?
".... *sigh*...", I sighed.
"You okay?", Mephone asked.
"No... I have no clue what to paint.", I groaned.
"Ugh. You too?? I'm in the same boat!", he groaned as well.
We were both stumped as to what to paint. Hm.. This is surely a pickle now! What are we gonna do?!
"I have an idea.", Mephone says.
"What is it?", I asked.
"I can look up something to paint with the color pallet we have.", he suggested.
"Ooo~! Good idea!", I say.
"Cool! Let me pull up a thing.", he said.
He turns on his stomach screen and goes to Google. He types in 'color pallete ideas' and clicks a link.
"Ok. Let me find the palletes that we have.", he says.
"Alright.", I say.
He starts to scroll when he realizes he can just use the top to make things easier. He has cool colors, so he does his first.
He scrolls for a bit until he sees something that peaks his interest. It was a picture of the ocean waves. He looks at it and nods.
"I think I'll do this one. Or, something like it anyways.", Mephone announced.
"Alrighty! Now do me!", I say.
"Okay!", he says.
He clicks on the pastel colors and scrolls. I look at the pcitures, not finding that perfect one. It was a few minutes later when I see one. It was perfect!
The picture was a flower field of sorts. The camera postition was within the grass/flowers and you could see a faint hill in the background. I loved it.
"Wait. I'll do that one.", I said pointing to the flower field.
"Oh? Okay then!", he said.
With that being said, we start working on our pictures. We painted for hours it felt like. This was the shit I needed.
I felt so much better than I did earlier. This instantly made my previous negative thoughts disappear. Well, not instantly, but still.
Stroke after stroke, made me feel calm and at ease. Line after line, my painting came to life. I'm not an artist, but I felt content in my soul.
"Hey. I finished mine. Wanna see? Or should we wait?", Mephone said.
".......", I didn't answer.
I was really deep in my painting. I was so concentrated on my piece, I couldn't take my eyes off of it.
"Waiting it is then.", Mephone huffed.
It felt like forever, but I finally finish my painting. I put my brush down and look at my painting. It didn't look the best, but it was okay.
"Ugh. Finally! I thought I would be here forever.", Mephone groaned in relief.
"Huh?", I hummed.
"You took about an hour to finish that! Probably longer!", he exclaimed.
"Oh. Heh. I get really into it when I paint.", I chuckled.
"I could tell! I had asked if I should show you my painting or not. But you didn't answer, so I waited.", he explained.
"Oh! I'm sorry Mephone! I didn't mean to not answer...", I apologized.
"Nah. It's okay. You looked very calm when you were painting.", he said.
"Heh. I was kinda tense. Mainly cause of the negative thoughts running in my head.", I explained.
"Ah. Don't worry. I get it.", he said.
"I'm glad you do.", I say.
"Heh. Wanna look at the pictures now?", he asked.
"Sure! You first.", I said.
"Alright.", he said.
He turned the picture around to show me his finished product. He wanted to do waves, and... well... It kinda looked like them.
"Wow. It looks good.", I try and compliment.
"You think? Or are you just saying that to make me feel better?", he asked.
"U-um...", I stuttered.
I don't like being rude to others. Sure I was back in s1.. but it was just an act! I don't wanna hurt Mephone's feelings!
"You can be truthful. No need to sugar coat it.", Mephone reasurred.
"U-um... *sigh* I can't bring myself to say it...", I whined.
"Damn. You really have changed since season 1, huh?", he smiled.
"Heh... I guess so.", I half smile.
"But let's be real.. this painting isn't good is it?", he joked.
"Mmmmm.... It's not that bad...", I tried to reason.
"You suck at being a critic... But it's appreciated.", he said.
"Heh. Y-you're welcome.", I say.
"Let me see yours now.", he said.
"O-okay. But it's not that good.", I said.
"Oh. Now you're being a critic to you're own work. I bet it looks good!", he boasted.
"O-oh hush...", I said.
I turned my painting towards Mephone so he could see. He just stared at it, like he was some sort of art critic.
