Chapter 51: WHERE DID YOU GO!?
*2 weeks later*
*Balloon's P.O.V*
Man. My life here at the hotel has been really nice!
Some of the others came up and apologized. A few decided to make friends with me!
I've been hanging with Pepper since she's been looking upset. From what she said, her and Salt got into a fight!
I felt so bad for her! I'm glad I could help her. They haven't spoken to each other in a good few months.
Yikes. I'm glad Me and Trophy don't have fights! But right now, me and her are just hanging at the store.
She wanted to shop for a new style for herself. So I offered to help out. This is kinda fun really!
"Thanks again for helping me out Balloon!", Pepper thanked.
"It's no problem! I actually kinda like shopping!", I say.
"Then that makes this, like, even better!!", she exclaimed.
I giggle as we continue going through the isles. We're at Walmart since, well, this is where we get most styles from.
Pepper's old style matched Salt's they loved to match. But lately, she's been wanting to find her own style. I totally comend her for that!
She has no idea what she wants, so that's why were here! To find that style! So far? It's not going too good so far. She's found some cute shirts though.
"I don't think we're going to find my style Balloon!", Pepper cries.
"Don't think like that. We're going to find one! I promise.", I say comforting.
"Awe~! Thanks Balloon! Let's keep going then!", she said confidently.
"Okay! Let's go though these again.", I said.
"Alright! Maybe I'm just not feeling the style. I need it to call out to me.", she thought out loud.
"Maybe! Who knows!", I giggle.
We've been here for like an hour now and we've already been through all the clothes. Yea. ALL THE CLOTHES.
Who knew finding a style would be so hard!!! She continues to look through the clothes as I help. A few minutes later, she gasps at something.
I look over at her to see what she was looking at.
"What is it Pepper?", I asked.
"Look at that girl over there...", she whispers.
I look over at the girl she was looking at. Woah. She looked cool! She has this sorta punk like look to her. It wasn't totally punk, but still!
"Woah. She looks cool.", I whisper.
"I know. And I love it. Where do we get clothes like that??", she whispered.
"Let's go ask!", I suggested.
"O-okay.", she said.
We walk over to the punk girl a little nervous. We get her attention and she spots us.
"Um. Hi there.", I greet.
"Oh hi there! Names Punkbrush.", he said.
He was a guy! Oh god! We messed up his gender!
"Oh! Hi! Wow. You look so cool!", Pepper complimented.
"Aw thanks miss!", he thanked.
"No problem! My name is Pepper!", Pepper said.
"And I'm Balloon.", I greet.
"Nice to meet you both! Say. What are your pronouns? I don't wanna mess those up.", he asked.
"Oh! How kind of you dude! Mine are she/her!", Pepper says.
"U-um... m-mine are... s-she/h-her too... today.", I say.
"Oh nice! Mine are xey/xem!", xe say.
"Cool! And you're a girl Balloon!?", Pepper askes.
"N-no! I.. *sigh* I'm genderfluid.", I confess.
"What!? That's, like, super dope!", she exclaimed.
"Y-you.. S-support?", I squeaked.
"Well duh! I'm a lesbian! Of course I'm gonna support!", she stated.
"Thanks Pepper.", I thanked.
"Anytime man.", she said.
"Well that's super cool. Anyways. What are you two up to?", Punkbrush asked.
"Oh! Well. We were just looking for new style. So far I've had no luck.", Pepper explained.
"So we saw you and.. well. We just had to ask about it.", I finished.
"Oh! I'm very flattered you found my style interesting!", xey say.
"You're welcome!", I say.
"Where do you get your style from?", Pepper asked.
"Oh! I get it from Hot Topic. They have very nice styles there!", xey explained.
"Hot Topic? Woah! We should go there Balloon!", Pepper said.
"Yea! Is there any near by?", I asked.
"As a store? Nope. But! You can find them at malls!", Punkbrush explained.
"Malls huh? I think I've seen some of those stores before!", Pepper said.
"Let's go to one Pepper!", I suggest.
"Okay! Thanks for your help Punkbrush!", Pepper thanked.
"It's no problem! But please! Call me PB or Punk!", xey say.
"Alrighty! Thanks again Punk!", I thanked.
