Chapter 50: The Start Of Something More
(Hello There.... /ref - A/N)
*1 week later*
*Balloon's P.O.V*
I'm beginning to feel more comfortable around everyone.
It's nice not having to constantly worry about my insecurities getting the best of me.
Sure I have the bad days, but I can always count on Trophy and Suitcase to make me feel better.
Having 1 arm still feels weird, but I'm slowly getting used to it. But, It's hard to not see it everyday.
Like, I really want to do things! But I can't! Because most things require 2 arms!
I don't like asking for help. It makes me feel too dependent on others. Trophy knows this all to well.
Because he's right here next to me helping me bake. Yea I'm baking. I just felt like it today.
I'm making sugar cookies because I wanted some. Trophy is rolling out the dough while I was looking for some cookie cutters.
"Hey I found some!", I shout.
"Nice! What kind are they?", Trophy asked.
"Hmm.... It looks like generic shapes. Hearts, stars, circles, some flowers.", I say.
"Cool. Grab the flower ones! We have anything to decorate the cookies with?", he asks.
"I think we do. We should have some cookie frosting and gel we could use.", I say.
"Let's do it then! I'm almost done rolling this out.", he explained.
"Okay! I'll go look for some!", I shout.
"Alright little buddy!", he says.
I bring out the flower cookie cutters and head to the cabinets. Okay... Frosting. Where would OJ put it..
Man, this thing is huge. How am I going to find the frosting here?
"Hey I'm done here. Want me to cut them out?", Trophy asks.
"Yea if you want! I'm still searching for the frosting.", I say.
"Okay! I'll leave some for you. I know you like cutting them out.", he chuckles.
"Thanks bro!", I thanked.
"No problem.", he says.
Okay. Now where the hell is the frosting!? Ugh! I can't find it!
I bang my head on the door in frustration. I don't want to ask for help. Trophy's doing so much for me anyways.
"Hey! What's going on in here?", I hear a voice.
I look over and see Paintbrush and Lightbulb entering. They were holding hands, which was cute.
"Oh hey you two. Balloon and I are making cookies.", Trophy states.
"Omga! Cool!! Balloon you can bake!?", Lightbulb asks in shock.
"U-um.. y-yea.", I confess all flustered.
"So cool!!", she yells out.
"Bulb. Could you not yell? Their senstive remember?", Paintbrush reminds her.
"Oh yea! Sorry Loonster!", Lightbulb apologizes.
"I-it's okay.", I say.
"Hm. You look a little down. You okay?", Painty asks.
"I-i'm okay. I just can't find the frosting for the cookies.", I confess.
"Oh? I can help! I know where they are!", Lightbulb exclaimed.
"You do?! Oh thanks Bulb!", I thanked.
"Anytime! Here! It's up here!", she says.
She goes to a different cabinet and it has a bunch of stuff for baking. Woah! I've never seen so many baking materials!
"What kind of frosting do u want?" Lightbulbs asks.
"Um. Buttercream please. Do you have food coloring?", I asked.
"Yea! We have lots of colors!", she says.
"Can you grab some blue, red and yellow coloring?", I asked.
"Sure! You gonna mix them in with the buttercream?", she supected.
"Heh. Yea! And make some pretty flowers!", I explained.
"Oooo~~! I wanna make some!" , she exclaimed.
"You can help if you want!", I say.
"Awesome! Thanks Loon!", she thanked.
"No problem!", I say.
"Heh. I might as well stay too then. Can't pass up an chance like that.", Paintbrush says.
"No duh. Your the artist of this place. Other than Balloon that is.", Trophy states.
"Troph! They don't know that!", I shout.
"Actually. We do know.", Paintbrush says.
"Wait. You do!?", I shout in shock.
"Oh yea!!! That painting we found a few months ago!", Lightbulb exclaimed.
They found my painting!? Oh god! I didn't think anyone would find it!
"Y-you found that painting?", I asked all nervous.
"Yea. Lightbulb found it. We didn't know who it belonged to.", Paintbrush started.
"So we went to Paper and asked if he could help out! And then we found out that you painted it!", Lightbulb finished.
"O-oh. W-wow. Um.. That's quite the story.", I say flustered.