He continued to stare as I grew nervous. Was it bad? Or good? I have no clue!!
"Holy shit...", he gasped.
I looked at him in slight fear. What was he going to say?? I wished I could read minds sometimes.
"Balloon.... this... this is amazing!!", he complimented.
"W-wha-? R-really?", I ask in shock.
"Yea! This is better than the paintings I didn't get to vote for in s2 ep 12!", he boasted.
I feel my face heat up from embarrasement. I look away so I could calm down.
"T-thanks...", I thanked.
"Anytime! But are you okay?", he asked.
"Mhm... J-just... a little f-flustered...", I muttered.
"Oh. Well at least you're okay.", he said.
"Heh.", I chuckled.
"Man. This was really nice. But I'm getting tired. I think I'm gonna head to bed.", Mephone announced.
"Oh. Okay! I still can't sleep so I think I'll chill elsewhere for now.", I said.
"Alright. Welp. See ya Balloon.", he said.
"See ya man.", I said.
We both wave goodbye as Mephone leaves the room. I was gonna do the same.. but the art stuff was still out.
I should put them up and clean up a bit, so Paintbrush doesn't get upset. I pick up both painting plates and put them in the sink.
I walk back and grab the cups with paintbrushes and put them in the sink too. I did almost forget I had only 1 arm... But I'm managing.
Okay. Now to wash these things. This is gonna be tough to do...
I start with the pallete plates which wasn't that hard. I cleaned one and move on the the other one. Now both are clean.
Now for the harder ones. I rinse the brushes and tried to clean them to the best I can. I did drop them at times, but I'm doing my best.
This is so hard!!! How do people with 1 arm even fuction?! Oh god! That sounded so rude!!! I didn't mean it like that!
Okay. I finished the brushes. The cups were foam, so I just dumped them out and threw the cups away.
Good. Now the place doesn't look as bad! I walk to the door and turn the lights all the way off. I walk out the room and head to the living room.
".... *yawn* ... Man.. I'm sleepy.", I mutter to myself.
What should I do? I'm feeling sleepy, but I can't sleep yet. I need to do something, ANYTHING, to get me to bed.
But what should I do? What could I do at a time like this? There's not much to do...
I got it!!! My flower garden!! I haven't visited it in forever!
I walk towards the front doors and leave the hotel. I begin my journey towards my special little getaway.
It wasn't very far from the hotel, which was good. The breeze outside feels pretty nice today.
Another few minutes and I'm close to the woods. I take a secret that nobody really notices when coming this way.
I take this route to my secret garden. A few minutes and I see trees marked with special markings, which means I'm getting closer.
I can see the trees to the enterance of my garden! Yay! I speed up my walk and make it to my garden.
Oh man... This place looks so beautiful everytime I come here. It used to be just a simple little flower field.
But over time, I made this into a beautiful garden. I added a few benches and tables for picnics! I planted more flowers as well, so there was more varity!
This place is so amazing. I love it here. I walk to my favorite tree in the garden. Smiling, I sit down near the tree.
I stretch and yawn very big. Holy crap I'm tired. I feel my eyes starting to close and grow heavy.
I don't fight back as I slowly sucumb to my slumber.
*5 hours later*
*Taco's P.O.V*
It was an hour past breakfast and things were pretty chill here at the hotel.
Well, so far anyways. I was just chilling on the couch alone since, well. Nobody really trusted me fully yet.
Sure I had a few people forgive me, but none wanted that friendship status yet. Not that I care at the moment.
I was fine being alone for a while. I had Balloon, Mepad and Pickle and Mic kinda. But mainly Mepad and Balloon.
I was chilling when Pickle came up to me. I give him a small smile and he returns it back. He comes and sits next to me.
"Hey. How are you?", Pickle asked.
"I'm alright. You?", I asked.
"I'm good. Kinda tired, but eh.", he responded.
"Heh. Still stay up late huh?", I smile.
"Yep. But I still manage to sleep.", he smiles.
"Some things never change huh?", I say.