"Anytime! Here's my number! So we can keep in touch!", xey say.
"Oh thanks man!", Pepper thanked.
"Anytime. Oh! I gotta go! I'm supposed to meet up with my boyfriends right now.", xey say.
We all wave goodbye and xey leave. So he was poly too huh? Maybe I should ask xem about life with multiple lovers.
(* ..... For the 1 person who knows about Punkbrush! .... ;) -A/N *)
"So. Are there any malls near us?", Pepper asked.
"I think so. I think it's called 'Great Mall'.... ", I say.
"Cool! Let's go then!", she says.
So, we leave Walmart so we can head to the mall. After a good 40 minutes, we make it to the mall. It would've taken 30 minutes, but we got a tiny bit lost.
We park and head inside the mall. WOAH! Okay! This is super big! We are so going to get lost here!
"OMG! This is super huge!", Pepper exclaimed.
"I know! We are so going to get lost here!", I say with worry.
"Don't worry Balloon! We'll be fine! Let's go find Hot Topic!", she exclaimed.
"Okay!", I say.
So we set off to go find the Hot Topic. Man, there are so many stores here. Most are clothing stores!!
"I forgot how awesome malls were!", Pepper shouted.
"I've never been to a mall before.", I confess.
"What!? You haven't!?", she exclaimed.
"N-no.... Never have.", I said.
"What!? We need to get you up to speed!", she said.
"H-how about another time? We're looking for a new style for you!", I reminded.
"I know! But a little looking around wouldn't hurt right?", she asked.
"W-well... I guess not.", I give in.
"Nice! We won't go to EVERY store! Just look at the different stores from the outside!", she explained.
"Alrighty!", I agree.
And that's where we are. We've just been browsing the mall and wow! There are so many stores I've never heard of!
"This is nice Pepper.", I say.
"I know. The mall is super cool! A nice place to just come to hangout really.", she says.
"Yea. It is quite relaxing.", I say.
"Let's head to Hot Topic now.", she announced.
"Alright! Let's go!", I agree.
So, we head to the general location of where we saw it last. We pass a Gamestop which meant we were close.
After another 2 minutes, we find the store. We head inside and gasp at the sight. Woah. This is very cool!
It not only has clothing, but it has themed clothing and toys! Maybe I can find a cute Donatello plush!
(* for those who watch TMNT.... who's your favorite character? -A/N *)
"Wow! Look at all of these cute clothing!", Pepper gasped.
"I know. Maybe it's here we can find your style!", I exclaimed.
"Maybe! Let's take a look!", she says.
I nod and begin to look through the clothing. There were men clothing too, so I look to see if I wanted anything. There were some cute longsleeved shirts I saw!
I got a Kirby longsleeved shirt because why not. And a few more shirts from different genres. And I managed to find a Stitch plushie!
"Pepper. Have you found anything?", I asked.
"Ugh. No! The clothes are cute! But nothing is calling to me.", she cries in defeat.
"Oh Pepper. It's okay. We'll find something.", I try and comfort.
"Um. Hello. Is everything okay over here?", an employee asks.
"Oh. Sorry miss! We didn't mean to um. Disturb you.", I apologize.
"No worries! It's my duty to help! So what seems to be the problem?", she asked.
"I'm trying to find a new style. But nothing is calling out to me.", Pepper explained sadly.
"Oh! How about I help you out? I can see your new here!", she offered.
"You will? Oh! Thank you so much miss!", Pepper thanked.
"Oh! It's no worries! The name is Webby!", she introduced.
"Nice to meet ya! I'm Pepper!", Pepper introduced.
"I'm Balloon.", I say.
"Nice to meet you both! So Pepper. You need help finding a new style?", Webby asked.
"Yep. I want to try and find myself. I've been wearing these skirts for so long... I'm sick of it.", Pepper explained.
"Well don't you worry! I'm really good at help others finding their style!", Webby said.
"Oh! Thank you so much Webby!", Pepper thanked.
"No problem! Come. I'll show you around and help you out!", Webby explained.
"Alright! Balloon. This may take a while. Mind waiting outside?", Pepper asked.
"Sure! Let me pay for my stuff and I'll wait for you by the food court!", I explained.
