Chapter 49: Best Friend Outing
(*Sorry if this seemed rushed! I had to finish this before I left for my vacation!! - Past A/N*)
*1 week later*
*Balloon's P.O.V*
"Balloon~... Wake up bud.", I hear a voice call out.
"Mmm.... Nooo....", I mutter.
"Loon... Come one dude. Wake up.", they say louder.
"Ngh.... Fine...", I mutter.
I slowly open my eyes and see a blurry figure. I blink a few times and see Trophy in front of me.
"Morning sleepyhead!", he says.
"Mmm... Morning..", I slightly mutter.
"Heh. Come on. We gotta go!", he whispers.
"What? Wait.. What time is it?", I asked.
"It's about 5:30 am.", he said.
"What!?", I shout.
"Shh! Your gonna wake Taco!", he whisper shouts.
I look over and see that she's still asleep. I nearly forgot she was my roommate!
"Sorry.", I apologized.
"It's okay bud. Now come on! Let's go!", he says excitedly.
"Go where?", I asked.
"You'll see.", was all he said.
I nod and hop out of bed. Since it didn't matter, I didn't bother changing. I do want to fix my hair though.
"Can I fix my hair?", I asked.
"I'll fix it when we get to our place.", Trophy says.
"Ooo~! Okay!", I say excitcedly.
I love it when Trophy does my hair!! His mom tought him how to fix hair and he's like, amazing at it!
I follow him out my room and eventually out the hotel. Wow! It's kinda dark out here, I hope he knows where he's going!
"Do you know where you're going bro?", I asked.
"Yep. I take this trail everyday. There's this amazing place I want to show ya. You're going to LOVE it!", he explained.
"Okay! I trust you bro!", I exclaimed.
We continue to walk for another 10 minutes when he puts his hands over my eyes.
"What the-!? Trophy!", I say a little scared.
"Relax dude... I don't wanna spoil the surprise. I'll guide ya okay?", he says reassuringly.
"O-okay..", I stutter.
I calm down a bit and Trophy guides me to our destination. I wonder where we're going. It just has to be something super pretty!
After what feels like another good 5 minutes, we come to a stop. Why did we stop?
"Okay. We're here.", he says.
"Really!? Awesome!", I exclaim.
"Heh. I'm going to remove my eyes now okay?", he explained.
"Okay!", I say.
I feel hands leaving my face and I blink a bit due to the slight light. Once my vision is not blurry, I take in the sight in front of me....
Holy shit...
This is so....
It's a very pretty field with flowers. Not a flower field per say, but like a flower bed? I have no clue. But it just looks... Like something out of a fairytale.
"Woah~.... This looks...", I gasp in awe.
"Breath taking?", he finishes.
"Yea... So breath taking...", I gasp again.
"I knew you would like it.", he chuckled.
I couldn't really respond because I was just in awe of the scene in front of me. I could just stay here forever honestly.
"I set up a small place for us. Come on.", he says.
I nod and follow him. We walk a few feet and see a small picnic set up. Not like a romantic type picnic!
We're both in relationships! Yes, Trophy told me he was dating Cheesy. They're such a cute couple!
Moving on, it looked like there was a small breakfast for us. Thank god! I'm a little hungy, which is weird.
Hang on... It's not that weird. I have insomnia, so this wasn't new to me. Eating 2 breakfasts is actually nice!
"You set up a picnic?", I asked.
"Yea. Thought you might be hungry. It's nothing big.", he explained.
"It's fine. We're gonna eat later anyways when it's actually breakfast.", I say.
"Well actually.. I still owe ya that day out. So I figured we could do it today.", he explained.
"Oh yea! We total can! I nearly forgot about that.", I exclaimed.
"Of course you would.", he joked.
"What's that's supposed to mean!?", I asked in a dramatic way.
"Oh nothing you airhead.", he smirks.
"How dare you! I'm not an airhead!", I gasp dramatically.
"I know. I'm kidding bud.", he smiles.
"Heh. I know your joking.", I smile back.
We snack and talk for a good while and it felt nice. It was around 7 when Trophy gasp.
"It's almost time!", he said excitedly.
"Almost time for what?", I asked.
"Take a look!", he pointed.
I look to where he was pointing and-
It was a sunrise! Holy crap! It looks so pretty!!
We both don't say anything. We were both just too mesmerized by the sunrise. After the sun was up, was when we both came back into reality.
"Wasn't that amazing?", Trophy asked.
