Chapter 45: Should We?
(*Warning! Talks about emotional abuse! And VERY SMALL LIME SCENE!!*)
*Time skip: 1 week later*
*Trophy's P.O.V*
1 week left.
1 week before Balloon and Taco come back from hospital.
I am BEYOND nervous!!
I haven't gottten Balloon a gift for his return yet! On TOP of that! I haven't even gone to VISIT him!
*sigh* I need to clam down. I'm panicking for nothing.
I just...
I just need to get my fucking shit together and-
*Knock* *Knock*
Huh? Who the hell?
I get up from my bed and walk towards the door. I open it only to find...
Why is he here?
"Pickle?", I ask in confusion.
"Hey... Mind if I come in?", he asked.
"Um.. Sure.", I say.
I move out the way so he could come in. I'm so glad I moved out of my old room.
Don't get me wrong, Tissues isn't bad! It's just I was getting tired of his sickness!
I'm not the person Tissues needs to help him. He should have his own room so nobody gets sick.
Cheesy is my new roommate now and boy... Am I glad!
Cheesy changed my love life around. He's helped me so much during the hard year that passed. I'm so lucky to have him.
Moving past that now. I walk to my bed and motion Pickle to sit with me.
He walks over and sits on the same bed.
"So. Why are you here?", I asked him.
This was very out of the blue. Me and him don't have a real friendship. We're like mutral friends of sorts.
"I..... I just wanted to talk.", he soon said.
"About what? We hardly hang out and what not.", I asked.
"Well... It's about you know who.", he said.
"I'm not following ya...", I say with confusion.
".... Balloon and Taco.", he says bluntly.
Oh... He wants to talk about them?
But why? Sure, I really wanted to go see Balloon. But my mindset has been real shitty.
I know the past Pickle had with that Taco girl.. But why does he want to go see her?
"What about them?", I asked.
".... I know you really want to go see Balloon.. Am I right?", he asked.
"Well... yea. What does that matter?", I questioned.
"Why? Are you two close?", he pondered.
Oh right. Not everyone knows about me and Balloon being close like brothers. I guess I'll tell him then.
"As of matter fact. Yea. Or... we used to be.", I say a little solemly.
"Really? You never talked about him or hung out-", he started.
"I know.... I haven't hung out with him cause.... *sigh* I had to keep my image here.", I interupt.
"It's a stupid reason I know... but. It felt like I HAD to. Part of me didn't want to! I hated being the jock.", I confess.
"You? The 'jock'... HATED being the jock?? Why?", he asked shocked.
"... It was forced upon me to be good at sports. I liked them, until my 'father' forced me to play EVERY. SINGLE. SPORT.", I scrowled.
"He did?", he asked.
"Yea. He wanted me to become a sports prodigy! I never wanted a future with sports! I.... I have a love for photography...", I continue.
"Photography? That's pretty cool! That explains the pictures and the camera!", he exclaims.
"Heh. Yea. My mom gave me this camera after leaving for college. She was always supported of my dreams.... my dad... wasn't.", I say.
"He sounds shitty.", he confessed.
"Pft-... He was a lot more than just 'shitty'.", I say.
"Oh? How?", he asked curiously.
"... You know how I have this eating disorder? My anorexia?", I started.
"Yea... Why?", he asked.
"... *sigh* He.. He forced me to not eat in order to stay skinny.", I confess shakely.
" *gasp* H-He did?", he gasped.
"Yep... He never wanted me over 120 lbs, otherwise I was considered fat. He forced me to workout constantly and never gave me free time.", I explained.
"That's awful!", he cried.
"That's not even the worst of it... but to save the story... He was emotionally abusive towards me and my mom.", I scowled.
"Oh damn..... I'm... so sorry you had to go through all of that.", he apologized.
"Don't be. His fucking ass in prison! And I'm fucking glad. He also made me not talk to Balloon after high school.", I say happily.
"Well. That's good! At least you're changing your ways now. Right?", he exclaimed.
"... Yea... I am changing. I'm no longer going to be afraid of something I want to be!", I exclaimed.
I don't need to be afraid of showing my true colors anymore. I'm my own person! I can be weak, and not worry about the backlash.
I can properly apologize to those I hurt during my time here. Especially Knife. I should do that soon actually.