"Okay! See ya Balloon!", Pepper said.
I went to pay for my things and left the store. That was a cool little store! I need to bring Trophy here some day.
I walk to the food court and sit down at a random table. I did almost forget about my missing arm, but the looks of others made me remember.
I shouldn't let their glances and whispers affect me. I just continue to sit when the glances become worse.
No! I can't panic right now! I need something to distract myself with! Shit! What do I do!?
Wait! I know!! I can text Trophy! He'll help calm me down!
I grab my phone out and scroll to Trophy's contact. That's Cheesy... That's Baseball... There we go!
*Text start*
Chubby Bro: Trophy?
Golden Bro: Hey Loon! What's up?
Chubby Bro: I'm starting to feel insecure again....
Golden Bro: Aw! Don't worry! I'm here for ya bro.
Chubby Bro: Thx...
Golden Bro: No problem!
Chubby Bro: Wait.... is my contact CHUBBY BRO!?
Golden Bro: Um... no?
Chubby Bro: ......
Golden Bro: ...... I'll change it bro...
Chubby Bro: thx!
*Golden Bro is changing your contact name*
*Contact name has been change*
*Golden Bro has changed your contact name to Salmon Sib*
Salmon Sib: Aw! Thanks bro!
Golden Bro: No prob! Been meaning to change it....
Salmon Sib: :)
Golden Bro: You couldn't think of a better name for me?
Salmon Sib: Well... no... your golden! and your my bro!
Golden Bro: That's actually super sweet.... :')
Salmon Sib: No! don't cry bro!!! >~<
Golden Bro: I'm fine bro
Salmon Sib: Okay then...
Golden Bro: Where u at btw?
Salmon Sib: I'm at the mall.
Golden Bro: The fuck!? i thought u were at Walmart!
Salmon Sib: We were! But we didn't find a style for Pepper.
Golden Bro: So you went to a mall??
Salmon Sib: Well... we met this guy and he had a style Pepper liked!
Golden Bro: Okay...
Salmon Sib: So we asked where the style was from... and now we're at Hot Topic.
Golden Bro: The hell? Hot Topic?
Salmon Sib: Yea. I got some things. Pepper still needed help... so she's still there...
Golden Bro: Where are u then?
Salmon Sib: I'm at the food court.... waiting for her
Golden Bro: Oh... nice. did u get anything to et?
Salmon Sib: not yet.. waiting on Pepper!
Golden Bro: Alrighty... u gonna be ok?
Salmon Bro: Yea... I think I'll be okay...
Golden Bro: You sure?
Salmon Sib: Yea....
Golden Bro: Well... alright. but text back when u feel upset ok?
Salmon Sib: Okay!
Golden Bro: See ya! Need to get ready for a date!
Salmon Bro: Oooo~~!! okay bro!!
Golden Bro: Heheh... See ya! text if u need to!
Salmon Bro: Alright! bye!
Golden Bro: Bye!
*Text End*
I feel much better now. Trophy can always make me feel better when I'm down. Looking around, I don't see many people looking at me.
Thank goodness for that! How long has it been? I have no clue... But Pepper isn't here, so she's probably still looking for her style.
This was going to be a while....
*1 hour later*
I feel somebody nudging me. What the-?
I open my eyes to see a blurry figure. Wait....
Did I fall asleep? I blink my eyes and see Pepper in front of me.
"Oh! You're awake!", she says.
"Ngh... Pepper?", I mumble.
"You awake sleeping beauty?", she giggles.
"I guess... I don't remember falling asleep...", I yawn.
"Wow. You must've been so bored!", she exclaimed.
"I guess.... I hope nothing got stolen...", I realized.
"Don't worry. I got here like 20 minutes ago. Your stuff is fine!", she explained.
I look down under the table to make sure. Sure enough, my stuff was there still. Phew!
"So. How did it go? Did you find your style?", I asked.
"Yep! It took a while. But I did it!", she exclaimed happily.
"Yay! I'm so happy for you Pepper!", I say happily.
"Thanks! Let's ger some food. I'm so hungry!", she says.
"Me too! I've been waiting for you for a while.", I say.