"They sure don't. Heh.", he replies.
"Mmmm... So... You and Knife dating yet?", I smirk at him.
His face goes into a full on blush. Guess he wasn't expecting me to ask, good. In a fun joking matter by the way.
"U-Um... I- Well... Uh-", he sputters.
I couldn't help but laugh at this. He just looked so cute in a friendship kind of way when he was all flustered!
"D-don't laugh Taco!", he complained.
"Hahaha!! Oh man. Sorry Pickle. But you are so cute when you're flustered like this!", I laugh.
"H-hey!!! Taco!", he blushed furiously.
"Pft-! Okay, Okay. I'm done teasing.", I chuckled.
"Thank god.", he sighed.
"But seriously. Are you two dating?", I asked.
"Yea.. Yea we are.", he answered.
"About damn time. Could smell that gayness from a mile away.", I remark with a grin.
"THE HELL?!", he shouts.
"Pft- oh yea. I could tell you had feelings for him. It was very obvious.", I remarked.
"Oh my god!! Taco!!", he groans in embarrasment.
We both laugh and talked for a while. This felt so nice, like we were back in season 1 of I.I.
He eventually got up and turned the TV on. What was he doing? He put something on, but nothing was showing.
He pressed a button on something and an image appeared! Woah! What the hell did he do?!
He grabs a weird looking controller and turns it on. Then he pressed a button and the image changes.
The flying hell? What was this?
He walks back over to the couch and plops down on the couch. He uses the controller and looks like he was in control of the TV!!
I was a little star struck with this thing on the TV. Pickle looked over and chuckles at me.
"You wanna watch me play a game?", he asked.
"A game? On the TV?", I asked.
"Yea. A video game.", he said.
"A video game?", I asked all confused.
"Here. Let me show ya.", he said.
So he picks a game on this... thing he called a 'video game'. It's called 'Mortal Kombat' with the combat spelt with a 'K' for some reason.
"Yo Knife!", Pickle called out.
Knife pokes his head from the kitchen.
"Ya? What's up babe?", Knife called.
"Wanna play Mortal Kombat?", Pickle asked.
He looks at the TV and smirks, like he was going to win. But then his eyes shifts towards me and glares at me.
Yea, if there's one person who absolutely hates my guts still.. It's Knife. He's made no attempt in tryting to reconnect with me.
However, I understood. I was the very bitch who not only hurt Mic, but his boyfriend in the past. He has every right to stay pissed off at me.
"Eh. Sure. Why the hell not.", Knife says.
Wait what? I was FULLY expecting Knife to say 'Yea no. Not with that fucking bitch sitting next to you'.
"Sweet! Go grab a controller then!", Pickle exclaimed.
Knife chuckles and walks over to us. He grabs another controller and sits next to Pickle. Make sense he didn't want to sit next to me.
"I'm so gonna kick your ass.", Knife smirked.
"Ha! You wish!", Pickle laughed.
They enter some sort of selction screen I think and theres a bunch of characters. Why are there so many?!
"I'm gonna choose... Sub-Zero.", Knife said picking his character.
"Well I'm going to choose Raiden and kick your ass to next week.", Pickle claimed.
"HA! You and I both know that I'm the better one at this game!", Knife boasted.
"Oh hush! I have a good feeling today!", Pickle exclaimed.
"Keep dreaming pretty boy.", Knife teased.
Pickle rolled his eyes and picked something for his character I think? Then they want to another screen which had a bunch of backgrounds.
They choose one and then. All hell broke loose. I guess this was some sort of fighting game, cause...
I'm one for violence, but holy shit man!
I was glued to the TV and the fighting. So these characters in this game aren't human at all. Cause they all have cool ass powers.
This Sub-Zero guy has ice powers while the Raiden dude has lightning powers. They were going ham at each other!
Another 2 rounds later, and Knife wins with Zub-Zero. He stood up and shouted his victory. Pickle just laughed at his childness.
I was still shocked as fuck. So were these all video games?! If so I want in!!!!