"Yea.. It was so amazing!", I shout in glee.
"I love coming here to get pictures of the sunrise. I thought I would bring you here to experience it with me.", he says.
"Awe~! Thanks Trophy! This was a great way to start a day!", I say in glee.
"I know right? Anyways, It's like 7:10 now. Let's go get some actual breakfast.", he suggested.
"Heck yea! I'm getting hungry.", I say.
"Wait. Let me do that hair like I promised.", he said.
"Oh yea! Please do! I love it when you do!", I say in glee.
I crawl in front of him and he undos my messy ponitytail. I can feel what I can assume a brush going through my hair.
Man... This is so relaxing. I could just fall asleep again. He has this super soft touch when he messes with hair.
Which is wierd cause his hands are super rough and tough. I mean, he can break a person's nose with just one punch!! Trust me, I've seen it a fair amount of times in my life!
I have no clue what Trophy is doing back there, but I could care less. Just as long as it doesn't make me look bad.
"And done! I made it look like your normal style. I just added some flowers cause I can.", he said.
"Ooo~! I'm going to need to look at it later! Come on! Let's go back and change.", I said.
"Alright! Wanna eat at the hotel? Or somewhere else?", I asked.
"Hmm... Somewhere else. Like a cute cafe!", I suggested.
"Okay!", he agreed.
So with that, we get up and begin to head back to the hotel. This was a nice start to my day. And it was about to get better!
After a good 15 minutes, we make it back to the hotel. We step inside and I can smell some sort of burning.
I rush to the kitchen and see OJ trying to make something. He must've heard me run in and accepted fate and looked over.
"Balloon? I wasn't expecting you to be awake!", he said shocked.
"What's burning!? It smells like potatoes!", I asked.
"Haha... I'm trying to make this potato and egg... again.", he explained.
"Again? You tried before? Wait.. did you say potato and egg???", I asked.
"Yea. Knife had suggested it a while back. I tried before.. but I burnt the potatoes..", he explained all flustered.
"Well duh! I can smell it! Did you leave the temperature at high!?", I asked.
"Um... yea? I thought it would get done quicker.", he confessed.
"You're supposed to keep it on a low/medium! And you need to use oil and butter!", I explained.
"You are?", he asked.
"Yes you pendejo!", I shout.
"Pft-! Hahahaha!!!", I hear Trophy laugh from behind.
"Ugh. Here. Let me help ya... I got time to spare.", I say.
"Um... Okay I guess.", OJ said in slight defeat.
I grab some potatoes and start peeling them to the best of my abilities. It's really hard to do with..... only one hand...
I start to feel a little insecure, but push it down. I can worry about that later. Ugh. This is hard!
"Troph! Can you help me with the potatoes? I can't peel them... or cut them..", I say.
"Sure thing bud.", Trophy responds.
He walks over and I hand him the peeler. He peels the potatoes and cuts them while I get the other stuff ready.
I grabbed the oil, butter and a spatula. I get the pan ready as I wait for Trophy.
"Here ya go bud. All nice and ready for your masterpiece!", Trophy says.
"Thanks! And it's not a masterpiece bro.", I say.
"Um. Yes it is! I've had your potato and egg before! It's like the best thing ever!!", he argues back.
"It's not that good...", I respond.
"Just take the compliment or I will shove it down your throat gently.", he 'threatens'.
"Okay! My food is decent.", I half confess.
"It's better than decent. It's like magic man!", he boasts.
"Okay stop. You're distracting me and making me all flustered.", I mutter.
"Fine. But just wait until the others talk praise about your food!", he says.
"We won't be here when they do find out it was me and not OJ.", I reminded him.
"I can tell them if you want!", OJ says.
"Yes! Thank you OJ!", Trophy thanks.
"No! Don't tell them!", I shout.
"I think I will tell.. and even record their reactions.", OJ smirks.
"Oh god! No!!!", I shout in horror.
"Come on bro! It'll be fine! More people need to know how AWESOME you are at cooking!", Trophy says.
The only ones who do know about my cooking are Trophy, my dad, my tio, Taco, and Mepad. That's enough praise already!
I turn back to the potatoes all flustered. I can't take a compliment for the life of me... I'm going to be a tomato later when OJ shows me the video.
Oh! The potatoes are nearly done! Cool! I grab the eggs and start cracking them. Once all the eggs are cracked, I mix them and then pour it into the pan.
