Chapter 47: Friendships
(*Guess who's back~? Enjoy~! A/N*)
*Trophy's P.O.V*
It's been about 2 hours since me and Balloon reunited.
We've just been watching Power Rangers the whole time. I'm not complaining however, it's like, one of my favorite shows.
Favorite 'season' would have to be-
"Trophy?", I hear a squeaky voice.
"Hm? Yea 'Loon?", I asked, being pulled out of my thoughts.
"I'm getting a little hungry...", he said.
"Oh! Here, I brought this for you. I.. heh. I brought this for no reason.", I said.
I reached into my pocket and pulled out some Spicy Nacho Cheese Doritos, one of Balloon's favorite chips.
I can see his eyes light up and his expression changed into a super happy expression. His smile being his most dominant feature.
God... I really missed that smile of his. So pure, innocent, and full of joy. It's like... It's like he doesn't even suffer from all the horrible shit he has...
"Oh my god!! Thanks Trophy!!", he exclaimed in glee.
".....Heh... No problem bud..", I said.
He grabs the bag of chips and eats them in absolute glee. My god.. I am going to boast about how much I missed this asshole for a long time.
"Hm? Are you okay Trophy?", Balloon asks.
"I'm okay little bud.. I'm just.. A little sentimental.", I confess.
"You too?", he suddenly asked.
He feels the same? Wait. Of course he does! We haven't seen each other in forever! Of course he feels like this!
"Heh.. That makes sense. We haven't seen each other in what feels like forever.", I say.
"It really does...", he mutters.
"Yea... I really missed us together..", I said.
"Me too....", he says.
Now I'm not really paying attention to the television. I'm just thinking more about the past.
Me and Balloon hanging out after school hours. Me taking him to my basketball games. My team taking Balloon in and making him an honorary member.
Man... So many memories of us during high school...
So many smiles Balloon brought to my life. So many tears we shed. So many laughs we laughed.
I missed everything about it a lot. I was like Balloon, all depressed. I never really thought of it as depression, just a really sucky life.
I was a 'Jock'. I had to be tough, and act tough. I had to play sports and be the best at them. I had to live up to my 'father's' expectations.
I never wanted that life for myself. All I ever wanted, was a fun, normal life. A life where I got to choose what I wanted to do and be.
My life sucked until Balloon came into it. Balloon made me realise that I didn't have to follow HIS rule.
I didn't have to live up to HIS expectations. I could be free to be ME. And that's what I did for the most part.
I kept true to my nature. I kept true to me when I was around Balloon and my teammates. They accepted me for who I was. Not something my 'father' WANTED me to be.
But I ruined my friendship. I didn't stick up to HIM at all at my graduation. I just had to let fear get the best of me.
I really didn't deserve a friend like Balloon. I don't deserve a boyfriend like Cheesy. I don't deserve-
"Trophy!", I hear Balloon shout.
"Y-yea?", I stuttered.
"Are you okay?", he asked.
"Yea.. Why do you ask?", I reply.
"Because your crying....", he says softly.
I put a hand up to my cheek and feel wetness. Shit. I was crying. I quickly wipe my tears away.
"Heh. I'm okay really Balloon.", I say.
"You're lying...", he says.
Knowing I can't really lie to him... I just tell him the truth.
"Yea... I know. Sorry.", I apologize.
"It's okay! But why are you upset?", he asks.
"... I was just.. remnising about the past. How... happy you used to be.", I confess.
"Oh... You were?", he ask.
"Yea. Heh... We had some... amazing memories from back then..", I choke out.
"We certainly did... didn't we?", he said.
"Yep...", I agreed.
"... You know. Those chips you gave me.. They were the same ones you gave me when we met properly.", he said.
"Heh.. I know!", I said.
"Did you plan that?", he asked.
"Pft-! No. I didn't it.", I admit.
"Are you sure?", he suspects.
"I'm positive! I didn't plan any of that out! I just grabbed 2 bags of chips by accident! And even brought one by accident too!", I confess.
"Pft-! Hahahaha!! you did!?", he laughed.
"Yea! I was even like, 'the fuck? I grabbed 2 chips'.. It was so not intentional!", I laugh.