"Pickle.", I mutter.
"Hm? What's up?", he asked.
".... Are all video games like this?", I asked curious.
"Heh. Some of them are. Some aren't. There's categories for them.", he said.
"Woah.", I gasped.
He chuckles and pats my head. My eyes grow wide and I melt in his touch. He hasn't done this in forever.
He used to do this back in season 1. It felt just as nice as it did back then. It felt like I could just-
"SPRINKLES!", I shout.
I clap my hands over my mouth in panic. Pickle and Knife jump from shock at my sudden shout. OJ poked his head out from the kitchen as well.
"The hell was that you guys?", OJ asked.
"I have no fucking clue. It was Taco!", Knife yelled.
"Taco. Are you okay?", Pickle asked.
Fearing I might shout again, I nod my head frantically. God I was so embarrased right now!
"Are you sure? You look frantic.", Pickle commented.
"Y-yea. I-i'm okay.", I squeak out.
"The fuck you screamed for then bitch?", Knife asked rudely.
"Ya. You haven't done that since season 1.", Pickle pointed out.
"I-it's a tick I have.... I had it under control for a-a while. B-but I guess... I-it just came back.", I stutter.
"Oh wow. That's super interesting.", Pickle said.
"That explains all the times u screamed in season 1. It was so random.", Knife muttered.
"Heh. It was random. It still is random. I never know when another might- PANDAS!", I explained before shouting again.
I clap my hands over my mouth again as Pickle and Knife stare in shock again. Ugh! Again?! I never had that happen before!
"Ugh. Sorry about that.", I mumbled.
"No it's okay. I kinda missed them.", Pickle said.
"W-what?", I asked shocked.
"Yea. The random outbursts? I actually kinda missed them.", he smiled.
"R-really? It's not... Weird?", I asked.
"Nope! It makes you... unique.", he smiled.
I couldn't help but smile at him. That's the 1st time somebody said that they aren't weirded out by my tick.
Sure Balloon didn't say it out loud, but he doesn't mind them either. But hearing somebody say it verbally? It makes me feel better.
"So. Wanna go another round?", Knife asked.
"Hm? Oh. Nah. I think I'm gonna hang with Taco today.", Pickle said.
"You sure?", Knife asked in concern.
"I'm sure.", Pickle said.
"Alright. Call if ANYTHING goes wrong.", Knife demanded.
"I will teddy bear. I will.", Pickle cooed.
They go in for a kiss and I look away. I didn't need to be reminded of how single I am. I need to spend more time with Mic....
That way... I could confess to her. We're pretty good as of right now. We're past the awkward reunion stage, which is nice.
We still have a long way to go before we're friends. But I'm willing to wait for that. I'll wait for as long as it takes.
Knife huffed but nodded at Pickle. He glares at me one last time, before giving me the tinyest of smirks.
With that, he walks off, probably going to go masturbate to Pickle or something. I have no clue, I can't read people.
"So. Where should we go?", Pickle asked.
"O-oh. Um... I-i don't really know.", I stutter.
"Heh. That's fine. I have a place. Wanna go?", he said.
"Oh! L-like.. right now?", I asked.
"Yea! If you want.", he smiled.
"Well... sure! Why not.", I smiled.
"Let's go then! The eariler, the better.", he exclaimed.
"Alrighty!", I said.
With that, we were out the door and got in his car. I didn't know Pickle could drive. We were on our way moments later to our destination.
Another few minutes later and we make it to some builing. The building said 'Funtime Arcade'.... The hell is an arcade?
"This is it.", Pickle announced.
"It is?", I asked.
"Yep. I love coming here, even friends with the staff here.", he explained.
"That's cool... but what's an arcade?", I asked.
"A place full of fun video games and just games in general.", Pickle explained.
"Games? Cool! What kind?", I asked curious.
"You'll see dudette.", he said.
I nodded as we walk in the place. It was kinda dark in here, but it was still enoough to see things. But woah, this place looked cool!
"So? Like it so far?", Pickle asked.