Oooo~! That sizzle sound always makes me happy! It's like I can just avoid all the bad things in my life!
"That sounds so good Loonster!", Trophy boasts.
"Shush. No more praises from you! I'm a blushing mess as it is!", I mutter.
"Heh. Sorry bro.", he apologizes.
"Wow. This smells amazing Balloon!", OJ boasts.
"Mmmm... Thanks...", I mutter.
"No problem! You should cook more often!", he offers.
"Thanks... but I'm okay.", I say.
"What!? Come on bro! You totally could! OJ burns things all the time!", Trophy begs.
"I do not!", OJ counters.
"Yes you do! Not all the time, but a good chunck of the time man!", Trophy argues.
"You make a valid point.", OJ says in defeat.
"Heh. I really would.. but-", I start.
"Don't say that your food isn't good. Cause news flash! It is!", Trophy interupts.
"I.. Wasn't going to say that...", I hesitate.
"Sure. But.. It's not the only reason.. is it?", Trophy asks.
"... No...", I say.
"... It's about your arm isn't it?", he asked.
I didn't say anyhing, so I just gave a small nod. I hear footsteps and feel myself being pulled into a hug.
"Don't worry Loon... You'll learn to cope... I promise.", Trophy whispers.
".. Thanks Troph...", I whisper back.
He ruffles my hair a bit and lets go. I finish up the potato and egg while I was at it. Wait... What was OJ going to make to eat this with!?
"OJ? What are you going to eat this with?", I asked.
"Um.. I was thinking toast. Is that okay?", OJ answered.
"It's fine! Trophy! Could you make toast? OJ you can help too!", I asked.
"Sure thing bud!", Trophy answers.
"Yea. I can help out.", OJ responds.
"Thanks!", I thanked them.
"No problem!", they both reply.
I looked back and see that the potato and egg are done! Woo! This smells pretty good! Now we just need the toast.
"Guys! The potato and egg are done!", I explain.
"Nice! Toast is almost done.", Trophy replied.
"Cool! I'll grab some plates.", I said.
"You sure? I'll help ya.", OJ offered.
"Um... Sure. Thanks OJ.", I thanked.
OJ comes over and grabs some paper plates. I grab a few paper plates as well and place them out.
"Alright. Toast is done!", Trophy announced.
"And just in time. Morning Paper!", OJ said.
"Oh! Morning OJ! Trophy and.. Balloon?", Paper greets.
"Morning.", Trophy greets.
"Morning Paper.", I greet.
"I didn't know you two woke up so early." Paper said.
"I always wake up early Paper.", Traphy pointed out.
"Oh yea. I kinda forgot.", Paper said flustered.
"Heh. It's alright dude.", Trophy said.
"Wait. Balloon. Don't you wake up early?", Paper asked.
"Um.. Yea. I do sometimes...", I say all nervous.
"Yea! I remember you came down once when I was making food once!", he remembered.
"Oh? Wait. Wasn't it when he passed out from something?", OJ asked.
"Mhm... He was bleeding quite a bit, and he had scars all long his arms.", Paper said.
"Scars? ... Balloon...", Trophy muttered.
I couldn't really say much. I was just there all awkward. I had my right hand over what was left of my left arm.
"Are you okay?", Trophy asked.
I shake my head 'no'. I was feeling super insecure right now and just needed to escape. Trophy noticed my stance and understood.
He picks me up and bids goodbye to OJ and Paper. He takes me to his room and heads to my room to grab clothes.
I was just there siting on his bed waiting for his return. I hear somebody waking up, so I look over and see Cheesy.
He yawns and gets ready for today. I don't think he notices my presence until getting out of the restroom.
"Oh? Morning Balloon! I didn't notice ya!", Cheesy greets.
"Morning Cheesy.", I greet.
"How are ya?", he asked.
"I'm alright. Feeling a little insecure right now.", I reply.
"Aw! That's no fun! Where's Trophy?", he asked.
"I think in my room getting clothes. We're planning on hanging out today.", I say.
"That's nice! Wanna spend time together before he comes back?", he asked.
"Sure! That sounds nice.", I say.
"Alright!", he says.
He walks over to Trophy's bed and sits down next to me. He has this goofy smile which I couldn't help but smile back.
"So~? What's your favorite color?", he asks in a goofy way.
"Pft- Really?", I ask.
"Come on! I'm joking! I know it's salmon red!", he replies.
"Haha! I know.", I smile.
"Anyways. I just wanted to ask. Do you ever question your gender?", he asks.