"I know. I have the pitcure hanging on the wall in the art room.", Paintbrush explained.
"Y-you did?", I asked all flustered.
"Yep! It's in a nice pretty frame too!", Lightbulb stated happily.
"Oh wow...", was all I could say.
"You look like a tomato bro. Hahah.", Trophy laughs.
"Mmmm... Callete tu!", I shout in Spanish.
"Pft- Lo siento hermano.", he apologized.
"Mmm... esta bien hermano..", I mutter.
"Woah! Painty! Their speaking morse code!", Lightbulb exclaimed.
"No they're not Lighty. I'm pretty sure that's Spanish.", Paintbrush explained.
"It's Spanish. Balloon is Hispanic. I just picked it up since he's my bestie.", Trophy explained.
"What!! That's so cool!", Lightbulb exclaimed.
"Mmm... Gracias...", I mutter all flustered.
"Heh. But in all seriousness. That painting you painted is amazing.", Paintbrush praised.
I can feel myself getting more flustered as my cheeks become even hotter. Gosh. It feels like if I get any hotter, I'll pop!
"Awe~! Don't feel all embarressed Balloon! You're painting is amazing!", Lightbulb says.
"G-g-gracias.... Me algrea que te g-guste mi p-pintura...", I thanked in Spanish.
"What?", Lightbulb asked quite puzzled.
"He's saying that he's glad you two like his painting.", Trophy answers.
I'm way to flustered to explain, so I nod in comfimation. I'm glad Trophy knows how flustered I get.
When I'm super flustered or embarrassed, I speak Spanish. It takes me a minute to calm down, so I'll be fine.
"Awe~! You're welcome Balloon!!", Lightbulb exclaimed.
"Heh. No problem Balloon. You should paint more often.", Paintbrush praised.
I only nod in response. I was way too flustered to say anything right now. What was it we were doing again?
Oh yea! Cookies! I walk towards Trophy to cut out some flower cookies. Well, attempt to cut them out anyways.
I grab one of the cookie cutters and press them into the cookie batter. Hey! It looks pretty good! Thank god I didn't ruin it.
"Ooo~! Nice job bro.", Trophy praised.
"Mmm... G-gracias hermano...", I mutter.
(I'm gonna put translations in for the Spanish parts!!! - A/N)
"No problem little bro.", he says.
"You two are siblings!?", Lightbulb asks.
"No we're not siblings! We look nothing alike!", Trophy shouts.
"You could be step brothers.", Paintbrush butts in.
"True. But we're not. We're just best friends.", Trophy defended.
I nod in response to this. Me and Trophy weren't brothers by blood, but by bond? We were so close, we could be considered brothers.
"So you're not related? Really!?", Lightbulb exclaimed.
"Nope. Not by blood at all. But by bond, we're the best of brothers.", Trophy explained with glee.
"Y-yea! B-brothers for ever!", I shouted in glee.
"AWE~~!!! That's so cute~!!", Lightbulb gushed.
"I agree. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen. And it's coming from Trophy.", Paintbrush teased.
"And what's THAT supposed to mean!?", Trophy asked.
"Oh nothing ya softie.", Paintbrush teased.
"Oh hush Paint.", Trophy grumbled.
I couldn't help but chuckle. Trophy may be all rough and tough on the outside. But when you really get to know him, he's the best brother you could ever ask for!
We continue to banter and talk as we cut our more flower shaped cookies. Once those were done, Trophy puts them in the oven.
While those bake, Lightbulb helps me make the buttercream for the cookies. We have some pretty pastel colors for the flowers!
The cookies were finally ready and Trophy took them out and set them to cool on a cooling rack. They smell so good!
"Balloon these smell amazing!", Lightbulb exclaimed.
"Yea! I've never smelt anything more delicious before!", Paintbrush said.
"Balloon is so amazing in the kitchen. Like you have no fucking idea how good his food is.", Trophy praised.
"Shush Trophy!", I shout.
"Nope. Not until they taste more of your food.", Trophy says.
"Wait. We've had his food before?", Paintbrush asked.
"I think so! Was it the potato and egg from a week ago?", Lightbulb quesioned.
"Yep. Balloon made the potato and egg that day.", Trophy confessed.