"You could've eaten while you waited!", she explained.
"I know...", I muttered.
"Don't worry. I'm not mad! Let's just get some food!", she says.
"Alright! What should we get?", I asked.
"I'm in the mood for- ... What the-?", she started.
"Pepper? You okay?", I asked.
".... Am I seeing shit? Or is that Mephone?", she asked.
Wait... Mephone? I look to where she's looking at and-.... OH MY GOD... IT WAS MEPHONE!
"Holy crap... It is Mephone.", I whispered.
"I know! What is he doing here?!", she asked.
"I have no clue! ... Let's go talk to him!", I suggested.
"Alright!", she agreed.
We grab our bags and slowly walk to Mephone. It looks like he was looking around in cautious. I wonder why?
We get closer and he still hasn't noticed us. Or has he noticed us and is just ignoring us? I have no clue with him sometimes.
Oh screw it. I'm gonna call out to him.
"Mephone?", I asked.
He looks back in absolute shock and slight horror. He calms down after realizing it was only us.
"Geez you two.. You nearly gave me- Wait holy fuck!?", he shouts.
"Hey Mephone!", Pepper greeted.
"What the fuck? When did you-?", he started.
"I think the better question is... Where on earth did you go!?", I asked.
"Shush!! Who knows who could listening in!", Mephone hushed.
Huh? What's gotten him so worked up? ..... Wait. I think I know. He thinks Cobs is still out for him.
I don't blame him. Cobs is a shady person. I personally don't like him at all. He insults my family watch then up and kills me!
How fucked up is that?! But I know that's not the reason Mephone is scared. I'm even sure if the reason Mepad told me and Taco is the true reason!
"Sorry. But we haven't seen you in like.. a whole year man!", Pepper said.
"Yea. Well. I haven't seen you for longer, but still.", I said.
"Yeah I know. And I'm sorry for that. But look, I just needed some time to myself.", he explained.
"No. I get it. It's understandable. I mean. I ran away cause I was hated..", I said.
"Oh shit. I completely forgot about that. How did you get found?", he asked.
"I-i'll explain later... Are you hungry?", I asked.
"Yes. I'm so hungry!", he groans.
"We we're just about to get lunch. Wanna join us?", Pepper asked.
"Eh. Sure. Better than eating alone.", Mephone shrugs.
We all then head to the food court. We never decided on what we wanted huh?
"So. What are we getting?", I asked.
"Oh. I was thinking Chinese food. Is that okay?", Pepper asked.
"Yea. That's fine!", I say.
"Eh. Yeah. It's good.", Mephone says.
"Okay! I'll go order it then! What do u guys want to drink?", she asked.
"I'll get a Coke.", Mephone said.
"I kinda want a Pepsi.", I said. (* *insert scared emoji face* -A/N *)
"Okay! I'll be back!", Pepper said.
She then leaves to go buy the Chinese food. That leaves me with Mephone. Yay.
"So. Where have you been?", I asked him.
"I could ask you the same thing. Considering you ran away.", he said.
"That's a fair point. Well... I was with Taco.", I confess.
"Taco? She's still here? I thought she left?", Mephone said confused.
"Heh. Well.... she never left.. But I'll let her explain that.", I say.
"Oh. Okay then. So you were with her?", he asked.
"Yep. She's helped me a lot. And I've helped her.", I say.
"That's cool. .... HOLY FUCK!", he shouts.
And I'm guessing he's noticed my missing arm. I need to calm him down before more people see!
"Shh! Mephone!! Keep it down! I don't need a bunch of stares!", I shushed.
"Well sorry! It's not my fault I'm seeing you with ONE FUCKING ARM!", he exclaimed.
"Yea! I get that! Considering I FEEL IT EVERY FUCKING DAY!", I semi-cry.
"I bet! What even happened!?", he asked out of shock.
"..... *sigh* Me and Taco... we're attacked by a bear.", I mutter.
"Holy fuck. That's awful Balloon.", he gasps.
"Mhm... The bear really did a number on us. Tore off my arm and heavily brusied Taco.", I said.
"Damn.... I feel horrible for you. Even more so because I yelled. Sorry about that.", he apologized.
"It's okay. I'm still learning how to cope with this...", I say upset.