"Oh my-!! Hahahaha!! That's so random!!", he laughs more.
"Tell me about it! It was even more random than the time you had your shirt on backwards!", I joke.
"Oh god! I forgot about that! Hahaha!! I still have no clue why I wore it backwards!", he jokes.
"What went through your mind that day huh!?", I laugh.
"I have no clue! I just said that!", he exclaimed.
We continue to laugh and bring up fun memories of the past. We didn't even care about the t.v anymore.
We were just bonding. Reconnecting with each other. This is all I ever wanted.
For Balloon to be back in my life. This was such an amazing feeling to be having back. I feel so free, and full of life again.
We kept at this before the laughter died down and we could hear the t.v again. It was a nice comfortable silence before Balloon broke it.
"Hey... Trophy..", he said nervously.
"Yea bud?", I asked.
Why was he nervous? Did he need to tell me something important? He knows he can tell me just about anything!
"I... um... I need to tell ya something.", he said.
"Sure. You can tell me anything.". I said reassuringly.
He smiles as I pat his head. He takes a deep breath to ready himself.
"... I'm... Dating Suitcase.", he confesses.
"What!? Really!?", I shout in shock.
"Y-yea...", he stutters.
"Oh bud! That's amazing!", I say.
I pull him into a hug and give him a small noogie. He laughs as he tries to get out of my grip.
"Trophy! Hahaha!", he laughs.
"Haha!! I'm so proud of you little buddy!", I congraduate.
I stop giving him a noogie and he settles down. He looks over to me and smiles.
"Thanks Trophy....", he thanked.
"Of course! But man... you're dating somebody... It just feels so surreal!", I shout.
"I know! Gosh! I feel so lucky!", he exclaims.
He looks super happy, which I'm glad. But suddenly, that smile becomes a frown.
"You okay?", I asked.
"Yea... It's just.. I'm confused.", he admits.
"Confused? About what?", I asked.
"Well.. I'm dating Suitcase.. and I love her! But.. My mind can't help but wander and think about dating... other people as well as Suitcase..", he confessed.
"Date other people including Suitcase? Who are these other people?", I questioned.
".... This is going to sound so crazy.. But I can't help but think about dating Baseball... and Nickel.", he admits.
"Baseball and Nickel!? W-what!? Baseball i can kinda see.. But Nickel!?", I shout in confusion.
"I know right!? It's so weird and confusing! Like, I'm happy with Suitcase! Why would I wanna date Baseball!? Hell! Why whould want to date NICKEL of all people!?", he shouts.
"Who knows bud... maybe... maybe it's your concise telling ya something you don't know about yourself.", I suggested.
"Hmm... Maybe... Which reminds me.. there's something else you should know.", he said.
"Oh? What's that dude?", I asked.
"....*sigh* I'm... I'm genderfluid.", he confessed.
"Genderfluid? What's that?", I asked.
"It's where... A person doesn't really feel like 1 specific gender. Sometimes, they might feel like a girl for a day, then a boy the next. Or non-binary another day.", he explained.
"So... you just feel like different genders?", I asked.
"Yea.", he said.
"Huh... Well.. if you feel like different genders.. you must have different pronouns then right?", I asked.
"Yep.. Wait.. You... You accept me?", he asked a little shocked.
"Well duh! Dude... Who was the first one you came to when you came out as bisexual?", I exclaimed.
"Um.. I came to you.", he said.
"Yep! And... I accepted you then did I not?", I questioned.
"Of course you did. You said, 'I will accept you no matter what your sexuality or gender is. We're brothers to the end.'...", he replied.
"And you better believe I'm going to accept you and love you! You are valid Balloon...", I explained. (*we stan ally Trophy here ya'll UwU [considering he's gay] -a/n*)
He has a small shocked expression like I was telling him this for the 1st time. He then gives me a hug which I return.
"So. What are you pronouns? And what are you feeling like right now?", I asked.
"Heh.. Pronouns are. He/She/They/Xem.", he said.
"Cool! And what are you feeling like today?", I asked.
"I'm feeling like a non-binary today. So they/them please!", they explained.
"Of course buddy!", I exclaimed.