"I did. I don't now.", I said.
"Really? How did you come to that?", he asks.
"Honestly? I just feel like multiple genders.", I said.
"You do?", he says shocked.
"Yea. I'm genderfluid.", I say.
"Woah! Cool!", he exclaimed.
"Hehe... Thanks.", I thanked.
"So. You got pronouns you use?", he questions.
"Yep! I use he/she/they/xem prnouns.", I say happily.
"Cool! You know... I might try those they/them pronouns...", they say.
"Oh yea?", I question.
"Yea. I've been feeling a little conflicted on my gender.", they say.
"You have?", I ask.
"Yea. I feel like a guy, but not fully. You know? Like something in between.", they explain.
"So not a full male, but not non binary?", I question.
"Yea! Do you know what that is?", they ask.
"I think so. You might feel like a demi boy! A male that doesn't feel completely male.", I answer.
"A demi boy huh? Yea. I think I might be! Thanks Balloon!", they thank.
"Anytime! Glad I could help!", I say.
"Wait! What pronouns are you using?", they ask.
"Hmm... I'm using 'they/them' pronouns today.", I respond.
"Alright pal!", they say.
We continue to talk until we hear the door open. We turn to see Trophy standing at the door.
"Hey you two.", Trophy greets.
"Morning hun!", Cheesy greets.
"Hey bro!", I say.
"Heh. Hope I wasn't long. I got you an outfit for today Loon.", Trophy says.
"Thanks bro! I'll go change real quick.", I respond.
"Alright.", he says.
Trophy hands me my outfit and I head to his restroom to change. He got me a cute salmon red shirt and some jeans. Also got me some boots.
Not bad, but I would've perfered a longer sleeve shirt. Just to hide my um... arms. But it's okay. I'll deal with it.
I change and look at the mirror. I can see the hair he did for me. It looks super cute!
Feeling good about myself, I walk out the restroom. I see Trophy waiting for me on his bed. Looks like Cheesy left for breakfast.
"I'm ready!", I announce.
"Oh? Nice! You look good bro.", he compliments.
"T-thanks bro.", I thanked all flustered.
"Oh. And Cheesy went to go have breakfast.", he says.
"I thought they would.", I say.
"Heh. Yea. They gave me a kiss good bye too.", he says.
"Oh? You know about Cheesy's new pronouns?", I asked.
"Yep! They told me they were experimenting with pronouns and gender. Which I totally don't mind.", he explains.
"That's nice!", I say.
"Yep. They also said that you told them about you being genderfluid.", he points out.
"Yea. I told them. And I'm glad you guys accept.", I smile.
"Of course man. We'll always accept you.", he smiles back.
He pulls me into a hug and I return it. I'm glad I have friends who will accept me for who I am.
"We shold get going if we're going to eat.", Trophy says.
"Yea. I don't need to be all flustered when we leave.", I mutter.
"Hehe.. Still can't take compliments. I love it.", he smirks.
"Let's just go.", I say flustered.
So, we leave the room and head downstairs. We pass the main area when OJ kinda stops us.
"Hey! Where are you two going?", OJ asks.
"Just heading out for today. We'll be back before dinner.", Trophy says.
"Oh okay! And by the way. The others love the potato and egg Balloon!", OJ says.
"T-that's n-nice.", I say all flustered.
"Well. We should go. See ya!", Trophy says.
"Good bye!", OJ says.
I wave goodbye as I was too flustered at the moment. We both head out and get into Trophy's car.
"So. Where should we go for breakfast?", he asked.
"Hmm... How about The Coffee Lab? I heard from tio it was pretty good.", I suggested.
"Sounds good to me! I'll pull it up real quick.", he says.
He pulls up the directions to the place and we're off. I just couldn't wait for today! Just me and Trophy, hanging out like how we used to.
I really missed us hanging out together.
*After getting breakfast*
Man! Tio Lifering was right about that place! The food was amazing!
I got a few looks, but it was drowned out by Trophy and me being together. That and Trophy gave them a few glares back that shooked them to the core.
But that's besides the point! I was having such a good day! My insecurities weren't as bad as a the past week!
"You seem happy Loon.", Trophy notices.
"I am! We're hanging out and I'm just having a good day!", I reply happily.
"Well I'm glad you are. Come on! We're going to an carnival!", he says.
"We are!? Awesome!!", I shout in glee.
And off we went. We were going to a small local one. The bigger carnivals were too expensive and too far.