"Heh. I'm proud of you dude.", Pickle says.
"Thanks. Wait... What were we talking about before my shitty ass dad?", I asked.
"Um.... Shit... I forgot too.", he states.
We laugh at this statement for a good few minutes. Actually, I think I remember now.
"Hang on... I think I remember. We were talking about Balloon and Taco.", I state.
"Oh yeaaa. Now I remember.", he remembered.
"So what about them again?", I asked.
"Oh right.. Since you want to go visit Balloon... and I want to go visit Taco. Maybe we-", he started.
"Hang on... You WANT to go visit Taco?", I asked a little shocked.
"Um... Yea. Why?", he asked.
"It's nothing personal... But don't you have a bad history with her?", I asked confused.
He goes quiet for a bit. Well shit. I asked a stupidly personal question!
He hesitates before answering again.
"Yea. Me and Taco have a history.....", he trials.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to ask such a personal question.", I apologize.
"No... It's okay. I've been keeping all this hurt inside of me for too long. I should just let it out.", he says.
He tears up a bit while saying that. I scoot a little closer and place my hand on his back. I rub it a bit as he calms down a bit.
"We had a good friendship back in season 1. We were super close and amazing friends.", he began.
"Everything was going smoothly.... until the finale. When OJ won, she broke character and changed.", he continued.
He takes a super shakey breath and continued his story.
"She betrayed me. She betrayed all of us within that season. She hurt us emotionally. She hurt me emotionally.", he said solemly.
"For years, there was nothing from her. Until, she sent a letter. It was to me. I didn't read it then, and I still haven't read any of the letters she sent.", he continues.
"The letters stopped coming about 6 months ago. When we were having the Hispanic food. It was the last letter she sent.", he goes on.
"I hadn't really thought of Taco until.... Until her and Balloon were sent to the hospital.", he confessed.
He stops talking, like he was going back to that time. His face goes to a sadden yet shocked expression.
And I fully understand this. What we all saw back then was....
It was so gruesome.
Taco looked okay for the most part....
Balloon however...
He was so much worse.
Missing an arm, having a twisted ankle, multiple scars and bruises.
He looked so bad. Even worse than when he got his head bashed in a locker back in high school!
I pat Pickle's back again. This was my best attempt at comforting somebody I wasn't super close to.
Pickle seemed to calm down with this. Oh thank god.
" *sigh* Thanks Trophy.", Pickle thanked.
"No problem. I understand... The sight was so gruesome...", I say to him.
"Heh. Makes sense you feel the same. You were there too...", he realised.
"... *sigh*...", was all I could muster.
"Hm? You okay?", he asked.
"Huh? Oh.... Not really. It's just.... I really miss Balloon.", I said.
"I understand. This... might sound crazy... but I miss Taco.", he confessed.
"You do?", I asked.
"Yea. It... It may seem weird... But I really do miss her. I can't forgive her for hurting me yet though.", he said.
"No. I get it. If that happened to me, I wouldn't be quick to forgive either..", I say.
"Heh.... Do... Do you think we should just... go?", he asked.
"Huh? Go where?", I asked.
"To the hospital... duh!", he semi-yells.
"Ooohh... right. We should go.... but...", I start.
"You're worried?", he questioned.
"No... terrified. I'm so... terrified of going and visiting.", I confess.
"You too?", he asked shocked.
"Wait... you're terrified of going and visiting?", I asked equality as shocked.
"Yea man! I haven't seen Taco in over 7 years! Plus, Balloon might not forgive me you know?", he stated.
"Hmm... You make a point... but don't let it get to ya. Balloon will forgive ya.", I say.
"You think so?", he asks.
"I don't think so. I know so. I've known Balloon since high school! He's very forgiving and like... the fucking kindness guy ever.", I say.
"Pft-.... Nicer than Paper?", he asked.
"No fucking doubt about it. Balloon will apologize for something super small! Not only that, but he won't even make a fuss if an order he got is wrong!", I say laughing.
"Really?!", he questioned very shocked.
"Hell ya! This one time. My basketball team and Balloon had went to go get ice cream after a game. He had ordered a cookies and cream ice cream.", I started.
"He had gotten regular chocolate ice cream instead. He's not a big chocolate ice cream fan, but he was licking it when my coach noticed this.", I continued.