"What! Nobody told us that!", Paintbrush exclaimed.
"Wait what?! OJ didn't tell you!?", Trophy shouted.
"Um. No? Was he supposed to?", Lightbulb asked.
"Yes! He said he would!", Trophy said.
"I'm glad he didn't...", I mumbled.
"Why not? Those potato and eggs were amazing!!", Lightbulb praised.
"Yea. It made me crave more all week.", Paintbrush added.
"See bro. They love your food.", Trophy said.
"I...", I started.
I couldn't speak. I was not only super flustered, but very moved. I didn't think anybody would like my cooking.
But hearing Lightbulb and Paintbrush say that they generally liked my food, from a week ago. It made me feel, really good about myself.
I smile at them, feeling happy. They smile back as Trophy goes to the cookies.
"Hey. The cookies are cool. Let's frost these babies.", Trophy said.
"Alright! Come on you two!", Lightbulb said.
She then raced to the cookies and grabbed a yellow piping bag. Paintbrush chuckles as they walk towards the cookies as well.
I was about to go when I heard talking. I look out and see Baseball and Nickel talking. They look so happy together.
Suitcase said that they were dating when I came home. I felt sadden by that statement, but I never understood why.
Part of me just wants to cry because of this. Another part of me just wants to go up to them and peck their cheeks.
I feel myself blush at that thought. I wouldn't mind kissing them honestly. But why? I'm dating Suitcase already!?
Would I really want to cheat on her? Would I really want to hurt her with kissing Baseball and Nickel?
Would it be cheating if she was involved? Gah! Why is this so confusing!? Why am I thinking like this!?
I slightly snap out of my thoughts and see Nickel glance over at me. Holy- he looked so cool doing that. And a little-
"Loon. You gonna decorate some cookies bro?", I hear Trophy ask.
"Oh! Y-yea! Coming!", I say.
I take one last look at Nickel and Baseball. Nickel gives me a small smile, and I smile back. I feel my face heat up, so I quickly walk over to Trophy.
Why can't I get these feelings out my mind?
*Nickel's P.O.V*
Balloon left to go make cookies just now. Or decorate them anyways.
Gosh, he looked so cute! No stop! I can't be thinking like that right now!
Ugh! Why do feelings have to be so fucking weird!?
"Nick. You okay sweetheart?", I hear Baseball ask.
"Huh? O-oh! yea! I-i'm fine.", I answer.
"You sure? You seem a little tense.", he said.
"Ugh.... My feelings are being so... weird.", I mutter.
"Oh? How so?", he asked.
"Can we go somewhere private? I don't want anyone listening.", I whispered.
"Sure. Let's go to the docks.", he suggested.
"Alright.", I said.
We get up from the couch and begin to head outside. Before I do, I take one last look inside the kitchen.
I see Balloon looking so damn adorble as he does his best to pipe the cookies. Being that he only has arm, that can be proven very difficult.
I feel my face warm up as I hastly walk outside. Ugh. Why am I feeling like this towards Balloon!?
We haven't really interacted since he came back from hospital. Maybe I should soon. Apologize to him for being shitty towards him and what not.
"We're here dude.", Baseball announced.
"The fuck? Already?", I said shocked.
"Pft- Yea. Pay more attention to your surroundings man.", Baseball joked.
"S-shut up.", I mutter.
"So. What's been eating you hun?", he asked.
"Man... *sigh* I keep getting these feelings in my chest....", I mutter.
"Oh? What kind of feelings?", he pryed.
"The same feelings I feel when I'm around you...", I mutter.
"What? Are you playing a joke on me?", he asked.
"N-no! I'm not! I wish I was, but... ugh!!!", I shout frusterated.
"Hey. It's okay hun. But. Who do you like? Other than me?", Baseball asked.
"This is going to sound weird... but... *sigh* It's Balloon.", I confess.
"Balloon? Really?", he asked shocked.
"Yea! I have no clue why! Not only that, but everytime I see him, I feel all warm!", I confess.
"I think you have a crush on him dude.", Baseball says.
"You think!? The worst part is... I HAVE NO CLUE WHY!!", I shout.
"You don't?", he asked.