I didn't mind however! I love them all the same! As long as it had fun games to play and good food, I was fine.
I never went on the rollercoasters. I'm not scared of heights mind you. Just something going wrong on and eventually getting hurt on it.... Yea. That scares me.
But Trophy knows my dislikes of rollercoasters, so we would strive away from them! I'm so glad I have an awesome friend like Trophy.
"We'll be there in another 45 minutes. You can take a nap if you want bud.", Trophy says.
"Okay.", I nod.
With that, I yawn and feel my eyes feel heavy. I guess waking up early to watch the sunrise made me sleepy.
So, I close my eyes and let sleep take over. This felt nice....
"Mmm... wha-?", I mutter.
"Wake up bro. We're here.", I hear a voice call out.
"Okay..", I mutter.
I open my eyes and blink a bit. I see Trophy next to me and smile.
"Are we there?", I asked.
"Yep. Come on bud.", he says.
"Okay.", I say still a little drowsy.
I get out of the car and stretch a bit. I feel a little more awake, so I head over to Trophy. He was buying the tickets so I stand next to him.
"Awake sleepyhead?", he asks.
"Mhm..", I hummed.
"Awe~! You have such a cute boyfriend!", the cashier said.
"Oh. We're not in a relationship. He's just my best friend.", Trophy explained.
"Oh! Sorry about that! Heh.", she apologized.
"Nah. It's okay. We've been best friends for years. And we're already in relationships.", he explained.
"Awe~! Well I congraulate you both for finding love! Here are some extra tickets on the house.", she says.
"You didn't have to. But thanks.", Trophy thanked.
"Anytime! Have a fun time!", she says.
"Come on Loon. Let's go have some fun.", Trophy says.
"Mmm...", I hummed.
We walk in the carnival and I can smell the goodness of the food. This wakes me up a little bit more, but the tiredness still resides.
"Let's see if we can go wake you up more. Come on.", Trophy says.
"Okay..", I yawn.
We walk over to a food stand and Trophy orders some drinks. He gets a powerade for him and a tea for me.
"Here. A nice rasberry tea. Your favorite. It should wake you up.", he says.
"Thanks Troph.", I thanked.
He hands me the tea and I take it. I take a sip and I instantly feel awake. Man, am I glad for Trophy!
"Better?", he asked.
"Yep! Thanks bro!", I thanked.
"Anytime. Now. Let's go play some games!", he exclaimed.
"Yea!! Let's go!", I shout in glee.
We walk over to where the games are and see a whole bunch of them. Woah! We could get so many prizes!
"Which on first?", Trophy asks.
"Let's do that one first!", I say.
I point to a balloon game. We walk over and play the game. And well, Trophy managed to win and got a big plushie!
The whole day seemed to just be one big blur because it was now 2 pm. We played so many games and got a good amount of prizes!
"Man. I'm beat. Wanna get a bite to eat?", Trophy asks.
"Yea! Here or somewhere else?", I asked.
"Hmm.. Food here is expensive. That and we ran out of tickets. So. Let's go somewhere else.", he explained.
"Okay! I'm in the mood for pizza.", I say.
"Then pizza it is! Let's go.", he says.
"Yay!", I shout.
We get up and walk out the carnival. I did get a few glances there, but it was fine. I wasn't too bothered by them.
Sure I felt my insecurities creep up, but I pushed them down. I didn't want them to get the best of me. Not today!
We make it to the car and Trophy puts all the plushies in the back seat. I kept the one I had with me. It was a cute dog plush wearing a little hat.
It was super cute!!! Trophy got this one specifically for me after winning a basketball game.
I could tell he got a little insecure when we got praised for his skills. Trophy hasn't played a sport in forever. I know he hates them so I comorted him after winning.
He felt better and thanked me. I know how awful his dad was. I never met him, but he just sounded like the worst father ever.
Moving on. I'm glad he got me this plushie! He's super cute!! I just need a name for him!
"We're here dude!", Trophy says.
"Awesome!", I say happily.
We get out and I leave my plush on the chair. We head inside and are greeted by a host.
"Good afternoon! Table for two?", he asks.
"Yep.", Trophy says.
"Alright! Follow me!", he says.
We follow him and sit on a booth table. He hands us menus so we can see what we want.
I looked at the pizza section and boy! They look good!
"What you gonna get?", Trophy asked.
"Hmm... I think a plain cheese pizza.", I say.