"Yea. It's super cool looking!", I exclaimed.
"I know. It's so cool.", he said.
"Hey there Pickle! Good to see you!", the cashier said.
"Hey there Mangy. How are ya?", Pickle asked.
"I'm good! Who's your friend?", 'Mangy' asked him.
"An old friend of mine. This is Taco.", he said.
"Hi...", I greet.
"Hey! Name's Mangy! Nice to meet ya!", she exclaimed.
"Anyways. Can we get the $40 deal?", he asked her.
"Yea sure! I'll throw in the bonus per usual.", she winked at him.
"Thanks!", he thanked her.
"Anything for my favorite customer!", she said happily.
He chuckles as he gets handed 2 cards. He nods as we both walk off. What are those cards for?
"Ok. Here you go Taco, this is yours.", he says.
"What is this for?", I asked.
"To play the games. The card holds points so we can play. When we run out, we can re-fill it, or go get prizes.", he explained.
"Prizes? What kind?", I asked.
"Anything they have. From plushies to board games. Most are useless, but it's still cool.", he answered.
"That sounds so cool!", I exclaimed.
He chuckles at this. His smile is so... calming. It's so nice. I'm not crushing, but damn. He has a great smile.
"Ready to go play?", he asked.
"Fuck yea!", I exclaimed excitedly.
"Hehe.. Let's go!", he yelled in glee.
We both rush in and I gasp at the sight. There were so many different games in front of us!
It felt so hard to choose what to play first! I felt a little intimdated by the amount games in front of me.
This was going to be so fun!!
*2 hours later*
I was having so much fun! I was running low on points, but I think I nabbed a good amount of tickets!
I should find-
Wait. I hear something. I walk towards it and it sounds like...
Fighting. The fuck?
I continue walking and the fighting sounds more like a struggle. I think-
I run towards it and I see....
He was getting harrassed by these jerks. I started to get pissed off by the sight of Pickle getting hurt.
I didn't have my tazer on me, for obvious reasons. But~ a good ol' beat down was always fun.
Walking quietly to the bullies, I managed to kick the main bully super hard in the back. He falls as his lackeys looks over at me.
"What the fuck?!", the 1st one yells.
Bully 1 looks over to see me standing protectively over Pickle. I guess he sees my short stance as he begins to laugh.
"Bet you're ass you did bitch. And I'll gladly do it again.", I spat.
"Pft-!! I would love to see you try shorty!", he yelled.
I smirk oh so devilishly. He has NO idea, the amount of pain I was about to inflict on him.
"T-taco?", Pickle whispered.
"Hey. Don't worry. I'll handle them.", I whisper back.
"Be careful...", he said.
"Oh... It won't need to be.", I smirked.
"Pft-. You need protection from your girlfriend weakling?", Bully 2 mocks at.
"Oh. I'm not his girlfriend. He's taken.", I smirk.
"Makes it all the more pathetic.", Bully 3 laughs.
I glance back and see Pickle looking ashamed. Alright. These fuckers are going to fucking die.
"Talk shit about him again... and I'll murder you.", I scowled.
"Ha! You think you scare us!? We'll pummel you!", Bully 1 yelled.
"Come at me then!", I challenged.
Bully 1 scoffs, but then smirks. He charges straight at me, and I smirk. I quickly get into a stance to counter him.
He was about to punch me, when I duck and punch him instead in the gut. He coughs and bends over, giving me that open to kick him in the jaw.
The other 2 decided that now was a good time to help their 'leader'. Bully 2 comes from the right and I jump over him. He trips over himself while Pickle stiffs a giggle.
Bully 3 manages to kick me down, but I do a backflip and kick her in the chest. She falls easily as I get back up.
Heh. They're all talk, but very poor bite. Haha! I think I taught them. I turn around and walk towards Pickle.
He has this very shocked expression on him. I mean, I did just knock out 3 people with very minimal effort.
"You alright?", I asked him.
"I-I-... Y-ya. I-i'm okay.", he stuttered.