"NO! Look. I love you a lot! But I can't help but daydream about waking up next to Balloon as well! It's so fucking weird!", I shout.
"I don't think it is.", he said.
"Y-you don't?", I asked in shock.
"Yea. I don't think it's weird at all.", he says.
"Really? Why?", I asked.
"Cause. I feel the same when I see him, and Suitcase.", he confessed.
"Wait. Suitcase too?", I asked.
"Yep. It's confusing to me too.", he said.
"Woah. So, we're both crushing on other people while dating each other.", I say.
"Yea. Do you think it's a sign?", he asks.
"Maybe? I honestly have no clue.", I sigh.
"Hmm. You know. We should all hangout.", he suggested.
"Yea. But it's gonna be weird. We haven't hung with Balloon at all.", I mutter.
"Yea... But look on the bright side. We can finally apologize to him.", he said.
"That's true. I know he won't accept right away, but making amends wouldn't hurt.", I say.
"That's the spirt hun!", Baseball said in glee.
"Heh. Let's go back. Those cookies in there smelt amazing.", I say.
"They did! I wonder who made them!", Baseball gasped.
"I think it was Balloon. I saw him in there with Trophy, Lightbulb and Paintbrush decorating them.", I say.
"What!? He can bake!?", he shouted in confusion.
"I guess! Man. He's so talented...", I sigh dreamly.
"I know. *sigh* Man. Balloon really stole our hearts huh?", he say all in love.
"You bet. You know. Now I'm starting to think Suitcase is cute.", I say.
"She is so cute tho. God damnit. This crush is going to kill me.", he says.
"Let's not think about it right now.", I say.
"Yea. Otherwise I'm going to die in embarrassment.", he chuckles.
"You and me both babe.", I chuckle in agreement.
With that, we get up and start walking back to the hotel. I'm glad I got that out of my system. But it only led to more confusement.
Not only did Baseball feel the same, but we're both crushing hard on 2 people! How did this even happen!?
We make it back to the hotel and head inside. Immediately, we are met with the amazing aroma of sugar cookies. GOD IT SMELLS SO FUCKING GOOD!!
We walk into the kitchen to see what the finished product was. I see Balloon sitting on the counter with Lightbulb and.. He looks so cute!!
"It smells so good in here you guys.", I say.
"You bet it does! Balloon made cookies!", Lightbulb says gleefully.
"Wait. Balloon made these?", Baseball asked.
"Yep. Balloon is a really good baker.", Trophy praised.
"He must be! Cause we just came in and it already smells soo good!", I praise.
From the corner of my eye, I see Balloon growing red. Is he embarrased, or super flustered? Whatever the case, he was super red!
He groans as he does his best to hide his growing blush. Again, hard to do so when you only have 1 arm. Even harder when you have zero!
(Side note! All armless characters have robotic arms that they attatch and de-tactch. :3 - A/N )
"Hehe. Are you okay Balloon?", Baseball asked.
"Y-yea... Just a little... flustered.", Balloon says.
"Why? Is it cause we complimented you?", Baseball asked.
"Y-yea... I-i'm not... used to compliments.", Balloon confesses.
"Damn. That sucks. You'll get used to it though.", I comfort him.
"O-oh.. U-um.. T-thanks Nickel.", he says.
He smiles so sweetly at me I really thought I was gonna fall flat and die. He's so damn cute! Wait! I need to say something!
"N-no problem Balloon.", I stutter slightly.
"Hey Balloon. We, um. Wanted to invite you and Suitcase to hangout tomorrow if that's okay with you.", Baseball says.
"O-oh? U-um... y-yea! Sure! I got nothing planned a-anyways.", Balloon says.
"Cool! Does 1 pm soound good?", Baseball asks.
"Sure! W-where are we going?", Balloon agrees.
"We have no clue yet. But we wanted to invite you cause we haven't hungout yet.", I say.
"O-oh! O-okay then!", he says happily.
"You guys want a cookie? It's so good.", Paintbrush asks.
"Hell yea I'll take one!", I say.
"Sure! They smell so amazing.", Baseball says.
We head to them and grab a cookie. They looked like flowers, which was really cool. I grabbed one and took a bit out of it.
"BALLOON! THESE ARE AMAZING!", I shout in glee.