"He talked to Balloon and he did comfirm about the order being wrong. So my coach and Balloon went back to the cashier and changed his order.", I finished.
"Oh my god.", he gasped.
"Yep. Balloon would rathered eat chocolate ice cream than go fix the wrong order.", I said.
"Well... You've convinced me. Balloon does sound so much nicer than we've all let on to be.", he laughed.
"You're welcome.", I say.
We laugh and talk a bit more before going back to what we were originally talking about.
"So... We're in agreement to going to the hospital soon then?", Pickle asked.
"Yea. But when?", I agreed.
"I say... On friday. Does that sound good?", he suggested.
"Yea. Friday sounds perfect.", I agreed.,
"Alright.... *sigh* I'm still completely nervous about this.", he confessed.
"Me too... But we need to do it.. For Balloon and Taco's sake.", I say comfortingly.
Pickle nods in agreement. I smile at this and get up. He follows suit and walks towards the door.
He opens it and turns around to look at me.
"Thanks for the talk Trophy. You're not as bad as you used to be.", he says.
"Heh. No problem. ... I'm glad we had this talk Pickle.", I said.
He nods and steps out of my room.
I feel super tired after that talk. I think it's because I brought my piece of shit dad.
Maybe I'll take a small nap before dinner. I'm sure Cheesy will wake me when it's time for dinner.
I lay down on my bed and slowly close my eyes.
Friday.... Friday is when I'll see you again Balloon.
*Pickle's P.O.V*
I'm walking back to my room.
I just finished chatting and hanging out with Trophy. We talked about going to the hospital soon.
Yea, he comforted me before I left. But I'm still unsure about this.
I really do want to see Taco. But, I'm scared that she's just gonna hurt me again.
I want to see the better side of her, I really do! However, I can't forgive her.
Not yet. However, I am willing to make amends.
Not just with Taco, but with Balloon as well.
I make it to my room and plop down on my bed.
I'm so tired. It does not help that I got no sleep last night.
The reason?
I was thinking about her, again.
I couldn't help it though!
The way she used to be. The way she betrayed me.
.... The sight of her all bloody that night.
I can't get the image of it out of my mind.
Its like it's haunting me. Making me remember the sight.
I look over to my right and see....
The picture.
I sit up and grab it.
It was an old photo me and Taco before she betrayed me.
We were having a picnic then. I still have no clue who took this pic, but I'll always hate them, and be grateful for them.
I look over to see Knife. I smile sadly at him.
I think he notices my sadden state. He walks over and lays on my lap.
"You okay?", he asks.
"Yea... Just... thinking.", I said.
"Hm? About Taco again?", he says with a tiny frown.
"...... *sigh* Yea.", I sighed.
"Look... I know it's hard, but she's fine. You don't have to worry.", he says.
"It's not that Knife.... It's... everything.", I say.
I look down at the picture I was still holding. I couldn't help but tear up a little.
Knife looks at the picture and understands what I was trying to say. He sits up and hugs me.
We don't say anything for a while. Knife was silently comforting me as I let my tears flow down.
Soon enough, we part and he kisses me. I was a little shocked, but I kiss back.
I put the picture down on the dresser so I don't mess it up.
Knife slowly pushes me to the bed, making me blush.
"Heh. You're so red hun!", he teases.
"S-shut up...", I mutter.
He smirks and starts to french kiss me on my neck. I quietly moan at this.
Then, he kisses my neck again, only to give me a hickey.
"Mm~", I hummed.
He sucks on my hickey spot as I moan some more.
Knife stops and looks at the time.
"We have to go down. It's almost time for dinner.", he says.
"Alright hun.", I say.
"We'll continue this later however~.", Knife whispers in my ear.
I blush and don't say anything. Knife chuckles and walks out of our room.
I follow suit and hold Knife's hand. We continue our venture to the kitchen.
As we go to our destination, my mind wanders back to Taco.
I was going to see her on Friday.
I couldn't decide wether or not I was excited or super nervous.
All I know....
Is that this was going to be some reunion on Friday.
*End of Chapter 45*
Here's a special chapter not just for 14K reads!
But because I just felt like writing!
Pickle and Trophy are finally going to go visit our hospital duo!
What's going to happen!?
Find out next week!!
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