He didn't look all that bruised, which was good. I think I arrived just before they did some heavy hits on him.
He does have a black eye on his...left eye. I remember acidentally giving him a scar on his left eye. For some reason, I feel my hand reach for it.
He looked confused but let me do it anyways. I rub the eye as memories from the past flood my mind.
I couldn't really help but tear up a bit. RIght now, I'm not seeing the present. I'm seeing the past.
We're both outside on the contestant grounds of Inanimate Insanity 1. It was just after episode 11 and we were just hanging around.
He wasn't mad at me for injuring his eye, but it kinda felt he was. We were lounging around and he pats me on the head.
I look over and he just smiles at me. I smile back as I giggle. I look up and see his scar. He didn't have his eye patch yet, so it was fresh.
I touch it as he winces slightly. I felt sadden and rub it a bit. He looks at me a little confused.
"Hurt?", I had asked.
"A little.", he had replied.
"I sorry.", I had apologized.
"It's okay! We're still friends.", he said then.
I smile and we continued to just lounge. It was blissful and comforting.
The memory fades as I come back to the present.
Pickle has this very concerned look on his face. I could feel wetness running down my cheek as I came back to my senses.
I realize I was crying, but I could care less about that right now. I didn't care about how vulnerable I was right now.
All I cared about... was me and Pickle right now.
I was still rubbing his black eye that he had. He looked confused, just like on that day.
".... Hurt?", I whispered.
He looked a little shocked, like he was now remembering the memory as well. He silently chuckles and smiles.
"A little.", he said.
I smile back. He raises his arm and pats my head with his hand. I couldn't help but giggle a bit.
"That's a cute ass giggle.", he chuckled.
"S-shut up...", I mutter as I blush.
"Heh. That was really impressive back there.", he complimented.
"Thanks. Self defense training really helps.", I say.
"I bet... Thanks for the help Taco.", he thanked.
"No problem... anything for ... a friend.", I smile.
He chuckles as he stands up. I stand up as well as we walk away from the scene.
"You almost done?", Pickle asked.
"I am done. You?", I asked.
"Yea. Wanna go pick out prizes?", he questioned.
"Sure.", I say.
We head to the prize center to pick out our prizes. Woah!!! There are so many prizes here!!
Pickle goes and looks around so I decided to go look too. There were some very simple kids toys, and there were some pretty fucking cool things.
I make my way to the plushies since I was drawn to them. I've never owned one before and I kinda want one...
But is it too childish? ... Pft- Why am I asking? Balloon has a bunch of them he once told me! And I'm pretty sure Knife has a Dora doll.
I'm gonna get one. Fuck sterotypes... I'm allowed to get a fucking plushie.
I look at the plushies to see what they got. They have some weird animal looking things... one is called 'Pikachu'... weird ass name.
Some regular looking animal plushies. And some... cute animals that look so round.
I look at thoses ones becuase they got my attention. I look at the tag to see what they're called.
"Squishmallows?", I whispered.
Not bad. I think I'll get one of these ones. They have so many to choose from. But I grab a seal squishmallow.
I walk over to Pickle who has a pair of headphones in his hand. Cool, they got electronics here.
"Hey. Ready?", he asked.
"Yep. Let's go.", I said.
He nods and we go to pay? Is that the proper word? We're not spending money per say...
I think trading is a better word. So we head up to trade in the tickets in the card for the prizes.
Once we're done, we leave the arcade. This was so fucking fun! We need to come back here again!
"Had fun today?", he asked.
"Hell yea! We need to do this again.", I exclaimed happily.
"Heh. We totally should.", he smiles.
We head back to the car and head back to the hotel. I look at the plushie I had gotten. I couldn't help but smile.
Me and Pickle were slowly growing our bond again. And I couldn't be more happy.
*End of Chapter 52*
But yea.
I'm sorry I didn't get this done yesterday!!
Working full time takes a lot out of ya!
I think I'll move updates to this book to Saturdays for now!!
(And won't upload for when I get questions for the 'Ask The Author' book!)
See you all next week!!!
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