"Nickel is right. These are so good!", Baseball praised.
"T-thank y-you...", Balloon thanked.
"No problem dude!", I say.
We all continue to talk for the time just cause. While talking, I would glance at Balloon from time to time.
Sometimes we made eye contact, and he blushed and looked away. Gosh, this stupid crush of mine is soo bad!!
Tomorrow is going to toture for sure!!
*The next day*
*Time: 12 pm*
*Balloon's P.O.V*
Today is the day I'm hanging out with Baseball, Suitcase and Nickel. I'm so nervous!!
I don't know why!? Suitcase is my girlfriend!
Nickel and Baseball were, um... Mutural friends I guess!?
"Taco!! I need help!", I shout in desperation.
"With what? I'm busy.", Taco groans.
"Busy with what!? Talking to your girlfriend?", I asked smugly.
"Mic is NOT my girlfriend Balloon!", she hissed.
"I never said Mic's name tho~!", I said.
"I-I... Ugh! Damnit.", she groaned in defeat.
"Hehehe. So can you help me please??", I plead.
"Fine.. What do u need help with?", she asked.
"I'm hanging out today with Nickel, Baseball and Suitcase. But I'm so nervous!", I shout.
"Really? Why?", she asked.
"Because I have a crush on Nickel and Baseball. AND because I've never hungout with them!", I confess.
"Wait. YOU have a crush on 2 other people!?", she asked in shock.
Oh shit! I didn't mean to say that! Now she's gonna think I'm weird!
"Man. You must be lucky or some shit.", she says.
"What?", I asked.
"You having not ONLY a girlfriend currently. But you're crushing on 2 other people who probably like you back. That's cool.", she replies.
"Y-you.. you don't think it's weird?", I asked.
"Not really. I mean. Love who you want dude. Nobody's gonna say shit.", she says.
"I-i guess. B-but... It still feels weird and confusing.", I mutter.
"I think you're polyamorous Balloon.", she says.
"Poly- what?", I asked.
"Polyamorous. Where you want to experience/practice being in a relationship with multiple people.", she stated.
"W-woah. You think I could be polyamorous?", I asked.
"Maybe. You did say you have a crush on Nickel and Baseball right?", she asked.
"Y-yea.", I answer.
"And you want to kiss them and cuddle them like you do with Suitcase right?", she pryed.
"Y-yea. Just thinking about it makes me all giddy.", I say in a dreamy like way.
"Then that proves my case. You might be polyamorous.", she smirks.
"M-maybe.... do you think Suitcase will be okay with this?", I asked.
"Who knows. Maybe she will be.", she says.
"Thanks for the slight help Taco.", I thanked.
"Eh. No problem. Now... don't you have a date to go on?", she asked smugly.
"I-it's not a date Taco!", I shout emmbarassed.
"Sure.", she jokes.
I quickly grab my clothes and head to the restroom to change. I grabbed a nice turtle neck with a pair of jeans and boots. The turtle neck wasn't a longsleeve per say, but it felt comfy.
Once I get dressed, I look at myself in the mirror. Not bad! Just need to do my hair. Hmm... How to style it...
"Maybe I should get Trophy to help.", I mutter.
I step out the restroom and grab my mini backpack. I brought one about 4 days ago! I aboslutely love it and I take it everywhere I go!
It's a cute TMNT backpack! It has pizza and all the turtle's on it in a super adorbale chibi style! I really love it!
"Heading out?", Taco asked.
"Not yet. I still have time. But I need to do my hair.", I say.
"Then go in the restroom?", she said.
"I can't think of a hair style. So I'm heading to Trophy's room.", I said.
"He can do hair?", she asked confused.
"Yep! I know. He's a big tough guy. But deep down, he's super cool.", I say.
"I know that. Just never expected him to be good with hair.", she said.
"Heh. Well. See ya Taco!", I say.
"See ya! Tell me how it goes later!", she shouts.
I walk out and start heading towards Trophy's room. Thank god he's only on the 3rd floor. I take the stairs and walked to his room.
Once I'm in front of his room I knock. I stand there for a minute before hearing a muffled "Come in". So I open the door to let myself in.
"Trophy? Are you in here?", I asked.