Balloon then smiles at me and I smile back. Heh, still has that gap tooth from high school. Stupid bully made them loose a tooth, which I returned the favor ten fold.
"Thanks Trophy.", they thanked.
"No problem bud.", I say.
"Do you think we should head back now?", they asked.
"Hmm... only if you want.", I say.
"I think I want to. I wanna check in on Taco.", they explained.
"Alrighty. Here.. Let me pick you up.", I said.
I turn the t.v off and stand up. I do a small stretch before so I can pick them up. Balloon gets ready and then I pick them up.
I walk out the secret room and start making our way back to Balloon's hospital room. On the way there, we continue to talk and banter.
While walking, I couldn't help but smile and just be happy. I'm so glad Pickle talked me into this. If he didn't, I may never have had the balls to come.
Speaking of Pickle...
I wonder how he's doing with Taco....
*Meanwhile with Taco and Pickle*
*Pickle's P.O.V*
I'm going to be completely honest....
I'm so incredibly nervous right now!!
And I've been here in the room with Taco for about 2 hours now!
Things are so awkward right now!!!
None of us had-
"Pickle...", I hear Taco say.
Holy fuck! She spoke! What do I say!?
"Um... Y-yea?", I respond.
".....Do... Do you miss me?", she asked.
Do I miss her? That's a weird question to start of a conversation with.
"Um... Do you want me to be honset?", I asked her.
".... Yes. Be as blunt as possible.", she said.
She sounded so... sad. Why? Did she not want to see me? Or... Was it something else?
She said to be as honest and blunt as I wanted huh? Well... The truth is... I really did miss her.
"... I did miss you. A lot.", I answered her.
"... Don't lie. I know you didn't. I betrayed you. I betrayed everyone. You didn't miss me, nobody did.", she said very monotoned like.
Does she really think that? But why? I mean yea, she hurt us all back in season 1. But most of us; I think; had gotten over it.
I kinda had. Sure it still hurt to think about those times, but I've come to terms with them. Wait..
Did Taco feel remorse? Does she feel guilty about the past? Does she... not forgive herself for the past?
"Taco... I'm not lying to you. I really did miss you. I know you betrayed us... but-", I tried to explained.
"You don't understand! I hurt everyone! I hurt you! The only person back then who tried to befriend me! I broke that trust between us!!", she interrupted.
I was taken aback a bit. I never saw her this upset before. And this is a whole different kind of upset. This wasn't the 'upset that I didn't win 1 million dollars' kind of upset.... no...
This was the 'I feel so guilty about the past' kind of upset. The same kind of upset Balloon had felt during his time during I.I 2 and his life at the hotel.
"Taco...", I started.
I was so shocked. Too shocked to even say anything. Taco hadn't been facing me the whole time I was here.
She just has to be feeilng guilty. The fact that she had an outburst like that proves just how guilty she has to be feeling right now.
".... Why are you here anyways? I didn't think you would come.", Taco mutters.
"Because....", I started.
Why did I come here? Did I have a purpose? Of course I did...
"I wanted to see you again... my old friend.", I finally say.
She turns around for the 1st time since I've been here. Oh my god. I haven't seen her face in so long, I forgot how her eyes were 2 different shades of green.
Her expression is so shocked. Like a 'Holy fuck. The sky is falling!' kind of look. Her hair is a little messy, but I could care less about that.
She has a big scar down the left side of her face. More than likely from the 1 challenge in that cave Mic and Knife told us about.
She has a few more scars and bruises along her arm. And she has a cast on her left arm. All scars from the bear attack. I feel so horrible.
Just seeing her like this, is enough to make me feel upset. Not enough to make me puke, but I nearly did back when-
"You.... You're joking right?", I hear her call out.
"Huh?", I hummed.
"You don't actually miss me. Do you?", she asked unsure of herself.
"Of course I do. Yes. You hurt me. But that's the past now. I've come to terms with them. And you should as well.", I explained.
"... You... Do you mean it?", she whispers.
"Yes. I mean it Taco. I'm not hurt by your actions anymore. And I really missed you.", I answer.
She doesn't say anything after that. She's still facing me, which is fine cause I really did miss her.