"Don't worry. I'm sure you will soon.", he comforts.
I smile at his words. I never knew Mephone was one to care about us. But deep down, I guess he does care about us.
"So.... where have you been all this time?", I asked.
"I've been around. Been to a few places but I never really left the home town.", he explained.
"How come we've never seen you until now?", I asked confused.
"I have no clue honestly.", he said.
"Weird. But nothing that crazy really.", I said.
"That's fair. You've all seen a lot of crazy shit during I.I huh?", he chuckled.
"Hehe. Yea. A lot of crazy things.", I laughed.
"Hey guys! I'm back! And I got the food!", Pepper exclaimed.
"Hey! Wow that smells good!", I say.
"It smells so amazing.", Mephone drooled.
"I know! Oh! I got you some chopsticks Loon!", Pepper said.
"Awe! Thanks Pepper!", I thanked.
"You used to chopsticks?", Mephone asked.
"Yep! It's really fun to use!", I say happily.
"But it's so confusing!", he shouts.
"Well, practice makes perfect Mephone.", I say.
We all continue to eat and banter. We talk about the hotel and what's been going on. We made fun jokes and laughed. This was super nice, hanging out like nothing ever happened.
I wished this is what I had before- .... Before everyone hated me... Before I had to suffer so much.
Before the backlash. Why is it only now that I get the life I needed? Why is it now that my life is finally turning around?
No. I can't be thinking like this right now! I like my life right now! I don't care about the hurt from before!
"Balloon? Are you okay?", Pepper asked.
"Huh?", I asked snapping out of my thoughts.
"Are you okay? You stopped talking like a few minutes ago.", she asked again.
"O-oh... Sorry...", I mumbled.
"Don't be. It's okay.", she comforted.
"So... are you okay?", Mephone asked.
"... N-no.", I whispered.
"Hey. It's okay Balloon. Why are you upset?", Pepper asked.
She put a hand on my shoulder in order to comfort me. I smile at her gester, I'm super grateful that I'm still here. I'm glad everyone is so kind to me.
"It's just. I was just thinking about the past.", I mutter.
"Oh...", Pepper gasped.
I looked down a little upset. I don't know why my mind likes to hurt me like this. One minute I'm happy, and the next, I'm crying.
I feel myself being pulled into a hug. Pepper was hugging me which I returned. She rubbed my back and I felt a few tears swell up.
"It's okay Balloon. We know we messed up. But look on the bright side.", Pepper said.
I slightly broke the hug and looked over at Pepper. She had this super warm smile on her face. I couldn't help but feel better.
"We're all doing our best to make things right. To fix our mistakes. And we're all happy to be making amends with you.", she said.
I smile as I take in her words. She's right. Even though they hurt me, they were making things right. And it's all I ever wanted.
"And I thank you for that everyday.", I smile.
"This is cute and all. But are we gonna finish?", Mephone asked.
"I'm kinda full. Balloon?", Pepper said.
"I'm a little full myself.", I say.
"Well I'll go ahead and throw this away.", Mephone said.
He gets up and goes to throw the food away. While he does that, I do my best to recompose myself to continue the day.
Suddenly, I get a phone call. I grab my phone and see that it's Mepad calling. I wonder what he wants.
"Hello?", I answer.
"Hello Balloon.", Mepad greets.
"Hey! What's up?", I asked.
"Could you buy something from the store?", he asked.
"Well.. I can try. Me and Pepper went to the mall...", I said.
"Oh. Well. I suppose it could wait.", he said.
"No. We can make a stop to Walmart! What did ya need?", I asked him.
"Well. I was hoping for a nice book.", he said.
"Oh sure! I think there's a book store here. What kind?", I asked.
"Oh. Anything is fine. Maybe fiction.", he suggested.
"Alright! See ya soon Mepad!", I say.
"See ya.", he says.
I hang up and look over at Pepper. I think she heard cause she nodded and smiled. I smiled back hoping she knew.
Wait. Mephone doesn't know that Mepad is alive. I wonder if Mephone is ever worried about Mepad's safety.
"Hey I'm back.", Mephone says.
"Oh hey!", we both greet.
"So. We gonna head out?", he asked.