"Balloon? What's up bro?", Trophy asked.
"Hey! I need help.", I said.
"Oh yea! You're going on a date today huh?", he joked.
"It's not a date! We're just hanging out.", I say flustered.
"I know. So. Looks like you need help with your hair yea?", he suspected.
"Y-yep! I don't know what to do with it.", I sigh.
"Well come here then. I'll help ya out.", he says.
"Thanks Troph!", I thanked.
"No problem.", he said.
So I walk over to his desk chair and sit down. He walks over to his restroom and grabs hair materials. Once he has everything, he comes back and puts them on the desk.
He's brushing my hair so it's ready to be styled. He stops and I assuming looking at it. I head him hum in some sort of confusion.
Why does hair have to be so hard!? Suddenly I hear him snap his fingers and get back to work on my hair.
He grabs some of my hair and brushes it. He grabs a ponytail and begins to do what he does best.
This feels so nice. I slightly doze off when I hear Trophy cough.
"Loon.", he says.
"Yea?", I asked.
"I'm done.", he said.
"Already?", I asked in shock.
"We've been here for like 40 minutes. But yea, I'm done.", he states.
"Oh. I must've dozed off.", I said.
"You did. But I like the out come.", he said.
He hands me a mirror so I can see his work. Woah. My hair was mostly up, save for a little bit. And some of my hair was around my face, like a face frame style.
"So? What do you think?", he asked.
"I love it! Thanks bro!", I thanked.
"No problem! Now. Go have fun on your date!", he jokes.
"Not a date!", I shout.
"Pft- Sure bud! Let me know how it goes!", he said.
"Okay! Bye Trophy!", I say.
"See ya!", he waves.
I walk out of his room and began to head towards the elevator. I head in and head to the 1st floor. I make it soon after and walk towards the living area.
"Balloon!", Suitcase calls out.
"Hey Suits!", I greet.
"There you are! Thought you wouldn't show!", Baseball says.
"Heh. S-sorry if I'm late! Needed help with my hair.", I apologize.
"Nah. It's fine dude. You look really nice by the way.", Nickel compliments.
"R-really?", I asked.
"Yea! You look amazing!", Baseball praised.
"You look super Balloon.", Suitcase compliments.
"Awe~ T-thanks guys!", I say all flustered.
"No problem.", Nickel smirks.
"So. Where are we going guys?", Suits asks.
"Maybe an arcade?", Baseball suggested.
"That sounds good!", I say.
"Then let's go then!", Nick says.
We all head out the door and head into Baseball's car. He starts the car and drives to a nearby arcade.
Me, Nicks, and Suits all talk and banter while Baseball drives. Baseball doesn't really talk while driving cause he thinks he's going to crash and stuff.
Either way, we were all laughing and talking. This felt so... nice. It felt right. I know Nickel hurt me in the past, but I didn't really care about that right now.
Just us talking like some long time friends was enough for me. I don't forgive him yet, but making amends with him feels right.
"Hey guys! We're here.", Baseball announces.
"Awesome!", Nickel shouts.
"Cool!", I shout.
"Yay!", Suits shouts.
Baseball parks the car and when the car stops, Nickel practically flies out of the car. He must be super hyper to come here.
"Nick! Calm down dude!", Baseball said.
"No way! I'm so pumped right now!", Nick said.
"My gosh. You're acting childish.", Suits joked.
"Am not!", he fought back.
"Are too! Look at you! You're bouncing right now!", Suits argued back.
"I can't help it! I love the arcade!", Nick said.
"My god... *chuckles* you're too much you know that?", Base said.
"How dare you!", Nickel gasped dramatically.
I giggled at the banter as I get out the car myself. This group was so lively sometimes. I wish this is the group I had when we were all still competing on I.I 2...
We all made our way inside the arcade and took in the atmosphere. Baseball went to go buy the tickets and what not. This place was so cool!
"Hey Balloon. Could we talk somewhere?", Nickel asked.
"Um. Sure. Suits we'll be back ok?", I said.
"Oh okay! See ya!", Suits said.
Me and Nickel walk to a somewhat private area, but not too private. I wonder what he wanted to tell me.
"So... What did you need?", I asked.