"I'm sorry.", she suddenly says.
"Huh?", I questioned.
"... I'm sorry for everything. Ruining our friendship. Betraying your trust. Not properly apologizing for so long...", she apologizes.
"I just... *sigh* I never wanted the million. I did before. But now.. Seeing things in a different way.. I never wanted the million in the first place.", she confessed.
Wait what? Taco never wanted the million? She made a whole scene about how she was upset about NOT getting the million!
What made her change that motive?
"You didn't want the million?", I asked shocked.
"Heh. Believe it or not. No.. I never did. Yes, I made a whole deal about it back then... but that was the old me. The new me doesn't want the money.", she explained.
"Really? Then.. What do you want?", I asked.
"... Companionship. Friends. People I can trust. That's what I want.", she said.
"You do?", I questioned.
"Yes. I've never told you about my past... but in short... I was always friendless. I left home to prove to my family that I was capable of having friends.", she said.
"My parents only ever loved my smarts. They kept pushing me to be this loner who didn't have friends. And for most of my life... They were right about me being friendless.", she says solemly.
"That's when I heard about Inaniamte Insanity. I thought about the money and how I could use it. So I signed up for it. And...", she continues.
"My life during them had been so much more happier. Sure I was puting on a fake persona, but even then... My life was so much happier! I had you as my friend. And I had finally proven that I was capable of friendship!", she exlaimed.
"That is... until the final. I was so caught up in wanting to win... I didn't know what I would do afterwards. But then I lost to OJ. I was so infuriated that... I blurted out everything I said back then.", she explained.
"After all of that and leaving... I just couldn't help but feel... utterly defeated. Not only did I not win. But I had lost the only person who was by my side. I felt so guilty that I couldn't bring myself to leave the area.", she said.
"I've been trying to apologize through all those letters you probably never read. Wanting to say how sorry I was for hurting you so negativly.", she went on.
"Sure I tried with Mic of getting the split of the million. But I was still so blind. I didn't need the money like I said. I just needed somebody, a friend.", she said with a frown.
"That backfired as my mind kept wanting the money. That ended my friendship with Mic. And she was another person who I hurt. She wanted to see the better of me! But I fucked that up too.", she said holding back tears.
"And everything just came crashing down after I hurt Balloon. I told them off and I had offically hit rock bottom. I knew from right then and there... I could never redeem myself. That I could never apologize to you, Mic or Balloon.", she said.
"But then.. The unbelievable happened. Balloon had came back to me. They came back even though I hurt them. They had forgiven me for hurting them. And they continued to give me that chance of friendship! And from then... I realized that friendship was the true way to go in life.", she finished.
After her long tale, she turned back around. Everything went silent, so silent that I could hear Taco trying to hold back sobs.
I didn't know what to comprehend at the moment. She really felt guilty for everything huh?
I know I can't completely forgive her just yet. But I want to make that effort into rebuilding that friendship we once had.
Yea, Taco isn't the 'wild' and 'crazy' person I once knew. But that Taco was a fake. And so was the one trying to win the million.
I want to rebuild my friendship with this Taco. No more secrets. No more fake personas. Just us together again.
"Taco...", I began.
She was hesitate, but she turned back around. She had small tear streaks down her cheek and her eyes were puffy.
"Y-yea?", she stutters.
I've never heard her stutter before. Actually, I've never seen her so sad before. Taco really had changed; again.
"... I can't forgive you completely just yet...", I trailed.
Her face went into the biggest frown I've ever seen. But then she looks normal, like she was thinking something.
Probably realizing that no duh I can't forgive her just yet. So she has to accept the fact and just roll with the punches.
"I understand that...", she mutters.
"... Even though I can't forgive you.. I want our friendship back.", I say.
She looks up with a shocked look.
"You... You do?", she asked.
"Yea. I really missed the times when we hung out. I know the old you wasn't the real you. So, this would be a chance to get to know the real you.", I offered.
She looked like she had some hope come back into her soul. I smile and finally walk over to Taco.
"I would really like that Pickle...", she says warmly.
"Me too.. So. Want to make amends...?", I asked.