"I'm gonna get a meat pizza.", he says.
We order our drinks and our food afterwards. I got a Pepsi and he gets a Dr. Pepper.
We talk and joke while we wait for our order. We hear a scoff and stop. We both look over at the...
Oh god... It was a KAREN.
Just stay calm. She won't hurt you. I just need to stay-
"Could you two shut up? Like god damn. You two are so fucking loud!", the Karen complains.
"Well. Mind your own fucking buisness you ass.", Trophy barks.
"Troph... Please...", I whisper.
"Sorry bud. Just ignore her okay?", he says.
"I'll-..", I start.
"Don't just ignore me! I'm talking to you!", she yells.
"Hey! Don't shout at them! They have anxeity!", Trophy barks louder.
"How dare you use different pronouns for HIM! HE is a male! Not some enby!", she yells in disgust.
"Well just go die in a hole you disgusting homophobe!", Trophy barks.
They continue to bicker while I just shrink. I could feel all my insecurties smack me from all angles.
"I need to use the restroom..", I tell Trophy.
"It's okay bud...", Trophy says soothingly.
I smile and get up. I was about to walk to the restroom when the Karen shrieked.
And right there. I could feel so many stares directly on me. I felt my breathing quicken.
I think I was having some sort of anxeity attack because I couldn't focus on things. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up.
My vision was blurry so I just see a golden figure looking worried. I couldn't hear him so he pulls me into a hug.
I could feel myself calm down a little bit. Then I feel my hair being messed with. I think he was stroking my hair.
I feel better instantly and look up. I see Trophy stroking my hair and just hugging me away from everyone.
I hug back and he looks down.
"Loon? Are you okay?", he whispers.
I nod since my throat felt super hoarse. He looks relieved and hugs me tighter.
"That's good. Come on. Let's sit back down.", he whispered.
I nod and sit back down at our seat. He pats my head and I smile.
"I'm so so sorry this happened. Here are your pizzas!", the waiter says.
He hands us out food and we eat. I didn't noticed before hand, but the Karen was gone.
I'm guessing that the manager kicked her out. I'm not sure honestly. But I could care less right now.
Trophy and I eat and talk a little bit. After we eat we pay and leave. I'm still a little shaken up from the whole ordeal, but I try to keep in a positive look.
"You okay bud?", Trophy asked.
"Y-yea... Just a little shaken up.", I mutter.
"It's okay bud. Let's go get some ice cream. To cheer you up.", he says.
"Okay!", I say happily.
My mood changed almost immediately. Ice cream really did help me when I was sad. So we head to an ice cream parlor.
After a few minutes, we make it to one and head in. Ooo~! It looks so pretty!
"Hi! Welcome! What can I get ya?", an ice cream guy asks.
"I'll get a waffle cone with strawberry cheese cake.", Trophy said.
"Alright! And for you?", he asked me.
"U-um... a waffle cone w-with.... cookie monster.. p-please.", I muster out.
"Alright! I'll get that ready for you!", he says.
While we wait for the ice cream, I look over at the cookies. They look super tasty. I tug Trophy's shirt to get his attention.
"Yea little buddy?", he asked.
"Can we get some cookies?", I asked.
"Sure. Anything you want bud.", he says warmly.
We look at the cookies and pick some out. Once we finish, we pay for the ice cream and cookies.
"Thanks for coming! Have a lovely day!", the cashier says.
We wave goodbye and walk to the park across the street. We sit on a park bench and eat our ice cream.
"You feeling better?", Trophy asks.
"Yea. Thanks again for this day out.", I thanked.
"Anytime little bud.", he smiles.
We talk some more and my mood is back to it's postive state. I'm feeling much better.
The hours past and it's now a little late. Maybe around 5 pm. We should get-
"It's getting a little late. Let's get going.", Trophy says.
"Alright!", I say.
We head back to the car and start the drive back the hotel. Today was really really nice.
Sure there was a mishap, but I'm okay now. Me and Trophy had a fun day today anyways.
This was one of my better days since I've been back. And I have lots more of days to look forward to.
*End of Chapter 49*
Man. This was a really long chapter!
Sorry about that!
As promised!
Here's a new chapter!
I'm still on vacation, but I hope you all like this chapter anyways!
Have some wholesome bonding time for the soul!!
And um.
You all are amazing!!
(Watch. It's going to be more by the time this chapter comes out... -Past A/N)
Thanks for sticking around for this long!
I'll see you next week!!
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