"Well. *sigh* I just... wanted to say... (I'm sorry).", he started.
"What? I couldn't hear you...", I said.
"I... *sigh* I'm sorry...", he said.
"Sorry? For what?", I asked.
"For everything. I'm sorry for the way I treated you back in season 2. I realize that you won't forgive me so easily. But I just needed to get this off of my chest.", he said.
"I'm not the best with words, but I really am sorry. I hope we can make amends and just... be friends.", he finished.
As he finished, he sorta looked to the side. Probably a little emmbarrased. I was a little shocked. I never expected Nickel to apologized, but I'm glad he did.
"I can't forgive you yes... but we can still make amends.", I say.
"I would like that. Thanks for giving me another chance Balloon.", he says.
"You're welcome. And thank you for apologizing.", I thanked.
"No problem. I've been meaning to for a LONG time now.", he chuckles.
"Heh. Let's head back now.", I say.
"Okay.", he says.
So we head back to the main enterance of the place. Once there, we see Baseball and Suitcase waiting for us.
"Ah! You're back!", Suits exaimed.
"There you two are! Where did you go?", Base asked.
"Just needed to get something off of my chest.", Nick said.
"Mhm. Nickel apologized to me and now we're good.", I explained.
"Aw! That's nice of you Nick!", Base said.
"Y-yea. Heh.", Nick said.
"Thanks for apologizing Nickel.", Suits said.
"It's nothing. Just.... Needed to do it.", Nick said.
"Let's go play some games now!", I shout in glee.
The others nod in agreement. We head more in the arcade and stare in excitement at the sight. This place looks soo cool!
We are going to have so much fun here!
*2 hours later*
Holy crap! We've been here for 2 hours! But this was so much fun! We have a bunch of tickets too!
"What are we gonna buy with the tickets?", Suits asks.
"Who knows! Let's go see what the prize corner has!", Nickel exclaimed.
"Okay then! Let's go!", Base said.
"Yea!", I shout.
We all went towards the prize area and holy cow! There are so many cool prizes! Sure some may be useless, but still!
"Okay. We're all getting one thing. Alright?", Baseball said.
"Yep!", we all said in union.
We all giggled at that as we go through the small corner to look for something. My eyes get instantly drawn to the plushies.
There were so many plushies! How am I going to choose one!? Oh man!!
They were all so cute!!! My eyes wander until I spot a group of fucking adorable plushies. I walk over to them and stare in awe.
They were cat plushies in the form of coffee! Like some sort fusion between them! It was so cute!!
I am SO getting one!! But which one should I get!? I look at them all and see a cute calico cat one!
I pick up that one and oh my god. It's so fucking fluffy!! I think I'm going to get this one!
"Balloon! Did you pick a prize?", I hear Baseball ask.
"Yep! I'm getting this!", I say.
I bring up the cat-coffee plushie and show it to Baseball. He chuckles at my small child-like manner.
"Aw~! That's so cute!", he cooed.
"I know! Did the others choose?", I asked.
"Yep. Waiting on you.", he said.
"Oh! Sorry! I didn't mean to make you all wait!", I apologized.
"Aw! It's okay dude! I took a little long too.", he confessed.
I chuckle a bit and we both walk to the register. Suits and Nick were there waiting for us. They wave and we pay for the prizes.
We each got something super unique! I got a plushie, Baseball got some glowsticks. Nickel got a bag of bouncy balls and Suits got a mini gumball machine.
We leave the arcade and begin out journey home. Today was so fun! I can't wait to hangout like this again!
This certainly did not help my growing crush at all. But I didn't mind one bit. I decided to just accept my crush on Baseball and Nickel.
I couldn't really help but think about them as Suits laid on me. I smile knowing that Suits, Base, Nick and I will continue to grow in our friendship.
I could tell... That this was going to be the start of something more.
*End of Chapter 50*
Maybe a few more chapters?
Like forgiveness and finally getting our 2 relationships going?
That seems like a good point yea?
Some more fun silly chapters and then end it?
I'm not sure.... TwT
I'm so glad to be back!
And since I ALSO hit 50 followers...
I'm going to do something to my profile!
So be on the look out for that!
And since I'm nice.
Look forward to a new chapter tomorrow!!
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