"Of course... I would love to make amends... old friend.", she says.
I pull her into a hug since I couldn't hold back. She stiffens, like she wasn't expecting a hug. She loosens up and hugs back.
"I missed you Pickle....", she whispers.
"Same...", I whisper back.
"Well... Looks like I missed a lot while I was gone huh?", we hear a voice say.
We break from the hug and look over to the door. There we see OJ standing there with a smile.
"Oh.. Hey there OJ... and um.. Yea.. you missed a bit.", I greet.
"Yea...", Taco trails.
"Heh. I see you two are on okay terms again.", OJ inspects.
"Yea.. It feels nice honestly.", I say.
"Heh. Well I don't wanna have to ruin your new bond. But we have to leave.", OJ announced.
"Already? Geez... It felt like no time passed by..", I gasp.
"It certainly does...", Taco agrees.
"Wait... Where's Trophy and Balloon? Their not back yet?", OJ realized.
"Um.. no. I haven't seen them since Trophy just up'd and 'kidnapped' Balloon.", I said.
"I guess Trophy just wanted to spend more time with Balloon. Which makes since, Balloon missed Trophy a lot.", Taco says.
"Well, I just hope they come back soon.. We need to leave-", OJ started.
"Sup losers. We're back.", A voice called out.
We look to the outside of the door and see Trophy holding Balloon. Balloon waves with his right arm as he looks a little nervous.
"H-hey...", he greets.
"Hey man.", I greet back.
"Hey 'Loon.", Taco says.
"Ah! There you two are.. Have a nice time?", OJ asked.
"Yep. Had such an amazing time. Right little bud?", Trophy says.
"Yea.. Such an amazing time.", he agrees.
"That's nice. Anyways.. Trophy, you're gonna have to say goodbye cause we're leaving soon.", OJ says.
"Already? Damnit..", Trophy pouts.
"Don't worry bro... You can come back.. or wait until I come back.", Balloon says.
"I guess...", Trophy sighs.
Trophy walks over to Balloon's bed and places him down. He gives Balloon a hug and he returns the hug.
"I'll be outside in the car. Be down soon ok?", OJ says.
"Alright.", me and Trophy say at the same time.
OJ nods and leaves. I look over to Taco with a small smile.
"I guess this is goodbye?", I say.
"This isn't goodbye... this is see you soon.", she says.
"Heh. I guess your right.", I chuckle.
I pull her into another hug which she gladly accepts. She hugs back and after a minute, we break the hug.
"See ya soon Taco.", I say.
"See ya soon Pickle.", she says.
I walk towards the door to wait for Trophy.
"Welp.. I guess I gotta go bud..", Trophy says a little upset.
"Yea.. But we'll see each other soon!", Balloon says.
"Heh. Yea we will.. Do you wanna do anything when you get back?", Trophy asked.
"Heck yea! Can we go to an ice cream place?", Balloon says with glee.
"Hehe... Sure bud!", Trophy agrees.
"Yay! See you soon Trophy!", Balloon says.
"See ya little bud.", Trophy says.
Trophy then pulls Balloon into a hug and he gladly returns the hug. Then Trophy give Balloon a noogie while Balloon laughs and tries to get away.
I smile at their friendship. It looked so fucking cute!! After a good minute, Trophy stops the noogie and ruffles Balloon's hair.
Balloon just accepts his fate and let it happen. He giggles and waves goodbye to Trophy. Trophy waves goodbye and walks to the door.
"Hey Taco.", Trophy says.
"Yes?", she says.
"... Keep them safe okay?", he says pointing to Balloon.
"Heh... Of course. Goodbye.", she replies.
"Bye.", he says.
With that, we took our leave. As we head down to the main floor, I couldn't help but go back to my talk with Taco...
I was going to rebuild my friendship with Taco... Something I always needed to do...
*End of Chapter 47*
And like I promised...
I'll be making another chapter tomorrow!! (if I can)
I hope you all are excited!!
And um...
I hope you liked this chapter!!
We'll be doing a small time jump so our protags are finally back at the hotel!
I hope you're ready!
I'll see you all tomorrow!!
(god it feels so good to be writing again!)
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