"Sure! We're gonna make a- Wait. You're gonna come with us?", Pepper asked.
"Yea sure. I got nowhere to go really. And no money at the moment.", he said.
"Oh. Well. Okay then! We're gonna go to the bookstore real quick.", I said.
"Alright. I don't mind a good book.", he said.
"Alright! Let's go then!'", Pepper exclaimed.
So we make our way to the bookstore. Which was good thing cause if I remember correctly, it was close to the parking lot me and Pepper came in from.
We make it and head in. This place is super big! Okay. Mepad wanted a fiction book. Let's head there then.
I walk to the fiction section to look for books. I'm not sure if Pepper was gonna get one, but I was. I kinda want to read too.
"So. What kind are you looking for?", Mephone asked.
"Oh. Anything really. Wait. You're getting a fiction book too?", I asked.
"Eh. Yea. I like fiction. Takes my mind away from shit.", he said.
"Me too. A nice distraction from bad things.", I agree.
"Too true. Ooo~... I found one.", Mephone cooed.
"What did ya find?", I asked.
"A cool book! It's called 'The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe'.", he said.
"Oh! I've read that before! I love that book!", I say.
"I've never read it before. Is it good?", he asked.
"Yea! It's really good! The movie is amazing too!", I say.
"There's a movie!?", he shouted.
"Oh yea! This is a whole series of books/movies!", I explained.
"Cool! I'll have to read it if I like it.", he muttered.
"Hehe. I think I'll go with Harry Potter... and The Lord of the Wings.", I said.
"Alright. Let's go pay for them.", he said.
I nod and we walk towards the register to go pay. Once we pay we head over to go find Pepper. After a few minutes, we find her at Starbucks.
"Pepper!", I call out.
"Oh! There you two are! I got thirsty! Want anything?", she asked.
"I'll go Mango Dragonfruit Refresher.", Mephone said.
"Um... I'll go for a Carmel Ribbon Crunch Creme Frapachino.", I said.
"Ooo~! Alright! I'll go grab it real quick!", she said.
She was already in line and she was next, so we had to wait. We sat and talked a bit more when Pepper came back.
(I literally stoped writing and made me a homemade Frapachino.... It was tasty -A/N)
"I got the drinks! Here's your Mephone.", Pepper said.
"Thanks Pepper. This looks tasty.", Mephone thanked.
"No problem. And here's yours Balloon.", Pepper said.
"Thanks Pep!", I thanked.
"Pep? Is... that my nickname?", she asked.
"Oh! Um.. Heh... If you want it to be...", I sputter.
"I love it! Thanks Balloon!", she exclaimed.
"N-no p-problem Pep!", I say flustered.
"Awe~~! The others were right! You are cute when your flustered!", Pep exclaimed.
"Pep... please!", I whine.
"This is super wholesome. But let's go now. I'm getting sleepy.", Mephone complained.
"Alright. Let's head out! You found a book for him right?", Pep asked.
"Yep! Got him Lord of the Rings.", I said.
"Not bad.", she said.
"Wait. Who wanted a book?", Mepad asked.
".... A friend.", was all I could hint at.
"That doesn't help at all.", Mephone complained.
We laugh and begin to head out of both the bookstore and the mall. We head to Pep's car and begin out journey to the hotel.
I couldn't help but think about Mepad's reaction to Mephone was going to be. And vise versa. The last time Mephone saw Mepad, was when the aliens came.
This reunion was going to be so cute!
*Mepad's P.O.V*
I was currently in TestTube's lab. She insisted I have routine checks on my hardware and such. Mainly so nothing bad happens in the future.
Not that I don't mind. It was rather important to keep up with my systems. So that's why I'm here.
It's been so nice these past few weeks. Not having to worry about the show felt relaxing. However...
I can't help but think about Mephone. I wonder how he is. It's been so long since I've seen my brother.
"Alright Mepad. Everything looks good!", Tube says.
"That's great. Thanks Test Tube.", I thanked.
"It's no problem. I'll see you down here next month okay?", she said.
"Alright. Take care down here.", I say.
"I will. See ya later!", she said.
"Bye!", I say.
I head to her newly installed elevator and head back to the surface. She installed this since it was a hassle to get back up through the chute.
Once on the surface, I teleport back to the hotel. Microphone was in charge of making lunch today. OJ said he needed a break from cooking, which filled the room with relief.
OJ is a good cook, he just kinda forgets things at time. Paper was no better in the kitchen. And when they cook together, well... it's not ideal.
So OJ needed someone else to cook, and Mic stepped up. I could tell Taco wanted to make move and nominate Balloon for cook.
But the reason she didn't was because she remembered that Balloon only had 1 arm still. I'm sure Balloon would've liked to cook more often, under different circumstances.
I decide to go hangout with Trophy. He was in the middle of looking through pictures, so I wanted to join.
"Hello Trophy.", I greet.
"Hm? Oh. Hey Mepad.", I greets back.
"May I join?", I asked.
"Sure. Just looking through old photos.", he said.
I go sit next to him and see the pictures. Huh. They look rather old. They are of people I've never seen before, I think.
"Trophy. Who are these pictures of?", I asked.
"Heh. Believe it or not. It's of me and Balloon.", he chuckled.
"Really? I couldn't tell.", I say astonished.
"Yep. These are from our high school years.", he said.
"Wow. You two looked so happy and adorable in these.", I say.
"I know. We were both at our happiest back then.", he sighed.
"Was... there something that happened? Something that made you sperate?", I asked.
He paused and just seem to be remembering stuff. He looked rather sad, like it was some bad memories.
"You do not have to answer if it's too personal.", I say in hopes of comforting him.
"It's okay... My dad was this asshole who didn't want me to talk to Balloon again after we graduated.", I explained with anger.
"Oh. I'm so sorry. But hey. This is your life now.", I say softly.
"Heh. Oh I know. And I'm glad. I can call the shots. I don't have to hide my true self anymore.", he says.
We continue to look at the pictures when there was a knock on the door. OJ walks towards the door and opens it.
"Oh! Welcome back you two. How was the trip?", OJ asked.
"It went well! Ended up going to the mall for Hot Topic!", Pepper explained.
"Yea. We couldn't find anything at Walmart. So we went to the mall.", Balloon said.
"Well. It looks like you had fun.", OJ said.
"We did! OH! And you're NEVER going to guess who we ran into!", Pepper said.
"Oh? Who did you find?", OJ asked.
It went a little quiet before OJ gasped in shock. I'm not sure who it was, but it has to be somebody important.
"Come in you guys.", OJ finally said.
Pepper and Balloon both came inside along with the 3rd person. I didn't want to look and be nosy, but I couldn't help it.
I looked over to the door and see Pepper, Balloon, OJ and...
Was that?
"Nothing has changed since a year ago huh?", Mephone pointed out.
"Sadly. No. But hopefully soon.", OJ said.
"Well. Do you have a spare room? I don't really have a place right now.", Mephone asked.
"Yep. You're lucky too! You'll be bunking with Mepad!", OJ said.
"Mepad? OJ. Mepad went missing after episode 14...", Mephone said sadly.
"Mmmm... You might wanna look towards the couch.", OJ hinted.
Mephone looked confused and look towards the couch. I was just staring in shock as Mephone's eyes went wide.
I could see some tears forming in his eyes as he puts a hand to his mouth. I snap out of my shocked state and form a smile.
I walk over to him as he continues to stare in shock and happiness.
"M-mepad?", he whispered.
"Hello again.", I say.
He pullls me into a big deep hug, shaking a bit. I gladly returned the hug as I rubbed his back.
"I missed you so much Mepad...", Mephone whispered.
"I missed you too Mephone....", I whispered back.
We stay like this for what felt like a life time. It felt so amazing seeing my brother once again. I felt something weird in my body... Like an emotion.... because....
I never felt so happy before in my life....
*End of Chapter 51*
Oh well.
Take them as a gift from me!
Cause I really owe you for supporting me through this book!
You guys are so amazing!!
I hoped you enjoyed this special chapter!
(I also added 2 of my ocs!! Just cause I can. ;3)
(And to the person who's been needing to see Mephone again. You're welcome!)
I'll see you next week!!
(Hopefully on Friday... if not on Saturday!)
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